A Fully Synthesized All-Digital VCO-Based Analog-to-Digital Converter

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A Fully Synthesized All-Digital VCO-Based

Analog-to-Digital Converter

Vishnu Unnikrishnan, Srinivasa Rao Pathapati and Mark Vesterbacka

Division of Integrated Circuits and Systems
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Linköping University
Linköping, Sweden 581 83
Email: {visun26@isy, sripa601@student, markv@isy}.liu.se

Abstract—Synthesis of all-digital ADCs leads to significant according to post layout parasitic extracted simulations using
reduction in design cost and design time, besides improving the Spectre simulator. Performance from the post synthesis
cross-technology portability. In this work, an ADC which is fully simulation as well as from the post place-and-route parasitic
described in digital HDL is synthesized, placed and routed using extracted simulation are provided to aid estimation of the
standard digital design tools. A VCO-based architecture is chosen drop in resolution due to automatic place-and-route. Section II
for its synthesizability. The design flow employed is discussed.
provides an overview of the ADC circuit. Section III discusses
The circuit is synthesized using the standard cell library in a
65 nm CMOS process, delivering a resolution of 9 ENOB over the design flow employed. Section IV presents the simulation
10 MHz bandwidth according to post layout parasitic extracted results and Section V concludes the discussion.
simulations using the Spectre simulator. Post synthesis and post
place-and-route performances are provided. II. ADC CIRCUIT
I. I NTRODUCTION VCO-based ADC architecture is an attractive candidate
for high performance synthesizable all-digital ADCs due to
The ongoing trend of CMOS technology scaling and inherent noise shaping and anti-aliasing properties. A converter
System-on-Chip integration demands high performance inte- circuit similar to the one used in [7] is used in this work to
grated data converters portable to fine-feature processes. How- investigate the feasibility of synthesis of ADCs. The circuit
ever, the analog intensive nature of conventional data converter is shown in Fig. 1 and can be modeled as shown in Fig. 2.
architectures makes their design and cross-technology porting ψ(v(t)) is the instantaneous frequency of the oscillator, and,
difficult, expensive and time consuming. It is possible to φ(t), its instantaneous phase. φq (t) is the quantized phase
implement data converters entirely using digital circuits by which is sampled using frequency Fs (= 1/Ts ). A backward
representing signals using time instead of using voltage or difference operation on the resulting sequence generate the
current, which is a technique referred to as time-mode or converter output y(k), where k is the sample index. It can
time-domain signal processing. This enables automated design be shown that the quantization noise transfer function (NTF)
and porting of the circuit using commercial digital design of the converter is
tools. Furthermore, an all-digital implementation is expected to
improve its performance as well as area and energy efficiency Nφ
NTF = − (1 − z −1 ) (1)
as the feature size scales down. 2π
Several analog-to-digital converter (ADC) architectures where Nφ is the number of inverter stages in the ring oscillator,
employing time-mode techniques have been demonstrated re- indicating first order shaping of the quantization error. Further,
cently, achieving high performance and low power consump- the model has an inherent sinc anti-aliasing filtering due to
tion [1]–[6]. However, they use custom circuits or analog continuous-time sampling.
circuits limiting the possibility of synthesis and automatic A supply controlled multi-phase ring oscillator with Nφ
place-and-route using a standard digital design flow. A time- static CMOS inverters is used as the VCO where Nφ is an
mode ADC built exclusively using standard cells is presented odd number. The phase taps of the oscillator are connected
in [7] and a stochastic flash ADC that is fully synthesized to an array of counters which performs accumulation of the
is reported in [8]. In this work, an all-digital ADC circuit phase progression. Output of the counter array is sampled by
is fully described and synthesized from a digital hardware a register. The counters are encoded in Gray-code in order to
description language (HDL) using the standard cell library in eliminate spurious error samples arising from partial sampling
a 65 nm CMOS process. A VCO-based ADC architecture [2], of the counter output [7]. The sampled counter output from
[4] is chosen to demonstrate the synthesis of ADCs. The idea each phase tap is binary converted and first order differentiated.
can, however, be easily extended to a variety of possible all- The results are added together to generate the converter output.
digital architectures. The design flow employed to synthesize
and place-and-route the circuit is discussed. The circuit de- The use of supply controlled oscillator implies non-linear
livers an ENOB of around 9 bits over a 10 MHz bandwidth voltage frequency conversion necessitating digital post pro-

978-1-4673-6576-5/15/$31.00 2015










Fig. 1. ADC architecture. &'('




* $  


Fig. 3. Design flow for automatic synthesis and place-and-route of the ADC.

Fig. 2. Model of the ADC.

provided by the technology vendor is used as the target library.
A 65 nm CMOS process is used. The synthesis constraints
cessing to retrieve performance. A correction block employ- are set to force the synthesizer to make desired choices
ing polynomial-fit estimation of static non-linearity from the regarding the drive strength of the cells in the performance
converter ramp response is used to correct for VCO non- critical parts of the circuit, thereby fine adjusting performance.
linearity. Further details about the correction scheme employed For example, the load, the delay and the transition time at
and the associated hardware cost in terms of polynomial the output of the ring oscillator are constrained in order to
order, wordlength requirements, power consumption etc. can make the synthesizer pick the desired drive strength for the
be found in [7]. The digital correction block is modeled and inverters. Adjusting the drive strength of the delay elements
verified using MATLAB. scales the tuning curve of the oscillator, and hence, the
performance of the converter. Furthermore, a multi-threshold-
III. S YNTHESIS FLOW voltage flow is adopted in order to optimize performance and
power consumption. For example, the ring oscillator and the
A design flow which can be used for circuit and lay- Gray-counters are synthesized using cell libraries with standard
out synthesis of all-digital mixed-signal circuits is shown in threshold voltage since those modules should operate at a high
Fig. 3. Since the target circuit is expected to consist of basic speed to achieve good performance. The remaining parts which
digital components, a digital hardware description language are not crucial for performance are synthesized using high
like Verilog or VHDL may be used to describe the circuit. threshold voltage libraries to reduce power consumption. The
Verilog is used in this work. The HDL described hardware netlist generated during synthesis is evaluated using accurate
is synthesized using the standard digital cell library provided transistor level simulation with the Spectre simulator to verify
by the process vendor. The resulting netlist is simulated at the functional correctness of the circuit as well as to estimate
transistor level using the Spectre simulator to verify functional the converter resolution. After necessary iterations required to
correctness and to estimate resolution and power consumption. meet the performance requirements, the synthesized netlist as
If the results are satisfactory, the netlist is placed and routed well as the constraints file generated during synthesis are used
using Cadence SoC Encounter. The layout is then verified to perform place-and-route.
by simulating the parasitic extracted netlist using Spectre.
If the results are satisfactory, the layout can be optimized B. Place-and-route
for production. Otherwise, the HDL circuit description, the
synthesis constraints and/or the place-and-route constraints are The synthesized netlist consisting of standard cells needs
revisited in order to resolve the detected issues or to improve to be place and routed. SoC Encounter Digital Implementation
the performance. The flow is iterated until required results are System from Cadence is used for this purpose in this work.
achieved. Prior works that attempt automatic place-and-route of mixed-
signal circuits like all-digital phase locked loops (PLLs) [9],
A. Synthesis and initial verification [10] use custom cells at the leaf level as well as pre-placed
macros at higher hierarchical levels, in order to eliminate the
In order to synthesize the circuit, the HDL description is uncertainty due to place-and-route in performance critical parts
input to the synthesis software together with the synthesis of the circuit. In this work, we limit the uncertainty using
constraints. Synopsys Design Compiler is used in this work constraints instead of eliminating it, thereby retaining good
to perform logic synthesis. The standard digital cell library cross-technology portability by avoiding the use of custom
Before correction
0 NBW = 73.1 kHz






−120 5 6 7
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)

After correction
0 NBW = 73.1 kHz

Fig. 4. Layout of the ADC generated after automatic place-and-route.

cells. Besides placing the standard cells and routing the nets, −60
place-and-route involves multitude of other tasks including
floor planning, power planning, placement of well straps, −80
clock tree synthesis (CTS) etc. Place-and-route constraints are
utilized to exercise control over these tasks in order to limit −100

performance degradation resulting from automatic place-and-

route. For example, the pre-sampling circuits of the converter −120 5
10 10

Frequency (Hz)
process time-continuous information and any delay mismatch
between the parallel signal paths in this block contributes to
Fig. 5. Spectrum from the single tone test of the post synthesis circuit before
the error in the phase signal. In order to limit the wire load and after digital correction.
imbalance in this block, the cell placement of the block is
restricted to a small area. Further, the ring oscillator needs TABLE I. S IMULATED DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE AFTER SYNTHESIS
to be connected to the signal input pin of the converter. This
is achieved by assigning the oscillator to a separate power Performance Metric Correction OFF Correction ON
domain. The placement area for this power domain should be Sample rate (MHz) 150
restricted as well, in order to limit the wire load imbalance due OSR 7.5 7.5
to automatic place-and-route. The place-and-route tasks and
Bandwidth (MHz) 10 10
the constraints are managed using scripts, enabling automated
repetitions and script based tuning of circuit parameters and ENOB 4.0 9.4
SNDR (dB) 26.0 58.4
constraints. Important outputs from place-and-route include SNR (dB) 70.1 67.4
the GDSII file describing the geometry of the layout and the SFDR (dB) 28.9 65.8
modified netlist, in addition to the reports summarizing timing, THD (dB) −26.0 −59.7

power consumption and area consumption. Figure 4 shows the

layout of the converter circuit generated by SoC Encounter. It
can be seen that the VCO, placed towards the left, is included the performance reduction resulting from automatic place-and-
in a different voltage island than the rest of the circuit. route. The results are summarized below.

C. Post layout verification A. Post synthesis evaluation

Design rule check (DRC) is run on the layout to verify its The post synthesis netlist is simulated using Spectre at a
conformance to the design rules. Layout vs. schematic (LVS) sample rate of 150 MHz. The spectra from a single tone test,
check is performed to verify that the layout matches the post before and after digital correction, are shown in Fig. 5. The
place-and-route netlist. Parasitic extraction is performed on spectra shows the functional correctness and the noise-shaping
the layout in order to extract the parasitic circuit elements property of the converter. The simulated dynamic performance
that result from placement and routing. The DRC, the LVS of the synthesized circuit over a signal bandwidth of 10 MHz,
as well as the parasitic extraction are performed using Mentor while sampling at 150 MHz and converting a 1 MHz tone, is
Graphics Calibre in this work. The extracted netlist is subject to summarized in Table I. An ENOB of 9.4 and an SFDR of 65.8
post layout function and performance evaluation using Spectre. is obtained after digital correction.

IV. S IMULATION B. Post place-and-route evaluation

The netlist generated after logic synthesis as well as after The post place-and-route parasitic extracted netlist is sim-
place-and-route and parasitic extraction are simulated in order ulated using Spectre. The spectra of the converter output from
to verify the performance of the converter and to estimate a single tone test, before and after correction, are shown
Before correction
0 NBW = 73.1 kHz in accuracy due to place-and-route amounts roughly to 0.5 bit
in ENOB (3 dB SNDR) and around 3 dB in SNR over a
bandwidth of 10 MHz.

Automated circuit and layout generation of all-digital
mixed signal circuits is of interest due to reduction in design
cost and design time as well as due to better cross-technology
−100 portability. A time-mode all-digital analog-to-digital converter
is fully described in a digital HDL, and, is synthesized, placed
5 6
10 10
7 and routed using a standard digital design flow in this work.
Frequency (Hz) A VCO-based ADC architecture is chosen for its inherent
After correction
noise shaping and anti-aliasing properties. A digital correction
0 NBW = 73.1 kHz block employing polynomial-fit estimation corrects for the
static VCO non-linearity, which is verified using a MATLAB
model. The design flow employed to synthesize the ADC
circuit is discussed. The circuit, when implemented using the

standard cell library in a 65 nm CMOS process, occupies an

−60 area of 0.009 mm2 . Parasitic extracted simulation of the post
place-and-route netlist shows that the converter delivers an
−80 ENOB of around 9 bits over a signal bandwidth of 10 MHz
while sampling at 150 MHz and consuming 1.2 mW of power
−100 from a 1.2 V supply. The performance drop due to automatic
placement and routing is around 0.5 bit of ENOB (3 dB
5 6
10 10
SNDR) and around 3 dB of SNR. The result demonstrates the
Frequency (Hz)
feasibility of implementing scaling friendly, high performance
Fig. 6. Spectrum from the single tone test of the post place-and-route parasitic and low power ADCs using a digital design flow and standard
extracted circuit before and after digital correction. cells, by leveraging on time-mode techniques.


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