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Biology 2 First Quarter Examination

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Genes are found on

a. chromosomes. c. proteins.
b. alleles. d. anthers.
____ 2. The process that produces sex cells is
a. mitosis. c. meiosis.
b. photosynthesis. d. probability.
____ 3. In meiosis,
a. the chromosomes are copied twice.
b. the nucleus divides once.
c. four cells are produced from a single cell.
d. All of the above
____ 4. Two forms of the same gene are known as
a. alleles. c. genotypes.
b. chromosomes. d. sex cells.
____ 5. If a purple flower with the genotype Pp (P = purple; p = white) self-pollinates, the ratio of purple
offspring to white offspring would be
a. three purple:one white. c. one purple:three white.
b. two purple:two white. d. four purple:zero white.
____ 6. Probability is
a. always less than 50 percent.
b. the mathematical chance that an event will occur.
c. always an even number.
d. All of the above
____ 7. A self-pollinating plant has
a. anthers. c. both anthers and a stigma.
b. a stigma. d. neither anthers nor a stigma.
____ 8. When a true-breeding plant self-pollinates,
a. it will always produce offspring with the same traits the parent plant has.
b. it will never produce offspring with the same traits the parent plant has.
c. it will only occasionally produce offspring with the same traits the parent plant has.
d. the daughter plant is a mutation of the parent plant.
____ 9. The male reproductive structure on a flower is called the
a. anther. c. stigma.
b. stamen. d. petal.
____ 10. The female reproductive structure on a flower is called the
a. anther. c. stigma.
b. stamen. d. petal.
____ 11. In plants, fertilization occurs when a sperm travels through the stigma and enters the egg in a(n)
a. ovule. c. petal.
b. anther. d. Any of the above
____ 12. In ____, the anthers of one plant are removed so that the plant cannot self-pollinate.
a. cross-pollination c. recessive pollination
b. true-pollination d. dominant pollination.
____ 13. The chromosomes in each pair of chromosomes are called
a. homologous chromosomes. c. homogenous chromosomes.
b. heterogeneous chromosomes. d. homeomorphic chromosomes.
____ 14. Humans produce sex cells through a process called
a. mitosis. c. meiosis.
b. cytokinesis. d. binary fission.
____ 15. These may be dominant or recessive.
a. alleles c. phenotypes
b. Punnett squares d. sex cells
____ 16. Which of the following are traits that a plant would probably inherit?
a. whether it dries out c. the color of its flowers
b. how fast it grows d. All of the above
____ 17. DNA
a. is made up of amino acids. c. cannot be repaired if it is mutated.
b. has a structure like a twisted ladder. d. All of the above
____ 18. In incomplete dominance,
a. a single gene controls many traits.
b. genes for a trait are all recessive.
c. each allele for a trait has its own degree of influence.
d. the environment controls the genes.
____ 19. Watson and Crick
a. studied the amounts of each base in DNA.
b. took X-ray pictures of DNA.
c. made models to determine DNA structure.
d. discovered that genes were located on chromosomes.
____ 20. Which of the following is NOT a step in making a protein?
a. Copies of DNA are taken to the cytoplasm.
b. Transfer molecules deliver amino acids to the nucleus.
c. Amino acids are joined together at the ribosome to make a protein.
d. A copy of the DNA is fed through the ribosome.
____ 21. What materials make up each nucleotide in a DNA molecule?
a. a gene, an allele, and a trait c. chromosomes and genes
b. a sugar, a phosphate, and a base d. an amino acid, a base, and a protein
____ 22. Most genetic disorders, such as sickle cell anemia, are due to a
a. pedigree. c. dominant gene.
b. recessive gene. d. ribosome.
____ 23. Which of the following could cause sickle cell anemia?
a. a change in the order of bases in a person's DNA
b. a virus
c. a bacterium
d. air pollution
____ 24. Chemist Rosalind Franklin was able to ____ using X-ray diffraction.
a. splice DNA
b. make a model of DNA
c. create images of DNA molecules
d. calculate the number of genes on DNA
____ 25. If you took all the DNA in your body from all of your cells and stretched it out end to end, it would
extend about 610 kilometers. This shows that the structure of the DNA molecule
a. is linear. c. is well-packed inside cells.
b. is spherical. d. takes up a lot of room in your body.
____ 26. What would the complementary strand of DNA be for the sequence of bases ACCTAGTTG?
____ 27. A gene consists of a string of
a. amino acids. c. bases.
b. proteins. d. ribosomes.
____ 28. The white tiger having blue eyes is an example of
a. incomplete dominance.
b. one gene influencing many traits.
c. many genes influencing one trait.
d. environmental influences on your genes.
____ 29. A red snapdragon flower crossing with a white snapdragon flower and producing a pink
snapdragon flower is an example of
a. incomplete dominance.
b. one gene influencing many traits.
c. many genes influencing one trait.
d. environmental influences on your genes.
____ 30. The color of your eyes is an example of
a. complete dominance.
b. one gene influencing many traits.
c. how many genes can influence one trait.
d. how environment influences your genes.
____ 31. An original base sequence of DNA, AAACCCGGG, changes to AAACCGGG. This mutation is
known as a(n)
a. deletion. c. substitution.
b. insertion. d. omission.
____ 32. If a change occurs in a base sequence of a DNA, it might cause a different ____ to be
substituted in a protein.
a. nucleic acid c. amino acid
b. enzyme d. ribosome
____ 33. Sickle cell anemia is a disease that affects red blood cells. This is the result of a mutation called
a. deletion. c. insertion.
b. substitution. d. omission.
____ 34. A disease that occurs when a child inherits a defective gene from parents who do not suffer from
the disease is a(n) ____ disorder.
a. obsessive c. regressive
b. recessive d. intensive
____ 35. In a pedigree, a solid square or circle indicates that the person
a. does not have a certain trait. c. has a certain trait.
b. is a carrier of a certain trait. d. has the disease.
____ 36. In a pedigree, a half-filled square or circle indicates that the person
a. does not have a certain trait. c. has a certain trait.
b. is a carrier of a certain trait. d. has the disease.
____ 37. In a pedigree, a blank square or circle indicates that the person
a. does not have a certain trait. c. has a certain trait.
b. is a carrier of a certain trait. d. has the disease.
____ 38. In a pedigree, circles represent
a. adults. c. females.
b. children. d. males.
____ 39. Dolly, the sheep, is the first successfully cloned mammal. She is alive due to
a. selective breeding. c. the Human Genome Project.
b. DNA fingerprinting. d. genetic engineering.
____ 40. In order to produce insulin for diabetics, scientists insert a normal human insulin gene into the
DNA of certain bacteria to make the recombinant DNA. This is an example of
a. genetic engineering. c. a mutagen.
b. human cloning. d. a dominant gene.
____ 41. Comparing traits carried through DNA fragments from different individuals in a family allows
genetic counselors to construct a(n)
a. Punnett square. c. amino acid.
b. pedigree. d. protein.
____ 42. Which of the following best describes insertion or deletion mutations?
a. They occur when one nucleotide is replaced with a different nucleotide.
b. They occur when, for example, the base UGU is changed to UGC.
c. They upset the triplet nucleotide groupings within a gene.
d. They occur only in the thymine base.
____ 43. The theory of evolution combines the principles of
a. natural selection and artificial selection.
b. natural selection and genetic resistance.
c. selective breeding and genetic inheritance.
d. natural selection and genetic inheritance.
____ 44. A human's arm, a cat's front leg, a dolphin's front flipper, and a bat's wing
a. have similar kinds of bones.
b. are used in similar ways.
c. share many similarities with insect wings and jellyfish tentacles.
d. have nothing in common.
____ 45. The fact that all organisms have DNA as their genetic material is evidence that
a. natural selection occurred.
b. all organisms descended from a common ancestor.
c. selective breeding takes place every day.
d. genetic resistance rarely occurs.
____ 46. What body part of the Galápagos finches appears to have been MOST modified by natural
a. their webbed feet c. the bone structure of their wings
b. their beaks d. the color of their eyes
____ 47. The opposable thumb allows humans to grasp objects firmly. Because this feature helped
humans to survive over time, it is called a(n)
a. adaptation. c. mutation.
b. genetic variation. d. vestigial structure.
____ 48. Individuals in a population that have traits or abilities that give them a competitive advantage
over other population members are more likely to survive and reproduce. This principle is called
a. species separation. c. genetic mutation.
b. genetic resistance. d. natural selection.
____ 49. The red-eyed tree frog, the smoky jungle frog, and the strawberry dart-poison frog all have their
own ____, which help them to survive life in a tropical rain forest.
a. adaptations c. vestigial structures
b. speciations d. selective breedings
____ 50. Structures and behaviors for finding food, protection, and for moving from place to place are an
organism's ____ to its environment.
a. selective breedings c. adaptations
b. speciations d. traits
____ 51. Species dying out and being replaced by newer species is an effect of
a. evolution. c. speciation.
b. natural selection. d. All of the above
____ 52. An ancient aquatic animal that lived about 500 million years ago is the Trilobite. This means that
it is possible
a. for a species to die out.
b. that the species could have changed over time.
c. for a species to be well-preserved for later study.
d. All of the above
____ 53. A set of footprints found in rock is an example of
a. a vestigial structure. c. a cast fossil.
b. a mold fossil. d. None of the above
____ 54. The fossil record can supply evidence about
a. the sequence of life.
b. the order in which evolutionary changes have occurred.
c. how environmental conditions on Earth may have changed through time.
d. All of the above
____ 55. Comparing different organisms' skeletal structures, DNA, and embryonic structures all provide
evidence that supports the theory of
a. selective breeding. c. evolution.
b. genetic resistance. d. species separation.
____ 56. Comparing a chimpanzee's DNA to a toucan's DNA suggests that they
a. are close relatives.
b. are distant relatives.
c. are in no way related to each other.
d. are more closely related than the gorilla to the chimpanzee.
____ 57. Over the past 12,000 years, dogs have been ____ to produce more than 150 different breeds.
a. selectively bred c. artificially selected
b. naturally bred d. artificially bred
____ 58. Why was Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population important to Darwin?
a. He offered the same theory of natural selection.
b. He provided evidence that the Earth was much older than anyone thought, which
supported Darwin's idea that populations of organisms changed very slowly over a
long time.
c. His idea that humans have the potential to reproduce uncontrollably, beyond the
capacity of their food supply, encouraged Darwin to realize that other animal
species were capable of producing too many offspring and, in order to survive,
must inherit special traits.
d. Through selective breeding, he bred many new types of dogs, supporting Darwin's
idea of inherited traits.
____ 59. Which of the following best describes natural selection?
a. Natural selection occurs only during dramatic environmental changes.
b. Natural selection occurs sporadically throughout time.
c. Natural selection occurs continuously throughout time.
d. Natural selection does not really exist; Darwin was a science fiction writer.
____ 60. Insects may become increasingly hard to control because they can develop ____ to many
a. inherited traits c. genetic mutations
b. genetic resistance d. selective breeding
____ 61. Antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms that cause diseases, such as tuberculosis, are
increasing in number due to
a. selective breeding. c. natural selection.
b. genetic research. d. cloning.
____ 62. The three steps of speciation are
a. reproduction, adaptation, and overproduction.
b. separation, adaptation, and division.
c. separation, genetic variation, and successful reproduction.
d. reproduction, genetic variation, and division.
____ 63. The finches of the Galápagos Islands can no longer interbreed. This means that they have
a. not evolved one bit.
b. a genetic resistance to reproduction of the species.
c. a long generation time.
d. evolved into different species.
____ 64. The red-eyed tree frog hides in leaves of a tree and only comes out at night. This is an example
a. overproduction. c. genetic resistance.
b. spontaneous generation. d. the struggle to survive.
____ 65. The smoky jungle frog's markings allow it to blend into the forest floor. This is an example of
a. an adaptation. c. overproduction.
b. genetic resistance. d. the frog's vanity.
____ 66. Comparing human DNA with the DNA of gorillas, mice, chickens, and frogs reveals that humans
have the fewest amino acid differences with
a. gorillas. c. chickens.
b. mice. d. frogs.
____ 67. Bulldogs have been developed by humans by a process called
a. natural selection. c. speciation.
b. selective breeding. d. mutation.
____ 68. When the seven levels of classification are listed from broadest to narrowest, which level is in
the fifth position?
a. class c. genus
b. order d. family
____ 69. The seven levels of classification, from general to specific, are:
a. kingdom, class, order, phylum, family, genus, species.
b. kingdom, phylum, class, family, order, genus, species.
c. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.
d. kingdom, class, phylum, order, family, genus, species.
____ 70. Organisms in the kingdom ____ usually move by themselves and have advanced nervous
systems that allow them to respond to their environment.
a. Fungi c. Animalia
b. Plantae d. Protista
____ 71. Fungi obtain nutrients by
a. performing photosynthesis.
b. eating food.
c. absorbing them from their surroundings.
d. All of the above
____ 72. Phylum Chordata contains all animals that have
a. a hollow nerve cord.
b. a backbone and nurse their young.
c. ancestors who had special teeth for tearing meat.
d. All of the above
____ 73. Order Carnivora contains all animals
a. that nurse their young.
b. that have a backbone.
c. whose ancestors had special teeth for tearing meat.
d. All of the above
____ 74. Felis domesticus is the specific name for the
a. lion. c. lynx.
b. leopard. d. common house cat.
____ 75. What rule should you follow when writing scientific names?
a. The species name begins with a capital letter.
b. The genus name begins with a lowercase letter.
c. Both the species and genus names are underlined or italicized.
d. All of the above
____ 76. The scientific name for a skunk is Mephitis mephitis, which specifies the skunk's
a. kingdom and class. c. class and species.
b. genus and species. d. class and genus.
____ 77. Two organisms that are in the same order will also be in the same
a. class. c. family.
b. genus. d. species.
____ 78. Which of the following has the closest evolutionary relationship to the platypus?
a. a fish c. a lion
b. a brown bear d. a house cat
____ 79. Which of the following best describes the name given to the Tyrannosaurus rex?
a. It is a common name for a dinosaur.
b. It is the scientific name for a specific species of dinosaur.
c. It is a made-up name for a dinosaur in the movies.
d. It is the given name of a dinosaur, such as the given name of a person may be
Anne or Bob.
____ 80. By working through pairs of descriptive statements and their alternative responses, you can use
____ to identify an unknown organism.
a. a dichotomous key c. a mnemonic device
b. DNA analysis d. classification tables
____ 81. Single-celled organisms that live in pond water can make their own food through photosynthesis
or obtain it from other organisms, and can move about using their flagella are
a. algae. c. archaebacteria.
b. euglena. d. eubacteria.
____ 82. Plantae, Animalia, and Protista are all names of
a. kingdoms. c. classes.
b. phyla. d. genera.
____ 83. What would happen if a Euglena's chloroplasts were shaded for a long time?
a. It would die from a lack of food.
b. Its chloroplasts would remain dormant until exposed to light again.
c. Its chloroplasts would degenerate and never come back.
d. Its chloroplasts would grow larger.
____ 84. Organisms that have cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are
a. prokaryotes. c. eubacteria.
b. archaebacteria. d. eukaryotes.
____ 85. Protozoa are ____ protists.
a. animal-like c. fungus-like
b. plant-like d. bacteria-like
____ 86. Algae are ___ protists.
a. animal-like c. fungus-like
b. plant-like d. bacteria-like
____ 87. Black bread mold is an example of how fungi
a. reproduce.
b. adapt to adverse conditions in the environment.
c. decompose matter for nutrients.
d. are usually confused with the kingdom Bacteria.
____ 88. An organism's scientific name implies its
a. kingdom. c. species.
b. genus. d. All of the above
____ 89. Linnaeus’s classification system is called
a. taxonomy. c. taxation.
b. taxidermy. d. the dichotomous system.
____ 90. At the bottom of the ocean near hot vents, scientists have discovered small, prokaryotic
organisms surviving where most organisms cannot survive. These organisms belong to the
a. Fungi. c. Protista.
b. Plantae. d. Bacteria.

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