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Choose the correct options among A, B, C, or D.

1. A(n)_________ family consists of parents and their children.

A. nuclear B. extended C. solid D. concentrated
2. With a ________ of satisfaction on his face, Keith received his degree from the principal.
A. shine B. beam C. glow D. ray
3. He’s such a ___________, when everyone was having a good time he kept moaning
about being tired.
A. wet blanket B. soft touch C. dry bone D. drop kick
4. In Britain, ___________ authorities are responsible for handling the budgets of public
A. regional B. local C. native D. resident
5. It’s time the government _______ a stand against tax evaders and began prosecuting
A. took B. got C. gave D. had
6. David Sylvester is considered to be a ________ authority on modern art.
A. leading B. first C. premier D. main
7. That argument is no good; it won’t __________
A. Hold water B. blossom C. make water D. pass water
8. I would rather you __________ the office phone for personal purpose.
A. shouldn’t have used
B. shouldn’t use
C. not to use
D. didn’t use
9. We put his rude manner _________ ignorance of our British customs.
A. up to B. down to C. off at D. up with
10. She insisted that the reporter ____________ her as his source of information.
A. Not mention B. doesn’t mention C. hadn’t mentioned D. didn’t mention
11. __________, Americans eat a light breakfast. They don’t eat a lot of food in the
A. By and large B. fair and square C. Ins and out D. Odds and ends
12. Jane: Which one can I have?
Anne: Take your _________, mate. It’s first come, first served.
A. Choice B. pick C. pluck D. vote
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13.We must prepare for the attack. Every ___________ counts.
A. Minute B. day C. hour D. second
14.The clown was wearing a ______ wig and a red nose.
A. red funny plastic French
B. French funny plastic red
C. funny red French plastic
D. red French plastic funny
15. Jane promised ______________- me up at 5 o’clock.
A. me to pick C. me that she would pick
B. to me that she would pick D. to me to pick

Circle the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

16. It is a common knowledge that Douglas intends to retire at the end of the season.
 It is common knowledge…..
17. Most countries depend to few extent on cereal imports to augment their own crops.
 To some extent
18. During the day the sun warm the air near the earth’s surface and the heated air rises.
 Warms

Choose the correct options among A, B, C, or D that has the CLOSET IN MEANING to the
given sentences

19. No sooner had the teacher gone out than the students started making noise
A. The students started making noise the moment the teacher went out.
B. The students started making noise the moment when the teacher went out.
C. The students started making noise before the teacher went out
D. The students started making noise soon the teacher went out.
20.Linda finally managed to get a good job.
A. Linda finally succeeded at getting a good job.
B. Linda finally succeeded in getting a good job.
C. Linda finally succeeded on getting a good job.
D. Linda finally succeeded to get a good job.
21. Smith’s career as a television presenter began five years ago.
A. Smith had been a television presenter for five years.

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B. Smith has been a television presenter five years ago.
C. Smith has been a television presenter since five years.
D. Smith has been a television presenter for five years.
22.When all the trees in a region are cut, _______________.
A. There is nothing remains but worthless desert.
B. Nothing remains but worthless desert
C. Nothing but sand and land becomes desert
D. Sand and land becomes desert
23. _______Paul realize that he was on the wrong flight.
A. No sooner had the plane taken off than
B. It was not until the plane had taken off that
C. Only after the plane had taken off
D. Not until the plane had taken off did

Rewrite the following sentences, using given words.

24.The applicant’s cover letter impressed his prospective employers immediately on

viewing it. SOONER
 No ___________________________________________ cover letter than his
prospective employers were impressed by it.
25.The researcher insisted on proper conduct of the experiment. CONDUCTED
 The researcher was _________________________________________ properly.
26.Only the top fifteen players will make it through to the next round. ADVANCE
 The _______________________________________ ________ to the next round.
27.I did my best to arrive here on time. EFFORT
 I ________________________________ ______________________ here on time.
28.He was really jealous when he saw his brother’s new car. GREEN
 He was ________________________________________ see his brother’s new car.


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chuyên Anh của trường Hà Nội Amsterdam. Bạn nào cần link thì inb page nhé !

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