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Presented to the Faculty of

Baras-Pinugay National High School (G7-G12)

Baras, Rizal

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in Practical Research I

Vince Neil Sagal

October 2017


Psychology can be defined as the sum of the mental states and process of a

person or a class of person or of the mental states and process involved in a field of

activity (dictionary. com, 2016). Also, a branch of science that studies mind and

behavior. This focuses on understanding how mind functions and how it affect emotional

and behavior of an individual.

Psychology in the aspect of education may be used in teaching as one of the

strategies and techniques to be used by teachers for effective learning to happen.

Teachers who had attended psychology class during college and even masteral to

ensure that they have enough knowledge or understanding the behavior and actions of

their students and to have a better group on their students.

As stated in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article

VIII, Section 2:

A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners

are of first and foremost concern, and shall deal justifiably and impartially
will each of them.

Hence, teacher must know what they are doing and /or if it is appropriate or

necessary. A teacher must know if what they are doing will be beneficial to the student

or not. They must consider the interest of the students so that they can gain the

attention of the students. They will also know the ability of the students to do anything.
This infer that teachers must not only consider the quality of learning but also the

concerns or demands of the learners. Teachers will also possess a good characteristics

because they will serve as a role model to the students. Wherein the students get

inspired to them.

As stipulated in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers,

Article III, Section 2:
Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively
participate in community movements for moral, social, educational,
economic and civic betterment.

Teachers should not only promote leadership but should also have initiatives to

become a role model in cleanliness, morality, social, educational, economic and civic

betterment. A teacher must serve as a role model in order to become a good example to

attain morality towards becoming a better individual. Also, a teacher is an instrument to

learners in achieving certain goals. Teacher's good characteristic can improve learner's


The interaction happens between the teachers and the students is influenced by

some different aspects. These aspects includes the emotion, behavior, and academic

excellence of the teacher which are the variables in determining the academic

performance of the students.

Emotions is defined as an aspect of the human being portraying the variety of

feelings such as joy, sadness, anger, etc. An individual who is surrounded by lively

people tends to adapt and be lively and alert, just like the case in the relationship

between the students and the teacher. If the teacher uses lively approach and is in a
good mood, the students also tend to be more attentive and are actively participating to

the class discussion and recitation.

Behavior denotes the actions, movements made by an individual and how that

that individual behaves or reacts naturally or on specific situations or circumstances. In

the parent-child relationship, whenever the parent is strict, children tends to find it

difficult to open-up as they are thinking that they might get punishment from their

parents. For the aspect of teacher to student, students find it hard to approach those

teachers who are strict as they are afraid on being disciplined by their stringent


Academic excellence denotes the quality of someone to excel or stand-out in

an academe. If the teacher possesses unexceptional level of skills and intelligence,

students tends to gain more knowledge and wisdom and their own skills and abilities will

be develop greatly.

B. Background of the Study

Various factors affect the academic performance of the students. It includes

individual characteristics, family background, economic status, etc. Research conducted

by Jordan, Mendro, Weersinge suggests that among school related factors, teachers

matter most. Teachers are believed to be the second parent of the students. These may

be the reason why teachers can become the role model and motivation at a students.

Teachers had built standards for every type of students. Those standards must be able
to be reached by the students and if students were not able to meet the set standards

this can affect their grades. Moreover, these teachers who had set high standards had

also established a strict personality. This kind of personality leads to a negative outlook

of a student towards education. This perspective of the students also lead to

psychological changes that will greatly affect their academic performance.

Realizing this concept, the researcher decided to conduct the study to determine

how the different kind of behavior and attitudes of the teacher influence to the academic

performance of the students. With this, the school administrators and teachers will be

able to know which of the teacher’s attitude and behavior is unnecessary in attaining

best results on the students. Through the use of information to be gathered, possible

ways to improve academic performance of the students will also be determined .

Researcher experienced how enjoying a discussion could be with lively, active

and enthusiastic teacher. He realized that it is easier to learn if the teacher is riding to

the trips and jokes of his students.

C. Scope and delimitation

This study focuses on how the personality of the teacher affects the academic

performance of the students.

The respondents are the selected grade 12 students from Bara PInugay National

High school

This research will be held inside the school.

This research will be conducted on October 2017.

This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of the students through

knowing the influence of the personality the teacher to the academic performance.

The data and information will be achieved through a survey-questionnaire and


D. Statement of the problem

This study aims to know how the personality of the teacher influences

the performance of the student. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following :

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Sex;

1.2 Age; and

1.3 Year and Section?

2. What are the influences of the personality of the teacher in terms of:

2.1 Academic excellence;

2.2 Emotion; and

2.3 Behavior?

3. Is there any significant difference in the point of view of the

respondents on the influence of the personality of the teacher to their performances?

E. Hypothesis
The personality of the teacher does not influence the academic performance

of the student of Baras-Pinugay National High School (G7-G12).

F. Conceptual framework


 Title: The  Analyze the  Determined

Influence of the answers of the the influence of the
Personality of the respondents to the personality of the
survey- teachers to the
Teachers to the
questionnaire academic
Academic  Conduct an performance of the
Performance of the interview students in Baras
Students in Baras  Tabulate collected Pinugay National
Pinugay National data High School (G7-12)
High School (G7-12)  Interpret obtained
 Respondents:
50 selective Grade 12
 Profile of the
respondents in terms
1. Sex;
2. Age; and
3. Year and
 Variables;
1. Emotion;
2. Behavior
3. Academic

The research aims to use both survey-questionnaire and interview as a

mode of gathering information. There will be 50 respondents, 10 selected students per

sections will be interviewed and answer the survey-questionnaire. Moreover, this

research will provide the profile of such respondents in different terms. Thus research

also has various variables that will be defined and described and will serve as series of

questions that is needed to be answered by this study.

For the meantime, the researcher will be gathering information and data in the

field to achieve the objectives of this study. The research will be conducted, and after

collecting the data, tabulation and analysis of gathered information will take place. After

the analysis and tabulation, interpretation of data obtained will occur. The researcher

will be able to explain the result of the data-gathering process.

And lastly, when all the processes have been accomplished, the outcome of this

study will be achieved. The researcher will be able to determine the influence of the

personality of the teacher to the academic performance of the students in Baras-

Pinugay National High School (G7-G12). Moreover, the researcher suggested ways to

increase the rate of the learning process to ensure better learning outcome of the

students and the school.

G. Definition of terms

Academic excellence – the way a student excel in his/her class.

Behavior- the way a person act, move, function and react.

Emotion- a strong feeling such as lone, grief, anger, love, joy, hate or fear.
Influence act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct

exercise of command.

Interview- a meeting at which information is obtained from a person.

Performance-the act of doing a job, an activity, etc.

Personality- attractive trait or qualities that make something unusual or interesting.

Respondents- a person who gives a response or answer to a question that is asked

especially as part of a survey.

Student- a person who attends a school, college, or university.

Teacher- a person whose job is to teach student about certain subject.

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