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modular construction composite doll flight of fancy fancy basket English policeman whole man David Petty RIP Posted on December 6, 2011 12th February 1946 - 3rd December 2011 I first met Dave Petty during my early days in the BOS around 1985. He was one of the regular attendees at the mini-meetings hosted by Dave Brill at his parents house in Bramhall, in Cheshire. I owe my entire “career” to the encouragement and education I received from the regulars there - the two Davids, Wayne Brown and Ted Norminton - what a wonderfully stimulating and friendly origami environment it was and I've been fortunate enough to count them all as friends since those days. DP hardly changed across the years (aside from becoming more “distinguished/grey”). He was never an extrovert and seemed to think long and hard before saying anything, so you rarely had trivial conversations with him. Instead, you enjoyed the opinions of a man who loved origami to the core and enjoyed the analysis and discussion as much as the folding. Along with the rest of the core team, he invariably had a new model to teach every month and with DP, you rarely got just the single model, he explored most, if not all, of the variations a design might offer. More often than not, he'd actually calculate the number of variations and produce diagrams of them all. He'd exploit any new technique with almost ruthless efficiency, thus a zeppelin would mutate into a Mills bomb, then into a cactus, finally a cactus in a pot! Like many of us, DP enjoyed the collecting aspect of origami and amassed an amazing collection of images of origami book covers, as well as origami telephone cards. Another of his passions was looking for (and diagramming) traditional designs. For many years he has presented a new discovery on his site as “Model of the month”. His willingness to put in the diagramming hours then freely share the results characterised the man th Michael Shall He produced several booklets for the BOS, including two for folders who were to die tragically young, Jan Willem Derksen and Stephen Palmer. Each was illustrated in his own unique hand-drawn style 30: Paper People and other Pointers 40: The Genius of Jan Willem Derksen 45: The Origami of Stephen Palmer 46: Modular Construction and Twists 48: Making Faces 65: Planar Modulars (CD-Rom) He was later to use Windows Paint (yes!) to produce diagrams, against every logic I could throw at him, but David was ever his own man. He self-published a book called Hearts 3D in 1991. This arose from correspondence between DP and several others (myself included) with Francis Ow, who began the quest for origami hearts, eventually publishing 3 books of them! We were happy to take up the creative challenge, especially DP, who diagrammed the best for this spiral-bound book. petty abc He also wrote some colourful commercial books, combining traditional designs with his own and others work. These were Origami 1-2-3, Origami A-B-C, Origami Wreaths and Rings, Origami & Creative Paper Projects for Everyone Everything DP did had his own individual stamp on it. His earlier (and better, I would contend) diagrams were painstakingly hand-drawn, even down to adding shading by drawing 100’s of dots to represent the coloured side of the paper. The Convention Packs he prepared as publications officer had a unique layout style all of their own. Perhaps his most singular characteristic was in his teaching. I should give some background information here - at the early mini-meetings, there was a tendency towards joking, irreverent comments, mickey-taking, heckling and even on occasions, rudeness — naturally, I took no part in this. So, you were a brave man to teach your latest classic to this hyper-cynical audience. DP had the ability not only to consistently teach at about a sixteenth of the speed the group was capable of, but was also completely impervious to the ribbing we gave him (and each other). He just taught at his own tempo, with quiet dignity. I don’t think 1 ever saw him rush a model in thirty years. He was a thorough teacher and set us all an example. His services to origami were manifold - he was general secretary and later publications officer who produced many Convention Packs and booklets. He also undertook a lot of research work on behalf of the Society and for his own satisfaction, He was a regular attendee of both mini-meetings and conventions and maintained correspondence with a wide variety of folders around the world. He was awarded the Sidney French medal in 2007 and at that point stepped back from the Society to enjoy his retirement. As a profession, he worked for the Dutch electronics company Phillips, working with circuit boards (or something!) for as long as 1 knew him, and delighted in spraying us with his best Dutch. He formed close ties with the Netherlands origami folk and even lived there for a while, Almost everywhere he went, he was accompanied by his wife Lillian. Whilst not a folder herself, she generously allowed him the time and space to pursue what must have seemed like an obsession to her. We maintained email contact and a few years ago, I was delighted to offer him free space on my web server after his site had been partially lost by a poor internet company. He uploaded vast quantities of files (over 2,500 images, 100s of diagrams!) and he worked on his site to the end. The site will remain online as a tribute to the man. So, how to summarise the last 27 years? My abiding memories are of a deeply private and modest man, but fiercely independent and proud of his work. His slightly taciturn demeanour disguised a wry sense of humour and a deep love of all things origami. I'm delighted to have known him and send all my deep condolences to Lillian. I've recorded a piece of music for David - very much doubt it would have been his cup of tea, but there you go... David also played the flute Below is one of his many modular designs, taken from my Ori for Dummies book. 1 ANIMAL HEAD FINGER PUPPET 2 3 | . I fold in half take points to bottom point fold points up, 4 | ) > | Tt fold top layer up result, turn over fold comers in fold top layer up V4 CHM ate fold points down, valley fold ears then turn over - CAT dapaness traditional model draw face, L dlagrame © D.Potty use as puppet ]}} BANGER also known as "Party Popper") use a strong thin rectangle crease centrelines fold comers to long crease fold in half. fold to centreline 6 ; grasp firmly and flick fold in half sharply downwards using ‘wrist and arm from elbow the inside layers should pop out with a bang J reload by returning the layers traditional model _ diagrams © D.Petty BASKET WITH HANDLE xY crease centrelines, turn over crease diagonals, tum over 6 fold flaps down, front and back fold tip to edge, front and back HANDLE use same size paper as basket result, add handle r z is note: handle touches white top tips and tucks inside lower T T \ 1 I I i i coloured triangular flaps |-—t— complete fold sides to centre 7 fold edge to centre, folding handle too, fold corners inside fold flaps down front and back to centre 10 1 traditional Japanese modal diagrams @ D.Potty 12 . round handle at top, aly fold side flaps inside 3Dbasket part complete BELLOWS 2 form preliminary base traditional mod dliagranns Paaliyy complete y UN © fold ta centre and return, repeat on back = ALM fold to centre and return, a ss . repeat on back ft » Action / “ E tabbit ear, front and back grasp the model by the small flaps, pull them apart and push back together to expel air from the open end BIRD inside reverse 7 Model for traditional model Aug '99 diagrams David Petty 1 BOOT | valley to centretine fold in half fold in half 6 fold edges to centreline mountain fold fold oi Contieling between layers 7 9 valley fold valley fold tuck tip inside, a rounded fold 10 originally a napkin fold 11 OO” ‘waditional model diagrams © D.Patty flatten sole, ae originally a napkin fold complete BOWTIE this can be folded using a currency note 1 crease centreline then fold sides to centreline fold corners in => = crease centreline form waterbomb base swing top and bottom front comers fold swing flap over and flaps over forward, rear ones _ flatten centre to back Traditional model diagrams © D.Petty 1 2 7 3 S ” oN ~ e © $i eo OS. yy ge # X N ae a eS a 5 LF fold and return blintz both diagonals result, turn over 4 5 blintz and return open out then turn over 6 7 Zt : ! 3 €e 1 4 —_ ! L I INV fold sides in collapse fold in half 9 10 1 fold upper | i points down fold sides in Fe tie 2 | 4 13 [ traditional model fold both wings fold one wing © diagrams D.Petty CAMERA 2 3 “ey x result, turn over 8 unfold side flaps lift and cross side flaps the lock will pop open with a click refold the lock to take another picture result, turn over blintz AO: blintz result, turn over fold edges to sides 10 fold rear top part down reform on existing creases these are “trousers" 12 OPERATION ae line up subject, \_ fold tips hold by ends, over edges result, CLICKI press in centre to lock umm = with thumbs... 1 CARP 4 2 } 3 form preliminary base 1 fold front flap to top fold sides to centre 4 4 | | | fold folded edges to centre fold down tip, turn over petal fold Ww o continue to take tail back, Pra into pocket — working it loose at the base Ps front, pull tail backwards until unfolded then hollow to flatten central point —_out body, the raw edges meet along the underside centreline and the pocket becomes the mouth fold sides to centre reverse fold, 1 turn over this model is used to celebrate Boys Day in Japan Japanese traditional model let diagrams © D.Patty complete model of the month: July 2000 CARPENTER'S HAT 2 a fold corners to centre fold to marked point and return and return repeat on all comers add halfway creases but don't fold in centre 4 5 6 1 Ew | wt pinch together centre swing flaps flat to fold front and back portions of edge to 3D front and back faces flaps inside 8 fold side flaps inside result, turn over : , 9 This hat was common during Victorian times in England. It was worn by stagehands and printers. Itis featured in Lewis Carrol's book “Alice in Wonderland" Traditional model © diagrams D.Petty complete CARRIER PIGEON 1 2 3 2x1 squash fold petal fold 4 5 form waterbomb in lower part, pleat top part valley fold valley fold 6 7 8 repeat steps 2-5 on rhs. mountain fold inside reverse fold s punch holes to tie with thread a. traditional Japanese model © diagrams D.Petty complete CATAMARAN traditional Japanese model 1 2 © Megramst D.Petty aK | =: @ i 1 pull out each corner L L result, turn over precrease, then fold edges to centre fold sides to centre - 5 6 aan fold along diagonal, allow flap to flip fold point to point complete 2 mcile! prval Japa ris 4 use a newspaper 1 WL i i i \y 4 i H L crease centre fold comers to centre fold edges to centre result, turn over 5 6, 7 8 Ala fold tips to centre tuck tip inside _ complete back front fold over and over to use, put hand in hack pockets and grip lused the "Sporting Pink" CELTIC GARLAND 5 ~~ pinch only * reverse Su make 14 “hw . if tuck tips under inside reverse add nee unit : flap & tuck this side : allen marked betweenlayers join all 14 points se similarly © model & diagrams D.Petty CELTIC MOTIF 23 fin. Ad tuck tips under tuck flap insid add next unit this side and align marked points marked points meet join all 10 similarly top bottom ® model & diagrams D.Petty CHINESE JUNK ons Z ull inside points { bg Be 4 traditional model © diagrams D.Petty p-=-4}-- raise ends, paper is pulled from centre section CHINESE VASE A 2 3 T T T Eqorr be OoTt ” 1 1 1 \ dh I EH-++ Ra dot i \ RESET T T Tt oe if ti " I I EH-fa crease into 1/3 rds add halfway creases add more halfway creases 6 = pleat pleat result, tun over iT 8a 8b 9 H~+ [| lift and Squash i enlarged view next the end ok each result See aver pleat 10 aa 12 Cy net 36 crease andreturn fold sidesto centre _ fold edges to centre, comers tuck into pockets Chinese Vase 14 re fold corners inside result, turn over tease out the paper trapped in the pleats work round evenly, a little at a time 16 this model is known as “Verdi's vase” in the USA after the late Verdi Adams who popularised it there insert finger into aperture and round out each corner Chinese traditional model @ diagrams D.Petty complete CHURCH 1 ‘waditional model diagrams @ DPetiy Zz 3 4 form waterbomb base fold comers to top, squash all 4 flaps fold flaps to centre front and back 5 6 squash flaps front and back fold triangle up, complete front and back by slightly separating the pairs of flaps the model will stand CICADA

Lm LE, allow'lap totlip eg sa ee 4M tucktins seven rake 10 Assembly tuck tips between layers marked points most B se c _ tye units joined Binatee p jin wl 10 simitarty marked points mast add net unit stuck tp inside this side llowar marked point coincides with position of apex of whiter riangle formed by adjacent unit] front gti © model & diagrams O.Petty CRANE WREATH 13 Assembly tuok tips between layers marked points mast ‘to unite joined Join all 10 blunt tip ‘similarly tuelctip inside add next unit this side front back OO model & diagrams 0 Petty CRANE (prebatiy the cecond beet known modelin the world form a preliminary base fold sides to centre, fold top triangle repeat on rear flaps behind (er lift top layer, sides should fold in to centre unfold flaps This model farms the basis af the "ka No Mada” the earliest complete Jananese arigamibonk, In the baok Many cranes are folded trom one sheet, with a number of cuts. fold triangular result, turn over flap back up & 9 " unfold flaps lift top layer, sides should fold in fold edges to contre, inside reverse fold to centre repeat at rear bottom points Folding a 2 thousand cranes is supposed cre to confer B health on \ 13 the folder. inside reverse fold es one tip 4 gently pull wings apart complete and down, central “hump” will flatten Each year thausands of crane madels are oo cenit to the peace park in Hirashima, Japan, Traditional Japanese model to commemorate the dropping of the first Diagrams © D.Petty atom bomb. The crane has now become a symbol of peace DRINKING CUP L 3 3 ian. pinch only marked points meet & € ¢G marked points meet —_ fold upper layer down fold flap to hack push finger inside and round out traditional model diagrams D.Petty FEBRUARY ‘99 DART folds from a rectangle (Ad, lettersize etc.) 1 2 ’ Ee ’ . aS bring long edges together, bring short edges to centre crease crease and unfold 3 4 bring folded edges fold in half to centre crease a traditional model © diagrams D.Petty fold wings down at right angles Double Crane Wreath 2 Use Double Crane Wreath Unit make 9 units Assembly A tuck tips between layers marked points meet c ? add next unit this side two units joined tuck tip inside marked points meet all 9 join similarly © model & diagrams D.Petty DOUBLE CRANE WREATHS PAGE 1 pinch only OA 4S allow flap to flip edges 2 i Soe 9 oe a marked points meet note parallel lines: allo wflap to flip open out inside reverse fold 4 tuck tips between layers Double Crane Wreath 1 Use Double Crane Wreath Unit = make 9 units Assembly tuck tips between layers marked points meet c two units joined Vi all 9 join similarly add next unit tuck tip inside th ade marked points meet front back ® model & diagrams D.Petty DRAGONFLY start with birdhase 1 2 fold rear flap down — bring flaps up, under top flap and open 4 them narrow the top flap, small squashes at tear a result, turn over narrow bottom flap, > i small squashes at rear mountain fold in half, rotate Japanese trailitional model K + Wiaygrame D.Petiy outside reverse fold Ly \ 1. form head with a series blunt wingtips, of reverse folds 2. cut to separate the two halves of each wing fold wings horizontal complete A DRINKING BIRD e 2 } 3 i fold preli inary base fold birdbase bookfold 4 ‘ 5 ; 6 ( valley lower flap —rabbit-eartop layer —_ fold in half, rotate ? ol 8 . traditional model ca ~—>> diagrams © D.Petty inside reverse head, widen out drinking trough complete Operation A 4 @ grip under bow! with one hand, . push thumb and forefinger under Push up the righthand layers the bird drinks, return to start position layer shown with other hand to repeat action use duo paper male duck HARTHAM* DUCKS *town in England, not a breed 1 lighter side up 3 i I I z; I ™“, I I 1 I | precrease precrease, note precrease locations 4 5 6 Fy 7 J Fa Ls Nye y eee Bz ¢ Fa a © Z J WL double rabbit ear precrease collapse ; « Ba 2 a z cS paper is held back view by sink inside tail when folds {valley 25 far as possible ouside reverse head complete 3 refald valley folds of 1 and squash mountain fold tail ’ 10 "1 “- 1 t i 1 crimp to form beak 2 tuck A into pocket of B {fold inside as much as possible) 4 2 1 reverse fold inside male complete at base of tail 2 spead wings to 3D female duck [wings and tail vary from male] follow steps 15 of male duck, then 6a 6h Be t False flaps; fold edge t fold al front and back fold edge to crease fold along crease a 8a 84 follow steps 6-7 of male duck back view inside tail, when fold complete outside reverse head, result open at rear and mountain fold tail 82a 8.2 83 a4 t back view inside tail, when folds complete open at rear and tuck tip of tail reverse fold mountain fold tail between layers inside at base of tail to lock 9 follow step 9 of male duck 4 a — =| “A 5 ¢ i onan lee ee | FE female complete a wings also nice colour © models José hleewsen c reversed © diagrams D.Petty EGG LAYING HEN 4 fold point dawn, repeat at back form preliminary base og fold sides to centre, front and back book fold 6 iN 7 8 oy 9 ¥ | : inside reverse outside reverse inside reverse inside reverse 0 ? $s inside reverse _fold flaps up tuck flaps in cut off point 14 use cut off point 15 vy} fold comers between egg complete layers, front and back slide egg between flaps 17a | 1b | te 1 work flaps up and down work flaps up and down work flaps up and down ry egg emerges EQUILATERAL T i 2 RIANGLE UNIT precrease centrelines creases are at rt angles to sides and pass through nodes creases Le tuck under centre triangle reverse folds Oe fold excess behind fold tip to side cut starting paper from large sheet 2 ( 2 less waste less fiddly ( pinch halfway points ae on existing add joining creases 6 result, turn over at this point the model by Shuzo Fujimato is complete result, tip only shown in next diagram & unit complete, make as required Assembly | ys x insert point of one unit into pocket B in second unit, turn over c tuck small flap into pocked behind, two units joined - join more in rings of 5 turn over or 6 as required this is not flat! lused poster paper - this is "soft" and allows creases to be rolled (adjusted) to correct small inaccuracies 20 unit ball this is the form of the carbon 60, molecule = buckminsterfullerite other possibilities holster imagine separating the sphere into two equal hemispheres, then constructing a tube to connect them again Wd this is the form of the superconducting carbon molecule 20 units for the endeaps + whatever you need for the tube (minimum 5) [a flatter endcap is made from 6 units] some shapes can be obtained by mountain (or valley) folding joined units double truncated pyramid 10 units = flying saucer donut tetrahedron of truncated pyramids 60 units = giant ball truncated cube 6 unit double pyramid all these exist in other variations i.e. V1 inside out (single colour elongated hexagons) V2 inside out with some reversed triangular flaps (reverse colour triangles on outside - mountain replaces valley fold in step 10) it's best to have random triangles rather than at all joints V3 triangles converted to approximate hexagons Mi v2 Soe ve ve 4 unit pyramid 4 unit pyramid - hex centre FANCY BOX precrease diagonals result, turn over blintz again then blintz press sides together at fold comers result, turn over pleat (1/6 ths) corners to form box to outer edge Japanese traditional madel @ diagrams D.Petty complete Fancy Dish model of the month : Aug 2000 FANCY DISH crease both diagonals crease horiz & vert fold edges to centre 1 5 and return 6 GN 77s. Tet gps LSet | a ‘ RAS an nS : T ‘, ’ ABS AU, NAL 2 S Sane Pater IND —— fold corners to centre bisect angles fold centres of edges in at back and return ? fe x" fold a second paper, same size as the first, but omit step 5 cut the second sheet 3. as shown fallow the sequence a-b-cd on each comer follow the sequence a-b ; on each added unit final composite, turn over push in the bisected portions to 3D the model, turn over 12 this is a Chinese traditional model, re-discovered by the American © diagrams D.Petty folder, Marcia Mau FISH _ modet of the month : april 2000 2 traditional model diagrams © D.Petty “cfm ‘Bs reverse fold tail FLAPPING BIRD THE best known classic traditional model start - birdbase © diagrams D.Petty inside reverse inside reverse inside reverse 4 6 fold wings up fold back edge of wings spread wings to horizontal f 8 - “ ~~ to flap wings, hold at points shown and separate and return hands rapidly press to break ridge FLUTE traditional model 1 diagrams © D.Patty the loose comer can be glued down or held with a rubber band z cut almost right across to nearly free a triangle of paper roll your paper along 3 4 a diagonal using a pencil to form a hollow tube remove pencil 5 blow (or suck) gently from fold down triangle and esate either end to sound your flute flatten across end of tube FLUTTERING BUTTERFLY 2 \ A \ \ \ \ crease hath diagonals, leave one folded fold folded edge over (approx. 113) foldinhalt 5 launch as an aeroplane model will Totate to the ground fold wings down at rightangles fram paint at which front edge of wing meets diagonal model European traditional diagrams ©D.Petty FOLDER an be used as wallet, purse or folder 1 with A size start at step 2 = SCOMtth square start step 1 2 crease centreline fold corner to hit centreline cut off above the meeting point fold elites (9 contre and retui fold sides to centre again 4 fold bottom pat up (crease fold top part behind lies at top of 45 degree edges behind) turn over and tuck into top pockets 5 6 ‘big or 4 small pockets inside foldinhaf European traditional model diagrams D.Petty FOUR POINT STAR two squares are required, folding is different for each fold corners Ap fold to centreline fold in half fa Chinese traditional model diagrams © D.Petty fold to centre | fold in half fold comers * fold to centreline fold to centreline unit complete fold to — unit complete, turn over Assembly ' | tuck points inside pockets. result, turn over tuck points inside pockets FROG start with frog base i 2 3 hook fold front repeat behind hook fold again and back flaps 4 5 6 repeat at back book fold yet again _ inside reverse fold a 9 inside reverse fold inside reverse fold Bs es inside reverse fold inside reverse fold 13 traditional model diagrams © D.Petty : GLASS Uitivnal my ayrane ® b 2 3 4 =| rie " 4 i a < ari M ! ene fold in half fold in half and return fold up comers, leaving valley fold front approx. 1 cm gap top layer os oy 4 i: — + fold sides to overlap, 3D by pushing finger tuck one end inside in between the back complete the other layers fold top to back j GOLDFISH form waterbomb base take corners to top point yo fold edges to meet fold corners to centre 6 fold flaps down and into pockets OMe g result, turn over fold edges to centre fold point to side swing flap across Chinese traditional model dlagrams © D.Patty inflate to 3D model complete HAPPICOAT 1 3 crease centrelines, —_fgld and return et fold to crease 4 5 6 T iP i fold top layer only result, turn aver fold down and rotate 7 8 . fold to centreline result, turn over fold up lower layer and pull side flaps out 10 " traditional Japanese model © diagrams D.Petty result, complete turn over HARTHAM FLOWER RING 1 1 2 3 repeat folds on top half collapse reverse folds 6 A 5 ) Assembly 8 af make 10 units only first has front flap folded up marked points meet tuck inside " | | join all units similarly working anti-clockwise This model can be mounted on a card. A circle diameter AA as in step 12 must be cut. The model is fed through the hole and the folds in step 12 completed to give ten flaps on both the inside and the outside. © model José Meeusen © diagrams David Petty b 4 J squash fold By start with step 4 ofhouse ORGAN 1 Di fold keyboard down at right angles 3D sides traditional models diagrams D.Petty JANUARY 99 INGOT TLE th 7 3 ed as a funeral offer bring short edges together, without creasing result, rotate to bring seam to top eo _4 rotate to bring seam to bottom again, shape to enable model to stand upright * fold up lower edge twice fold in edges, note this is an uneven fold fold tips behind at an angle o form preliminary base open end to top rotate layers squash fold front and back 7 ta ~ squash fold front and back petal fold raise flap front and back front and back fold sides to centre repeat petal fold tate I; Pat a front and back on side flaps ‘i 13 rotate layers fold flaps down fold sides to centre 15 front and back traditional model diagrams D.Petty JAPANESE HELMET 1 , : 3 4 a fold top layer only & . fold flap and tuck inside G-& LY 8 traditional model diagrams © D.Petty JUMPING FROG ‘ha. Mp form waterbomb base fold sides to centre fold sides to folded edge ate result, turn over fold corners to point fold comers to point 7 8 j t { fold comers to make feet result, tum over pleat to form spring to operate - run finger down American traditional model the frog back diagrams © D.Petty JUMPING FROG can he folded from thick 2x1 paper, start at step 2 traditional model 1 2 © diagrams D.Petty T : 3 4 5 6 I tie I i \ | fold tipsto foldsides fold end ; form feet to middle to middle fold in half fold waterbomb fold lower intoppart, —_partin half © @ @ @o@ fold corners slide layer out fold tipsto —_—result, pleatto _to operate, tocentre to sides form feet turn over form spring stroke frog's back KNIGHT'S HELMET start with A size or other rectangle lift flap and bring ends together tuck one end inside the other traditional model diagrams © D.Petty LADYBOX aH ay Collapse, central square remains flat, points A end below level of central square 11 make creases, then unfold to step 10 B Form top of box by folding each flap in turn and lock by inserting each tip behind neighbouring flap Fold bottom at rightangles, © model José Meeusen to give a flat octagonal bottom to box © diagrams D.Petty LAZY MODULAR TETRAHEDRON 2 + C 2 3 pinch only st middle of sides Eee red step for guide fesse en aligdes: 4 5 rake 2 fold this st roughly 60 degrees « angle Is corrected during fina sesembly, pull coloured flaps up slightly, these are squash folds Svey from white area Assembly juckall 4 points into pocketsinside squashes (only two shown) complete First seen at York BOS Convention ‘38 dal Tun Ken Lam ciagrams David Petty LAZY MODULAR TETRAHEDRON OOF pinetaniys micas ae repeat on al side: 4 fold this a roughly 60 degrees fis rug dees sane Assembly cee adams ISP cayelseeen) ey oni First seen at York BOS Convention ‘33 model Tun Ken Lam dizgrams David Petty LAZY SUSAN“ ® push centre downwards push sides inwards Y — = side reverse front tips inside reverse back tips "1 push in bottom with a curved fold and separate the layers repeat on all 4 sides change of view in next step 13 traditional model diagrams © D.Petty heaten the inner pockets to form a star shape. * why “lazy susan"? Because the dish provided a way of storing several items ready for visitors thus saving time. Usually the dish had a cover to preserve the contents. There is a Chinese coin which depicts this dish. The model is unusual because it has curved surfaces. LOVER'S KNOT “+ & blintz turn over blintz 4 5 6 ? : iz CO TS iy Z iF oy | open flaps turn over lift central flaps flatten towards lower and squeeze point, comers repeat at back 8 a . me a” fold corners in, front and back ert thumbs either side of central point and raise to flatten complete MANDARIN DUCK 1 2 result, turn over fold edges to centre @ x v Ky 7 én ’ reform into cut as shown preliminary \ base am 3 4 ‘ fold up flaps, front and back t t fold flaps in half, front and back, fold tips, front and back then rotate model inside reverse fold head and tail complete to operate, stand model on flat surface, flick sharply upward under tail. Horse will summersault va Chinese traditional model grams © D.Petty LIGHTHOUSE (BOOKMARK) 2 3 4 fold diagonals, then horizontal crease, fold points to top squash both flaps fold top triangle, finally collapse into point hoth sides ‘waterb omb base 6 7 fold edges back to centre fold strip in hat 13 fold lower flap behind and tuck between layers fold triangle up ull out comers: ideas top sun * of fold edge to back, II dowm concertina fold passes approx, a fold edge to halfway along top edue aid flaten tine up vath white triangle coloured edge turn model over " fold edge in and repeat result, tum over (in mirror image) steps 11, 12 and 13, Finally, tuck right flap into left flap white triangle to lock the model MULTIBOX folds from square or any rectangle 4 2 3 5 6 # il i | [ lift flaps and form box 8 Traditional model © diagrams D Petty December '98 This is your Christmas box! 2 ! ! See --{ f--_ Nee LE ale ce Cc squash fold 5 start with step 4 of house OR GAN 1 FF] 3 4 5 4] i fot ir 1 6 re Ll" fold keyboard down at right angles 3D sides traditional models iagrams D.Petty JANUARY 99 ORIGAMI DICE hone-spot unit 30 required 1 2 3 PEFR beh EA oe ee T— [imate so poe | + beet ee eee Cheat 1 rid [ ea ste een S rlarad Zc rs a et 1a BS form waterbomb base lift lower edge and squash precrease 4 5 é | AA fils a <| (os a | | | ! I b Lt 6 return layer swivel fold, result, note marked points note marked points. repeat step 5 on the ‘) 8 9 3 remaining comers q ar 2 Shs A a is =)" y fold back flap up flatten central inside reverse flap fold corners, 10 turn over a none-spot unit ORIGAMI DICE spot unit 24 required 1 2 3 4 4 fold as none-spot aa 7 unit up to and a e14 othe including step 8 ES KA [1 | (| valley fold central fold to outer edge _ fold to crease, 5 square squash at ends 6 ? 8 | a A 1 I T fold to centre return central Tepeatsteps2.6 result, turn over square on lower edge 3 10 " oO RA ae Z PRD f a Sieb Iv | | 5 i 4 LVN tuck in side flaps _tuck in side flaps spot unit ORIGAMI DICE Assembly units join by sliding arm of one unit into the arm of it's neighbour A B joined units require a mountain fold when forming an edge Face patterns 1 -spat 2 - spot 3 - spot o> O-9-@ <—O—-@- OO > 9 > Oo P-y oOo oo > 4-spot 5 spot 6 - spot oo) O-O- O-O- oD oo Oe? oo-> O-O- O-O-2 for a realistic dice the faces are arranged as follows: when 1 is on top face, 6 is on bottom face when ? is on top face, 5 is on bottom face when 3 is on top face, 4 is on bottom face Tip: build model in two pieces ta avoid comer building at final join. ORIGAMI DICE FUZZY CUBE several more stable structures can be produced using the DICE units. The best of these are as follows : cube using 1 unit per face - none-spot unit this is similar to dice, but assembled inside out cube using 4 units per face - none-spot unit this is similar to dice, but assembled inside out 6 units required N 24 units required ae aes as cube using 4 units per face - none-spot unit with flaps opened out [Fuzzy Cube] 24 units required KNOBBLY CUB imagine a 3x3 cube with the centre position on each edge tured inwards I how substitute a none.spat unit for each face “ Z i Be Vee MS A ren eaed 1 “| y pa best effect is achieved when the sunken faces are a different colour to the outer faces DECORATED MENGER'S SPONG imagine the basic sponge, centre block of each side of 3x3 cube missing, plus the centre block P| now substitue each exposed face with a dice unit, then the result is as below OT 5 eS 80 units required This structure is infinitely expandable in 3 dimensions. I've not folded this. The idea came when drawing the , DICE diagrams, Anybody fancy a challenge? model & diagrams Send me a photo if you suceed. ‘OD.Petty It should be reasonably stable and not too difficult to assemble CE FAMILY ae Pe he. Soo eS Su A oe 2x2 Cube Fuzzy Cube OWL start with birdbase 1 2 fold edges to centre, lift and twist flaps form head repeat at back to form wings 4 cut layer at back of head, then fold up flaps turn over ? result, tum over 6 traditional model diagrams © D.Petiy cut top flap only, complete along centre, fold out new flaps to form feet PAG MARKER BAS between layers base complete 1 2 3 5 ab sy I T T 1 qa | atl t I MH 1 H I + I 1 I I a 14 ae ie ‘ L | fold top layer ¥ ejuasvoumer result, turn over fold top layer ¥ fatd edges to squash comer centre & return 6 ? 8 9 10 foldin half = [7+] el \ \ J ¥ WK BK f q I q i inside reverse bookfold | l SAMURAI start - page marker hase Saad a | fold flaps out, fold tip behind result, turn over squash at bottom : et 6 fold side flaps form waterbomb leat th bese atiee behind, squash base at ends i 8 g > S HAS Sep fold lower edge up fold flapsup model & diagrams © D.Petty SANBOW a 1 x ee ~ ’ SOU sue oN S$ NX * £R See 3 | a form preliminary base, flaps on outside fold flap down, opening out side flaps crease diagonals then fold corners to centre aa6 "4, fold bottom edge up bookfold, front and back result, repeat step 3on —_—_to horizontal edge, rear flap squash at comers repeat at back a ) 6 | : > | valley comers, repeat at back 1. fold sides in fold flap down, 2. fold tip down repeat at back repeat at back 10 “4 ‘traditinnal model i diagrams @ D.Prity gently pull flaps to open up box, point underneath will flatten complete SEED PACKET fold with any rectangle , 1 a fold down again fold strip down fold to leave strip approx. 2cm wide 4 5 6 result, turn over fold corners fold comers and tuck under ? result, turn over traditional model diagrams © D.Petty SHIRT traditional model © diagrams D.Petty this model can be folded using a currency note aw tuck under both collar tips 1440 it in your favorite team colours SHORTS model & diagrams © D.Petty 2 ( ) Sl M PLE Box In Japan this model is known as “Masu Box" = measuring box 3 crease and return fold tops to centre this is called a blinz fold after a Jewish pastry 4 5 fold sides to centre and return open two comers —_—_fold sides to centre lift both sides and one end 5 model becomes 3D a 9 4 we . fold flap into centre fold flap into centre raise end diagrams © D.Petty complete SNAPPER 2 2 3 Ad fold in half fold in half andretum —_ fold comers to crease 4 fold top flap up result, tum over fala comerstocentreling Z 8 Ly LBs Cy snip in centre and then fold in half fold edges up pull lower layers apart repeat at rear and bring ends to meet 40a rotate eae | a a GF ional model Diagrams © D.Pe SNAPPER 2 blintz again, turn over blintz, turn over Japanese traditional model diagrams © I.Patty to make snap, hold either side of head (black circles), push hands together then return form waterbomb base, with lifted top flap STAR BOX Traditional model diagrams © D.Petty 3 4 | fold sides to centre, hookfold front _ fold sides to squash lower part, and back centre, repeat repeat at back at back fold and retun fold point down, i a repeat on all four insert finger to sides form box he form preliminary base & STEFALOTUS i I fl c i “ : precrease precrease fold in half, with left side between the layers 4 5 6 squash 9 unit for Stefalotus va squash 10 ~ each Stefalotus model requires 16 units result, turn over unit for Stefalotus 3 STEFALOTUS 1 Assembly : CE valley fold line 1 tuck left unit behind flap (point to point) rosult:;tum over: of right unit and unfold marked points meet valley fold line 2 (edge to crease} finally fold line 1 again 7vys fold tip between layers, _ fold tip between result, turn over 0 units joined, edges meet layers add more units clockwise Stefalotus 1 front hack ae © model José Meeusen ® diagrams D.Petty STEFALOTUS 2 Assembly A B c tuck left unit behind flap fold point to point result, turn over of right unit to back marked points meet D E two units joined, continue adding clockwise fold tip between layers Stefalotus 2 front back eo nicest in compelmentary colours, gives spiral effect @ model José Meeusen © diagrams D.Petty SWAN Or, fold sides to centre result, turn over fold sides to centre 4 & 1 fold point to tip 6 fold point back, traditional model a short way © diagrams D.Petty ‘IE ~ 7 8 fold in half 9 pull neck upright, squeeze lower part to make fold pull head to suitable angle, squeeze to make fold complete blintz and return fold sides to centre fold to centre al pull out comers an 6 wk oe ZS oo iS as en i Ss squash all flaps fold edges * etal fold Se to centre and return fold at right angles, (on turn over complete LX precrease fold tips to existing creases oO fold on existing creases result, turn over precrease t 8 3 fold tips to existing creases fold on existing creases result, turn over 2 "1 t squeeze in at centres t { of sides, while lifting enlarged view, pull down hidden triangles top flaps flatten symmetrically front and back only Table VV" precrease, front and back _lift sides and fold lower —_ fold on existing creases, point up repeat on hack 6 repeat on back 18 SU om pull out hidden triangles complete EMER PONE “ape cae can also be used as footstool model becomes 3D, point becomes flat, traditional model rotate model © diagrams D.Petty THE ORIGAMIST IN HIS HAT start - page marker base 1 a a fold flaps out, fold tip behind result, turn over squash at bottom fold side flaps in, squash at top form waterbomb pleat over lower base at top edge of waterbomb ? tuck flap inside result, tum over waterbomb model & diagrams © D.Petty best in duo paper 1 2 TIENER VASE 3 repeat on all 4 corners precrease central square 4 5 6 oO L Ee ¥ : SL ‘ = sa AY x) A SEO model is now 3D. model becomes 3D. marked points meet x is concave repeat steps 7 &8 on remaining 3 sides work anti-clockwise. CHRISTMAS TREE cyt fold sides to centre result, turn over fold sides to centre 4 5 6 7 fold flap down result, turnover complete traditional model diagrams David Petty cele makes a nice card decoration fold lower half back TRUNCATED OCTAHEDRON LIOR line up edges do not crease central area - make @ units .__ in total - ™ das 13a - 4as 13h a ;, ©model Tung Ken Lam Hit in lefthand unit diagrams David Petty TULIP AND LEAF 3 4 form waterbomb base fold comers to top point, swing flap over —fold flap over repeat at rear 5 6 ie e Thai traditional model i} diagrams ©D.Petty fold flap over repeat steps peel hack the i 45 at four flaps and and tuck in at rear four flaps aid bloom complete 1 2 4 fold sidestocentre fold sidesto centre foldsidestocentre result, turn over fold in halt fold in hat peel hack outer leaf, add bloom TURTLE 1 2 3 fold lower point to top, fold lower points to top, repeat at back repeat at back form waterbomb. 4 5 | valley sides out, repeat at hack valley sides in, reapeat at hack ? 6 1 flatten central point 2 blunt nose 3 crimp to form head ae 8 1 fold tip inside, repeat at back 2 reverse fold lower flaps Chinese traditional model diagrams © D.Petty model has great depth and is best displayed in palm of hand falding sequence is similar to traditional crane TUVWXYZ points to centreline, bring edges to centre @ then unfold g creases bring edges to centre Assembly make 6 units in each of ? different colours fold to match edges behind unit complete tuck flaps of one unit into B pockets in neighbour build a ring of 6 differently coloured units, then extend each unit into a6 point star shape. There is another ring of 6 units (coloured white in drawing) which is added during construction. two units joined, all 42 units join in same way model © M.Mukhopadhyay diagrams © D.Petty TUVWXYZ hexagons model © M.Leonard diagrams © D.Petty (after the creator's own) 1 z aa: T T ay | I I Pt | | 2x1 rectangle pinch and unfold marked points meet 4 8 : 6 I | P| I I | me < s fold ends to centre fold and return repeat steps 2-3 on all comers | | 3 ' E> collapse on these dy fold and return creases (similar tuck the white triangle fi to preliminary base) under the coloured layer, 12 repeat behind fold behind fold and return, repeatbehind —unfoldtostep 10 —_fold inside, 6 repeat behind ey ey 3 + * ) squash fold fold behind, repeat steps if flaps to 90° 10-16 on other side To assemble, begin byjoining 6 different colours ina ring. Extend each colour into a hexagon, adding the seventh colour at the halfway stage. make 6 units in each of 7 different colours, join 2 units as shown. squash fold TUVWXYZ RECTANGL 2 4d 4 Start with2x1 FS a % beta i \ mark centreline, fold corer to unfold ed fold % if t ge, _ fold corner to , fold sides to centre, edge opposite, fold right edge edge opposite, /!4 edge in unfold right side crease, unfold in feat untold 6 ? 8 model © M.Mukhopadhyay diagrams © D.Petty § 10 a | y fold comers sot small flaps result, fold comers fata j in, matching atrightangles turn over —behindon 14 half cages hohind to main body acme existing Assembly creases a B / | two units joined tuck small flaps all 42 join between layers similarly Make ating of6 different coloured units then extend each unit into a ring of 6. Another ring of 6 (coloured white in drawing) is required halfway through construction. Me Best in 7 colours, 6 units of each colour. Start with a ring of 6 different colours and extend into hexagon planes. The seventh colour (white in drawing) is added partway through. model © Meenakshi Mukhopadhyay diagrams © D-Petty TUVWXYZ - hexagons prepare paper, fold corner to midway crease. cut off excess as shown. paper prepared this way is sized 2:43 fold as in TUVWXYZ rectangles v9 inside reverse unit complete, top comers make 42 assemble as TUVAKYZ rectangles STUVWRXYZ - stars De te fold edges to centre and return unfold completely if F 5 ¥ 6 7 \ , " ’ i : f y a | ’ 4“ : S N , 5 we Ee Imarked points meat to marked points meet to reform waterhomb hase make crease rake cheese unit fold edges to centre complete ? 8 9 model © M.Mukhapadhyay diagrams © D.Petty fold front flaps using existing creases, Assembly match back flaps to A front B tuck flaps between layers two units joined, all 56 join similarly Use 8 colours and make 7 units with each, total = 56 units. Finished model has 8 septagonal star planes Assembly has Z rings of. 44 rings of, 44rings of 4 and 28 rings of 3. STUVWXYZ rectangles 1 2 3 4 5 aad T T T 1 1 1 I 1 1 = I il 1 sy I 1 1 1 | Mt I i i é h, Iw / es|F| bal | ! Ib | fold to centre fold to crease fold crease to marked points meet repeat steps 2-4 then unfold then unfold creasethenunfold tomakecrease on opposite side 6 7 a 9 10 "1 TT I 1 I I I 1 I I La at] I I 1 1 I I I i I I I! ul fold sides fold on foldaiong fold to. Tepeat steps fold in half to centre existing centreline —centreline = 7-10.0n crease other side 2 13 4 match folds setflaps at _unit complete, on rear flaps rightangles make 56 to body Assembly a Use 8 colours and make 7 units with each, total = 56 units, Finished model has 8 septagonal cross planes. Assembly has 2 rings of 7, 14 rings of 5, 44rings of 4 and 26 rings of 3. two units joined, model © M.Mukhopadhyay flaps on one unit tuck into pockets on the other all 56 join ilarly diagrams © D.Petty STUVWXYZ septagons 4 2 3 4 5 a 1 1 I I 1 si ol et 1 ig I ! a! i ! u iM eal ; \ aya] bel | | {Hl | fold to centre fold to crease foldcreaseto _marked points meet repeat stens 2-4 then unfold then unfold crease then unfold tomake crease —_ofiapposite side 6 7 8 a 10 1 T 1 ' [ | 1 ! [ | i bone at Hi i ' i A fold sides fold on fold along = foldto repeat steps oid in halt tocentre existing —centreline —centreline = 100" ay other side 12 13 4 16 match folds setflaps at inside ~—_unit complete, Onrearflaps ‘rightangles = reverse = make 56 to body corners Assembly A B Use 8 colours and make 7 units with each, total = 56 units, Finished model has 8 septagonal planes. rn i Ascembly has 2rings of 7,14 rings of §, : ae one ee two units joined, 14 rings of 4 and 28 rings oF 3. uck inte pockets on hain aim P all 56 join similarly model © M.Mukhopadhyay the other diagrams © D.Petty RSTUVWXYZ - STARS m $ fold edges to centre form waterbomb base fold edges to centre 4 = unit complete fold flaps at right angles Assembly Use 9 colours and make 8 units with each, total = 72 units. ‘A Finished model has 9 actagonal star planes. \ B | two units joined, tuck flaps between layers TH 79 oan similarly model © M.Mukhopadhyay diagrams © D.Petty RSTUVWXYZ - rectangles Start with Francis Ow's unit for VWXYZ 1 = a 4 unfold the 4 flaps take the creases to take the edges to fold flaps at the centreline the centreline —_rightangles to body Use 9 colours and make 8 units with each, total = 72 units. Finished model has 9 eight armed cross planes. Assembly unit complete, make 72 two units joined, tuck flaps of one unit into all 72 join similarly pocket in next unit build a ring of 8 units, then extend each unit into a8 armed cross. A further cross (white in drawing) is added partway. model © M.Mukhopadhyay diagrams © D.Petty QRSTUVWXYZ - STARS Me Me fold edges to centre ae unfold completely i “| 8 1 8h, F : : . ¢ : . : _ A | MAY # x ° Eg ° : a X = : 5 J eee neue mestia Marked: to re-form waterkomb base make crease ele " 8 9 10 unit fald edges to centre complete fold front flaps using fold edges to existing creases, outer edges Assembly match back flaps to A front B ; two units joined, all 90 join similarly Use 10 colours and make 9 units with each, total= 90 units. Finished model has 10 nanogonal star planes. Hint: When assembling, keep a buckyball in mind. model © M.Mukhopadhyay diagrams © D.Petty tuck flaps hetween layers a 3 T T 4 Lo-----____ly____ | |_| I I x I i fold and return fold and return AS 2 4 eut AS into quarters |] | fold and return, creasing at top edge fold in half and centre line only .\.. m= a intald valley fold, allow rear flap —_ unfold to step 5 to flip to front outside reverse fold outside reverse fold "1 Wf 13 d cr squash fold top part to back squash corners to centre repeat 5 on ths make 30 units, 6 16 1s best with 5 units of each of 6 different colours fold to back repeat steps 11-15 lift flaps to stand on other side at 90 degrees Assembly B tuck flaps on lefthand unit two units joined | into packets in righthand unit assemble 5 different colour units into ating, then extend each unit into lower points meet a pentagon of the same colour Cc S units joined, ready for extension a further paentagon of the sixth colour is added during model © Mark Leonard the extension diagrams © D.Petty (based on creator's own) AS 2 4 cut AS into quarters fold and return, creasing at top edge fold in half and centre line only mountain fold valley fold, allow rear flap —_unfold ta step 5 to flip to front ion lee outside reverse fold outside reverse fold repeat 5.9 on rhs 1" Wf 1B d 1" gq squash fold top part to back squash comers to centre make 30 units, 5 16 a best with 5 units of 5 each of6 different colours fold to back Tepeat steps 11-15 ft flaps to stand ‘on other side at 90 degrees Assembly A B tuck flaps on lefthand unit nits join - into pockets in righthand unit assemble 5 different colour units into a ring, then extend each unit into lower points meet a pentagon of the same colour Cc 5 units joined, ready for extension a further paentagon of the sixth colour is added during the extension model © Mark Leonard diagrams © D.Petty (based on creator's own) UVWXYZ - rectangles 1 2 3 5 1 T1 | | TIF ie if if] pt 1 | ai ryt yt et itt 1 I 1 1 rl | le os al T T ae 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i) i t 1 I i r f 2%) | We | a Wt cupboard fold = [= |= [= take comer take comer —_—_cupboard fold and retum crease 18rds 10 13rdline — to 13rd line 6 7 8 9 unit complete, make 30 fold in half fold on existing take edges to creases at back outer edges, ofeach flap, repeat at back Assembly match rear flaps A to front WY tuck flaps of one unit — two units joined, in between layers of —_ all 30 join similarly next unit Use 6 colours and make 5 units of each, total = 30 Start with a ring of $ units, each a different colour. Extend each unit into a5 arm cross (or asterisk shape) The 6th colour (white in drawing} is added partway. Hint: Assemble with an icosidodecahedran in mind, VAX: Y=Z 1 Sintersecting plane crosses 2 centreline SAT top view hese are the initial Sunits IR crease 45 degree lines {only inner 1/4 ths) 7 ry Hl side view Lefai| rt fi Told edge close to centre (leave 1mm gap) 4 model Francis Ow fold comers using diagrams D.Petty Seen Site sesteis this model was ssarrth bi inspired by WXYZ B_ created by Ken Lam (UK) | O Y mountain fold unit complete, flaps on one unit two units joined inhalf make 20: go inside pockets J ofeach of§ second unit, start model by assembling colours aring of 6 units, each a different colour WATERBOMB fold both diagonals and return 4 fold and tuck tips inside Tip: press gently on the edge to open the pockets Traditional model diagrams © D.Petty fold horizontal and vertical centrelines 5 and return to centre separate the layers and blow into hole Tip: fold and return top and bottom points to centre at step 8 to ease final shaping fold sides fold tips down Tip: fold and return top and bottom points ta centre at step 8 to ease final shaping blintz blintz Cy jh bring corner round to front (the adjacent blintz flaps have to be partially opened to allow this without tearing the paper) repeat step 6 on pull more comers from back a glass, open end down, can be used to form the lily it holds the central flaps and acts as a template this technique is best left for cloth serviettes et 99 model of the month —e traditional model © diagrams David Petty WINDSURFER Japanese traditional model diagrams © D.Paty 2 3 fol ond Te nr fold edges to centre fold in half 4 ji . b to operate, fold edges to centre fold top layer up complete blow from rear at rightangle WXYZ - rectangles 1 2 a 4 Los Le | i I 1 4 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I crease into quarters take corner to crease take corner to crease cupboard fold 5 Assembly: flaps tuck into pockets to join pairs of units C} make a ring of 4 units, each a different colour, then extend each unit into a 3-armed cross 6 7 3 3 turn over b flaps fold and return flaps, pockets fold at right angles make 12 model © Francis Ow fold in half Match rear flaps fest ind lots of 3 diagrams © D.Petty different colours WKYZ 2 3 pinch mmm A ames open out squash both ends repeat at rear a make 12 units best effect is when each triangle in final model is a different colour for this you need 3 units in each of 4 different colours Assembly A B | flaps in one unit go into pocket in next unit assembly can be tricky (you can get lost) best method is to join 4 u aring (one of each of the 4 colours), then add units ta extend each colour into a triangle © model Tung Ken Lam these are the initial 4 units © diagrams D.Petty XYZ - DIAMONDS 41 . a r a ‘ TW EE. fold point to crease and return 5 ‘only fold upper part of model marked points meet 6 result, turn aver ? 8 fold lower edge to left edge 9 Soues told valley fold upper layer 1 n" tuck tip inside tuck other tip inside result, tum over 12 13 14 squash fold rok BREE wer fold flaps to back 5 46 17 a rotate top flaps so unit complete squash fold along they lie at rightangles make 6 hidden edge tomain body (best if 2 units are of each of 3 colours) Assembly ie B Temaining units join in same way first 4 units are easy, last 2 are difficult to join flaps in one unit tuck into pockets in neighbour unit Model Francis Ow Diagrams D-Petty XYZ —— 3 | edges at centre 4 crease at centre repeat steps 4&5 on other end leave a small gap approx 1mm between fold in half 5 fold to location point squash a each end fold flaps at 90 degrees Assembly un comptete fet tnewo restos (best with 2 papers of each of 3 of neighbour unit different colours) assembling first 4 units is easy, last two are difficult altering the starting paper proportions gives different sized "planes" Model Francis Ow Diagrams D.Petty continue adding units in same way XYZ model © Darren Scott F diagrams © D.Petty leave a 2mm gap either side of the centre crease centrelines, —fo1q in half fold ends paralle! unfold ends then fold edges to ee Bales to centre crease centre 5 inside reverse fold fold flaps fold flaps unit complete, each end between layers between layers Boe ln Tai of different colours JOINING UNITS > = > two units joined, unfold flaps slide the unt refold the flaps join one more pair together, inserting folded flaps into FINAL ASSEMBLY =—U"folded flaps A B c : : complete insert second unit insert one module pair insert one unit through inside flaps and through another top and bottom parts through top and bottom of the slit parts of slit precrease fold in half 3 4 ’ 5 sink tip, inside reverse, front and back front and back ? 9 fold edge to fold flaps in result, turn over outside 10 B fold top layer tuck inside fold flaps back —_ fold edges in “4 5 mountain fold internal flaps, unit complete it's a repeat of step 11 make 3 but more difficult {best in different colours) Assembly B c prepare third unit by folding part down result D slot top unit into lower unit result E FE d push third unit through slot as far as it will go 2 1. return folded part of unit 2. pull unit into final position model © Mick Guy diagrams © D.Petty (after creator's originals) Japanese waditenal diagrams © DP YACHT 1 mountain fold at rightangle complete fold one diagonal outside reverse YAKKO-SAN crease centrelines blintz 3 4 5 result, turn over result, turn over blintz 6 q 8 blintz result, turn over fold inner corner out and return 9 1 0 Sn S " fold inner comer out, repeat steps 8 &9 this time pull out on two more corners coloured triangles traditional model diagrams © D.Petty

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