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Assignment #2

1. Why does Penelope consider storytelling “a low art”?

 Penelope considers it as a “low art” because storytelling can be
biased and it is purely subjective on the storyteller’s perspective.
Wherein in Odyssey, it is only the viewpoint of Odysseus and thus
making him more heroic but on the perspective, the Penelopiad, it is
based on Penelope’s perspective wherein Odysseus was tricky and a
liar. Also, the “True Story of the Three Little Pigs” can also apply where
the perspective is based on the wolf.
2. How does Penelope’s portrayal differ from the traditional portrayal of
Odysseus? What do you think of Odysseus?
 The portrayal of Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey can be recalled as
someone that is heroic and an intelligent cunning man that was able
to seduce women in his adventure and went back home together with
his men and meet his wife Penelope. But on Penelope’s portrayal,
Odysseus the intelligent was nowhere to be seen only there left the
tricky man that makes some people as “fools” as he was a fool
himself. For me, Odysseus is the kind of ideal man, the intelligent and
handsome man whom every man wanted to be.
3. Based on Penelope’s perspective, how is she different from how the epic
portrays her? What do you think of Penelope’s character in the preceding
 Homer’s Odyssey portrays her as the epitome of being a faithful wife
as she waited for Odysseus for a very long time. However, on her part
of the story, she also portrays not only that she is faithful but also the
pain and agony she experiences as the whole neighborhood gossips
about her. Penelope’s character is somewhat not changed in the story,
she is still the faithful wife everyone seen in Homer’s Odyssey.
4. What does she have to say about the “official version” of what
happened? Why does she point this out?
 As Homer’s Odyssey protrays her as the generic faithful type of woman
that will endure the pain of not seeing her husband, by this she
proclaims that is used as an agenda to make an exemplar out of
women. She point it out because for her it is a means of controlling
other women.
5. Why does she call herself “a stick used to beat other women with”? Do
you agree with her?
 Yes, I agree that she is just “a stick used to beat other women with”,
and she will always be, because as Homer’s portrays her as the faithful
wife, here in the story she knew that her husband’s infidelity and just
keeping a blind eye about it and just wait for her “ happy ending”.
6. Why does Penelope say that she “sounds like an owl” when she tries to
warn other women?
 Imagine that you meet a howling owl, would you notice it? Bet you
would just hear on the one side of your ear then you would just
continue walking as if you hear nothing. That exactly explains the
line “sounds like an owl” to Penelope, every time she warns other
female, she was just ignored most of the time.
7. How much of ancient history do you think is based on fact, and how
much on gossip or exaggeration?
 Well, ancient histories with no evidences to back it up, I would
consider it as an exaggeration of the interpretation of the common
folks telling that story. As I am concerned, every history has a base
of its own, its just some people would like to make an exaggeration
of it thus making it not credible enough. One example, the Marcos
era, not unless fact is given, I would like to reconsider that Marcos
era is the golden age of the Philippines.
8. Do you think a story is colored by the biases of the storyteller?
 Yes, because the storyteller has the freedom to alter the story itself,
it can favor to him/her or just randomly pinpointing someone that
has nothing to do with the story. Also, it can have limits to where
extent that the story is “realistic” enough for others to believe in the
9. Do you think history is colored by the biases of the historian?
 I would like to be in the middle grounds as for this question goes.
First, yes because historians can changes its bias to please the
masses regarding the happenings of the certain event. Second, it is
a no because historians based their findings on the primary
resources they can gather about the phenomena/event and also
they can use the secondary resources like cave paintings form the
event BC and hieroglyphics if we are talking about Egypt.
10. Does this story change the way you look at literature and history? Why
or why not?
 The story pique my interest more in stories because what if when we
are a credible writer then make another version of a story on the
different perspective, will the previous viewers change their
perspective or not? Also, the story now makes me wonder if any
articles I have read is true and based on facts or just merely
exaggeration of certain masses.

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