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Literacy Event Section 3B

Candidate: Tiana Scott Subject: Reader’s Workshop

Grade Level: 3rd grade Date: September 19, 2019

I. Standards

Reading: ELD:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.2 Section 2: Elaboration on Critical Principles
Recount stories, including fables, folktales, for Developing Language and Cognition in
Academic Contexts Part I: Interacting in
and myths from diverse cultures; determine Meaningful Ways
the central message, lesson, or moral and B. Interpretative
explain how it is conveyed through key details
Listening Closely
in the text.
Demonstrate active listening to read aloud and
oral presentations by asking and answering
basic questions, with prompting and
substantial support.

II. Description of Content

-Using academic language like “I predict…… will happen.” Or “My prediction is…”

III. Learning Outcome

Objective(s) for Reading: Objective(s) for ELD:

Students will be able to make predictions based on Students will be able to answer questions asked by the
evidence explicitly described in the text. Students will instructor based on the text. (ex: characters, who is
also be able to figure out the theme or central message telling the story, etc.)
of the story.

VI. Materials

- Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco

-poster with theme definition/sentence stems
-post it notes
-making predictions poster with sentence stems

VII. Instruction
A. Engagement
Literacy Event Section 3B

“Okay boys and girls our goal is to be good readers. Today we will be discussing two new strategies that we can
use when we are engaged in our reading. We will be practicing making educated predictions and finding the theme
of the story.”
Making predictions is when readers make a guess on what’s going to happen next in the story.
“Who can tell me what theme means?”
“A theme is the main idea, lesson, or message the author wants the readers to know.”

“So as I’m reading this story make sure to be thinking about what you think the theme is. I am going to ask at the
end what you think the theme is so make sure to keep that in mind, What am I going to ask you at the end?
(Students predicted response: the theme) Who can explain to me what a theme is in their own words?… okay
good let’s begin.”

B Scaffolding and Differentiation Strategies

-leveled partnerships for think pair share
-teacher model
-visual aids: sentence stem posters
-activate prior knowledge
-making text to self connections
-thinking time/wait time
C Instructional Sequence

A. Engagement activity
B. “Okay students the title of this story is Thank You, Mr. Falker written by Patricia Polacco. Can you look at this
cover and tell me what you notice? I’m going to give you think time and then I am going to pull a stick and ask
3 of you what you notice about the cover of this book. Show me that you’re thinking.” *pull equity sticks and
share out*
C. After share out. Read until page 6. “The author says that Trisha began to feel different. Can you make a text to
self connection about a time when you felt different? Think about a time when you felt different. I’m going to
give you some think time. Now share with a partner about a time you felt different just like Trisha.” *walk
around and hear student responses and students share out* (Teacher should model making a prediction first, so
I would model making a prediction here using the sentence stems as I think aloud)
D. Read until page 13. “Let’s make a prediction here based on what we have already read. How do you think
Trisha will do in reading when she gets to her new school? You can also make a prediction about what you
think will happen when she gets to her new school? I’m going to give you some think time. Turn to a partner
and share your ideas. I’m going to pull 2 equity sticks to see what some of you think will happen.” *provides
think time, students pair share and teacher pulls equity sticks to share out*
E. Read until page 20. “After Mr. Falker addressed the students making fun of Trisha, can you predict how Mr.
Falker may have made Trisha feel?” *repeat think pair share and pull equity sticks*
F. Read the rest of the story. “Based on what we read in the story what do you think the theme is? What is the
message the author is trying to tell us?” *get student responses as examples* “Okay boys and girls so whatever
you think the theme is you are going to write it on your post it, starting off with ‘I believe the theme is…’
Don’t forget to put your name and the date on the post it as well.” *teacher will call the 2 students who can not
read or write to get them to verbally express what they believe the theme is*

D. Application Activity - Include any strategies you will use with your students - use a list format
Literacy Event Section 3B

- Think-pair-share
- Think and jot
- hand signals “Show me that you’re thinking and when you’re done thumbs up.”

VIII. Accommodations
- For the students who do not know how to write or read they will be able to dictate to me what
they think the theme of the story is so I can write it down for them.

IX. How will you check for understanding during lesson? Formative Assessment

-Students oral responses

-Student written work samples

X. Summative Assessment - What will your final product or assessment be?

-Students will write what they believe the theme is on a post it note.

Home Connection

-Students are supposed to log in their reading journals every night and practice making predictions and finding the
central theme or idea in the stories they’ve read.

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