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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region XII

Kidapawan City Division

Kidapawan City National High School

Kidapawan City

Factors Influencing the Increasing Population of Humanities and Social Sciences

Students in Kidapawan City National High School

Joewena R. Lee

Marionne Charina C. Barredo

Chapter I



The Humanities and Social Sciences strand is meant for those that marvel what

is on the opposite aspect of the wall. In other words, you are able to attack the globe

and see tons of individuals. This can be for those that are considering usurping

journalism, communication arts field, education, and different social science-related

courses in faculty (EdukasyonPH, n.d.). This strand is available under the academic

track which is offered in Kidapawan City National High School. Students who are in this

strand are those who are very social human beings and are much more likely to

principal within the social sciences (Porter and Umbach, 2006).

The increasing population of Humanities and Social Sciences students in

Kidapawan City National High School is more likely needed to be understood because it

affects the students and teachers. There can be a lot of factors that influenced the

increasing population of students who chose Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

Such as their personal choice, peer influence, family, NCAE results, and STEM

qualifying examination. When students are deciding what strand will they enroll when

they go to senior high school, some of them will just rely on their personal choice.

Students will choose a major that they think it would be a perfect fit to their personality

type (Mihyeon, 2009). In terms also in peer influence, it is considered to be an influential

part of student’s choice of major. Student’s choice of career was influenced by some

factors from their environment. When it comes to family, as a factor, they play a large
role in choosing the right path of education for their children (Pafili and Mylonakis,

2011). The National Career Assessment Examination or NCAE is a test taken by high

school students in Philippines (Ross, 2015) that can help the students on what course

or strand they can take in senior high school.

Researchers have observed the immediate increase in the number of Humanities

and Social Sciences students especially in two (2) consecutive years. From school year

2018-2019, it is observed that there is an immediate increase in Humanities and Social

Sciences student population especially on the next school year. The researchers

therefore wanted to conduct the study to know the factors that affected the decision of

students in choosing the strand.

Career choices of a student have a critical impact on his or her life and future

achievement (Ahmed, Sharif, & Ahmad, 2017). Choosing the right track for Senior High

School is an important matter. It is important to know the strength of every student and

to determine the specializations that they are about to take and those influences that

affect their decisions as they choose a specific track (Benig, et. al., 2016). In line to this,

the study aims to know the factors influencing the increasing population if the students

from Humanities and Social Sciences strand. The researchers also want to know what

are the possible effects of the increase of the population of students on the said strand.
Objectives of the Study

1. To determine the demographic profile of the students in terms of sex, home

address, NCAE results, and STEM Qualifying Exam Results.

2. To determine the factors influencing the increasing population of Humanities and

Social Sciences students in Kidapawan City National High School in terms of

peer factor, teachers factor, and family factor.

3. To determine the significant relationship between peer factor, teacher factor, and

family factor to the increasing population of students in Humanities and Social

Sciences strand.

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the demographic profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 sex;

1.2 home address;

1.3 NCAE results; and

1.4 STEM qualifying exam results?

2. What are the factors influencing the increasing population of Humanities and

Social Sciences students in Kidapawan City National High School in terms of:

2.1 peer factor;

2.2 teachers factor; and

2.3 family factor?

3. Is there a significant relationship between peer factor, teacher factor, and family

factor to the increasing population of students in Humanities and Social Sciences


Null Hypothesis

1. There is no significant relationship between peer factor, teacher factor, and

family factor to the increasing population of students in Humanities and Social

Sciences strand.

Scopes and Delimitations of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to provide information regarding the factors

influencing the increasing population of Humanities and Social Sciences students. The

study considers the students’ personal information such as their name (optional), sex,

age, home address, NCAE results, and STEM qualifying exam results.

The researchers limited the study to seven male and seven female grade twelve

students from Humanities and Social Sciences strand starting from section A to section

L of Kidapawan City National High School in school year 2019-2020. Each of the

respondents was given a questionnaire to answer. The students selected came from

almost half of the population of each section to prevent bias and get objective


Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following:

School Administrators. The result of the study will give them an idea about the

factors and reasons why the Humanities and Social Sciences strand is increasing in

population and exceeding the number of sections of this strand. With all the data, they
will know what are the methods and procedures in order for them to counsel every

student if their chosen strand really is suitable for them (students).

Teachers. This will give them the basis for planning and organizing strategies on

how to handle each classroom and the increasing population of the students. At the

same time, it may also serve as their input to improve the quality teaching and

education for students and enlighten the students about their chosen strand if it is really

their own choice or because of many factors.

Students. The result of the study can be guaranteed to the students that

choosing the right strand or track that is suitable for them can provide them a good

quality of education that is in line with their passion. In this study, students can also

have awareness if they really chose the right strand for them.

Future Researcher. The future researcher can make this study as their

reference point and can make use of the findings if they are pursuing further studies

especially in relation to these areas.



This chapter presents the related literatures of the study in the the factors

influencing the increasing population of Humanities and Social Sciences students in

Kidapawan City National High School.

When it involves selecting the proper strand for you, keep in mind to play on your

strengths. The strand you decide on are the abilities and data you’re learning are

targeted on ensuring three years thus it will be wise really like what you act yourself

into. Getting second opinion or more opinions can help too. Requesting multiple

opinions will solely offer you a perspective on the choice you are near to build. The sole

though is knowing who to elicit opinions. Whereas having a lot of opinions offer you a lot

of choices to think about, relevant and valuable opinions solely comeback from those

who pay heaps of your time with you and who truly care regarding you.

Launching of K-12

The Republic of the Philippines has launched a new education system which is

the K-12 program. This program was signed by the former president, Benigno Aquino III

under the Republic Act 10533 last May 15, 2013. This program covers kindergarten plus

twelve years of basic education. The government sees a K-12 system as very important

for guaranteeing that every Filipino are equipped with the essential skills needed to play

a full and productive role in society (Patrinos & Al-Samarrai, 2016). The K-12 is a

moderately new program here in the Philippines in the event that you contrast it and our
neighboring nations. For understudies to move into school or the college level, they

should experience junior (grade 7-10) and senior (grade 11-12) secondary school level

so as to be given a certificate. A certification is given during junior level however

finishing senior high level certifies and validates that a student is qualified for college

(Topnotcher, 2019).

Humanities and Social Sciences

The Humanities and Social Sciences strand is meant for those that marvel what

is on the opposite aspect of the wall (Edukasyon PH, n.d.). Recolectos (2016) also

added that this strand covers a wide range of discipliry that delve into the investigation,

discovery, and inquiry of the human conditions that utilizes empirical, analytical, and

critical methods of studying human behavior and societal issues and change. This can

be for those that will take up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and

different social science-related courses.

Factors Influencing the Students to Enroll at Humanities and Social Sciences


Personal Choice

Some of the students would rely on their personal choice when it comes to

deciding what strand they will enroll when they go to senior high (Miyeon, 2009).

Students who agree within themselves have extra confidence and are more likely to

head for what they need rather than settling for something that is comfortable.

According to the research of Porter and Umbach (2006), students who have an

investigative personality are more likely to major in technological know-how fields.

Students who are very social human beings are much more likely to principal within the

social sciences.

Family Factor

Most of the time, parents play a large role and also have a big impact on a

student’s life (Wildman & Torres, 2002). A student’s environment can greatly influence

their choice of career especially their parents as immediate family who plays a vital role

in choosing the right path for their education (Pafili & Manilis, 2011). In having

professional choices throughout your career, family obligations can subtly of dramtically

affect it (McQuerrey, 2019).

Teacher Factor

Your faculty and staff should be the primary connection that a family makes with

your school. The educators will be the ones to reach and mentor student. When they

deliver a high quality education experience and personally connect with the students in

a positive way, this experience will impact enrollment.

Peer Influence

Family and friends are considered to be an influential part of students’ choice of

major. Peer and friends are necessary side of socialization method and their influence

and pressure has also received wide acknowledgement in shaping and molding the

course of a private life. Additionally, as field data that explores the character, level and

extent of peer and friends influence in career decision making of what career really they

want, and what should they choose (Naz, et. al., 2014).
NCAE Results

In the Philippines, high school students take the National Career Assessment

Examination or NCAE that determine in which career fields they fit or in which they have

more strengths (Ross, 2017). It is inclination test designed for giving data through test

results to self-evaluation, profession mindfulness and vocation direction of middle

school understudies of the K-12 Basic Education Program (Llego, 2019).

Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods utilized by the researchers in gathering data.

This chapter represents the research design, research locale, research respondents,

and data gathering procedure. In this chapter, the researchers used those sets of

methods, rules, and ideas in acquiring significant results in this study.

Research Design

The study used the descriptive correlational research design in showing the

relationship between the peer factor, teacher factor, and family factor to the increasing

population of students in Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Kidapawan City National High School, specifically at

the Senior High School building. The school is situated at Roxas Street, Kidapawan


Research Respondents

The respondents of the study were the Humanities and Social Sciences students

of Kidapawan City National High School, specifically the grade twelve (12) students

starting from section A to section L.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used questionnaires in gathering data and undertook the

following procedures: a.) Submitted a letter to the teachers asking permission to

conduct the study noted by the research teacher; b.) Distribute the survey questionnaire

to the respondents identified; collect and record the data gathered and; c.) Analyze and

present the results of the data.



Table 1.1 Sex Distributions of the Respondents


Male 84 50%
Female 84 50%
TOTAL 168 100%

Table 1.1 shows that there are 48 male and female respondents with each having a

percentage of 50%.

Table 1.2 Home Addresses of the Respondents


Poblacion 77 45.83%
Singao 12 7.14%
Makilala 8 4.76%
Ilomavis 7 4.17%
Magpet 6 3.57%
Paco 5 2.98%
Sudapin 5 2.98%
Balindog 5 2.98%
Magsaysay 4 2.38%
New Bohol 4 2.38%
Nuangan 4 2.38%
Manongol 4 2.38%
Amas 2 1.19%
Birada 2 1.19%
Gayola 2 1.19%
Amazion 2 1.19%
Ilomavis 2 1.19%
Sumbac 2 1.19%
Sibawan 1 0.60%
President Roxas 1 0.60%
Mateo 1 0.60%
Binoligan 1 0.60%
Kalasuyan 1 0.60%
Macebolig 1 0.60%
Tulunan 1 0.60%
Junction 1 0.60%
Matalam 1 0.60%
San Isidro 1 0.60%
New Bulatukan 1 0.60%
San Roque 1 0.60%
Perez 1 0.60%
TOTAL 168 100%

Table 1.2 shows that most of the respondents are from barangay Poblacion with a

frequency of 77 and a percentage of 45.83%. While there are 12 respondents residing

in barangay Singao with a percentage of 7.14%; 8 in Makilala with a percentage of

4.76%; 7 in barangay Ilomavis with a percentage of 4.17%; 6 in Magpet with a

percentage of 3.57%; 5 in barangay Paco, Sudapin, and Balindog with each having a

percentage of 2.98%; 4 in barangay Magsaysay, New Bohol, Nuangan, and Manongol

with each having a percentage of 2.38%; 2 in barangay Amas, Birada, Gayola,

Amazion, Ilomavis,and Sumbac with each having a percentage of 1.19%; and the

number of respondents are from Barangay Sibawan, Pres.Roxas, Mateo, Binolligan,

Kalasuyan, Macebolig, Tulunan, Junction, Matalam, San Isidro, New Bulatukan, and

San Roque with each having a percentage of 0.60% and a frequency of 1.

Table 1.3 NCAE Results


HuMSS 142 84.52%
TVL 9 5.36%
ABM 8 4.76%
STEM 8 4.76%
GAS 1 0.60%
TOTAL 168 100%

Table 1.3 shows that most of the respondent’s NCAE results are HuMSS strand with a

frequency of 142 and a percentage of 84.53%. There are 9 with a result of TVL with a

percentage of 5.36% and there are 8 respondents who have ABM and STEM results

with a percentage of 4.76% each. While there is only 1 with a GAS result with a

percentage of 0.60%

Table 1.4 STEM Qualifying Exam


Takers 0 0
Passers 2 1.19%
Non-Passers 2 1.19%
Non-Takers 164 97.62%
TOTAL 168 100%

Table 1.4 shows that there are 4 respondents who took the STEM Qualifying Exam. 2 of

them passed while 2 did not with each having a percentage of 1.19%. While there are

164 respondents that are non-takers with a percentage of 97.62%.


5-Highly Agree 4- Agree 3- Maybe 2- Disagree 1- Highly Disagree

Table 2.1 Peer Factor


1. I am influenced by my 2.27 Disagree
friends to enrol in HUMSS
2. Most of my friends are in 3.03 Maybe
HUMSS strand.
3. My friends and I already 2.64 Disagree
planned to enrol in HUMSS
4. My friends and I just 2.64 Disagree
want to enrol in HUMSS
5. My friends convinced me 2.48 Disagree
to take the HUMSS strand.

Table 2.1 shows that respondents mostly disagree on the statements. Respondents

disagree with statements 1 with a weighted mean of 2.27; statements 3 and 4 with a

weighted mean of 2.64; and statement 5 with a weighted mean of 2.48. While only in

statement 2 that respondents answered maybe with a weighted mean of 3.03.

Table 2.2 Teacher Factor


1. Teachers in HUMSS 4.07 Agree
strand have higher
educational attainment.
2. HUMSS teachers are 4 Agree
more hands-on.
3. HUMSS teachers are 4.13 Agree
more dedicated.
4. HUMSS teachers’ 4.05 Agree
degree are aligned to the
subject they teach.
5. HUMSS teachers have 4.37 Agree
passion in teaching.

Table 2.2 shows that all of the respondents agree on all of the statements with

statement 1 having a weighted mean of 4.07; statement 2 having a weighted mean of 4;

statement 3 having a weighted mean of 4.13; statement 4 having a weighted mean of

4.05; and statement 5 having a weighted mean of 4.37.

Table 2.3 Family Factor


1. My parents convinced 2.07 Disagree
me to enroll in HUMSS
2. My parents’ profession 2.37 Disagree
are related to HUMSS
3. My parents make the 1.99 Strongly Disagree
decisions for me.
4. Most of the members of 2.39 Disagree
my family or relatives’
profession are aligned to
HUMSS strand.
5. My siblings also took the 1.90 Strongly Disagree
HUMSS strand.

Table 2.3 shows that all of the respondents disagree or strongly disagree of the

statements with statement 1 a weighted mean of 2.07; statement 2 a weighted mean of

2.37’ statement 3 a weighted mean of 1.99 which shows strongly disagree’ statement 4

a weighted mean of 2.39; and statement 5 a weighted mean of 1.90 which also shows

strongly disagree.

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