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Conveying & Transportation

A Fundamental Approach to
Belt Feeder Loads
How to assess loads on Feeders, (practically)
Numerous attempts have been made to describe the process of feeding but quite often
they only cover certain products and hopper construction. Following you will find a more
general approach to this field of problems.


F eeders are widely used for metering

Pictures: © Lyn Bates, Ajax Equipment

bulk solids and discharging the con-
tents of hoppers and silos. At the small-
er scale power requirements may not be
economically significant, but for larger units
they become very important, as underass-
essment can have expensive consequences.
It can also be difficult to determine what
power is actually necessary, on which to al-
low a safety factor, so possible gross over-
assessments incur excess capital costs and
long term inefficiencies. The topic has com-
manded considerable interest in recent
years [1-7], but the subject is complex and
general conclusions and formula have been
derived from results and may only by valid
in similar circumstances to the experimen-
tal conditions. A more accurate method of
predicting feeder loads is clearly needed,
(3), but there is also considered to be a
complementary need for an understanding
of the factors that influence the load and of
good practice design features that minimise
their value. Investigations with equipment
that does not exploit the mechanics of the Fig. 1: Typical installation utilising a belt feeder
prevailing stress system will not yield opti-
mum results.
The first task in an investigation is to de-
fine the conditions of interest. In the case of start and re-start conditions by both design 3. Re-start with full bin.
feeder loads the main objective is usually to and operating practice. Also, as running pe- 4. Continuous running with full bin. (In prac­
determine the maximum extraction force riods normally occupies most of the oper- tice, running with lower contents tends to
that has to be provided. The worst case sce- ating time and may be a small fraction of take similar power until nearly empty).
nario is that of starting with a full bin after the starting load, steps should be taken to The geometry of the bin and feeder must
a period of time consolidation, taking into mitigate starting loads and it may be prac- then be considered. These can have differ-
account any local vibrations, input loading tical to accept a temporary drive overload ent characteristics as below: -
during filling and any time-related effects on starting, provided this is within indus- 1. Mass flow with square or round outlet.
on the product condition. However, practi- trial tolerance. 2. Mass flow with slot outlet. (Feeder must
cal steps can be taken to mitigate initial The main operating conditions of inter- have progressive extraction).
est that may apply are: - 3. Funnel flow with square or round outlet.
1. Initial start with full bin following maxi- 4. Funnel flow with slot outlet and progres-
* LYN BATES  mum static storage time. sive extraction feeder.
Ajax Equipment Limited, Bolton, BL2 2AR, U.K. 2. Initial start with full bin immediately af- 5. Funnel flow with slot outlet and local ex-
Tel. +44 1204 386723; E-Mail: ter filling. traction feeder.

14 bulk solids handling · No. 4 · 2015

The size of outlet that is required to en- extraction by a belt feeder in order to gen-
sure reliable flow from a hopper depends erate live flow along the whole length of a
on whether the flow regime generated dur- slot outlet, will present a further increase in
ing discharge is of mass flow or non-mass span that allows additional over-pressure
flow design, so the mode of flow prevailing to develop. Also, if the condition to be
will affect the size of opening, the shape of stored has a variable condition due to
the stressed arch that forms over the outlet source, process, age or time consolidation,
when flow has occurred and the degree of then the design must be based on the
support given to this arch when flow is not ‘worst’ flow conditions. When then han-
taking place. A slot outlet with Mass flow is dling the ‘easiest’ flow conditions that
recommended, at least mass flow for the would pass through a smaller opening, an
outlet section, as this offers predictable even greater over-pressure will be generat-
flow with a good compromise between ed. In practice, therefore, a hopper outlet
holding capacity and small outlet size. size is likely to be significantly larger than
The nature of the bulk material handled the critical arching span dimension.
has an important influence on the power A key concept is that material in a hop-
required by a feeder, particularly: per with outlet larger than the ‘critical arch
1. Wall friction on the hopper contact sur- span’ will collapse and flow out, as the prin-
face. (Incipient value). ciple stress in the arch exceeds the failure
2. Wall friction on the hopper contact sur- strength of the bulk material. The magni-
face. (Sustained value). tude of the excess principle stress, times
3. Bulk density in differing conditions of the principle stress ratio of the bulk solid,
compaction. produces a normal force to the surface of
4. Internal shear strength. (Incipient value). the arch that acts down onto the feeder
In specific state of compaction. when flow is not taking place.
5. Internal shear strength. (Sustained val- The force acting on the hopper outlet
ue). In specific state of compaction. may be considered to have two compo-
Note that moisture, chemical, thermal nents: -
and time effects may bear significantly on 1. The force acting down from the failing
these values, in which case historical and arch, which is partially supported by the
ambient conditions may be relevant. hopper walls in the case of a mass flow
It will be seen that combinations of the discharge pattern, or by mobilised shear
above factors results in many permuta- stress on the adjacent static material in a
tions that makes research on this topic an funnel flow regime.
extensive subject to investigate and be te- 2. The weight of the mass under the
dious and involve considerable overlapping stressed arch that is totally unsupport-
to devise a formula to suit each case. A cor- ed by the hopper walls. i.e. from the ma-
rectly designed hopper will have outlet di- terial in the space between the stressed
mensions that exceeds the ‘critical arching arch and the feeder belt.
size’ for the product in the given bin geom- The force acting from the arch is the
etry by a comfortable, but not excessive, most important as this determines the
margin that is sufficient to satisfy the re- ‘drag-out’ load on the feeder. The weight of
quired discharge rate and accommodate the mass under the arch is part of the con-
foreseeable adverse operating conditions. veying load of the equipment, combined
A hopper outlet of ‘critical arch’ dimen- with the continuing load from any exten-
sions would offer no additional load on the sion of the belt from the feeder exit.
feeder from material above the arch, but An important consideration is that, even
flow reliability would be very suspect un- if flow has not taken place, there is usually
less the ‘worst’ operating circumstances on some degree of settlement in the lower re-
which a design allowance was made was gion of the contents as the bin fills due to
very unlikely to occur. the increasing load on the prior contents.
Clearly, the amount by which the size of The degree to which settlement takes place
opening exceeds the critical arching size will be much less for hard, granular material
has a great influence on the superimposed that settle quickly to a stable structure than
loads passing through the outlet. it is for powders, which tend to land in a di-
A calculated ‘safe’ hopper opening di- lated condition and consolidate to settle to
mension for reliable flow itself is likely to a higher density as excess air escapes by per-
incorporate a degree of safety, but an ad- colating through the bed. The compacting
ditional factor is also usually applied as a load on the contents will be limited by Jans-
form of insurance and to accommodate sen effects, but any settlement will cause a
and uncertainty. The resulting dimension reaction at the bins walls as microscopic slip
must relate to the minimum size of open- takes place and develops stressed arches
ing specified, so a taper slot outlet that is across the bin walls. Through these arches
incorporated to provide an incremental are not sufficiently robust to prevent flow

bulk solids handling · No. 4 · 2015

Conveying & Transportation

Fig. 2: Belt feeder with restrictive outlet profile

taking place when the feeder allows extrac- the extra freedom of movement allowed
tion, they do offer some support for the by the dilatation, so the ‘drag-out’ resist-
material above the stressed arches when ance offered to the feeder also diminishes.
flow is not occurring. The rub is that the recognised Jenike
The arches themselves follow a network type method of measuring the initial shear
of continuous load path between contact- force to ‘drag out’ material from under a Fig. 3: Belt feeder with restricted outlet profile
ing particles and roughly adopt a catenary hopper outlet is applicable to fine powders,
shape, small deviations being possible be- but is not appropriate for coarse, firm gran-
cause contact friction between particles al- ular material, because the confining force the bin, which optimises the conveying
lows slight angular deviations of particle-to- does not reflect passive stresses that firmly profile on the belt but aggravates flow ve-
particle contact forces from straight lines of oppose an expansion of the shear plane in locity contours developed in the bin and
action. Surface tension, cohesive, tensile, totally confined conditions. For initial shear forces the development of a profiled shear
electrostatic, molecular and other inter-par- to take place the mass must dilate locally plane below the favourable transition in
ticle forces may allow other particles to stick so that particles that were overlapping in a the hopper construction.
on the underside of this arch at the outlet close-nested, settled structure can move Fig. 3 similarly shows a gate restricting
and be subjected to this stress relieving ac- past each other. This dilatation is signifi- the shear plane to a level below the in-
tion of the unstable arch, but these effects cantly for large particles. If expansion is re- clined transition of the hopper walls, al-
can normally be neglected for practical pur- sisted by confinement, passive stresses can though this does allow an even depth of
poses. be exceptionally high, in some cases requir- bed to be extracted from the hopper. By
The line of action at the toes of the arch is ing failure of the particles to allow shear to contrast, the outlet in Fig. 4 implies ex-
dictated by the slope of the hopper wall take place, even though the material in a traction by a bed of uniform depth, but
and angle of wall friction in the case of mass loose condition may be very free-flowing, the only concession to incremental ex-
flow hoppers, or by the internal angle of as with granular sugar or salt. This condi- traction is the additional material escap-
friction of the bulk solid for a funnel flow tion may be avoided operational by ex- ing from the hopper side by repose flow.
regime. The arch shape can be closely ap- tracting a tiny amount of material at an Detail design matters hugely and is not
proximated by a parabola, allowing simple early stage of initial loading to develop a a task for amateurs. Many project engi-
calculations to establish the height of the shear plane in lightly stressed conditions neers consider detail design is the respon-
arch and the mass of material between the and retaining a small heel of material be- sibility of draughtsmen, who pay close at-
stressed arch and the feeder that is solely fore re-filling. It also may be avoided by tention to engineering aspects but are not
borne by the feeder. Added to this down- providing a local region of voidage into specialists in powder technology.
ward value acting on the feeder is the force which the shear plane expansion may Subject to the proviso that wall friction
acting through the stressed arch in either move, by way of inserts in the hopper out- has been mobilised, the approach below
the static or discharge condition. Stresses in let or offsetting the outlet to remove the may be used to assess starting and re-
the static arch can be calculated by the compacting stresses on the shear plane or starting forces. The force required to ex-
method used to establish the ‘critical arch- providing a local void region. tract product through a flowing bed is
ing size’. It follows that spans exceeding this A second practical point is that the de- lower than the force needed to initiate
size are not capable of bearing the compres- velopment of the shear plane between the discharge because mass dilated by a flow-
sive stress applied and that, to prevent fail- gravity flow of the hopper contents and ing condition is easier to shear; the higher
ure, the arch must be supported by a force the translationary motion of material on the rate of flow, the lower the transverse
equivalent to the value by which the princi- the feeder belt is highly sensitive to the shear strength.
ple stress in the arch exceeds the compres- exit geometry from the hopper. For exam- It may be difficult to assess the shear
sive failure stress, multiplied by the princi- ple, Fig. 2 showing a specific arrangement strength of a bulk material in dynamic
ple stress ratio of the bulk material. illustrates an increasing taper connection flow condition because of its sensitivity to
Once flow has started the material di- from a ‘V’ shaped hopper, which would flow rate, but any feeder capable of initiat-
lates to a weaker bulk state and lower den- usefully generate an expansion of the ing flow can sustain discharge continu-
sity. Pressures decrease towards the out- shear plane, but then restrains the outlet ously.
let, by an amount depending on the de- by a profiled cut-out that prevents this Rise at hopper exit to lower inclined
gree of flow restraint offered by the rate at shear plane continuing though the end edges of hopper walls = R
which the feeder extracts material. How- outlet. It also permits the highest rate of Width of hopper outlet at start = W
ever, the shear value also decreases due to extraction to be taken from the centre of Width of hopper outlet at exit Wexit

16 bulk solids handling · No. 4 · 2015

Conveying & Transportation

arch. So area A under stressed arch at hop- costs. (Construction, maintenance and
per outlet power).
The shear stress generated by a feeder
extracting material from the hopper
outlet is dependent on the normal pres-
Hence weight of unsupported load un- sure acting, but is also sensitive to
der stressed arch whether the failure plane has been previ-
ously sheared. This feature greatly em-
phasises the benefits of initiating dis-
charge under conditions of light normal
Where ξ = bulk density stress at an early stage of initial filling of
Fig. 4: Belt feeder with parallel outlet Load acting from material in clearance the hopper. Very limited belt travel is
space needed to develop a shear plane. In most
cases this can be accomplished before
extracted material reaches the end drum
Repose from side skirts of an empty belt.
Average width of hopper outlet wav The maximum transfer capacity that
can be handled with a flat belt is a triangu-
lar cross section with a slope at the angle
The overpressure from the stressed arch Op Hence the total conveying load on feeder = of repose, θ, of the material, so the width
and height of the sides of the exit and the
product repose angle determines the belt
Hence Drag-out force Fdo width required. For a firm, granular prod-
uct that is likely to be free flowing, the
hopper outlet width should be small in
(The value of (∫p - ∫f) at the hopper outlet relation to the height, to secure the largest
is taken for a factor of safety). slope possible for the shear plane to ex-
Where ∫p = principle stress in arch To minimise the feeder load, the width pand along the hopper length.
∫f = failure stress of the bulk mate- of the exit from the hopper should be The hopper outlet width is likely to be
rial based on the critical arching span of the dictated by the span necessary to avoid
Pr = principle stress ratio bulk material, with a suitable safety factor the formation of a structural arch of large
L = length of hopper outlet and allowance for the increased span in- granular materials, whereas a wide span
Considering the conveying load of ma- corporated over the hopper outlet length needed for a cohesive product may have
terial under the stressed arch, for practical to secure progressive extraction. lower heights because the expansion
purposes a catenary arch can be consid- Reason why outlets are larger than criti- along the shear plane is less for fine prod-
ered as a parabola, which has the general cal span should be critically examined. ucts and a shallower shear plane may be
form of ƒƒ Predictive theories are undoubtedly utilised.
conservative. An interface construction on these lines
ƒƒ To accommodate exceptional condi- is shown above with the shape of the exit
or, in this case, the maximum height of tions that may arise rarely, if ever. from the hopper aligning with the stressed
arch, H ƒƒ To provide margin to guarantee flow. arch and repose conditions on the bulk
ƒƒ To guarantee the flow rate required. material. There will be a slight collapse of
ƒƒ To secure progressive extraction from the arch shape at exit as the inclination at
The slope at any point slot outlets. the base of the stressed arch will almost
ƒƒ Accommodate possible change or un- certainly be steeper than the repose con-
certainty of product condition. dition of the bulk.
ƒƒ Provide extra storage capacity. Recommended features to minimise
Hence ƒƒ Save storage headroom. belt feeder loads.
ƒƒ Poor design confidence. ƒƒ Ensure that the minimum width of the
The feeder must accommodate both hopper outlet exceeds the critical arch-
initial start-up and running loads. The ing dimension for the ‘worst’ conditions
where α = angle of hopper wall from ver- forces required to initiate discharge can be that must be accommodated, but not
tical many times that to sustain running, but by a wide margin. (A vibrator may over-
f = angle of wall friction they only occur for a short time, are usu- come “Worst’ flow conditions).
w = half the width of the hopper ally infrequent and, most importantly. It is ƒƒ Ensure the hopper outlet length is at
outlet, W. therefore good practice to take steps to least three times its width, to secure the
Note that the minimum hopper outlet mitigate these. By contrast, running loads full flow benefits of a slot outlet, but
width, W, is generally greater than continue through the total operating life not much longer, to maximise the incli-
1.1 . ‘critical span’ for flow reliability. of the equipment and determine the es- nation of the shear plane.
sential energy consumption. This paper ƒƒ End the inclined hopper walls with an
therefore concentrates on the dynamic increasing clearance to the belt along
condition of operation and means to re- the line of travel to create a stressed
Area, A, under a parabola = 2/3 . W . H, duce starting loads. Excess feeder loads arch that can diverge in failure as mate-
where H = height of centre of stressed increases both capital and operating rial moves along the belt.

bulk solids handling · No. 4 · 2015 17

Conveying & Transportation

Fig. 5: Optimised belt feeder interface

ƒƒ Make the exit opening match the cial design arrangements for initiating the metric geometries; BCURA Project
stressed arch (in the shape of a parabo- discharge of either hard, granular bulk ma- B54. 2005.
la, with the ends at the bottom of the terials to avoid unacceptable load condi- [4] Holmes, Corin, et al.: Start-up and
hopper ‘V’ walls inclined at (α + f) to tions or cohesive material that would oth- Running Loads Exerted by Bulk Solid
the vertical). erwise demand an unacceptably wide span Materials on Extractive Belt Feeders:
ƒƒ Allow material to discharge by repose when handling such products. Brute force is Experimental findings compared
flow from the inclined side clearance to a very poor solution. Project engineers tend with available models; 10th ICBMH.
encourage slip on the hopper walls. to consider detail equipment design to be Brisbane. 2009
ƒƒ Base the overpressure on the ‘easiest’ the responsibility of the draughtsman, who [5] Allen, Leo: Belt feeder head load in-
flow material and stresses acting on the pays attention to engineering aspects, but is vestigation; CEEP Seminar, 2013
widest part of the hopper outlet. not a specialist in powder technology. The [6] Jie, Guo: Investigation of arching be-
ƒƒ On initial fill, run the feeder for about half interface between hoppers and feeders haviour under surcharge pressure in
the length of the outlet when the level of merits close attention as it is a major factor mass flow bins and stress states at
material covers the outlet to a depth of in capital and running costs. n hopper/feeder interface; Thesis, Uni-
about three times its width, to develop a versity of Wollongong 2014.
shear plane in lightly stressed conditions. References [7] Ariza-Zafra, Karol: Improving per-
ƒƒ Leave a ‘heel’ of material in the hopper, [1] Roberts, Alan: Design and applica- formance of discharge equipment for
to allow re-start under developed stress tion of feeders for the controlled coals with poor handling characteris-
conditions. (If not practical, consider re- loading of bulk solids onto conveyor tics; Thesis, The Wolfson Centre 2015.
tractable rods that are inserted in emp- belts; University of Newcastle. [8] Bates, Lyn: The blockage of a hopper
ty conditions and retracted for restart [2] Moore, Brian: Flow properties and outlet or other flow channel by
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This review highlights the great benefits bins; Thesis, University of Wollon- [9] McGee, Eddie and Lyn Bates: Design
of generating ‘live flow’ over the total hop- gong 1998. Considerations for Loads on Feeders;
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detail for the feeder interface, making spe- sity in coal bunkers with non-sym- many, October 11-12, 2012

18 bulk solids handling · No. 4 · 2015

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