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The IA-system

For a safe and effective workplace!

Get started with IA

Last updated January 15, 2019

Follow these steps when setting up IA for the first time. Later on you will mostly use the tabs
Organization and Users (step 3 and 6 in these guidelines). If you do not wish to use the Risk
management function, you can skip step 7.

The manual about IA is found in the information portal, which you reach by clicking on
• Go to and log in to IA with your username and your password

• Click on Admin, to go to the settings section

More information about IA

In the Information portal you can find the manual, guides, films, and other documents about IA

• Open the information portal in one of the following ways:

o Click on the icon I in the upper right corner on

a page to see all documents that you are authorized
to read
o Open the information portal directly from certain
functions, e.g. the Action plan, by clicking on
and see all documents related to that function
• The information portal opens in a separate window
• The document you view is displayed inside this window
and you can browse it
• To search in the document, hold down the Ctrl key and
press F to open a search field in the document
• Click on the title of a document to view it in a separate
• In some cases you can download the original file
• To search for a document, enter a search tag in the
search field and click on the magnifying glass (IA
searches through document titles, descriptions and
search tags)
• AFA Insurance, the local administrator in your company
and other companies that use IA can add documents to
the information portal
Step 1 – Occurrence settings

Click on Occurrence settings in the list below

the Admin tab. Here you decide what you want
to use IA for and how you want to use it, by
choosing occurrence types, fields and other
• Select the checkboxes next to the
occurrence types you want to use
• Set for each occurrence type how the
responsibility for occurrences is distributed:
The responsibility can either be given to
the manager for the occurrence unit (the
place) or the manager for the employment
unit (the reporting or injured persons boss)
• Select if you want to use the inquiry
module (with or without cause analysis or
barrier analysis), the action module and
risk assessment for your occurrence types
• Decide whether your OHS representatives should follow up occurrences. This means that occurrences will not attain
the status Completed before both the occurrence manager and the OHS representative have followed them up. This
applies to all risk observation, near miss, accident and work-related illness type occurrences.
• There is a possibility for companies that belong to multinational groups of companies to classify accidents with sick
leave as Lost Time Injury (LTI). LTI is available for the following branches-of-industry: BIA, GRIA, IKEMIA, LIA, PIA,
Step 1 – Occurrence settings (cont.)

Continue on the Occurrence settings tab and

administrate the risk assessment model.
• Select whether you want to use the basic or
advanced model for occurrences.
• If you selected the basic model, you can
change the captions for risk.
• If you selected the advanced model, you can
change the captions for probability and

Step 1 – Occurrence settings (cont.)

Continue on the Occurrence settings tab and

decide which fields are shown when an employee
reports an occurrence using the reporting account,
and which fields are mandatory.
• In the Fields displayed for reporting account
panel, move a field from the left to the right
hand side to make it available for the reporting
account and decide if the employees should fill
in less or more fields:
o More fields mean that you get a lot of
information about the occurrence. However, it may seem time-consuming to employees and discourage them
from reporting occurrences.
o Less fields mean that the occurrence manager has to add more information.
• If the employee should be informed about the handling of his/her occurrence, it is important that you choose the field
E-mail in the panel Fields displayed for reporting account
• In the Compulsory fields panel, move a field from the left to the right hand side to make it mandatory for all users

Note: The fields Occurrence Date, Occurrence Unit, Occurrence Type and Employment unit are always

Step 1 – Occurrence settings (cont.)
On the Occurrence settings tab you also have the
possibility to create user-defined fields to meet your
company’s specific needs. These fields are only
visible for users in your own company.
• To create a user-defined field, enter Field title,
Field type, Place within panel as well as for
which occurrence types the field should be
displayed and click on Create
• You can also decide whether the field should be
available for the reporting account and whether it
should be compulsory
• If you have several fields within the same panel,
you can change their relative position, by clicking
on the blue arrow in front of the field titles.

You can choose between the following field types:

- Text field is a text entry field for a maximum of 50 characters.
- Text box is a larger text entry field for a maximum of 2000 characters.
- Drop-down list allows the user to choose from pre-defined values. When you choose this field type you will get the
possibility to define the values.
- Multiple choice list allows the user to select several alternatives from a list of pre-defined values. When you choose
this field type you will get the possibility to define the values.
- Information box is a box with information that is displayed for the user.

Step 1 – Occurrence settings (cont.)

Furthermore, you have the possibility to create links

to claim application forms outside IA on the
Occurrence settings tab, in the Claims panel.
Swedish companies can also administer e-claims on
the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkrings-
kassan) here.
• To create a user-defined link, click on New link
and enter Claim on, Link, Link type as well as
for which occurrence types the link should be
displayed, then click on Save

Note: Check that the link starts with http:// or


• User-defined links are only visible for users in

your own company

Step 2 – Lists
Click on Lists in the list below Admin tab. Here you
choose which entries out of the branch-of-industry-
specific lists you want to use in your company.
• Decide which list entries you want to use by moving
them from the left to the right hand side.
• You have to select entries for all the lists from
Occupation to Object involved as well as
Medically treated, since they are included in all
working environment type occurrences.
• For the lists
o Type of divergence - Environment,
o Type of divergence - Property/Security,
o Type of divergence - Quality,
o Type of divergence – Other divergence and
o Observation type
you only have to select list values if you use the
occurrence types that they belong to.
• For the lists Barrier and Cause you only have to
select list values if you selected cause and barrier
analysis on the Occurrence settings tab.
• You can then refine the lists and select for which
units in your organization chart they should be
displayed (see step 4 in this guide)
Step 3 – Organization

Click on Organization in the list below the Admin

tab. Here you register information about your
company and build your organization chart. Here you
also have the possibility to refine the list entries that
you selected in step 2.

• Click on the company name and then go to the

Update organization information panel to enter
company information
• Enter default coordinates for your organization
using Google Maps: Click on the magnifying glass
to the right of the coordinate fields Lat (N) and
Long (O). Drag the marker to the correct position
or enter the address. Click on Use these
• For Swedish companies it is important to enter the
corporate ID number, the insurance number and
the CFAR number
• It’s possible to add your own company logotype.
This will be shown in e-mails sent from IA. If your
company logotype is to be shown in e-mails sent
from the IA-system, you can upload your logotype
at Logotype upload

Step 3 – Organization (cont.)

Continue on the Administer Organization page

and build your organization chart. It can be built in
as many levels as required, and governs which
levels you can pick users to and pull statistics for.
• Create a new unit by selecting its superior unit
and filling in New sub-unit in the Update
organization information panel
• Rename an existing unit or remove it by
selecting it in the organization chart and
updating its properties in the Update
organization information panel
• Move units by dragging and dropping them

• Decide if all units are both Occurrence and Employment units, or if some are merely occurrence units (e.g.
“Machine 1”) or merely employment units (e.g. “Shift Group 1”)

Note: If you create separate occurrence and employment units, you have to ensure that both have a
user who can become occurrence manager (see step 6 in this guide)

• You can deselect the checkbox for Active if a unit should be inactive, and the checkbox for Open for registration if
it should not be possible to register occurrences in this unit

Step 4 – Lists by unit
Continue on the Administer Organization tab and
give units a subset of the list entries you chose in
step 2. This minimizes the lists to contain only
relevant entries when a user reports an occurrence.
• Click on a unit in the organization chart and
choose the list you want to edit in the panel Lists
by unit
• Choose which list entries you want to see in the
list on the left hand side:
o All (= all entries you chose in step 1)
o Used (= entries that actually have been
used in occurrences in this unit)
o Inherited (= entries that have been
chosen in the nearest superordinate unit
that has a defined list)
• Move the list entries you want to use for the
current unit from the left to the right hand side
• For the lists Activity, Operating situation,
Location and the different Divergence types
you can select a Default value that is suggested
to the user as he/she reports an occurrence

Step 5 – Roles

Click on Roles in the list below the Admin tab. In IA

Roles mean predefined permissions. A role reflects
which functions a user has and is limited to certain
units and occurrence types.
Decide which roles you want to use:
• Important is Manager, Manager 3 or Occurrence
manager, the only roles that can become
responsible for occurrences
• Investigator and Action owner or the combined
Investigator and action owner as well as OHS
representative are useful
• Use the role Reporting account (group
account) if all employees should be able to report

Step 5 – Roles (cont.)
All roles have predefined values that you can adjust to
comply with your internal processes:
• Change the captions of the roles by adding a new
caption under the headline Description and saving
• Move the occurrence types that are to be
preselected for the role to the right hand side
• Select which main functions the role has access to
• Decide which functions users with this role should
have in an occurrence
• Decide what users with this role are able to do with
an occurrence:
o Register and edit or simply read information
o Remove and flag occurrences
• Select if users with the selected role should be able
to send claims to external parts
• For the administration roles you can select what
they are able to administrate
• Decide when users with the selected role should
get e-mails about occurrences

Step 6 – Users
Click Users in the list below the Admin tab. Here you
register users and give them one ore more roles.

• Start in the General settings panel and enter a

password that applies for all new users, you can also
enter a e-mail suffix here.

• Click on New user account after List of user accounts

(here you have to chose what kind of account you would
like to create).You have to register all persons who will
have a function in IA so that they will get personal

• Enter the user’s personal information

Note: It is important that you enter the user’s

E-mail address!
• Enter a unique username, preferably the user’s email

• If you did not enter a default password in the General settings panel you have to enter a password for this user.

• Press Save. Now the tabs Role and responsibility area, More settings, Information about the user will be seen.

• Choose at least one role for the user, and one or more units where the role is applicable

• Choose for which occurrence types the role is applicable

• Select if the user is an external and/or internal contact

Note: The role is not only applicable in the chosen units, but also in all units that are subordinated to them.
Step 6 – Users (cont.)
Continue on the Users page and press New user
account, and create the accounts that are shared by
all employees.
• Create one user with the Reporting account role
(group account)
• Enter a account name
• Enter a unique username
• If you did not enter a default password in the
General password settings panel you have to
enter a password for this user
• Press Save. Now the tabs Role and authorization,
More settings, Information about the account will
be seen.

• The Reporting account role is already selected. Choose that it applies to the top level in your organization chart
Note: The role is not only applicable in the chosen unit, but also in all of its sub-units.
• Choose for which occurrence types the role is applicable
• As soon as you have created the reporting account, a link that you can insert in your intranet is shown – by using this
link employees won’t need to log in to report occurrences to IA ( in yellow here)

Note: Replace the text ”[Please enter password]” in the link with the password you have chosen for the reporting
account. (important to remove the brackets)

• If you want to use the IA-app, please contact your local administrator
Now you have made all settings required to start
using the IA system!

If you want to use the Risk Management function too, please look at
the following slides

Risk management – Permissions
Point at Admin and click on the Roles submenu.
• Ensure that the roles that are going to use the
risk management function have the checkbox for
Risk management selected. This gives them
the possibility to read risk managements that are
planned or performed in those units where they
have their permission for occurrences.
• If they should be able to create and edit risk
managements, you have to select the checkbox
for Occurrence details in the Permissions in
occurrences panel.
• If they should be able to create and edit actions
in a risk management, you also have to select
the checkbox for Action details in the same
Point at Admin and click on the Users submenu.
• Ensure that the users that should use the Risk
management function have permission to the
Near miss type of occurrence.
• The permission for risk managements is only
valid for those units where the user has his/her
permission for occurrences.

Risk management – General settings
Click on Risk management & Templates under
the Admin tab. Start on Risk management
Settings. Here you select which risk management
types you want to use in your company and create
templates and checklists for risk management.
• Risk management types panel: Move a risk
management type from the left to the right hand
side to use it in your company
• Calendar appointment panel: Set if invitations
to risk managements are sent as calendar
appointments or regular e-mail messages
• Risk assessment panel: If you are using risk
assessment in the templates that you have
created, you can see the risk assessment
settings here.
Please remember that the settings in this panel also apply to your occurrences. If you edit the risk assessment models
here, you will also edit them in your occurrences.
There are two different risk assessment models. You select in each template which of them you want to use:
o Basic risk assessment model: lets you rate if the risk is low, moderate or high.
o Advanced risk assessment model: lets you calculate the risk by estimating the probability of an occurrence
happening again and the consequences it would have. Probability and consequence can be given values from 1
to 5. The risk value is calculated as the product of these two.

Risk management – Templates

Using a template from another company:

If you do not want to create templates from
scratch you can use templates that other
companies share out.
• Select between: All, Sector, your group,
your company or Unit.
• Under selection criteria; choose between the
different status of a template, and also what
sort of Risk management types you want to
Select a template in the list Template
• Click on the chosen template and to open it,
rename it and Save. You can now start to
. the template according to your
needs, for more information see the following
pages. (same procedure as when you create
your own template)

Risk management - Templates (cont.)
• If you have saved a template from another
company you already have a good basis and
you just have to change it according to your

• Follow the steps in the blue box to the right.

Click on the sign after each number and
you will see what area to fill in (it will be lit

• Don’t forget to save.

• If you are to create a new template, follow

the steps in the blue box to the right. Click on
the sign after each number and you will
see what area to fill in (it will be lit up).

• Don’t forget to save.


Planning a risk management
• Go to the Risk management tab and fill in
the information needed.

• Select the Participants.

• Select perhaps a Template. You can also

select the template when it is time to perform
the risk management, or perform at risk
management without a template.

• Don’t forget to Save



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