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Plume Rise Formulae

Air Pollution and Control

(Elective -I)
• Gases that are emitted from stacks are often
pushed out by fans. As the turbulent exhaust
gases exit the stack they mix with ambient air.
This mixing of ambient air into the plume is
called entrainment. As the plume entrains
air into it, the plume diameter grows as it
travels downwind. These gases have
momentum as they enter the atmosphere.
Often these gases are heated and are warmer
than the outdoor air. In these cases the emitted
gases are less dense than the outside air and
are therefore buoyant. Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET
• A combination of the gases' momentum and
buoyancy causes the gases to rise. This is
referred to as plume rise and allows air
pollutants emitted in this gas stream to be
lofted higher in the atmosphere. Since the
plume is higher in the atmosphere and at a
further distance from the ground, the plume
will disperse more before it reaches ground

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 3

Plume Rise

hs= Physical Stack height
H= Effective stack height

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 4

Buoyancy =Plume rise


5 Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET

1. IS formula

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 6

2. Modified Carson and
Moses formula
h  a.[(Vs .d ) / u ]  b.[(Qh ) / u ]
Stability a b
Unstable 3.47 5.15
Neutral 0.35 2.64
Stable -1.04
Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 2.24 7
Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 8
3. Holland’s Formula

Ts= Stack gas temperature in 0 K

Ta =Ambient air temperature in 0 K
Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 9
4. Concave formula
1/ 2 3/ 4
h  2.71[Q h /u ]
It is modified by Thomas
0.444 0.694
h  4.71[Q /u ]

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 10

5. Brigg’s formula
h  114.C.( F ) /u
g .Vs .d .(Ts  Ta )
  
C  1.58  41.4  
 z 
Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 11
• F= Flux (m4/Sec3)
• G= gravitational acceleration.
•    = potential temperature gradient
 z 
(Similar to dT/dZ)

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 12

6. Davidson and Bryant
1 .4
Vs   T 
h  d .  . 1  
 u   Ts 

Ts-Ta= T

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 13

Objective Questions
1. Plume rise is measures from top of the stack and
is measured up to
2. Stack gas temperature is ___________ than the
surrounding air.
3. IS: _______ suggested plume rise formula based
on Brigg’s equation.
4. Values of coefficients a and b in case of modified
Carson and Moses equation for unstable stability
class are ____ and ____ respectively. (Similar
questions for other two stability
Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET
categories.) 14
5. Plume rise is due to _________________ and
6. Effective stack height =
7. True or False?
Plume rise (Δh) is the height that pollutants rise
above a stack and is measured from the top of
the stack to the upper edge of the plume.

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 15

Theory Questions
Q1. Explain what is ‘Plume rise’. Give any three
formulae for the same.
Q2. Give IS formula for plume rise.

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 16

Go to Problems

Prof S S Jahagirdar, NKOCET 17

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