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Salesmen of the secret \Norld

Last week, the Labour Party launched a long-overdue campaign to get Britain's B. Pemberton, who lives at Stoke by Nayland,
proliferating 'security services' back under public control. The enterprise is still an near Colchester. He does not possess intelli-
infant one, compared even to what has been achieved in the US (see page 273). But the gence connections: he is an ex-Guards officer,
chief problem it faces is to identify the boundaries of the security state - to show where said to have excellent banking connections.
official lawbreaking ends, and purely private thuggery begins. We have already shown The company's name, at least, traces back
to two ancestor concerns. During the late
that the official agencies enjoy enormous powers of snooping and surveillance - the
1960s, Diversified Business Intelligence, a
fruits of which they are prepared to use in viciously irresponsible campaigns against partnership between ex-MI6 men and private
anyone whose politics they either disapprove of, or simply misunderstand. But the detectives, operated from St James's. Two
official agencies are surrounded by a penumbra of private enterprises, some of which important figures were John Farmer and his
are self-enrichment schemes by ex-officers, and some of which are cover for 'sensitive' son-in-law John Richard Pilkington, both
official missions - and some of which are a little of each. So comprehensively blurred are with substantial MI6 experience.
the lines of responsibility that it is impossible to say who makes British policy in the Farmer moved to America, and set up
matter of - say - selling interrogation techniques to an African dictatorship, or the Diversified Corporate Services (Inter-
matter of which side receives support in a Middle Eastern rebellion. DUNCAN national) Inc, with the aid of several ex-CIA
CAMPBELL, continuing his anatomy of the security state, shows how 'bugging' and people. In October 1970 Diversified Cor-
'black bag' experts move in and out of private enterprise - and reveals yet another porate Services Ltd was registered in the UK,
government bugging centre. . with offices at Orchard House, Great Smith
Street, SW1. (Sanctuary Buildings; the same
block, is used by various Foreign Office
THE FICTIONS of Le Carre and Deighton operational reports, once completed, would departments.) The company's articles
have made everyone familiar with the idea of be 'handed directly on to MI5 or MI6'. specified its purposes as being
'front' companies staffed by intelligence Company registration documents give some
agents: this familiarity, perhaps, has blinded details of the people who held shares in, or ... general defensive security agents, consultants
people to the dangers involved. The factual were employed by, DCS during the '70s. The and advisers ... (providing) all kinds of advice in
history of Diversified Corporate Services Ltd personnel came almost entirely from MI6, the regard to security, and to sell equipment in con-
provides a much-needed corrective. nection with defensive security ...
Intelligence Corps, or from other secret
DCS, whose personnel list over the years departments: and in this area of government 'Defensive', in such contexts, often means just
reads like a Who's Who of the secret world, service at least the much-touted aim of free the opposite, and those who joined Colonel
had its beginnings just after 1970, when the interchange between public and private sec- Pemberton were usually more conspicuous for
security men - with Labour out of the way - tors was readily achieved. One ex-army their 'offensive' intelligence credentials. His
could look forward to a more free booting officer who joined DCS in the mid-'70s first eo-director was John Pilkington, describ-
future. The company always had some moved on to work for MI6. And we were told ing himself as a 'security consultant', and in
straight-forward commercial-security busi- of another ex-Intelligence Corps officer who May 1972 another long-term MI6 officer
ness, but until 1977 , or thereabouts, DCS also in 1976 worked half-time for DCS and half- named Roy Astley-Richards joined, described
provided two kinds of facilities to the secret time for the Cabinet Office - presumably the as a 'special consultant'.
world. First, using a team of specialists in Joint Intelligence Staff - leaving DCS when Reputedly, Astley-Richards' secret career
surveillance, 'surreptitious entry', bugging, his Cabinet Office job became full-time. We began with a spell as bodyguard to Winston
tapping, debugging and so on, they provided put this to the officer concerned, Colonel Churchill. He left DCS in 1977. Pilkington
training for intelligence agencies of other gov- Peter Goss. He does not deny it. left earlier in 1973, to set up 'International
ernments which HMG was anxious to assist, Secretly, but by behest of the British Gov- Co-Ordinated Services SA' in Rome. This,
but only at 'arm's length'. Second, DCS em- ernment, DCS trained intelligence agents for according to' our sources, was intended to be
ployees were able to 'freelance' for the Secret Oman, Nigeria and other countries. Secret the 'Italian end' of DCS, and training of
Service (MI6) carrying out overseas oper- missions were carried out in Oman, Iran, Omani agents was moved to Rome for geo-
ations too hot for official involvement. Sudan and elsewhere in Africa and the Middle graphical convenience. Pilkington agreed this
Our sources for the tale of DCS include East. Training schools were set up in Enfield week that he was in 'government security'
three intelligence officials (one still active), and in Wandsworth: these were intended to work until 1969, when he joined first Diver-
with direct knowledge of the company's be secret, but, as will appear, they did not sified Business Intelligence and then DCS.
activities. They recognise that it was an always manage to be. Overtly, DCS under- But he claimed that his Italian company had
'unusual' way for MI6 to work - though the took security work for merchant bankers like never supplied anything other than 'construc-
word in this context seems to be a euphemism Barings and Hill Samuel. tion services' to the Middle East.
for 'irregular', rather than an index of rarity.
DCS was 'never hired directly', we were told, THE PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR of DCS since 'SAFE HOUSE' at Enfield provided one of
'but always through a cut-out'. However, its foundation in 1970 has been Colonel Alan the bases for DCS training operations: this,

Colonel Alan B. Pemberton, the boss of DCS, demonstrates his electronic 'debugging' equipment to the
Observer newspaper in 1973. His 'going public' created a rumpus among the secret agencies who had
arranged intelligence and security business for DCS.
too, was arranged by Astley-Richards, who urity locks and safes, and secret code equip- hired on his behalf a sweeping team from
according to a former colleague was ment developed by a former employee of DCS. It is hard not to wonder about the value
brilliant at arranging safe houses ... he would fix GCHQ, the government 'eavesdropping' of assistance from firms so closely associated
up the cover, get it decorated ... arrange house- centre at Cheltenham. ' with the secret services themselves. .
keeping at a discreet distance. He also arranged On Donne's death Mace had become man-
for the trainees to be accommodated at hotels aging director, and included the Libyan gov- SENIOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS also
which didn't ask awkward questions. ernment of Colonel Quadhafi among his flitted in and out of the DCS business. Pem-
One of the training activities was to practise clients. According to some sources, the berton himself mentioned two of them in an
'surreptitious entry' at the Enfield house, Libyans approached Mace while he was still interview with the Observer business section
removing supposed 'secret documents'. Dur- working for DCS in 'official' private enter- in May 1973 (when he was modestly eager to
ing 1973, one such operation came grievously prise. Just how 'privately' Donne Holdings publicise anti-bug capacity). They were John
unstuck - commencing the company's fall was trading in publicly financed dirty-trickery . O'Connor OBE, formerly of the Home Office
from official grace - when two black trainees is not clear: in 1976 Mace's visiting card still 'Communications Division', and Major-
were. observed by neighbours, entering the claimed that Donne were approved as 'sup- General Sir John Anderson, who retired as
house less covertly then was desirable. The pliers to HM Government'. Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff for Sig-
local police were called, and imprisoned the nals in May 1972. Between 1974 and 1976
unhappy pair, who were only released after the JOHNNY JOHNSTONE, another early DCS Anderson was a director of DCS, after which
intervention of a senior Special Branch instructor, was originally a technical specialist he went to Brussels as Director of NATO's
officer. with the Foreign Office's Department of Integrated Communications System Man-
It was in this period, we were told, that DCS Communications. Although this has been agement Agency (NICSMA). 1976 was also
clients included secret agents from Nigeria, concerned (under various names) with legiti- the year in which Colonel Goss passed briefly
Oman, Ghana, and Sudan. Overseas oper- mate communications questions, it also deals through DCS en route to full-time work in the
ationswere carried out on behalf of MI6, and with bugging and other covert operations. Cabinet Office. (Goss said this week that he
although our sources are sensitive about Johnstone was unluckily caught in the back- 'wasn't prepared to discuss any government or
details, it is acknowledged that there were lash of a British attempt to bug the US mission military service'.)
operations in 'friendly' countries as well. in Berlin during the early Sixties. He retired All this suggests that 1976-77 marks the
As the Enfield debacle was not unique, the early, but according to one MI6 source, con- time when DCS was reduced to being a pri-
value of DCS to the Secret Service began to tinued acting as a 'cut-out' for 12 years there- vate concern of Colonel Pemberton's. The
wane. Nonetheless, another 'safe house' was after, making untraceable purchases of bugs shares which Goss and Anderson had owned
acquired, apparently in 1974, at 75 Boling- and other equipment for government clients. were transferred to Pemberton's two. sons.
broke Grove SWll,c1ose to Wandsworth By 1966 he was running a security company But some training contracts seem to have
Common. According to the present residents, named Industrial Security CIA (for -been retained, together with arrangements to
DCS moved out in 1978. A private detective 'Counter-Intelligence Agency'), speaking handle scrambling equipment made by a Swiss
who investigated DCS during the 1974-78 quite publicly of his 'anti-bug' and general company called Gretag. Today, apart from
period told us how he observed rather con- security skills. He helped set up Diversified confirming that DSC is still operative, Col-
spicious squads of security trainees from Business Intelligence, and then joined DCS in onel Pemberton has little to say.
Africa and the Middle East doing physical 1970. He continued to buy bugs for official People like myself in this sort of business should
training in the middle of the Common. use or trial, though demarcation lines were be able to treat their affairs as confidential. I
Exercising its rights as a closed company, understandably hairy. One witness recalls don't like these inquiries at all.
DCS filed no turnover figures during its years seeing him leave the premises' of a bug- Roy Astley-Richards said he was 'not pre-
of maximum activity during the early 1970s. manufacturer in 1975 to trundle straight off to pared to discuss anything' concerning work
Accounts for 1977 record an income of the DCS office in Westminster. with DCS or the government. One ex-
£26,869 attributable to their 'training school', His old Foreign Office department remains employee said: 'We did government work,
out of a turnover of £140,000. Since 1977, involved with the spook business, labelled as yes. But that's none of your business.'
with the cut-off of MI6-connected business, HMG Communications Centre (HMGCC) at There is something remarkable in official
the company's fortunes have become still Hanslope Park, near Milton Keynes. It does tolerance of wholesale marketing of
more modest, and it has moved to offices in indeed provide and control government com- supposedly-secret intelligence expertise -
Hampstead Road NWl, near Euston station. munications, but it also buys bugs, and has especially when coupled with hysterical
advertised for 'locksmiths ... used to working attacks on any public discussion of security
THE COMPANY had colourful instructors unsupervised on strongrooms and safes'. operations. But, more seriously, 'commercial'
during its hey-day. Major 'Freddy' Mace, who The former chief engineer of a security involvement in providing security for
joined shortly after DCS's foundation, had electronics company has shown us evidence of unsavoury - and potentially unstable -
been a specialist in covert entry -less politely, his company's supplies of bugging and de- regimes can involve Britain in foreign-policy
breaking and entering - at the Intelligence bugging equipment to HMGCC. Since, to the disasters without anyone having taken real
Centre in Ashford, Kent, HQ of the Intelli- annoyance of commercial bug-makers, only responsibility for their origins. Those who
gence Corps. He had by 1970 received some small quantities are bought, the purpose suffer from the attentions of British-trained
modest press publicity for his Houdini-Iike would seem to be testing and comparison 'covert entry specialists' or 'silent killers' can-
exploits against locked doors and impen- against the government's own devices. not be expected to draw fine distinctions
etrable barriers. (Ashford and its courses were The unit most involved in bugging work is about private and public enterprise when the
described in one pop-weekly series in 1973 as the Diplomatic Telecommunications Main- British parliament is quite unable to do so.
a 'school for Bonds'. One major obstacle on tenance Service (DTMS), which has offices in Recently (28 July 1978) the NS exposed the
the covert entry course was described as a London as well as Hanslope Park. Together remarkable example ofKMS Ltd (now Saladin
mock-up of No. 10 Downing Street, installed with MI5, DTMS was responsible for the Security Ltd) which was selling the govern-
secretly at Ternpler Barracks, where the Intel- bugging of Harold Wilson at Downing Street ment's own security experts back to it, some-
ligence Centre has its home.) and Westminster - well-publicised by Chap- times even before their official service had
Mace received more publicity in 1977, by man Pincher in the Daily Express. Also, terminated. The antecedents of KMS/Saladin
which time he had moved on from DCS to a DTMS took part in the massive bugging and are such as to make the firm a strange ally for ~
new company, Donne Holdings Ltd Its e , tapping operations during the Rhodesia any government department: during the Six-
remarkable, and confidential, sales brochure negotiations at Lancaster House. ties some of its principals (strongly linked to
was exposed in the Sunday Times as offering It appears that personnel associated with the secret world) were involved with a full-
courses in: 'Basic and advanced sabotage; DCS supplied de-bugging services on both scale war in the Yemen which was in flat
Silent killing; Interrogation; Technical these occasions. Private 'sweeping' was opposition to declared British foreign policy.
intrusion. ' arranged for Wilson in 1975, and carried out The question of just who was in charge then
The company, whose prime mover was by a team hired, directly or indirectly, from has never been resolved: an immediately con-
another ex-I-Corps man named John Donne, DCS. During the Lancaster House confer- temporary, but related, problem is the ques-
boasted that it could sell the very latest skills ence, it became obvious to both Joshua tion of who trained the Shah's much-hated
of the British SAS - the elite army unit which Nkomo and Robert Mugabe that they were SAVAK thugs. The Shah has said it wasdone in
'often functions as an adjunct to the secret under surveillance. 'Tiny' Rowland of Lon- Britain. By the government? Or by the 'alter-
agencies. Donne Holdings were offering sec- rho, who supported Nkomo's trip financially, native government' of the secret world?

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