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Opportunities of Downhole Dielectric Heating in Venezuela: Three Case Studies

Involving Medium, Heavy and Extra-Heavy Crude Oil Reservoirs

Article · November 2002

DOI: 10.2118/78980-MS


23 256

7 authors, including:

Cesar Ovalles Vladimir Alvarado

Chevron ETC University of Wyoming


Humberto Mendoza
HORC de Colombia


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SPE/Petroleum Society of CIM/CHOA SPE 78980

Opportunities of Downhole Dielectric Heating in Venezuela: Three Case Studies

Involving Medium, Heavy and Extra-Heavy Crude Oil Reservoirs
Cesar Ovalles (SPE), Anyaleth Fonseca, Ali Lara, Vladimir Alvarado (SPE), Kerin Urrecheaga, Aaron Ranson and
Humberto Mendoza (SPE), PDVSA-INTEVEP, P.O. Box 76343, Caracas 1070A, Venezuela

Copyright 2002, SPE/PS-CIM/CHOA International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil

Symposium and International Horizontal Well Technology Conference.
The use of electromagnetic radiation, radiofrequency and
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2002 SPE International Thermal Operations
and Heavy Oil Symposium and International Horizontal Well Technology Conference held in microwaves, for downhole dielectric heating has potential
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 4–7 November 2002.
applications in enhanced/improved oil recovery processes
This paper was selected for presentation by the ITOHOS/ICHWT Program Committee (EOR)1-3. In general, radiations whose frequencies range
following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, from 10 to 100 MHz are referred to as radio frequencies (RF)
the Petroleum Society of CIM, or CHOA and are subject to correction by the author(s). The
material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum
and in the range 300 MHz to 300 GHz to microwaves
Engineers, the Petroleum Society of CIM, or CHOA, its officers, or members. Electronic (MW)1-3. Specifically, the heating of formation fluids and
reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes
without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Petroleum Society of CIM, porous media can lead to improved mobility of the oleic
or CHOA is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not
more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain
phase, relative to the aqueous and gas phases, with the
conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write concomitant increase in oil production.
Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
Four different approaches to take the electric energy
downhole have been reported in the literature1. These are
Abstract single and inter-well electromagnetic heating, resistive tubing
The use of electromagnetic radiation, radiofrequency (RF) heating and RF or MW dielectric heating. In this article, only
and microwaves (MW), for downhole dielectric heating has the latter concept will be studied mainly for its advantages of
potential applications in enhanced/improved oil recovery higher penetration into the reservoir and its compatibility to
processes (EOR). The Lambert’s equation was coupled to a shallow and thin payzone reservoirs (directionality)1-3.
commercial simulator in order to model reservoir dielectric As found in laboratory measurements, hydrocarbon-
heating. Using a MW heated (2.45 GHz) one-dimensional containing sands can absorb RF and MW to reach very high
reactor, this mathematical model was validated in the temperatures (300-400°C) very rapidly4-6. Wan et al. studied
presence of crude oil/sand cores. Three different conceptual the thermal decomposition of Canadian Tar Sands using
reservoirs were evaluated which involved a medium crude oil short-time microwave pulses (3-5 s) and one atmosphere of
(24°API), a shallow (1100 ft) Lake Maracaibo heavy oil pressure4. Several light hydrocarbons were detected (C2-C8)
(11°API) and a thin payzone (20 ft) Orinoco Basin extra- and their molar distribution did not change in the presence of
heavy crude (7.7°API). For all the cases evaluated, numerical water4. Milan studied the MW absorption of petroleum
simulation results showed an important acceleration in the oil containing sands using MW of 2450 MHz 5 and proposed an
production due to RF and MW heating which was attributed empirical model in which the electromagnetic energy has a
to reduction of crude viscosity coupled with favorable maximum penetration of 15 meters5. Cambon et al. carried
relative water-to-oil permeabilities. For example, in the out the extraction of crude oil from Canadian Tar Sand at
shallow heavy oil case, RF heating led to an increase of 86% different times (3-20min) and powers (from 0 to 2.5 kW at
of the cumulative oil production in comparison with the cold 2.45 GHz)6. The authors reported up to 86% yield in
production case, using 140 MHz at 50 kW over a ten-year distillable products with similar quality as those obtained by
period. Furthermore, calculated energy gains (measured as conventional methods6. All these results demonstrate at
the ratio between the energy extracted as crude oil equivalent laboratory scale, the feasibility of using RF and MW
to energy added to the reservoir as electricity) were in the 8 radiation for dielectric heating of oil containing sands4-6.
to 20 range, indicating that the process is favorable from the Several concepts have been proposed to take the
thermodynamic point of view. These conceptual numerical electromagnetic energy downhole to heat the underground
simulation results indicate the high potential of dielectric formations and fluids. For example, Haagensen patented an
heating technology for medium, heavy and extra-heavy EOR apparatus to generate the RF and/or MW at the surface and a
with possible field applications. coaxial or waveguide to take the energy downhole7-8. Wilson
patented similar equipment with small modifications to be
used for microwave heating9. On the other hand, Jeambey

uses a downhole MW generator in which the formation power were carried out in order to demonstrate the potential
dielectric constants can be measured and the system opportunities of this technology in Venezuelan reservoirs.
optimized to reach very high temperatures (up to 400°C)10-12. .
In a field test in Oklahoma, Bridges and coworkers used Experimental Procedure
three waveguides inserted into the ground to heat a limited A CEM microwave oven, model SAM-155 with 650W of
amount of an oil-bearing formation in the beginning of the power, was used in the 1-D physical model (see Fig. 1). The
90’s13-15. In this field test, a 300MHz radiation was used to experimental apparatus consists of a 300 ml cylindrical
raise the temperature near the wellbore region from 18°C up stainless steel reactor in which the top had been removed so
to 100°C. At 15 ft from the well, a temperature of 33°C was that the electromagnetic energy penetrates downward5. This
reached. The authors reported an increased in the production vessel is placed in the microwave oven cavity and securely
of crude oil (6°API) but no additional details were given1,13- connected to ground to avoid electrical discharges. In a
. Kasevich et al. carried out a field test in Bakersfield, typical procedure, 70 g of medium (25°API) or extra-heavy
California in a 600-700 ft depth-reservoir in 199416. The (7.7 °API) oil-containing sands were used and temperature
authors used a 25 kW surface generator (at 13.56MHz), a profiles were measured with a four-point thermocouple after
coaxial line and an antenna to bring the energy downhole16. 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 min heating periods for the medium crude oil
Their results demonstrate the technical feasibility of (see Fig. 1). For the extra-heavy oil the times were 1, 5 and
generating, transmitting and focusing the electromagnetic 10 min. Temperature readings were done after the MW
energy into an oil bearing formation reaching 120°C at 10_ft energy was disconnected. The results of the temperature
from the well in 20 h16. recordings were verified with optical sensors and no
In the last few years, several physical and numerical significant differences between them were observed.
simulation studies have been reported showing the potential .
applications of this technology for EOR processes. Warre et Mathematical model
al. performed a numerical simulation of microwave (915 The traveling and absorption of RF and MW radiation as well
MHz) heating of an aquifer drive Saskatchewan reservoir17. as all electromagnetic radiations are described by Maxwell’s
The authors found an increase in the cumulative oil produced equations23. These equations are available in the
by MW heating (27%) in comparison to that calculated for electromagnetic textbooks and they will not be discussed in
cold production (18%). This result was attributed to higher this work23.
oil/water mobility ratio and a reduction of water fingering17. Maxwell’s equations can be simplified for the electro-
Soliman reported a theoretical study of using electromagnetic magnetic heating case, in which the absorbed power is
energy for in situ steam generation18. His results indicated a proportional to the magnitude of the sample electric field
two-fold cumulative oil increase when a 100 kW energy distribution, according to Poynting theorem23. In this case,
source is used to generate steam from an aquifer18. Hu and the correct electric field expression for electroneutral
coworkers reported physical simulation of Canadian thin pay materials with temperature independent properties is the
zone reservoirs19. The authors found an increase of more than wave or Helmholtz equation:
10% in the percentage of recovery (vs. OOIP) using 10 MHz G G
of RF energy along with nitrogen injection19. Sahni et al. ∇ 2 E (r ) + k 2 E (r ) = 0 .................................................(1)
carried out numerical simulations of dielectric heating in
horizontal and vertical wells20. For the first ones, a ω
k= ε*
steamflood process in addition to RF and MW heating was c ................................................................ (2)
considered and better temperature distributions were found
than those using steam alone20. In the next case, a 60kW- Where the propagation constant, k, receives contributions
electromagnetic emitting antenna was placed 30 ft from a from the electrical conductivity and permittivity through the
vertical producing well and 80% increase in cumulative oil complex dielectric constant ε * (ω ) 23. To describe the
was calculated in comparison with cold production20. absorption of the waves by the sample, two mathematical
From the results presented in the previous publications it expressions can be considered. They are: the Maxwell’s and
can be concluded that the use of electromagnetic radiation, Lambert’s equations. The first one considers waves traveling
RF and MW, for downhole dielectric heating has potential in opposite directions, which include reflection effects at the
applications in enhanced/improved oil recovery processes1- interfaces that delimit the medium, as well as interference
. In this article, the Lambert’s equation was coupled to a contributions that may cause resonances. On the other hand,
commercial simulator in order to model reservoir dielectric Lambert’s law ignores all the effects that result from
heating and using a MW heated (2.45 GHz) one-dimensional reflection at the interfaces. Both equations can be used to
reactor, this mathematical model was validated in the determine the dependence of the radiation power on the
presence of a crude oil/sandstone core. Next, three different distance and are derived from the classic electromagnetic
conceptual reservoirs were studied which involved a medium theory23.
crude oil (24°API), a shallow (1100 ft) Lake Maracaibo For numerical simulation of the 1-D physical model, the
heavy oil (11°API) and a thin payzone (20 ft) Orinoco Basin analytical equation that describes the heating of oil-
extra-heavy crude (7.7°API). Sensitivities to frequency and

containing sands is based on the energy balance equation by c 2 (10)

conduction. This equation (eq. 3) is used to determine the
temperature profile in the sample.
Dp =
2πf ( )
κ ' 1 + tanδ 2 − 1

∂T ∂ 2T (3) In which tanδ=ε’’/ε’.

ρCp = k 2 + p ( x)
∂t ∂x In this work, Dp, ε’ and ε’’were measured from medium,
Here p(x) is the dissipated power by the radiation and is heavy and extra-heavy core samples by the company
treated as a volumetric source of heat in W/m3. The boundary Microwave Properties North, Deep River, Ontario Canada.
conditions represented by eqs. 4 and 5 describe the These values were determined in the 50-150°C-temperature
convection heat loss from the top and bottom of the reactor. range at one atmosphere and corrected for reservoir pressure.

dT Model validation
kair − h0 (T − T∞ ) = 0 x=0
dx (4) Microwave (MW) heating was modeled using the STARS
simulator from CMG, Calgary, Canada by assigning a
constant heating value to each block of the experimental
dT apparatus. For the one-dimensional reactor, the amount of
=0 x=L
dx (5) heat was calculated using eq. 6 and a cylindrical grid (2 x 1 x
4) shown in Fig. 2. To determine the temperature profile, a
Where h0 is the convective heat transfer coefficients at porosity of 24%, permeability of 350 mD and an oil
x=0 and, T∞ is the surrounding temperature in the oven. In saturation of 99% (water saturation of 1%) were used.
the case of heating the sand containing medium or heavy Thermal (heat capacities, thermal conductivities, etc.) and
crude oils, the power cannot be represented by Lambert’s other physical (viscosity, gas/liquid equilibrium constants,
equation, since this expression is only valid for semi-infinite etc.) properties of sands, and medium (24°API), and an
samples. However, eq. 6 can be used, which takes into Orinoco Basin extra-heavy (7.7°API) crude oils were
consideration the effects of reflection and resonances caused calculated using a procedure described elsewhere25.
by the interaction of the electromagnetic waves with the In order to simulate as close as possible the experimental
reactor’s material. conditions, heat losses by convection through the top surface
of the sample were considered. This flux of energy was
  x   ( x − 2L)   calculated by multiplying the coefficient of heat transfer with
exp − 2 + exp 2 +  the transversal area of the reactor that contains the mixture of
  Dp (ω )   D (ω ) 
 p   oil and sand.
p( x) = p0  
  L    4  (6) In Fig. 3, temperature profiles calculated with STARS
 
2 exp − 2 D (ω )  cosπ  λ (ω ) ( x − L) − 1 (lines) were compared with the results obtained
  p     experimentally (points). As can be seen, the mathematical
model developed in this work predicts well the temperature
Where p0 is the initial transmitted power calculated by eq. profile measured inside the reactor during microwave heating
7 from the experimental value for the average heating. performing energy, mass, and momentum balances26. For the
medium crude oil, the average standard deviation is 1.7°C,
2 L ρ Cp (dT / dt )
p0 = (7) whereas for the extra-heavy crude oil it is 4°C. These
D p 1 − exp (− 2 L / D p ) ] differences can be attributed to experimental errors during
temperature reading. Similar results were obtained for the
For the numerical simulation of the three conceptual experiments with other periods of heating. It is important to
Venezuelan reservoirs, an equation (eq. 8) first reported by point out that both oils were heated at the maximum
Abernethy24 and later studied by Fanchi3 and Soliman18 temperatures at which no distillation or thermal
was used. decomposition should take place. This was done in order to
p = p o ⋅ exp(− 2α (r − ro )) (8) model exclusively the electromagnetic energy absorption
phenomena and no other physical or chemical effect.
In this eq. the parameter α is calculated from the From the presented data, it can be safely concluded that
penetration depth (eq. 9) which in turn, is obtained from the the model can predict, in a first approximation, the dielectric
relative dielectric and dielectric loss constants, ε’ and ε’’ of heating of petroleum containing sand. In the next section,
the studied material, respectively (eq. 10): three different Venezuelan conceptual reservoirs will be
evaluated in order to illustrate the potential use of this
α = ln(2 ) (2 ⋅ D p ) (9) technology in Enhanced Oil Recovery.

Venezuelan Reservoirs process30. At 200 kW (20 kW per vertical layer) a maximum

As before, a similar methodology was followed to simulate acceleration was observed but the simulation had to be
the dielectric heating of the Venezuelan reservoirs. A stopped around the 8th year because of the excessive
cylindrical grid with typical Venezuelan conditions was used production of gas due to the high temperature reached. Based
for each case. Their dimensions and petrophysical on the presented calculations, dielectric heating can be used
characteristics vary in each case and they will be described to accelerate the production of a medium crude oil reservoir
later. The STARS simulator was used and a constant heating and its magnitude depends on the frequency and the energy
value for each block of the reservoir was calculated, but in power used.
these case, using the Lambert’s equation (eq. 8)3, 18, 24. Then,
the energy distribution was fed to the simulator in the radial Case N°2. Heavy Crude Oil Reservoir
direction and an axial symmetry was assumed, i.e. each block A typical Lake Maracaibo Heavy crude Oil Reservoir (11
in the z-direction has the same electromagnetic °API) with 36% porosity, 1000 mD of permeability and an
energy absorption. initial oil saturation of 0.84 was simulated. As in the previous
Gas/liquid equilibrium constants were calculated using case, a cylindrical grid (22 x 1 x 10) was used (50 ft of
the PRO/II simulator27. Crude oil viscosities vs. temperatures payzone and radius of 1000 ft) and the producing well and
were measured in the laboratory up to 80°C and extrapolated the emitting antenna are located at the center. Initial
to higher temperatures using known correlations27. The temperature and pressure were 115°F and 750
values for each crude oil can be found in the Annex. Changes psi, respectively.
in the relative permeability as well as end point saturations In Fig. 7, the temperature profile vs. distance from the
were calculated using the methods reported by Hong28 and well is shown corresponding to electromagnetic heating at
Frizzel29, respectively. Comparisons with a Base Case (cold different frequencies at 3600 days. As can be seen, at this
production) were carried out for the different frequencies and generator power (50 kW, 5 kW/vert. layer), temperatures up
generator powers for a time period of 10 years. to 240°F are reached near the wellbore for the 915 and 2450
MHz cases. However, these values decline rapidly down to
Case N°1. Medium Crude Oil Reservoir the reservoir temperature (115°F) around 100 ft from the
For the simulation of a conceptual medium crude oil antenna. Using 140 MHz, a more balanced temperature
reservoir (24°API), a cylindrical grid (24 x 1 x 10) with distribution can be observed (Fig. 7) than with the other
typical Venezuelan conditions (porosity of 24%, permeability frequencies reaching a maximum penetration of
of 350_mD, 30 ft of pay zone and a radius of 900 ft) was approximately 200 ft,.
used. Initial temperature and pressure were 150°F and 2500 Cumulative oil production for different frequencies at a
psi respectively, with oil and gas saturations of 85 and 5%, constant power of 50 kW is shown in Fig. 8. As in the
respectively. The producing well and the electromagnetic medium crude oil case, an important acceleration of the
emitting antenna are located at the center of the grid. The heavy oil production in comparison with the base case (cold
heating and the oil production are occurring at the same time. production) was found for all the frequencies studied. An
In Fig. 4, the temperature profile is shown from the top of increase of 86% of the total oil production can be calculated
the grid for different times during the simulation. As at the end of the 10-year project. This acceleration can be
expected, the temperature decreases with the distance from explained in terms of viscosity reduction due to an increase
the well and increases with the time reaching values up to in temperature (from 2163 cP at 115°F to 14 cP at 300°F, see
390°F (199°C) at the center and 205°F (96°C) at Annex, Table A-2).
approximately 50 ft into the reservoir. Cumulative oil It is important to point out that similar cumulative oil
production for different frequencies at a constant power of productions were obtained for frequencies higher than 140
100 kW (10 kW per vertical layer) is shown in Fig. 5. As can MHz. This can be attributed to the fact that a maximum
be seen, an acceleration of the oil production in comparison temperature around the wellbore (160-180°F) was reached
with the base case (cold production) was found for all the for these electromagnetic energies so no significant decrease
frequencies studied. This acceleration can be attributed to a in heavy oil viscosity with the concomitant increase in
viscosity reduction mechanism (from 15 cP at 150°F to 1.5_ production was obtained.
cP at 390°F, see Annex, Table A-1) produced by the In order to determine the technical feasibility of the
dielectric heating. For the 915 MHz case, an additional dielectric heating process, the energy gain (EG) was
production of 114 MBBL of crude oil (13% increase, see Fig. calculated dividing the energy extracted as equivalent
5) can be calculated in comparison with the cold incremental oil (in comparison with the Base Case) vs. the
production simulation. energy added into the reservoir as RF or MW (see eq. 11).
The effect of the generator power on the oil production
can be seen in Fig. 6 for a frequency of 915 MHz. As KWh
0.5 × (Inc. Cum. Oil vs. Cold Prod.) × 6.36 × 10 2 (11)
expected, an acceleration of the cumulative oil can be EG = BBL
observed with an increase in the energy injected in the h
Power used (kW) × days × 24
reservoir in a similar manner as a steam stimulation d

In eq. 11, a conversion factor of 6.36 × 102 kWh of near the wellbore region but they decrease very rapidly
electricity per barrel of oil was used as reported for a modern moving away from the antenna. After approximately 10 ft
power generation plant31. Also, an efficiency of 50% was (Fig. 11), the temperatures for the simulation at 915 MHz are
assumed for transforming electric energy into higher than at 2450 MHz which can explain the differences
electromagnetic energy32. As can be seen, the top and the in cumulative oil (1300 MBbl vs. 1200 MBbl) as shown in
bottom of eq. 11 are expressed in kWh of electricity (energy Fig. 11.
unit) so valid comparison can be made between simulations At 915 MHz, energy gain as a function of the power of
with different electromagnetic frequencies and powers. the electromagnetic generator can be observed in Fig. 13. As
For a frequency of 140 MHz, energy gain as a function of seen, a maximum around 20 kW can be estimated with values
the power of the electromagnetic generator can be observed ranging from 10 to 20 kW of incremental crude oil
in Fig. 9. As seen, a maximum around 10 kW can be equivalent/ kW of electricity for power sources as high of
estimated with values ranging between 8 and 12 kW of 250 kW. Also, the estimated cost for electricity needed to
incremental crude oil equivalent per kW of electricity for produce each incremental oil barrel is between one and 1.5
power sources as high as 100 kW. These results clearly US$ (assuming a cost of 0.05 US$/kWh). As in the previous
indicate that the dielectric heating process can produce case, these results indicate the potential of dielectric heating
approximately ten times more energy (as crude oil technology for heavy and extra-heavy enhanced oil recovery.
equivalent) than that used as electricity, as compared to cold
production. Therefore, RF or MW heating is, from the Conclusions
thermodynamic point of view, a favorable process. • A mathematical model was developed to simulate
Furthermore as shown in Fig. 9, the estimated cost for dielectric heating using the Lambert’s equation coupled to
this utility is between one and two US$ per incremental a commercial simulator.
barrel of oil (assuming a cost of 0.05 US$/kWh) which is not • Using a one-dimensional MW (2.45 GHz) heated reactor,
considered very high by international standards. These this model was validated in the presence of a medium
conceptual numerical simulations indicate a very good (24°API) and extra-heavy crude (7.7°API) crude oil/sand
potential of this technology for heavy oil EOR. core with average standard deviations of ±1.7°C and
±4°C, respectively.
Case N°3. Extra-Heavy Crude Oil Reservoir • The numerical simulation of three different conceptual
A typical Orinoco basin Extra-Heavy crude Oil Reservoir reservoirs, medium (24°API), heavy (11°API) and extra-
(7.7 °API) was simulated with 32% porosity, 12000 mD of heavy crude oils (7.7°API), showed an important
permeability and an initial oil saturation of 0.87. A acceleration in the oil production due to RF and MW
cylindrical grid (19 x 1 x 8) was used (160 ft of payzone and heating which was attributed to a reduction of crude
radius of 1230 ft) and the producing well and the emitting viscosity.
antenna are located at the center. The payzone consists of • Energy gains ranging between 8 and 20 kW of
four oil-containing sands of 30 ft each separated by four clay incremental crude oil equivalent per kW of electricity for
layers of 10 ft each. A lateral view of the conceptual power sources as high of 100kW can be calculated
reservoir can be seen in Fig. 10. Initial temperature and indicating that the dielectric heating process can produce
pressure were 129°F and 1000 psi, respectively. As before, approximately ten times more energy than it uses as
the heating and the oil production are occurring at the electricity. These results show the high potential of
same time. dielectric heating technology for medium, heavy and
The effect of the electromagnetic frequency on extra-heavy EOR with possible field applications.
cumulative oil production for the dielectric heating at a
constant power of 160kW is shown in Fig. 11. As in the Nomenclature and acronyms
previous cases, an important acceleration of the extra-heavy BBL: Barrel of Oil, 159 liters
oil production in comparison with the base case (cold MW: Microwave energy
production) was found for all the frequencies studied. An RF: Radio frequency energy
increase of 76% of the total oil production can be calculated OOIP: Original oil in place
at the end of the 10-year project for a frecuency of 915 MHz. ft : feet
As before, this acceleration can be explained in terms of a psi : Pounds per square inch, 14.7 psi = 1 atm
viscosity reduction mechanism (from 2700 cP at 130°F to 92 c: velocity of light, m/s
cP at 275°F, see Annex, Table A-3). Cp: Specific heat capacity, J/Kg K
Also in Fig. 11, the cumulative production increases with Dp: Penetration depth, m
frequency except for the run at 2450 MHz. Analyzing the E: Electric field, V/m
temperature profile (see Fig. 12), it can be seen that the h0: Heat transfer coefficient at the top of the reactor, W/m2.C
simulation at 915 MHz has a more even distribution of hL: Heat transfer coefficient at the bottom of the reactor,
temperature than that at 2450 MHz. For the latte run, higher W/m2.C
temperatures (260°F) than the former (240°F) can be reached k: Propagation constant, m-1

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MW Radiation

Thermocouple x=0
Teflon cap ∆x T1
Liner T2 h

10 cm 2 cm x=L

4 cm T∞
6 cm

Fig. 2. Cylindrical grid used for the numerical simulations of 1-D

Stainless Steel Reactor experimental apparatus


Temp. (°C)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Distance from Top (cm)

Fig. 3. Comparison between experimental (points) and calculated

Fig. 1. Diagram and photograph of the experimental apparatus (lines) temperatures for a medium (ligher trace, 1.5 min heating) and
used for model validation extra-heavy oil (darker trace, 10 min heating) sand mixture.
Microwave heating at 2.45 GHz

Inicial 1000000

Cumulative Oil (BBL)

Temp. (F)
790 Days
790 días de 400000
of Heating 300000 Base Case
50 kW
100 kW
100000 200 kW
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
1470 díasDays
Time (years)
of Heating

Fig. 6. Effects of the power of the electromagnetic source on

the cumulative medium crude oil (24°API) production of a
conceptual Venezuelan reservoir. Frequency: 915 MHz
2200días de
of Heating

Fig. 4. Temperature profile (Top view) of the Base case (Cold)
240 50 KW @ 13,56 MHz
electromagnetic heating of a conceptual Venezuelan medium
crude oil reservoir (24°API). Power 200 kW (20 kW/vert. 220 50 KW @ 140 MHz
50 KW @ 915 MHz
layer) at 915 MHz
Temp. (°F)

200 50 KW @ 2450 MHz

Cumulative Oil (BBL)

0 100 200 300

400000 Dist. from well (feet)

B ase C ase
200000 10 0 k W @ 3 0 M H z
10 0 k W @ 14 0 M H z
Fig. 7. Temperature profile vs. distance from the well for
10 0 k W @ 9 15 M H z

0 electromagnetic heating at different frequencies at 3600 days.

0 2 4 6 8 10
Venezuelan Heavy Crude oil reservoir (11°API). Power 50
kW (5 kW/vert. layer)
Time (Years)

Fig. 5. Effects of the electromagnetic radiation frequency

during dielectric heating on the cumulative medium crude oil
(24°API) production of a conceptual Venezuelan reservoir

Cold Production
400 50 kW @ 13.56 MHz
50 kW @ 140 MHz
350 50 kW @ 915 MHz
Oil Sand
Cumalative Oil (Mbbl)

50 kW @ 2450 MHz

250 86% Clays





0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (years)
Fig. 10. Lateral view of the conceptual reservoir used for the
numerical simulation of during dielectric heating in an
Orinoco basin extra-heavy crude oil (7.7°API)
Fig. 8. Effects of the electromagnetic radiation frequency
during dielectric heating on the cumulative heavy crude oil
(11°API) production of a conceptual Venezuelan reservoir

Base Case
1600 160 kW @ 27 Mhz
160 kW @ 40 Mhz
14 2.00 1400 160 kW @ 915 Mhz
160 kW @ 2450 Mhz
1.80 1200
Cumul. Oil (MBbl)
Ener. gain (crude eq/kWh)

1.60 76%
Cost ($/Inc. BBL)

1.20 800
1.00 600
6 0.80
4 0.60
0.40 200
0.20 0
0 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 50 100 Time (Years)
Power (kW)

Fig. 11. Effects of the electromagnetic radiation frequency

Fig. 9. Energy Gain vs. power of the electromagnetic during dielectric heating on the cumulative extra-heavy crude
generator and vs. Cost in $/Incremental oil barrel produced oil (7.7°API) production of a conceptual Venezuelan
by dielectric heating for the heavy crude oil reservoir reservoir
(140MHz). Cost of electricity = 0.05 US$/kWh
10 SPE/PS-CIM/CHOA 78980

Table A-1. Oil Viscosity-Temperature for Case N° 1.
13 MHz Medium Crude Oil
240 40 MHz
E Temperature (°F) Oil viscosity (cp)
220 915 MHz
Temp. (°F)

120 19.8
2450 MHz
200 150 15.4
190 12.2
374 2.0
554 0.6
Table A-2. Oil Viscosity-Temperature for Case N° 2.
Heavy Crude Oil
Temperature (°F) Oil viscosity (cp)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
33.0 80000
Distancie from well (ft)
40.0 49000

Fig. 12. Temperature profile vs. distance from the well for 70.0 12600
electromagnetic heating at different frequencies at 3600 days. 100 3780
Venezuelan extra-heavy crude oil reservoir (7.7°API). Power
115 2160
160 kW (40 kW/vert. layer)
140 910

24 2 180 260
210 113
20 260 33
1.5 300 14
$/BBl inc.
Ener. Gain

Table A-3. Oil Viscosity-Temperature for Case N° 3.

12 1 Extra-heavy Crude Oil

Temperature (°F) Oil viscosity (cp)

60 204000
77 53800

0 0 95 18800
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 113 7900
Generator Power (kW) 122 5390

Fig. 13. Energy Gain vs. power of the electromagnetic 140 2700
generator and vs. Cost in $/Incremental oil barrel produced 185 670
by dielectric heating for the Extra-heavy crude oil reservoir
(160MHz). Cost of electricity = 0.05 US$/kWh 230 226
275 92
320 43

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