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ARCH3322 Architectural History & Theory 2

Assignment 1 recommended workflow

Week 1

1. Form a group of 3 students for Assignment 1

2. Look at the list of 17 projects and nominate 3 projects in order of preference to Chen Jun
( by 8 Jan 2020, 11 pm. In the same email, list the 3 names of your people in your group.

Chen Jun will confirm the allocated project and issue the relevant image archive to you by 9 Jan 2020,

3. Look for extra images using the Avery Index etc. if desired.

Chen Jun will issue a schedule of class presentations by 10 Jan 2020, noon.

4. Identify appropriate reading material. For modern architects, consult Oxford Art Online.
For contemporary architects, look for introductions in special issues on the architect or webpages.

5. Identify a book chapter or journal article that you would like some help in reading. Email a pdf to Chen Jun and
nominate it for the "Read with Us" exercise by 15 Jan, noon.

Weeks 1-2

6. Read with Us: each student should read one-third of the nominated pdf. Highlight important points in yellow,
add numbers if appropriate. Aggregate the input of the 3 students in your group. Save the pdf under a different
filename and send it to Chen Jun.

The teaching staff will respond with a 2-page sample of yellow highlights for your nominated pdf by 18 Jan.
This will show you how more experienced people identify salient points in a reading.

Week 2

7. Identify 5 points of discussion about your project.

8. Identify 1-2 key quotations about your project and note down the source reference in the Chicago Manual

9. Select an iconic image of the project you are studying. (Be ready to explain why.) Note down the source
reference in the Chicago Manual format.

Weeks 3-4

10. Prepare a 6-minute presentation of the project you are studying. Make a ppt.
After your presentation, respond to three questions that the teaching staff will identify for your group.

Final submission: follow the requirements of the assignment handout which will be released in Week 2.

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