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Genesis D.

Villareal 11 – Adler

Examples of Paraphrasing
1. If STEM education is not improved, the United States will continue to fall in world ranking
with math and science scores and will not be able to maintain its global position. Parents also
must encourage their children to pursue STEM activities and increase awareness and interest at
home and in extracurricular activities of the merits of STEM education. Having activities that
show real-life implication of STEM can pull together the ideas presented in school and help to
show how they benefit our society and even our world as a whole. In conclusion, STEM
education is critical to help the United States remain a world leader. STEM education helps to
bridge the ethnic and gender gaps sometimes found in math and science fields. STEM education
in school is important to spark an interest in pursuing a STEM career in students. In order to
compete in a global economy, STEM education and careers must be a national priority.

* In the event that STEM instruction isn't moved forward, the Joined Together States will
proceed to drop in world positioning with math and science scores and will not be able to
preserve its worldwide position. Parents too must energize their children to seek after STEM
exercises and increment mindfulness and intrigued at domestic and in extracurricular
exercises of the merits of STEM education. Having exercises that appear real-life suggestion
of STEM can drag together the thoughts displayed in school and offer assistance to appear
how they advantage our society and indeed our world as a whole. In conclusion, STEM
instruction is basic to assist the Joined Together States stay a world leader. STEM instruction
makes a difference to bridge the ethnic and sex crevices in some cases found in math and
science fields. STEM instruction in school is vital to start an intrigued in seeking after a STEM
career in students. In arrange to compete in a worldwide economy, STEM instruction and
careers must be a national need.

2. Several decades ago, technology companies could have been successful due to just scientific
innovations and manufacturing. However, nowadays, the value is brought by how the product
is presented. What is needed here is creativity, passion, imagination, problem-solving and
understanding how the human mind works. All this can be fostered mainly by studying
humanities. The knowledge of psychology, sociology, philosophy, arts is as important as
innovations. No matter how unique and technologically-advanced new product is, if it is not
presented well to the world, the country will not win from this.
* Many decades’ prior, innovation companies may have been fruitful due to fair logical
developments and fabricating. In any case, these days, the esteem is brought by how the
item is displayed. What is required here is inventiveness, enthusiasm, creative ability,
problem-solving and understanding how the human intellect works. All this will be cultivated
primarily by considering humanities. The information of brain research, human science,
reasoning, expressions is as critical as advancements. No matter how one of a kind and
technologically-advanced new item is, on the off chance that it isn't displayed well to the
world, the nation will not win from this. (Lisa Barlow, 2018)

3. STEM Education Introduction STEM refers to a combination of four s or disciplines. S is a

descriptor of science, T for technology, E for engineering while M is a descriptor of
mathematics. Education that revolves around the four subjects plays a great role in our daily
lives. STEM tutoring or education primary aim is to build a teaching configuration that is based
on the four interdisciplinary subjects. Learners are, thus, able to have a holistic and realistic
approach to studies. It also allows students to think critically and to be logic at all times.
Students studying any interdisciplinary subject are always creative and possess the ability to
identify and solve problems logically. Examples of interdisciplinary subjects that incorporate the
four disciplines are aerospace engineering, chemistry, physics and mathematical biology.

* STEM Instruction Presentation STEM alludes to a combination of four s or disciplines. S

could be a descriptor of science, T for technology, E for designing whereas M may be a
descriptor of arithmetic. Instruction that spins around the four subjects plays a extraordinary
part in our daily lives. STEM coaching or instruction essential point is to construct a
instructing arrangement that's based on the four intrigue subjects. Learners are, in this way,
able to have an all-encompassing and practical approach to ponders. It moreover permits
understudies to think basically and to be rationale at all times. Understudies considering any
intrigue subject are continuously inventive and have the capacity to distinguish and unravel
issues consistently. Illustrations of intrigue subjects that join the four disciplines are aviation
building, chemistry, material science and scientific science. (Bybee, 2013)

Examples of Summarization
1. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM is important
because it pervades every part of our lives. Science is everywhere in the world around us.
Technology is continuously expanding into every aspect of our lives. Engineering is the basic
designs of roads and bridges, but also tackles the challenges of changing global weather and
environmentally-friendly changes to our home. Mathematics is in every occupation; every
activity we do in our lives. By exposing students to STEM and giving them opportunities to
explore STEM-related concepts, they will develop a passion for it and hopefully pursue a job in
a STEM field. A curriculum that is STEM-based has real-life situations to help the student learn.
Programs like Engineering for Kids integrates multiple classes to provide opportunities to see
how concepts relate to life in order to hopefully spark a passion for a future career in a STEM
field. STEM activities provide hands-on and minds-on lessons for the student. Making math and
science both fun and interesting helps the student to do much more than just learn.

* Programs like Engineering for Kids integrates multiple classes to provide opportunities to
see how concepts relate to life in order to hopefully spark a passion for a future career in a
STEM field. By exposing students to STEM and giving them opportunities to explore STEM-
related concepts, they will develop a passion for it and hopefully pursue a job in a STEM field.

2. CTY’s online English language development courses are challenging, above-grade-level

courses designed for students in grades 3 and up who seek to enhance their English writing
skills with the emphasis on building strong grammar and vocabulary. These courses advance
each student’s English academic content language in STEM fields (science, technology,
engineering and math for academic writing in those areas.
Essay Writing Using STEM course is designed for both native and non-native English speakers.
This course is open to students who have either successfully completed Vocabulary, Grammar,
and Writing Using STEM, Intermediate II, or have approximately seven to ten years of exposure
to the English Language.
Essay Writing Using STEM is designed to improve and augment students’ essay writing abilities
through advancing their general and STEM vocabulary and grammar. In this course, students
will learn to write effective essays with a focus on the four domains of writing: description,
comparison, cause and effect, and classification.
The interactive lessons will give students the opportunity to take risks and have fun while
working on improving English grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and composition skills. The
virtual classroom includes live audio and video interaction with the instructor and online
classmates, interactive whiteboard, multimedia learning materials including games, and other
features to enhance online learning.

* CTY’s online English language development courses are challenging, above-grade-level

courses designed for students in grades 3 and up who seek to enhance their English writing
skills with the emphasis on building strong grammar and vocabulary. This course is open to
students who have either successfully completed Vocabulary, Grammar, and Writing Using
STEM, Intermediate II, or have approximately seven to ten years of exposure to the English
Language. These courses advance each student’s English academic content language in STEM
fields (science, technology, engineering and math for academic writing in those areas.

3. STEM education helps to bridge the ethnic and gender gaps sometimes found in math and
science fields. Initiatives have been established to increase the roles of women and minorities
in STEM-related fields. STEM education breaks the traditional gender roles. In order to compete
in a global economy, STEM education and careers must be a national priority. Each and every
decision made uses an aspect of STEM to understand the implications. In conclusion, STEM
education is critical to help the United States remain a world leader. If STEM education is not
improved, the United States will continue to fall in world ranking with math and science scores
and will not be able to maintain its global position. STEM education in school is important to
spark an interest in pursuing a STEM career in students. However, teachers do not carry the
whole burden of STEM education. Parents also must encourage their children to pursue STEM
activities and increase awareness and interest at home and in extracurricular activities of the
merits of STEM education. Programs outside of school can help children to see that STEM is
more than a class to finish. Having activities that show real-life implication of STEM can pull
together the ideas presented in school and help to show how they benefit our society and even
our world as a whole. Children can see that what they are learning now is pertinent to their
future and the future of the whole world, creating an interest often lacking when learning new
concepts that do not seem to carry real-world application. Engineering for Kids, for example,
offers a suite of STEM enrichment programs for children ages 4 to 14.

* If STEM education is not improved, the United States will continue to fall in world ranking
with math and science scores and will not be able to maintain its global position. Parents also
must encourage their children to pursue STEM activities and increase awareness and interest
at home and in extracurricular activities of the merits of STEM education. Having activities
that show real-life implication of STEM can pull together the ideas presented in school and
help to show how they benefit our society and even our world as a whole. In conclusion,
STEM education is critical to help the United States remain a world leader. STEM education
helps to bridge the ethnic and gender gaps sometimes found in math and science fields. STEM
education in school is important to spark an interest in pursuing a STEM career in students. In
order to compete in a global economy, STEM education and careers must be a national

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