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Radio-opaque nanosized bioactive glass for

potential root canal application: evaluation of
radiopacity, bioactivity and alkaline capacity

D. Mohn1, M. Zehnder2, T. Imfeld2 & W. J. Stark1

Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich; 2Department of
Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Cariology, University of Zürich Center of Dental Medicine, Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract bioactivity was monitored using Raman spectroscopy

and scanning electron microscopy. Leaching of
Mohn D, Zehnder M, Imfeld T, Stark WJ. Radio-opaque
bismuth was controlled using atomic absorption
nanosized bioactive glass for potential root canal application:
evaluation of radiopacity, bioactivity and alkaline capacity.
Results Bioactive glass particles with up to 50 wt%
International Endodontic Journal, 43, 210–217, 2010.
bismuth oxide revealed radiopacity with an equivalent
Aim To produce novel nanosized bioactive glass of 4.94-mm aluminium. The introduction of bismuth
particles with radio-opaque properties and high into the bioactive glass altered the alkaline capacity
alkaline capacity and to evaluate their performance and the in vitro bioactivity only for high bismuth oxide
as a potential bioactive root canal dressing or filling quantities. Bismuth oxide leaching out of the glass
material. matrix was hardly detectable.
Methodology Flame spray-derived bioactive glass Conclusion Bioactive glass can be modified with
particles in the nanometre range were produced bismuth oxide to become radio-opaque.
including bismuth oxide as a radiopacifier. Calcium
Keywords: antimicrobial, biomaterial, bismuth,
hydroxide, barium sulphate and bismuth oxide served
nanoparticles, radiopacifier, sealer.
as controls. Corresponding materials were compressed
to obtain dense specimens with increased alkaline Received 25 August 2009; accepted 9 November 2009
capacity. Radiopacity was evaluated, and in vitro

lasting effect have been used to treat or prevent apical

periodontitis. Calcium hydroxide (slaked lime), origi-
Bioactive glasses of the SiO2–Na2O–CaO–P2O5 system nally devised as a root canal disinfectant and filling
are of potential interest in dentistry because of their material (Hermann 1920), remains a popular topical
antimicrobial properties (Stoor et al. 1998) and their antiseptic. Calcium hydroxide suspensions release Ca
ability to remineralize dentine (Vollenweider et al. ions and provide an alkaline environment. As an
2007). Microorganisms remaining or re-entering the untoward long-term effect, they make teeth more prone
root canal system are the main cause of post-treatment to fracture (Andreasen et al. 2002). Similarly, antibac-
disease following root canal treatment (Nair 2006). terial properties of bioactive glasses are based on their
Consequently, topical antimicrobials with a long- potential to raise the pH in aqueous suspensions (Allan
et al. 2001), resulting from the sodium and proton
exchange of the glass matrix and the aqueous envi-
Correspondence: Wendelin J. Stark, Department of Chemistry ronment (Hench 1991). Bioactive glasses, however, do
and Applied Biosciences, Institute for Chemical and Bioengi-
neering, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10, HCI E107, 8093
not only dissolve or release calcium; they can also
Zurich, Switzerland (Tel.: +41 44 632 09 80; fax: +41 44 release silica, phosphate and sodium. This ion release
633 10 83; e-mail: promotes an additional indirect pH-related antibacterial

210 International Endodontic Journal, 43, 210–217, 2010 ª 2010 International Endodontic Journal
Mohn et al. Radio-opaque bioactive glass

effect (Gubler et al. 2008). Furthermore, they change process. As shown in preliminary studies, Bi had a
into inert calcium phosphate in an environment with higher radiopacity than comparable radio-opaque
constant fluid exchange (Sepulveda et al. 2002) and agents such as Ba when directly incorporated via flame
can cause calcium phosphate precipitation in their spray synthesis. Nanometric Bi-containing bioactive
surroundings (Kangasniemi et al. 1993). Untoward glass particles were characterized and tested for radio-
bioactive glass effects on mechanical dentine properties pacity, alkaline capacity, in vitro bioactivity and
appear to be less than those of calcium hydroxide bismuth leaching. Conventional mechanical mixtures
(Marending et al. 2009). of bioactive glass with bismuth oxide and calcium
However, in spite of these properties, a recent study hydroxide with barium sulphate served as controls.
has suggested that a currently commercially available
bioactive glass (S53P4, Abmindent; Abmin Technolo-
Materials and methods
gies, Turku, Finland) is still inferior to calcium
hydroxide in disinfecting human root canals infected
Material preparation and characterization
with Enterococcus faecalis (Zehnder et al. 2006). An
approach to overcome this limitation is the reduction in Nanosized bioactive glass particles were produced in a
particle size of bioactive glasses to increase the specific flame spray setup as described previously (Brunner
surface area (SSA), and thus, the active exchange et al. 2006). To introduce radiopacity, an organic
surface area for improved ion release (Sepulveda et al. bismuth precursor (Grass & Stark 2006) was added to
2002). Flame spray synthesis, a dry material prepara- the starting material and yielded bioactive glass nano-
tion method, enables the rapid and flexible production particles with 20 wt% and 50 wt% of bismuth oxide,
of nanoparticulate bioactive glasses (Brunner et al. next to nanometric bioactive glass 45S5 (45% SiO2,
2006). The reduced particle size (20–50 nm instead of 24.5% Na2O, 24.5% CaO and 6% P2O5, all in wt%). The
>5 lm for commercially available products) revealed ratios of all constituents of bioactive glass 45S5 in the
improved antibacterial properties against different radio-opaque bioactive glass were kept constant. Cal-
E. faecalis strains in a direct exposure model (Waltimo cium hydroxide [(‡98.5% pure) Riedel-de Haen, Seelze,
et al. 2007). Furthermore, nanosized bioactive glass Germany] was used as standard material for root canal
particles were able to kill an adherent biofilm on disinfection. Bismuth oxide (‡95% pure) and barium
dentine discs (Gubler et al. 2008). sulphate (‡95% pure) as a commercially available
Besides the antibacterial properties in standard radiopacifier were procured from Fluka (Buchs,
laboratory tests, however, there are further require- Switzerland). The SSA of the as prepared nanomaterials
ments for an effective topical antiseptic used for root was measured on a Micromeritics Tristar (Gosford,
canal treatments. As a result of the entombed environ- NSW, Australia) by nitrogen adsorption at 77 K using
ment in a necrotic root canal system, not only alkaline the Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET) method after out-
induction but also alkaline capacity is important to gasing for 1 h at 150 C. A transmission electron
sustain the antibacterial properties (Waltimo et al. microscope (CM30 ST, LaB6 cathode; Philips Electron
2009). Furthermore, a certain level of radiopacity is Optics, Eindhofen, The Netherlands) was operated at
necessary for a clear distinction between the material 300 kV with a point resolution of 0.4 nm to study the
and the surrounding tissues in clinical practice. The morphology and to confirm the particle size.
addition of the radio-opaque agent, however, should
not negatively affect a material’s clinical performance.
Radiopacity assessment
In the case of commercial calcium hydroxide products,
barium sulphate has commonly been added in an According to previous studies (Waltimo et al. 2009),
amount of up to 54 wt% to render the suspension the amount of bioactive glass per volume plays an
radio-opaque (Calxyl; OCO Präparate, Dirmstein, important role in the closed environment of a root
Germany). There are, however, no data on the conse- canal. To achieve a denser packing of the naturally
quences of the addition of Ba on clinically desired relatively light nanomaterial (low-density powder with
calcium hydroxide properties such as alkaline capacity. snow-like behaviour), uniaxial pressure of 2.6 MPa
The current study aimed at producing a nanopartic- was applied for 30 s. Grinding of the densified material
ulate bioactive glass with radiopacity and consistently subsequently resulted in a smooth and dense powder.
high bioactivity and alkaline capacity through the The thus improved nanometric filler (with and without
addition of a bismuth precursor in the flame spray bismuth oxide) was compared to mechanical mixtures

ª 2010 International Endodontic Journal International Endodontic Journal, 43, 210–217, 2010 211
Radio-opaque bioactive glass Mohn et al.

of nanometric bioactive glass pressed in the same

Alkaline capacity
manner and barium sulphate (50/50 wt%) or bismuth
oxide (80/20 wt%; 50/50 wt%). Calcium hydroxide The alkaline capacity of dense packed material was
with and without additional barium sulphate was used investigated by titration following the procedure as
as commercially available control material. Bovine described by Waltimo et al. (2009). Samples of 1.25 g
dentine slices with a thickness of 1 mm served as of bioactive glass nanoparticles or control materials
control for the clear distinction between the material were suspended in 10 mL unbuffered physiological
and the surrounding tissue in clinical situations. Prior saline to obtain a five times less concentrated suspen-
to use, the corresponding powder was homogeneously sion compared to the pastes mentioned earlier. A
mixed with unbuffered physiological saline (0.9 wt% calibrated pH electrode (Seven Easy, Mettler-Toledo,
NaCl; Braun, Sempach, Switzerland) to obtain a final Greifensee, Switzerland) recorded the continuous titra-
weight to volume ratio of 60% (plastic limit, i.e. the tion curve (1.78 mL h)1, tubing pump ecoline VC-MS/
maximum amount of powder per liquid to yield a paste- CA8-6; Ismatec Glattbrugg, Switzerland) of 1 mol L)1
like suspension). A radiograph was taken after prepar- hydrochloric acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
ing the paste and placing it in a polycarbonate mould
(10 mm diameter, 1 mm thick). Specimens were placed
Detection of Bi in the liquid phase of suspensions
on a radiographic sensor (Digora, Soredex, Finland)
together with an aluminium step-wedge with a variable Leaching of bismuth out of mechanical mixtures of
thickness from 0.5 to 6 mm (0.5 and 1 mm incre- bioactive glass and bismuth oxide was compared to
ments). A Trophy Irix (Trophy, Paris, France) X-ray bismuth oxide-modified bioactive glasses (flame de-
unit operating at 65 kV, 8 mA and 0.22 s with a focus- rived). One hundred milligrams of powder was contin-
film distance of 25 cm was used. The paste samples uously stirred in 10 mL unbuffered physiological
were prepared immediately prior to use in the X-ray saline. Samples of 0.5 mL were taken at 1, 3 and
unit, and radiographic analysis was performed in 51 h and centrifuged at 21 500 g for 10 min. The
triplicates. Digital radiographic images were imported concentration of bismuth in the supernatant was
with a Digora system, using Digora software version measured using an atomic absorption spectrophotom-
1.51 for Windows without grey scale correction. eter (contrAA 300; Analytik Jena, Jena, Germany) with
Optimas imaging analysis software (Meyer Instruments a wavelength of 223 nm and an acetylene/air flame
Inc., Houston, TX, USA) was used to determine the with a gas flow of 50 L h)1.
mean grey value of the samples and converted the
mean grey values to millimetres of aluminium equiv-
alent (AE).
Flame spray synthesis resulted in spherically and
highly agglomerated bioactive glass nanoparticles.
In vitro bioactivity
The SSA using BET showed that bioactive glass 45S5
The bioactivity of the novel derived bioactive glass had 71 m2 g)1, whilst modifying the glass with
nanoparticles incorporating bismuth oxide was tested bismuth oxide reduced it to 60 m2 g)1 and
using simulated body fluid (SBF) according to Kokubo 51 m2 g)1 for glasses with 20 wt% and 50 wt%
et al. (1990). Pressed bioactive glass particles were bismuth oxide, respectively (Table 1). Transmission
placed up to 7 days in SBF at 37 C (Brunner et al. electron microscopy confirmed the morphology and
2006). Raman spectra (EQUINOX 55 and FRA 160/S; size of the novel bioactive glass particles to be in the
Bruker optics, Ettlingen, Germany) were recorded in nanometre range (Fig. 1) and showed bismuth oxide
backscattering mode (Notingher et al. 2002). Surface (2–7 nm) sticking to the surface of the particles.
examination of bioactive glasses before and after Pressing the material with uniaxial pressure com-
soaking in SBF can show the formation of carbonated pacted the powder by a factor of three (Fig. 2), resulting
hydroxyapatite. The formation is an indicator for in in a homogenous powder. The radiopacity of the
vitro bioactivity of biomaterials. To study the carbon- applied pastes differed strongly from each other
ated hydroxyapatite, scanning electron microscope (Fig. 3) depending on the amount of radio-opaque
(SEM) analysis was carried out on a LEO 1530 Gemini agent and incorporation of bismuth oxide. Pure
(Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) after sputtering the calcium hydroxide had an AE of 0.56 ± 0.14 mm
samples with 4 nm of platinum. which was close to that of bovine dentine slices

212 International Endodontic Journal, 43, 210–217, 2010 ª 2010 International Endodontic Journal
Mohn et al. Radio-opaque bioactive glass

Table 1 Nominal composition of differ-

SSAa Particle
ent nanoparticulate bioactive glasses SiO2 Na2O CaO P2O5 Bi2O3 (m2 g)1) sizeb (nm)
(BG) in weight per cent, specific surface
area (SSA) and particle size BG 45.0 24.5 24.5 6.0 – 71 34
BG 20 wt% Bi2O3 36.0 19.6 19.6 4.8 20.0 60 26
BG 50 wt% Bi2O3 23.4 12.8 12.8 3.1 47.9 51 21
Error ± 10%.
Brunauer–Emmet–Teller equivalent particle diameter, calculated by 6=SSA  qBG.

(a) (b)

Figure 1 Transmission electron micro-

scopy images of classical nanometric
bioactive glass (a) and bioactive glass
(flame derived) containing 50 wt%
bismuth oxide (b).

Figure 2 Photographic image showing

1 g of as prepared nanometric bioactive
glass (left), pressed bioactive glass (mid-
dle) and pressed bioactive glass (flame
derived) containing 50 wt% bismuth
oxide, respectively.

0.62 ± 0.03 mm AE (Fig. 4). The addition of barium The formation of a carbonated hydroxyapatite layer
sulphate at a similar ratio to commercially available on the surface of bioactive glass nanoparticles after
products (50 wt%) resulted in 2.47 ± 0.09 mm AE. immersion in SBF for 7 days was confirmed using
Nanometric bioactive glass 45S5 showed an AE of Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 5). It was observed that the
0.14 ± 0.10 mm; the mechanical mixture with barium bismuth oxide-modified bioactive glasses formed a
sulphate (50 wt%) increased this value to hydroxyapatite layer also. This was corroborated by
2.24 ± 0.22 mm. Modifying the bioactive glass with SEM images showing the typical cauliflower shape of
20 wt% bismuth oxide in the flame spray process this layer on both, the pure and the Bi-modified
increased the radiopacity to an AE of 1.84 ± 0.07 mm, bioactive glass (Fig. 6).
whereas the mechanical mixture with 20 wt% bismuth The alkaline capacity of compacted bioactive glasses
oxide equalled 1.22 ± 0.36 mm. An increased bismuth was lower than that of calcium hydroxide, although the
oxide quantity (modified by the flame) up to 50 wt% initial pH value was in the same range. Adding barium
resulted in 4.94 ± 0.17 mm AEs whilst adding sulphate to calcium hydroxide to render the powder
mechanically 50 wt% bismuth oxide corresponded to radio-opaque reduced the alkaline capacity by half.
4.66 ± 0.68 mm (Fig. 4). Bioactive glass with 20 wt% bismuth oxide (flame

ª 2010 International Endodontic Journal International Endodontic Journal, 43, 210–217, 2010 213
Radio-opaque bioactive glass Mohn et al.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3 Radiographic image of bio-

active glass (flame derived), reference
material and an aluminium step wedge;
(a) calcium hydroxide, (b) nanometric
bioactive glass 45S5, (c) bioactive glass
with 20 wt% bismuth oxide, (d) bioactive
glass with 50 wt% bismuth oxide.

Figure 5 Raman spectroscopy of as prepared bioactive glass

Figure 4 Relative radiopacity of tested materials in compar-
(flame derived) and after immersion in simulated body fluid
ison with an aluminium step wedge showing the mean and
(SBF) up to 7 days showing the formation of carbonated
the standard deviation (n = 3). Dashed bars indicate mechan-
ical mixtures and empty bars are mere materials.

derived) showed the same titration curve as the pure liquid phase which was in the error range of the
counterpart. The glass containing 50 wt% bismuth oxide measurement.
had a faster pH drop in comparison with the counterpart
with 20 wt% bismuth oxide (both flame derived) (Fig. 7).
However, the incorporation of 50 wt% bismuth oxide
using the flame spray synthesis into the bioactive glass This study showed that bioactive glasses with bismuth
reduced alkaline capacity less than mechanically adding oxide still have high in vitro bioactivity and alkaline
50 wt% barium sulphate or bismuth oxide. capacity. This could be a step towards a clinical
The assessment of bismuth in the liquid phase of the application of radio-opaque bioactive glass as a topical
suspensions from bismuth oxide-modified bioactive root canal disinfectant. Furthermore, the particles
glasses and mechanical mixtures gave bismuth con- were packed more densely to increase the alkaline
centrations between 0 and 1.3 ppm in the nondiluted capacity and thus the antibacterial properties in the

214 International Endodontic Journal, 43, 210–217, 2010 ª 2010 International Endodontic Journal
Mohn et al. Radio-opaque bioactive glass

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6 Scanning electron microscopy images showing (a) nanometric bioactive glass with 45S5, (b) bioactive glass with 20 wt%
bismuth oxide and (c) bioactive glass with 50 wt% bismuth oxide after immersion in simulated body fluid for 7 days (all flame-

It has recently been shown that as-prepared bioac-

tive glass nanoparticles exhibited a dramatically strong
pH loss during titration and thus only a low alkaline
capacity. This further correlated with the reduced
antibacterial properties of the material when exposed to
E. faecalis in a root canal (Waltimo et al. 2009). As the
amount of material plays a relevant role for alkalinity,
the nanoparticles were uniaxially pressed in this study
to further compact the relatively light nanopowder
(Fig. 2). An increase up to 60 wt/vol% of particulate
bioactive glass in saline was achieved in the suspension
described here compared to a ratio of 20 wt/vol% with
the unpressed material (Waltimo et al. 2009). There-
fore, a more successful antibacterial behaviour as a
Figure 7 Continuous titration of calcium hydroxide and result of higher alkaline capacity (see later) can be
bioactive glass (BG) suspensions with 1M HCl and a constant expected, because more material per volume can be
flow rate of 1.78 mL per hour. filled into an entombed environment.
A distinct differentiation of filling material and the
surrounding tissue is mandatory for clinical practice;
closed environment of a root canal, which is a key hence a positive X-ray contrast medium (radio-opaque
factor for a successful root canal dressing (Waltimo medium) which absorbs X-rays stronger than the
et al. 2009). surrounding tissue should be added. Various radiopa-
Flame spray synthesis is a one-step method to cifiers such as barium sulphate in calcium hydroxide
prepare not only complex nanomaterials (Stark & (Alacam et al. 1990) or bismuth subcarbonate, bismuth
Pratsinis 2002) but also modified glasses (Brunner oxide and barium sulphate in different sealing materials
et al. 2006) to further extend material properties. In (Tanomaru et al. 2008) have been reported. Further-
this study, an increasing amount of bismuth oxide was more, the manufacturer of a commercially available
added to bioactive glass nanoparticles whilst reducing product (Sealapex; Sybron Kerr, Romulus, MI, USA)
simultaneously the SSA but also decreasing the reported the use of bismuth oxide, because it increases
primary particle size (Table 1). This finding can be the sealer’s shelf life and radiopacity (Tanomaru et al.
correlated with the increasing density of the entire 2008). Most recent studies reported the successful use
bioactive glass composition and the increased incorpo- of bismuth oxide as radiopacifier for Portland cements
ration of small bismuth oxide particles not only in the used as root-end filling materials (Kim et al. 2008,
glass matrix but also on the surface (Fig. 1). However, Hwang et al. 2009, Saliba et al. 2009). Adding bismuth
the characteristics of the as prepared materials were oxide up to 50 wt% by the flame spray process in the
not further investigated. current study increased the radiopacity of bioactive

ª 2010 International Endodontic Journal International Endodontic Journal, 43, 210–217, 2010 215
Radio-opaque bioactive glass Mohn et al.

glass to 4.94 mm AE (Fig. 4) compared to a conven- hand, did not show a difference in alkaline capacity
tional mechanical mixture of bioactive glass and compared to original nanometric bioactive glass. The
bismuth oxide (50/50 wt%) with 4.66 mm. Regarding addition of 50 wt% bismuth oxide (flame derived)
the International standard 6876 for root canal sealers, resulted in a lower alkaline capacity, which neverthe-
this novel material exceeded the requested value of less was still higher than that of a 50/50 mechanical
3 mm. In contrast, the mechanical mixture of calcium mixture of bioactive glass with barium sulphate or
hydroxide and barium sulphate had an AE of merely bismuth oxide. Comparing this finding with a historic
2.47 mm. Bovine dentine had 0.62 mm AE, which is control from a previous study under identical condi-
lower than 1.74 mm reported in a recent study tions (Waltimo et al. 2009) shows that the compressed
(Húngaro Duarte et al. 2009). Consequently, depending material revealed a higher alkaline capacity than the
on the measurement conditions, the radiopacity of the unpressed counterpart, although a radio-opaque agent
novel flame-derived bioactive glass nanoparticles might was included.
even be higher than that reported here. Bismuth oxide is known to be only poorly soluble or
Although bioactive glasses were modified with insoluble in water depending on the acidity of the
bismuth oxide to a content of up to 50 wt%, they still corresponding medium (Slikkerveer & Dewolff 1989).
formed an apatite layer on their surface upon immer- The bismuth concentration in unbuffered saline varied
sion in SBF. Raman spectra revealed the formation of between 0 and 1.3 ppm. This means that less than
carbonated hydroxyapatite confirming the in vitro 0.05% of the bismuth in the powders was present in the
bioactivity (Fig. 5). This suggests that bismuth oxide solution. Hence, the rest is probably still incorporated
incorporation did not have a significant influence on in the silica network, sticking to the silica network or
the ability to form hydroxyapatite. On the other hand, precipitated as insoluble bismuth oxide next to the
the alteration of other properties of the glass cannot be flame-derived bioactive glass.
excluded, i.e. a decelerated formation of hydroxyapatite Further studies should assess the antimicrobial effect
which can be speculated as a result of the smaller of the glasses under investigation in root canals and
Raman spectroscopy peak at 960 cm)1 (Fig. 5) that is compare the cyto- and biocompatibility of these mate-
characteristic for P–O symmetric vibration of PO34 rials to that of calcium hydroxide.
groups of hydroxyapatite (Penel et al. 1998). The peak
at 1070 cm)1 corresponds to the m1 vibrational mode of
CO23 indicating a carbonated hydroxyapatite. Never- Conclusion
theless, it has been shown that modification of bioactive Bismuth oxide-modified bioactive glass nanoparticles
glass does not necessarily have a negative influence produced by flame spray synthesis and then pressed to
on bioactive properties (Bellantone et al. 2000). In form a dense powder showed radiopacity, alkaline
the present study, SEM images further validated the capacity and bioactivity that would encourage their
formation of apatite on the surface (Fig. 6). The application in further pre-clinical tests.
bismuth oxide-modified bioactive glass showed smaller
and less apparent hydroxyapatite structures compared
to pure bioactive glass after immersion in SBF, which Acknowledgements
can be an indicator for the slower formation. The Funding by the Department of Preventive Dentistry and
bioactive glass containing 50 wt% bismuth oxide Oral Epidemiology, University of Zurich is kindly
showed considerably less apatite, suggesting that this acknowledged. We also thank Beatrice Sener and
content is probably the limit for radiopacifier addition Henning Scriba for their help with the digital radio-
without loosing the favoured properties. graphic analysis, Fabian Koehler for SEM images, Frank
The mechanical addition of 50 wt% barium sul- Krumeich for TEM images and Evagelos Athanassiou
phate to calcium hydroxide reduced alkaline capacity for help with the Raman spectroscopy.
by half (Fig. 7) compared to pure calcium hydroxide.
Hence, the potential of this topical disinfectant could
be reduced also. However, further studies are required References
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