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1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background and Purpose .................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Objective and Scope.......................................................................................................... 3
2. Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Overview of Stem Cells ..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Stem Cells Banking ............................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Application Areas .............................................................................................................. 5

2.3.1 Pros and Cons on Applications.................................................................................. 5

2.4 Directions of Research ...................................................................................................... 6

2.4.1 The Role of Disruptive Technologies ........................................................................ 7

3. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 7
4. References ....................................................................................................................... 7

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1. Introduction
A cell is the building block of the human body. Normal cells in unicellular or multicellular organisms are
definite in structure and shape, performs only the specific body functions that is meant for it (i.e.
specialized for a particular function – e.g. brain cells, nerve cells, etc.) , and unable to differentiate into
other types of cells. However, there are undifferentiated mass of cells (in multicellular organisms only)
that are not specialised for a particular function, but have the potential for self-renewal and differentiate
into specialised cells. These are called as ‘stem cells’. These cells have role in various therapies, and are
extensively researched for potential cure for much of the woes of mankind.

1.1 Background and Purpose

The report aims to promote stem cells awareness, the value of improving public health through
regenerative medicine, research areas, and how the acquired knowledge from research is leveraged by
fence-riding technologies of the current era such as artificial intelligence and robotics are shaping new
markets for the health sector.

1.2 Objective and Scope

The scope of the document is to have a holistic coverage on the areas of proliferation of stem cells in
public health, how the public may benefit from the technology if stem cells are banked, and what promises
are being held from the extensive research pathways. Accordingly, the report is aimed for overall
awareness rather than having a specific focus into any particular aspect of application or research areas.

2. Literature Review
The undermentioned section is a succinct draft based on intensive literature review.

2.1 Overview of Stem Cells

Stem cell is critical as it is the basis for all other cells since it can rapidly replenish any type of cell towards
promoting the natural healing of the human body. This report provides an insight into the stem cells, stem
cell banking, and application areas of the banked cells, applications areas and research directions. Figure
1 is a pictorial visualization of sample types of differentiations of stem cells.

Figure 1: Sample types of differentiations or specializations of stem cells

Based on their potential to differentiate into other cells, the stem cells are classified into:

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 Totipotent: These stem cells can differentiate into all possible cell types. The first few cells that
appear as the zygote starts to divide are totipotent.
 Pluripotent: These cells can turn into almost any cell. Cells from the early embryo are pluripotent.
Embryonic stem cells are considered pluripotent instead of totipotent because they cannot be
part of the extra-embryonic membranes or the placenta.
 Multipotent: These cells can differentiate into a closely related family of cells. Adult
hematopoietic stem cells, for example, can become red and white blood cells or platelets.
 Oligopotent: These can differentiate into a few different cell types. Adult lymphoid or myeloid
stem cells can do this.
 Unipotent: These can only produce cells of one kind, which is their own type. However, they are
still stem cells because they can renew themselves. Examples include adult muscle stem cells.

2.2 Stem Cells Banking

Stem cells can be extracted, processed and stored for future treatment as and when required. The
extractions may be used for family members, provided, the needed matching in terms of specialized blood
checks are in alignment, and be used as per the transformation needs for an organ or tissue in the body,
or research purposes. Adult stem cells may also be obtained (generally from bone marrow), however, in
limited quantities only, which may not be cost effective for storage and usage until in time of need. The
stem cells are abundantly obtained from umbilical cord blood, which also multiplies high, has good
concentration to meet future adult usage as needed. Undermentioned diagram shows the high level
process of collection and storage of stem cells from a newborn’s umbilical cord.

Figure 2: Process of collection and storage of stem cells.

The systematic collection of samples of stem cells from rich sources like umbilical cord blood and
preserving them under cryogenic conditions (low temperatures; below -190 Degree Celsius) is called as

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stem cell banking (akin to blood banks). The cost of banking is expensive and may range to several
thousands of dollars depending on the country and sophisticated laboratory facilities.

2.3 Application Areas

Stem cells majorly observed in multiple body glands helps to renew and replenish the aging and flawed
tissues. In some body parts, stem cells divide abruptly to regenerate and repair the tissues. The two
unusual features of the stem cells are they can divide multiple times and as they keep dividing, they can
transform into other types. Embryonic stem cells, Induced pluripotent stem cells, and adult stem cells are
the three distinct types of stem cells majorly seen in the human body. An embryonic cell produces new
cells as an embryo develops while adult stem cells are capable of continuously providing new cells and
replace the cells that are damaged inside the body. Induced pluripotent stem cells also known as iPS cells
are used in the lab where they are made by using the adult cells. iPS cells can grow into different cell type
just like embryonic cells.

Traditionally, the most significant and potential use of stem cells is in the renewal of tissues and cells
which can widely be utilized by the cell-based therapies. Currently, stem cells are utilized in the marrow
transplantation due to their potential for regenerating the damaged tissue. Additionally, it is known that
stem cells can also help to replace the neurons in the body which is adversely damaged by any neurological
problems, stroke, spinal cord injury and much more. Many peer-reviewed journals have also
demonstrated that stem cells produce insulin in the body which plays an essential role in treating chronic
diseases like diabetes. Many studies have also indicated that when stem cells are directly injected into the
body, It can cardiac function and improve blood circulation. In conclude saying that stem cells can be
widely used in various therapies and promises a bright future in the field of science.

2.3.1 Pros and Cons on Applications

Some of the advantages and challenges about the stem cells are noted in the table below. Note that the
Pros and Cons record shall not be horizontally matched/related. Both are juxtaposed only for saving space.

Pros Cons
Stem cells are unspecialized thus Although claimed as life-long validity, shelf life
undifferentiated so that they can be of banked stem cells are limited to two decades,
transformed into specialized treatments on the after which curing or research application is
body such as blood cancers and other debatable.
immunity and blood related diseases, pain
management, musculoskeletal problems, hair
loss, vision impairment, obesity
neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s,
Parkinsons), etc. Cord blood cells are used for
curing diseases like cerebral palsy, etc.
Birth defects can be identified in advance The processing and storing under optimum
from embryonic stem cells. conditions are needed for risk-free application on
treatment or research, which cannot be
guaranteed by all stem cell banks.

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Therapeutic cell cloning. Any genital defects in the cells are carried
forward, which limits the application on the
intended use.
Reduced risks from organ transplantation Contamination or infection from pathogenic
risks and associated mortality rates including bacteria or viruses in the cells cannot be
potential post infections. prevented or noticed upfront.
Potential cure from stroke and diabetes Not a solution for any disease; Application areas
(type 1) are limited.
Only small amount of cells required due to The researches in the areas are not satisfactory
rapid replication. yet to the level where neural networks and
artificial intelligence may be leveraged, although
the health industry claims positive effects from
fence riding technologies.
Extensive researches are ongoing combining Not all types of stem cells can be used for the
artificial intelligence, nano technology, and pros indicated. Cord blood cells are generally
neural netowrks, which seems to be promising usable (by law as well) instead of embryonic or
in the future if stem cells are preserved. adult stem cells.
Potential embryonic treatment usage. Medical insurance is not covered for stem cells
Stem cells preserved are usable for organ Coordinated stringent governance of the
transplantation, regenerative medicinal research and application areas at a global level is
application for critical illnesses, and usable on needed, so that malpractices are curbed for the
the donor as well as on family members. effective exploitation of the embryonic stem cells.
Table 1: Pros and Cons of applications

2.4 Directions of Research

The medical industry has already established the stem cell usage for regenerative medicine. Advancement
in research areas currently focus more into identifying how stem cells influence growth and development
in the early life, and tissues degeneration later. In this regard, stem cell research may help prevent or treat
adverse health conditions through cell-based therapies and drugs development. Such directions can
promote public health, spurring new realms for regenerative medicine, grow them into replacement
organs, etc. Mortality rates from cardio vascular diseases, cancers, and HIV - the ultimate curse of the
generation for which complete cure is nearly impracticable unless detected early or exponentially pricey
and non-affordable by a larger segment of every society – are high and governments are funding quite
well for potential solutions through stem cells applications.

Specific focus is also made into the drug testing and delivery for the treatment of lifestyle diseases such
as Type 1 Diabetes (auto immune condition), atherosclerosis ailments, spinal cord injuries (neurological
disorders), effects of radiation and chemotherapy (cancer treatment side effects), infection-free organ
transplantation, anti-aging, etc. Clones are buildable from stem cells, however, regulations are being
enforced to limit cloning humans, considering legal and ethical issues, the disastrous effects to the
ecosystem (e.g. clones of humans and animals) and the wider mankind, and potential illegal trafficking
and immoral issues that may emerge from non-parented/ unowned clones generated from unauthorized
stem cells that may disturb the balance of individual identity leading to non-trackable citizens.

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2.4.1 The Role of Disruptive Technologies

The therapy of future is the collaboration of artificial intelligence (AI), neural networks, and machine and
software for developing medical tools and robotics for stem cell therapies. AI robots are now so human-
like, making it easy to incorporate AI approaches and integrate them with ongoing clinical studies for
cellular therapies and regenerative medicines. By combining human intelligence with machine intelligence
there is now a higher significant impact on the end results of stem cell therapies being conducted. This all
boils down to a growing interest in AI capabilities in applying algorithms and statistical models to come
up with life-saving techniques.

3. Conclusion
Science and Life - The advancement in science has transformed our lives in enormous ways and stem cells
is an interesting epitome. It is important to further stem cells research on cord blood cells / adult cells so
that the benefits are continued to be reaped in more promising ways. However, researchers have to
measure life against life and as a matter of life; the more promising results from embryonic stem cells
which may cause abortion versus helping a dying person or harming the natural balance of ecosystem and
mankind needs careful legal and ethical considerations.

4. References
What is a stem cell? (2017, August 17). Retrieved from
stem-cell .

Stem Cell Therapy Specialists. (n.d.). Retrieved from .

Stem Cell Basics VII. (n.d.). Retrieved from .

5 types of stem cells by differentiation potential (2018, May 02). Retrieved from .

Gene replacement therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Artificial intelligence and stem cells. (2019, January, 7). https://www.kali-alaia-

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