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Assignment # 1

Q1: After studying and extracting information from all the relevant work done previously, how does
the researcher know which particular references, articles and information should be given
prominence in the literature review?

A1: There are following points that researcher keep in mind to get know the particular references:

 Evidence/ Substantiation: Researcher always think about the particular reference on the
basis of the Confirmation in the form of questionnaire and interviews they conducted to
write a research article that has necessary to highlight the benefits and shortcoming they
faced, same school of understanding makes the new researcher to move further with better
understanding and challenges they might have to tackle in future.
 Research questions: It is actually guide towards authentic literature review.
 Selective/Discriminating: Researcher can quote on the basis of critically analyzed
perspective. Research articles must have been choosy and relevant to the research topic
that makes easy to relate the article positively.
 Quote/Paraphrase: Literature review may get prominent by the use of quotes to analyzing
the nature of research article that enforces to get better knowledge and understanding of all
pros and cons.
 Recapitulate and Combine: Research article must be brief and combined the body of article
in 2500 to 3000 words.
 Minimum Imitative: It is preferable to have no bootlegging in the research article that is
admissible up to 15 %.

after victorious doing research, it must be laid down with the correct data, but it must be clear
information, from which the citation and the data obtained.


Q2: A Typical Example of a research question is: “What is effect of reward system on
Productivity?” What is the Problem Here, according to the researcher? And what is a
possible solution to the problem, according to the same researcher?
Generally there is direct relationship between reward and productivity. There are both
positive and negative effects on productivity that are as under:
Positive Effect on productivity
It may effect positively for both employee and employer if reward system on productivity
will apply. Productive Employees get the confidence back after getting reward in the
company and will get strong financially, morally, and ethically and upgraded to the next
level. Consequently, organization maintain the level of services and able to excel the market
beyond the level.
Non Productive employees highlighted by their own performance and get lessons from
productive employees. They were creating examples to not follow the actions they had
chosen otherwise get the results same as they faced.
Negative Effect (Problem) of Reward System on Productivity
One Organization don’t give reward in compensation to the staff members who performed
well to maintain productivity of the organization, in a result they feel lack of motivation, lack
of attention, dissatisfied with the organization and for that reason turnover rate of
organization getting high and high. It may cause instability of the organization.
It may effect business benefits to such low level that affects new businesses and old
businesses on the basis of client relationship.
It may affect overall structure of the organization as nonproductive employees embaraced
the productive employees’ in spite of all the efforts productive employees had accounted
for the betterment of the organization and lifts off their motivation, confidence and
dedication. Productive employees may get influenced from others that will effect overall
hierarchy of the organization.
After evaluating the above cited scenario of the organization, it has shown that the
employees were productive and they were doing best efforts but rewards were not given
properly to the employees according to their productivity. Their appraisals were not up to
the mark and not compensated as per their performance.
Solution of Reward System on Productivity:
1) Organization should revise their HR Policy and if organization have already HR policy
then have to implement it by any means.
2) Organization should develop concept of “pay for performance” by keeping the
productivity of the employee especially where turnover rate prevails.
3) Organization must develop incentive program to motivate the productive
4) Organization must give all the facilities that has mandatory for the employee like
laptops, conveyance, medical etc.
5) Organization must increase employee ethical & moral values, and must do the
needful for the improvement of their productivity by keeping in view of their
performance as done before.
6) Organization must take initiative like employee of the month award, sports
competition, concerts, get-together, tours etc.

It may help but not limited to the staff but also helps to the organization to catch the
business benefits to the maximum value.

Q3: Why is it important to gather information on the background of the organization? Why
is it important to review the literature on your topic?

(A) Background Information

Q4: Some people think that you should choose a particular research perspective based on
the research questions of your study. Others feel that a particular research perspective
“Chooses” you. That is, they believe that you will have a rather strong preference for one
particular research perspective, in turn, this will have an influence on the type of questions
you ask. How do you feel about this matter?

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