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Solar eclipse:

A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully
or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. Such alignment
coincides with a new moon.

Solar Eclipse in Karachi:

The annular phase of this solar eclipse is not visible in Karachi, but it can be observed there as a partial
solar eclipse. Check the weather for Karachi.

Solar Eclipse Timings in Karachi:

NASA offers these safety tips for the Solar Eclipse:

• Do not look directly at the sun.
• People cannot use building roofs for viewing.
• Don't stare at the eclipse while you drive.
• Watch out for pedestrians while driving on the roads.
• Drive slowly and keep plenty of space between you and other cars.
• Do not use homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses.
• Make sure the solar viewer or glasses include the manufacturer’s name and
• Do not use solar glasses that are older than three years or have scratched
• Do not look at an eclipse through an unfiltered camera viewfinder, telescope,
binoculars or other optical device even with a solar filter. Those items magnify
sunrays and can quickly damage the retina.
• In case of solar eclipse effect on eyes, go indoors, preferably into a dark room and rest
your eyes.
• Follow up later with an eye specialist, testing can be done to determine the
extent of damage, but there is no effective medical treatment for solar
retinopathy at this time.

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