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MUSIC of the Classical Period

● the term classical refers to period from 1750 - 1820

● "Age of reason"
● cultural life was dominated by aristocracy
● instrumental music was patronized by nobility
● new style - Classicism
● classical - denotes conformity
● Alberti Bass - broken chord accompaniment
vocal and instrumental music
1. Sonata- came from the word Sonare or "to make a sound"
● Allegro-fast movement
● Andante-slow movement
● Minuet-three-four time and in a moderate or fast tempo
2. Sonata Allegro-most important form, consist of 3 distinct sections:
● Exposition-first part,introduces the theme
● Development-middle part,themes being developed
● Recapitulation-repeats the theme
3. Concerto-multi-movement work for a soloist and orchestra. Primarily
emphasize the individuality of the solo instrument. Has 3 movements:
● Fast
● Slow
● Fast
4. Symphony-derived from the word sinfonia meaning "a harmonious sounding
together." Has 4 movements:
● fast
● slow
● medium
● fast
5. Classical Opera- 2 distinct styles of opera
● opera seria (serious opera)- heroic/tragic drama
-example is Idomeneo
● opera buffa (comic opera)- make use of everyday characters
composers of the classical period
1. Franz Joseph Haydn
- Father of symphony
-calm, balances, serious but with humor
2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- child prodigy, most amazing genius
3. Ludwig Van Beethoven
- bridged the late classical era and the early romantic era
-"Missa Solemnis"
-developed musical themes and motifs by modulation
-used more brass instruments and dynamics

ARTS of the Renaissance Period

● period of economic progress
● realistic and humanistic art
● architecture-symmetry and balance
● period of artistic experimentation
artworks and artists
1. Michelangelo Simoni
● Pieta - represents seated Madonna (mama mary) holding christ's body in her
● Last Judgement
2. Leonardo Da Vinci - "Renaissance Man"
● Last Supper
● Mona Lisa - mona, polite form of address of Madonna (similar to ma'am)
3. Raphael Urbino
● School of Athens
● The Transfiguration - altarpiece for the Narbonne Cathedral
4. Donato Bardi
● bas-relief - form of shallow relief structure
● David

Baroque Art
● derived from the word barocco or "irregularly shaped pearl or stone"
● reflects the tensions of the age notably the desire of the Catholic Church in Rome
● Roman catholic church - propagate Christianity
● aristocracy - for architecture and arts to express power and control
● gestures are broader than Mannerist gestures
● Baroque sculpture - marked by a similar sense of dynamic movement
● Baroque architecture - create spectacle and illusion
Baroque artworks and artists
1. Michelangelo Caravaggio
● deviate from the classical masters of the renaissance
● Conversion of St.Paul
2. Gian Bernini
● recreated David but very diff from michelangelo's David
● Piazza San Pietro
● Ecstasy of St.Teresa
3. Peter Rubens
● Flemish Baroque painter
● well known for mythical and figurative subjects
● Portrait of Helene Fourment
4. Rembrandt Rijn
● Dutch realist
● greatest painter and printmaker in europe
● Self portrait in old age
5. Diego Velasquez
● one of the most important painters in spanish golden age
● Las Meninas (the maids of honour) - Margaret Theresa, a subject of the

P.E Social Dances

● Dance etiquette-set of guidelines that help navigate the social dimensions of dancing
● Social dances and dance mixers - to get to know other people to a certain social
● dance mixers - allow group of performers to change partners periodically
classified into 2 major classifications
1. Latin American Dances
● salsa - cuba
● Mambo - cuba
● swing - USA
● cha-cha-cha - cuba
● Rumba -Cuba
● Samba -Brazil
● jive -USA
● boogie -USA
● merengue - dominican rep.
2. Modern Standard Dances (revealing yet sophisticated)
● slow waltz - austria
● tango - argentina
● Viennese waltz- Viennese
● Foxtrot - USA
● quickstep - USA
FITT Principle
● Frequency
● intensity
● time
● type of activity

HEALTH Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse

● drugs - substances which when taken into the body have psychological, emotional,
etc. effects on a person
● 3 drugs of abuse - shabu (methamphetamine hydrochloride), marijuana (cannabis
sativa), inhalants (solvents)
● drug dependence - the use of a drug takes on a high priority, creating a strong desire
to take the substance
● drug misuse - inconsistent with the prescribed dosage or frequency of use
● drug abuse - use of a substance for a non-medicinal purposes. Leads to addiction,
liver damage, and troubled behavioral patterns
● Drug tolerance - condition of the body to adapt to the effects of the substances
● risk factors - influences which increase the chances of using, misusing, and abusing
● protective factors - influences which decrease the chances of using, misusing, and
abusing drugs
● personal
risk: use of drugs at an early age
protective: self-control behaviour
● family
risk: poor parenting and child rearing
protective: strong family values
● peer and friends
risk: association with peers known to use gateway drugs
protective: association with peers who do not use gateway drugs
● school
risk: poor academic performance
protective: good academic performance
● community
risk: easy access to gateway drugs
protective: strong community advocacy against drugs
Classification of drugs of abuse
● Gateway drugs - ex.cigar, alcohol
● Depressant - slows down the central nervous system (CNS), relax muscles and
nerves ex.alcohol, tranquilizers
● stimulant - speed up CNS. Makes a person's energy high ex. caffeine, nicotine,
● narcotics - relieve pain and induce sleepiness ex. cocaine, heroin, marijuana
● hallucinogens - distorts reality from facts ex. mushrooms, mescaline
● inhalants - found in ordinary household chemical products ex. acetone, rugby, spray

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