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Sequoia Capital

Date: zof tzlzotg

Drip Capital Inc.,
555 Bryant St, #356,
Palo Alto CA g4gor

Price Waterhouse

Dear Sir,

In connection $rith the audit of our financial statements, we are writing to you requesting that you confirm the
following Numbers ofShares in our favour as per annexure attached for the year ended December 31, 2019.

Ifyour records are in full agreement with the annexure, please confirm this on the attached copy ofthis letter by
signing and returning it direc'tly to our auditors, Price Waterhouse. If your records are not in full agreement with
the above annexure, please provide to Price Waterhouse with the shares shown in your records together with
details ofall differcnces, including balanees on any accounts not listed above.

Please sign and date your response and mail your reply directly to Price Waterhouse, 2S2, Veer Savarkar Marg,
Shivaji Park, (Attention: Ashish Kejygal), in the enclosed return envelope. To expedite the process, please email
a copy of your response before mailiiig it. You can email to ashish.kejriwal( with a cc to and

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in complying with this request and apologise for any
inconvenience caused.

Price Waterhouse

We confirm that we are in agreement with the annexure attached in your favour as on December 31, 2019.


We are not in agreement with the annexure attached for the following reasons:

lfGiue details of all exeeptionsf

(Signature) (Date)

?.us.r,xnq. frr.p5.qy.nB C0 -CE0 cn?llng. $L

(Name and job title of custorner official) (Name of Customer)

company rnstrument Totar Shares rnvestment vehicte

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