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# crontab -l | grep autoviosbr

0 * * * * /usr/ios/sbin/autoviosbr -start 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

This entry will check for any configuration changes and generate a new backup if
necessary. Here's an example from my VIOS, running

$ ioslevel

I create a new virtual optical device, which should trigger a new backup the next
time the autoviosbr script runs (once per hour). Prior to creating the device,
viosbr shows the autobackup status as Complete (no changes). I ensure that
autobackup is configured by stopping and starting it with the viosbr command.

$ viosbr -autobackup stop -type node

Autobackup stopped successfully.

$ viosbr -autobackup start -type node

Autobackup started successfully.

$ viosbr -autobackup status -type node

Node configuration changes:Complete.

$ mkvdev -fbo -vadapter vhost34

vtopt13 Available

Immediately after the vtopt device is created, the autobackup status displays as
Pending (something has changed but has not yet been backed up).

$ viosbr -autobackup status -type node

Node configuration changes:Pending.

The autoviosbr file is created in /home/padmin/cfgbackups.

$ r oem


# cd /home/padmin/cfgbackups

# ls -tlr

total 72

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 12189 May 10 14:00


On the hour, the autoviosbr script runs, notices that the configuration has changed
and generates a new viosbr backup file. The viosbr autobackup status changes to

$ viosbr -autobackup status -type node

Node configuration changes:Complete.

# ls -ltr

total 88

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 12218 May 10 15:00


What's inside the tar file?

# cp /home/padmin/cfgbackups/autoviosbr_s824vio2.tar.gz /tmp/cg/

# cd /tmp/cg

# gzip -d autoviosbr_s824vio2.tar.gz

# tar -xvf autoviosbr_s824vio2.tar

x ArtexRules_MTM8286-42A02214F58VP2.xml, 20549 bytes, 41 media blocks.

x autoviosbr_s824vio2, 198554 bytes, 388 media blocks.

# ls -ltr
total 888

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 198554 May 10 15:00 autoviosbr_s824vio2

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 20549 May 10 15:00 ArtexRules_MTM8286-42A02214F58VP2.xml

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 225280 May 10 15:00 autoviosbr_s824vio2.tar

The ArtexRules file contains device specific configuration attributes.

The autoviosbr file contains virtual device configuration information. In this file
I can confirm that the configuration of my new virtual optical device (vtopt13) has
been backed up.

# grep vtopt13 autoviosbr_s824vio2

# vi autoviosbr_s824vio2

If you want to force a backup to run, before the next hour, manually run the
following as root (oem_setup_env):

$ oem_setup_env

# /usr/ios/sbin/autoviosbr -start

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