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Robert Marzano’s Causal Teacher Evaluation Model • 4 Domains (60 elements)

• Emphasis on instruction
The Goal: An expectation that all teachers can increase • 41 elements in Classroom Strategies and
their expertise from year to year which produces gains in Behaviors (68%)
student achievement from year to year with a powerful • Research indications of higher levels of
cumulative effect. observer accuracy due to specificity
• Greater clarity for a common language
BASED STRATEGIES • Teachers are empowered
• Transparent processes
Effective teacher = student achievement • More formative feedback
(Use of research-based strategies to achieve student • Continuous growth
learning results)

Effective Principal = Effective Teachers

Student achievement learning results are lagging

Teacher and student behavior is a leading indicator
(Effective use of research-based instructional strategies)


INSTRUCTION The teacher provides a clearly stated learning goal
Why is a Common Language/Model of Instruction accompanied by scale or rubric that describes levels of
Critical for Developing Effective Teachers? performance relative to the learning goal.

• Definition of Effective Teaching so every leader TEACHER EVIDENCE

and every teacher knows what effective teaching  Teacher has a learning goal posted so that all
looks and sounds like students can see it
• Accuracy and inter-rater reliability for  The learning goal is a clear statement of
supervisors, teacher leaders, coaches, and knowledge or information as opposed to an
teachers activity or assignment
• Ability to provide professional development  Teacher makes reference to the learning goal
rigorously aligned to the Model of Instruction throughout the lesson
and measure progress in improving teacher  Teacher has a scale or rubric that relates to the
practice learning goal posted so that all students can see
• Consistency for data collection to measure it
progress across classrooms, schools and districts  Teacher makes reference to the scale or rubric
throughout the lesson

• Student achievement will not improve unless teaching

 When asked, students can explain the learning
• Teachers working alone without feedback will not be goal for the lesson
able to improve no matter how much professional
 When asked, students can explain how their
development they receive. current activities relate to the learning goal
 When asked, students can explain the meaning
• The challenge of Teacher Evaluation is to create a
of the levels of performance articulated in the
system of continuous improvement of instruction,
scale or rubric
professional development, and Feedback.
Topic(s): Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching,
James Stronge – Teacher Effectiveness Performance
• Supervision needs to be frequent and focused on the
Evaluation System (TEPES)
improvement of instruction within a common language
of Instruction.
Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching
Danielson's Framework For Teaching identifies
Marzano Causal Teacher Evaluation Model
a teacher's responsibilities to improve student learning
The Development and Purpose of FFT
 The primary emphasis of supervision is to raise
- The book Enhancing Professional Practice,
student achievement through the effective
which was written in 1996 by Charlotte
implementation of research-based instructional
strategies that work.
- The Framework for Teaching, created by performance and
Charlotte Danielson, is a comprehensive and improved learner
coherent framework that identifies those aspects academic
of a teacher’s responsibilities that have been achievement
documented through empirical studies and Improves the quality of Provides sample
theoretical research as promoting improved instruction by ensuring performance indicators
student learning. The Framework for Teaching is accountability for for each of
a validated” instrument; that is, studies have classroom performance the teacher performance
shown that teachers who receive higher ratings and standards
on their evaluation produce greater gains in teacher effectiveness
student test scores. Contributes to successful Documents teacher
Charlotte Danielson’s FRAMEWORK FOR achievement of the goals performance based on
TEACHING and objectives defined in multiple
DOMAIN 1: Planning and Preparation the vision, mission, and data sources
1a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and goals of the school
Pedagogy 1b Demonstrating Knowledge of district
Students Provides a basis for Provides procedures for
1c Setting Instructional Outcomes instructional conducting performance
1d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources improvement reviews that stress
1e Designing Coherent Instruction through productive accountability, promote
1f Designing Student Assessments teacher performance professional
DOMAIN 2: The Classroom Environment appraisal improvement, and
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and and professional growth increase the
Rapport involvement of teachers
2b Establishing a Culture for Learning in the evaluation process
2c Managing Classroom Procedures Encourages collaboration Includes a support system
2d Managing Student Behavior between the teacher and for providing assistance
2e Organizing Physical Space evaluator through an when needed
DOMAIN 3: Instruction evaluation system that
3a Communicating With Students promotes self-growth,
3b Using Questioning and Discussion instructional
Techniques effectiveness,
3c Engaging Students in Learning and improvement of
3d Using Assessment in Instruction overall job performance
3e Demonstrating Flexibility and
Responsiveness MCREL(Mid-continent Research for Education and
DOMAIN 4: Professional Responsibilities Learning)
4a Reflecting on Teaching Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning
4c Communicating with Families
(McREL) is a nationally recognized, private, nonprofit
4d Participating in a Professional Community
4e Growing and Developing Professionally
4f Showing Professionalism dedicated to improving education for all students
through applied research, product development, and
James Stronge – Teacher Effectiveness Performance service.
Evaluation System (TEPES) Established in 1966, McREL now maintains a staff of
The Stronge Teacher Effectiveness Performance 110 in its Denver, Colorado, office.
Evaluation System (TEPES) uses the Goals and Roles Purpose of the Evaluation
Performance Evaluation Model©(short title: Goals and The intended purpose of McREL’s Teacher Evaluation
Roles Model©) developed by Dr. James Stronge for System is to assess the teacher’s performance
collecting and presenting data to document performance in relation to the Professional Teaching Standards and to
based on well-defined job expectations. TEPES provides guide the creation of a plan for professional
a balance between structure and flexibility. It is growth.
prescriptive in that it defines common purposes and
McREL's CUES Framework evaluation model
expectations, thereby guiding effective instructional
practice. At the same time, it provides flexibility,
thereby allowing for creativity and individualteacher
initiative. The goal is to support the continuous growth
and development of each teacher by monitoring,
analyzing, and applying pertinent datacompiled within a
system of meaningful feedback
Purposes and Characteristics of TEPES
Optimizes student Focuses on the
learning and growth relationship between
This step provides the opportunity for the evaluator to
collect performance data in and outside the classroom.
Data collecting offers the opportunity to provide fair and
constructive feedback to the teacher on their
performance using a number of data collection methods.
Data collection can include but not limited to; formal
and informal in-class observations, walkthroughs,
review of artifacts and evidence, surveys, and active
participation in essential responsibilities, such as PLC's,
staff meetings, parent and student conferences.
5. Mid-Year conference
Mid-year conference provides the opportunity for the
evaluator and the teacher to meet briefly in order to
assess the progress of the teacher’s performance in
relationship to their defined performance goals and the
expectations detailed in the CUES Framework Rubrics.
6. Data collection
This step is identical to number 4 above.
7. Summary Rating
Summary Ratings are to be completed by the evaluator
prior to the Final Conference and Goal Setting meeting
(Process Step 8). The evaluator reviews the data
collected during the school year that has been recorded
on the observation rubric form along with the artifacts
and evidence presented throughout the evaluation cycle.
1. Orientation The evaluator makes final ratings based on the scoring
Each district should provide an orientation on the rule and consideration of data, artifacts and evidence
evaluation system at the beginning of each school year. collected throughout the evaluation cycle.
The orientation provides the opportunity for all staff to
the evaluation process understand; how they will be 8. Final Conference and Goal Setting
evaluated; what they will be evaluated against; and to The teacher and their evaluator meet to discuss results
clarify roles and responsibilities related to teacher from the Summary Rating form. Should the evaluator
evaluation. This will ensure that Teachers who are new and the teacher not agree on the final ratings during the
to the system will have the knowledge they need to end-of-year review, they should determine what
actively participate in their own evaluation. additional evidence is needed in order to arrive at the
2. Self-assessment and Goal Setting Each teacher correct rating. A suggested two-week period provides
should complete a self-assessment using the same rubric adequate time to collect and summarize any additional
on which they will be evaluated. This step provides the artifacts and evidence that would substantiate
opportunity to reflect on personal performance as it performance final ratings.
relates directly to the knowledge and skills articulated Using the element and standard ratings, comments, and
within the rubrics. The self-assessment is to assist in artifacts discussed, the teacher and evaluator discuss
collaborative professional dialogue with the evaluator areas on which to improve. The teacher will begin
and not intended to make final performance judgments. develop a professional growth plan designed to address
3. Pre-evaluation conference any areas in which growth and develop are needed,
The pre-evaluation conference is intended to ensure that professional development or training required, and other
the teacher understands the evaluation process and resources needed to fully implement the professional
address any questions or concerns related to their growth plan in preparation for the subsequent school
evaluation. In addition this meeting is to review the self- year.
assessment and finalize the performance goals for the
current school year.
This short cycle process involves, at the minimum, a FOR TEACHERS
formal classroom observation followed by post-
observation conference. However, some local evaluation On August 11, 2017 Department of Education, through
policies dictate that a pre-observation conference be held the Teacher Education Council
prior to a formal observation. In such instances the short
cycle process would involve a pre-observation issued DO No. 42 entitled National Adoption and
conference – formal observation – post-observation Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards
conference. To use this system effectively a pre- for Teachers (PPST). In order to address the changes
observation conference is not required since the annual brought about by various national and global
goals have been discussed and finalized during the Pre- frameworks Also, changing character of the 21st
Evaluation Conference Meeting (Process step 3) the century learners Because of these, improvements to
evaluator should consider the teachers goals as the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
primary focus and other elements as a secondary focus (NCBTS) = Philippine Professional Standards for
for data collection and feedback. Teachers (PPST).
WHY IS PPST CREATED WHEN THERE IS AN maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching
EXISTING NCBTS FRAMEWORK? such as caring attitude, respect, and integrity.
The PPST module distributed by DepEd explains that 7 DOMAINS Domain
PPST complements the reform initiatives on teacher Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy is
quality from pre-service education to in-service training composed of the following seven
(INSET).It articulates what constitutes teacher quality in Domain 2. strands: Learning Environment, consists the
the K to 12 Reform through well-defined domains, following six
strands and indicators that provide measures of Domain 3. strands: Diversity of Learners, consists the
professional learning, competent practice and effective following five strands:
engagement. This set of standards makes explicit what Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning includes the
teachers should know, be able to do and value to achieve following five strands:
competence, improved student learning outcomes and Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting is composed of
eventually quality education. It is founded on teaching the following five strands:
philosophies of learner-centeredness, lifelong learning, Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional
and inclusivity/inclusiveness, among others. The Engagement consist of the following four strands:
professional standards, therefore, become a public Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional
statement of professional accountability that can help Development
teachers reflect on and assess their practices as they CAREER STAGES Career Stage
aspire for personal growth and professional 1 Beginning Teachers Career Stage
development. 2 Proficient Teachers Career Stage
PPST started its implementation in August of 2017 3 Highly Proficient Teachers Career Stage
through DepEd Order No. 42 signed by Secretary 4 Distinguished Teachers
Leonor M. Briones.
the PPST aims to: Prepared by: Kimberly Lumagui
1. Set out clear expectations of teachers along well- Pamela Urmatan
defined career stages of professional development from Neil Patrick Flores
beginning to distinguished practice.
2. Engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing
effort in attaining proficiency; and,
3. Apply a uniform measure to assess teacher
performance, identify needs, and provide support for
professional development.
DO No. 42 emphasized that the PPST shall be used as a
basis for all learning and development programs for
teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped to
effectively implement the K to 12 Program.
1. Recognize the importance of mastery of content
knowledge and its interconnectedness within and across
curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical
understanding of the application of theories and
principles of teaching and learning.
2. Provide learning environments that are safe, secure,
fair and supportive to promote learner responsibility and
achievement. Establish learning environments that are
responsive to learner diversity. The PPST targets to
produce better teachers in the country by improving their
qualification skills and by increasing their levels of
knowledge, practice and professional engagement .
3. Interact with the national and local curriculum
4. Apply a variety of assessment tools and strategies for
monitoring, evaluating, documenting and progress and
needs, reporting learners’ school-community
achievement. Establish partnerships aimed at enriching
the learning environment, as well as the community's
engagement in the educative process.
5. Value personal growth and professional development
and exhibit high personal regard for the profession by

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