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LizardBear Tasking Inc.

TaskUs Occupational Health and Safety Employee

LMS Training


I, _______________, the [Participant], hereby grants and authorize
LizardBear Tasking, Inc. (“LBTI”), its parent companies, and any affiliates,
their respective employees, agents, officers and directors, and other
parties designated by LBTI (hereafter collectively referred to as, the “LBTI
Parties”) the irrevocable right to use [my / Participant’s] name, likeness,
image voice, appearance and/or performance as captured by
photographic, audio and/or video means (hereafter, the "Media/Content")
for release and/or reproduction in any medium for use in the Occupational
Health and Safety LMS Training (the “Project”) as well as company-use in
promotional, marketing and training related activities.

I hereby understand and acknowledge that [I / Participant] have no

interest or ownership in the Media/Content or copyright in the
Media/Content, and that any use of the Content/Media may be used
without compensation or notice to me. I waive any right to inspect,
approve, and/or otherwise control the use of the Media/Content.

Further, I hereby likewise understand and acknowledge that [my /

Participant’s] name and identity may be revealed in the Media/Content.

Finally, I hereby take action for myself, my executors,

administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and/or assigns as follows:

1. To waive, release, and forever discharge the LBTI Parties from

any and all liability in connection thereto or actions of any kind, including
but not limited to those caused by my negligence, which may hereafter
accrue to me;

2. To indemnify and hold free and harmless the LBTI Parties from
all claims, judgements and costs, including attorney’s fees incurred in
connection with any action brought as a result of the above-mentioned
use of Media/Content;

3. Not to institute any kind of action whatsoever against all

entities and/or persons aforementioned from any and all liabilities or
claims in connection with the above-mentioned use of Media/Content;

4. To indemnify, hold harmless all entities and/or persons

aforementioned from any and all liabilities or claims made by other
LizardBear Tasking Inc.
individuals and/or entities in connection with the above-mentioned use of
Media/Content; and

5. I knowingly, willingly and voluntarily assume full responsibility

for any risks of loss, property damage or personal injury, including death,
that may be sustained by [me / Participant], or any loss or damage of
property owned by [me / Participant] in relation to the above-mentioned
use of Media/Content.

For all the above-mentioned activity which originated in the

Philippines, this release waiver shall be interpreted in accordance with the
laws of the Philippines and for all other cases shall be interpreted in
accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to
conflicts of law principles.

With my Full and Express Conformity:

If Participant is of Legal Age:

[Full Name and Position]
Residential Address: _______________
Date: __________
LizardBear Tasking Inc.
TaskUs Occupational Health and Safety Employee
LMS Training


I. Introduction

LizardBear Tasking, Inc., (“LBTI”), is highly committed to the

compliance of all rquirements of the government of the Philippines,
especially to the safety and health of its employees. Pursuant to this
endeavor, LBTI has implemented the Taskus Occupational Health and
Safety Employee LMS Training, (“Project”), created by TaskUs for faithfull
compliance of the requirement of the law.

In the creation of the LMS training, personal information about him

or herself including self-imagery, identifying information, intimate details
of their activities, and that of others which they may have come across
(hereafter, the “Content”). Inasmuch as the Project involves the capture
and use of personal information through the Content, LBTI requires the
accomplishment of this Privacy Notice and Consent Form (“PNCF”) to
ensure that the persons who voluntarily choose to provide the Content are
adequately informed of the organization’s use and purpose of the
materials submitted, its extent, and how the organization intends to
protect their rights as data subjects as well as those of other persons
whose personal information may have been captured in the making of the
Content. LBTI endeavors to obtain your informed consent to continue
using your personal information in accordance with Republic Act No.
10173, or otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (“Data Privacy
Act”), its corresponding Implementing Rules and Procedures (“IRR”), and
the existing Memorandum Circulars and Advisories issued by the National
Privacy Commission (“NPC”).

A. Purpose, Scope and Method of Personal Information

Collection and Processing

While LBTI may come across personal information as captured in the

Content, we assure you that such personal information, sensitive or
otherwise, as well as any and all materials which form part of said video
shall be used strictly and exclusively for purposes of this project.

B. Recipients of Personal Information

The Content will be published to the public via the Company’s online
social media platforms, namely; Facebook, Instagram, etc.

I. Personal Data Retention and Disposal

LizardBear Tasking Inc.

Your personal data will only be retained only for as long as is

necessary for the fulfillment of the declared, specified, and legitimate
purposes provided above, or when the processing is relevant to the
purpose, strictly in accordance with our records retention policy. After
which, personal data shall be disposed or discarded in a secure manner
that would prevent further processing, unauthorized access, or disclosure
to any other party or the public, or prejudice the interests of the data

II. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, objections about this PNCF, and
our personal information processing activities please contact us through
the following:

Data Privacy Officer

Office 17th, 18th and 19th Floors, Twenty-Four Seven McKinley
Addres Building, 24th Street and 7th Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig,
s Metro Manila

III. Conformity

This PNCF, with your written conformity below, serves as an

indication that you have been fully informed of the potential personal
information processing activities that may be involved in the OSH LMS
Employee Training in pursuit thereof; that you completely understand the
terms thereof; and that you freely consent thereto.

With my Full and Express Conformity:

[Full Name and Position]
Participant / Parent / Legal Guardian
Date: __________

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