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University of the Philippines Student Catholic Action

Diliman, Quezon City


Dominic N Gamboa
for the position of
Socio-Cultural Committee Head
Academic Year 2019-2020

Note: The organization domicile or tambayan will be thus forth referred to as ‘UPSCA-DH,’ while
the utility room beside it also known by Delaney Hall and Ugnayang Bayan will be referred to as

I. To ensure the proper planning, execution, and development of regularly occurring events.
Note: While by default these events are planned to occur regularly, their delay or
suspension may be decided upon and implanted if the circumstances permit them so, such
an in a case when there is conflict between the events and other organization activities or
when the activity is expected to solicit few attendees.
a. First Friday Activity [FFA]
i. The First Friday Activity will comprise of any game or activity hosted by the
Socio-Cultural Committee that requires active participation from the
members and applicants to be held for about at most an hour every first
Friday of the month, bar whether any major activity such as a General
Assembly or the Talent’s Night a special Major Friday Activity will take its
ii. The UPSCA-DH will serve as the venue. However, in the special case when
a larger venue would be more appropriate, the area outside of the UPSCA-
DH or the UB-DH may be utilized under the discretion of the parish. The
necessary steps in order to procure and prepare the venue will be outlined
in the event plan document. The FFA will start at roughly seven minutes of
preparation of the Socio-Cultural Committee after the First Friday Mass.
iii. A week beforehand, the decision of the activity should be finalized by the
Socio-Cultural committee, giving the committee ample time to procure the
needed materials and, if necessary, venue needed for the FFA. The details
behind of the Friday activity’s venue and program would have been finalized
by the Wednesday before the FFA and would have its subsequently
publicized to the applicants and members.
iv. The activity or game will facilitate the co-mingling of the members and
applicants and strengthen the affinity between members, and the relaxation
of the participants.
v. Afterwards, the results of an evaluation of the activity in conjunction with
the Executive Secretary will inform the execution of the following FFA.
b. Special Major Friday Activity [AlumNight X FFA]
i. The AlumNight X FFA in collaboration with the Externals Committee will
comprise of three activities hosted by the Socio-Cultural Committee that
requires active participation from the members, selected alumni, and
applicants to be held for one hour for the months of September, October,
and March held either at the outside area of the UPSCA-DH or UB-DH.
ii. Two weeks beforehand, the planning and conceptualization of the activity
should be finalized by the Socio-Cultural committee in conjunction with the
relevant committees, giving the committees ample time to procure the
needed materials, food, and venue required. Light snacks will be served
and be accounted to in the expenditure.
iii. The details behind of the Friday activity’s venue and program would have
been finalized by a week before the AlumNight X FFA and would have it
subsequently publicized to the applicants and members.
iv. Each AlumNight X FFA will comprise of a set theme and corresponding
activity. These will comprise of forty-five minutes of sharing for the alumni
after the First Friday Mass will be proceeded by the activity taking at most
an hour. Outlined as follows are set themes of each month:
i. Starter September.
i Team building activities between the members,
alumni, and applicants will take place where they will
be sorted into groups doing activities that will help
each other get to know each other.
ii The UB-DH will most likely be the venue.
ii. PalarOctober.
i PalarOctober will comprise of local games played by
the participant in observance of the feast day of our
patron saint St. Lorenzo Ruiz and the celebration of a
truly Filipino Christian community.
ii The UB-DH will most likely be utilized save for when
the activity will warrant the participants to play
iii. Quiz March.
i To expect the start of Lent, a quiz show between the
alumni, applicants, and members will take place.
ii The UB-DH will most likely be utilizied
v. The final decision of the AlumNight X FFA program would be have been
finalized and publicized a week before.
c. Third Friday Activity [TFA]
i. The Third Friday Activity will comprise of an activity hosted by the Socio-
Cultural Committee that requires passive participation from the members
and applicants to be held for about at most forty-five minutes every first
Friday of the month, bar whether any major activity such as a General
Assembly a special Major Friday Activity will take its place.
ii. The UPSCA-DH will serve as the venue and start after seven minutes after
the mass.
iii. Three days beforehand, the decision of the activity should be finalized by
the Socio-Cultural committee, giving the committee ample time to procure
the needed materials for the activity. The details behind of the Friday
activity’s venue and program would have been finalized by the Wednesday
before the FFA and would have its subsequently publicized to the
applicants and members.
iv. The activity or game will serve as a relaxation exercise for the applicants
and members in the middle of the month.
v. Afterwards, the results of an evaluation of the activity in conjunction with
the Executive Secretary will inform the execution of the following TFA.
d. Sine-Delaney
i. Sine-Delaney is the regular projection of films every Third Tuesday of the
month in conjunction with the discussion of said film at the following
ii. A special screening may be held in light of an expected event, e.g. A
screening of Lorenzo Ruiz: The Saint ... A Filipino (1988) on September 28,
or The Flowers of St Francis (1950) on October 3.
iii. The UPSCA-DH will serve as the venue, with the projection, snacks, and
venue prepared after about 6:30 PM. The film will take at most two hours.
iv. Five days beforehand, the choice of film and needed materials would be
secured by the Socio-Cultural committee, the details behind of the week’s
film showing and program would have been finalized by the second Friday
of the month and would have its subsequently publicized to the applicants
and members at the same day. Furthermore, in the five days interim, a
simple write-up would be prepared for the discussion.
v. The Wednesday following the Tuesday film showing would comprise of a
discussion held by a Socio-Cultural committee member or any volunteer,
taking place at the same time. The prepared write-up of the discussion
material would be then used to guide the discussion and together with
minutes on the discussion, would be published on Wednesday.
vi. The film showing and subsequent discussion would help the applicants and
members better visualize their faith through the medium of film and would
refreshment for those who watched.
vii. Afterwards, the results of an evaluation of the activity in conjunction with
the Executive Secretary will inform the execution of both the film showing
and the discussion to take place after the discussion.
II. To regularly energize and promote the patronage of arts and culture in line with our
Catholic faith
a. UPSCAnvas
i. The initiative to promote the artistic skills and capabilities of the members
by providing them the tools to express their faith through means.
ii. The initiative will assist the creation of at least one artwork every week by a
different member, preferably made inside the domicile, and published both
online and pinned unto an UPSCAnvas artboard. Each artwork will be
informed in line with the organization’s following Sunday Reflection.
iii. Furthermore, the UPSCAnvas artboard may house other artworks of
interest made inside the domicile to be recycled every first Monday of the
iv. In conjunction with the Publicity Committee, these may be included in the
Banaag Newsletter.
b. masinUPSCA
i. The initiative that sets out to tally, register, publish, and request the
resources the organization has and lacks in reference to its artistic,
musical, and cultural activities. While the Socio-Cultural Committee will
spearhead masinUPSCA, participation in its activities will be open to any
applicant or member.
ii. The resources in mind of this initiative includes but is not limited to art
materials, musical instruments, theatre props, song books, historical
documents, templates, venues, food, and their corresponding
iii. The masinUPSCA initiative will cover five basic functions
i. Tally. masinUPSCA will first collect and tally the resources of the
organization by their field, stating a description, availability, and
quantality of the resource. This tallying will be commenced once a) a
new resource is brought into the domicile and b) regular check-ups
every first Monday of the month.
ii. Register. The initiative will then register these resources into an
electronic database. Partnership with other committees may be done
when necessary (e.g. registration of literary works with the
Educational Affairs Committee).
iii. Organize. Each resource will be collected and be given a specific
place in the domicile specified in the electronic database. The
collection of resources will be based on their size and medium (e.g.
colored papers and cartolinas will be relegated on a different location
from musical instruments).
iv. Publish. Every new tally and change of the database will be given
v. Request. In the event when a resource is lost, missing, damaged, or
needed. The initiative will be responsible for its procurement and
request for funds from the Finance Committee.
iv. Since the organization of the domicile’s resources is affected by the
domicile’s cleanliness, regular updates on the domicile’s cleanliness will be
collected every Monday morning and published the same afternoon in
collaboration of the Publicity Committee.

III. To secure the needed funding, planning, materials, venue, logistics, arrangement and
documentation of special events.
a. Talent’s Night
i. Talent’s Night will comprise of the showcasing of the talents, skills,
and idiosyncrasies of the applicants, members, and alumni if accepted to
be held in the UB-DH for at most three hours after the First Friday Mass of
ii. Dinner, decorations, the sound system, and program are to be
prepared at least three days in advance of talent’s night, with the
participants submitting their application a week before.

b. Night of Poetry and Love Songs

i. Night of Poetry and Love Songs will comprise of the showcase of
talents between the applicants, members and alumni if accepted to be held
on the second Friday of February. Featured are the crowning of the two
Most Admired UPSCANs and a pageant crowning the couple of the year,
both voted in advance.
ii. Dinner, decorations, the sound system, and program are to be
prepared at least three days in advance of talent’s night, with the
participants submitting their votes a week before. The pool from which the
couples will be decided by the Socio-Cultural Committee.

c. Papuri 2019
i. Papuri 2019 will comprise of a planned and publicized program
featuring a skit aimed for the members to give thanks to the year that had
been if accepted to be held on either late April to mid-May. Preparations for
the even will start at January, having been given a month until February to
finalize the theme and April to concretize the plans.
ii. The venue and the program will be decided based on the planned
theme, to be guided and deliberated and lead by the applicants. Members
will help at providing needed manpower and resources for the actualization
of the event.
iii. Regularized updates from the months of January to April will track
the progress made in preparation for Papuri 2019.

d. Death Anniversary of Father Delaney

i. In collaboration with the Externals Committee and the Liturgical
Committee, an event honoring Father Delaney on his death anniversary
would take place in proximity of January 12.
ii. Events featuring the alumni including but not limited to talks would be
IV. To strengthen the inclusivity, exercise, and of the Himig Delaney Choir.
a. Himig Delaney Choir Workshop
i. A workshop will be held on August and November featuring an alumnus or
alumni who would assess and help improve upon the musical qualities of
the Himig Delaney choir.
ii. This would take place preferably inside the UB-DH. However, if unavailable,
would be held in the UPSCA-DH featuring the attendance of most the
organization members, applicants, and alumnus/alumni with their musical
instrument if necessary.
b. Thursday Day Mass
i. The Noon Thursday Mass features the Himig Delaney Choir and
participation and practice for the choir would hopefully be encouraged
through regularized practice hours every Tuesday afternoon and before the
Thursday mass itself.
ii. Inclusivity and encouragement of attendance would not only be augmented
by regularized practice hours, but also the promotion of the casual singing
within the Delaney Hall and publication of the songs sung.
iii. Hopefully, the inclusivity of the Himig Delaney Choir would extend so as far
to include all UPSCANs in attendance of the mass. The performance of the
choir would be regularly assessed by the Himig Delaney Head to be
appointed before July.
c. First Friday Mass
i. The First Friday Mass features the Himig Delaney Choir and invited alumni.
The participation and practice for the choir would hopefully be encouraged
through regularized practice hours at the Tuesday afternoon preceding this
and before the First Friday mass itself.
ii. Inclusivity and encouragement of attendance would not only be augmented
by regularized practice hours, but also the promotion of the casual singing
within the Delaney Hall and publication of the songs sung.
iii. Hopefully, the inclusivity of the Himig Delaney Choir would extend so as far
to include all UPSCANs in attendance of the mass. The performance of the
choir would be regularly assessed by the Himig Delaney Head to be
appointed before July.
d. UPSCaroling
i. UPSCarloing comprises of three weeks before the start of December that
features the interspersed assembly and singing of UPSCANs in select
venues within the campus.
ii. The schedule and venue for the caroling will largely depend on the
academic schedules and capabilities of the members and applicants. Thus
practice and planning for the details of UPSCAroling including the of the
necessary permits must start at mid-Ocotber.
Calendar of Activities
Month Activities
July 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
o (First Friday Mass, Thursday Mass, FFA, TFA, Sine-Delaney,
masinUPSCA update, UPSCAnvas)
August 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
• Himig Delaney Workshop
September 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
• AlumNight X FFA. Start September
October 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
• Start of UPSCAroling practice
• AlumNight X FFA. PalarOctober
November 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
• Talent’s Night
• Himig Delaney Workshop
• UPSCaroling
December 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
January 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
• Father Delaney Death Anniversary
• Start of Papuri Planning
February 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
• Night of Poetry and Love Songs
March 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
• AlumNight X FFA. March Quiz
April 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events
• Papuri
May 2019 • Regularly Occurring Events

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