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A-Reading: The Bonsai Life Part-1
I. Answer the following questions.

1. “The moment I see letters….. can’t contain my excitement.” Why does the narrator get excited?

A. The narrator gets excited because she loves to receive letters from her near and dear ones. The very sight

of letters gives her the energy and enthusiasm.

2. What change did the narrator observe in her father’s attitude towards education over a decade?

A. At the time of Akkayya , father was against higher education for girls. But after a decade, he changed

along with times. So he allowed the narrator to college for higher studies

3. Why was Akkayya determined to send her daughter to college?

A. Akkayya determined to send her daughter to college because she did not want her daughter to lead a

dependent life like her. She wanted her daughter to have higher education and better life.

4. In what way is the narrator more fortunate than her sister?

A. At the time of Akkayya , father was against higher education for girls. But after a decade, he changed

along with times. So he allowed the narrator to college for higher studies. She studied well. She had a job

and earning like a man. That way the narrator is fortunate.

*5. Can one be independent without a job or earning? Justify your answer.

A. One can never be independent without a job or earning. The person who earns need not depend on

others for his needs. He can enjoy the freedom of life.

B-Reading: The Bonsai Life Part-II
I. Answer the following questions.

1. Why was Akkayya perplexed?

A. Akkayya felt sorry for the bonsai trees in the flower pots. This made the narrator laugh at the ignorance of

Akkayya regarding bonsai trees. That laughter perplexed (confused) her sister.

2. How is a bonsai reared?

A.Bonsai is a great art from Japan. A tree is planted in a flowerpot. Its branches are , as they grow, cut regularly.

The pot is changed now and then. Trimming is continued in a very careful and systematic way. Bonsai trees are

thus grown.

3. What similarities do you notice between the bonsai tree and the house wife?

A.A bonsai tree is not allowed to grow to its full potential. A house wife is also not allowed to grow to its full

potential. A bonsai tree is limited to the pot. A house wife is also limited to her home. A bonsai tree is

dependent. A house wife is also a dependent. Thus housewives lead bonsai life.

4. What made the narrator feel the urge to free the bonsai?

A. Akkayya explained to narrator how bonsai trees lose their natural capacity. She feels pity for them, though she

herself is leading a bonsai life. These words touch the narrator’s heart. She realizes her mistake. This feeling

urged her to free the bonsai.

5. What is the central theme of ‘Bonsai Life’?

A. The need to empower women is the central theme of ‘Bonsai Life’. It explains how an uneducated woman’s

life is limited and dependent like that of a bonsai tree.


C-Reading: I can Take Care Of Myself

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What do you think is the most important thing to learn to live well ?

A. The most important thing to learn to live well is to be able to take care of oneself.

2. What are the skills or qualities that would help you to be independent in your life?

A. We need some skills to be independent in life. They are hard work , love for others, ability to protect ourselves etc.

*3. Do you agree/ disagree with the daughter of the mother rat? Give reasons for your response.

A. I agree with the daughter rat. She has good qualities. She wants to work hard, stand on her own feet, support and love others.
She wants to be independent. Hence I agree with the daughter rat.

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