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- Chips limit is two large ones per phase (cannot be on the same week)

- Absolutely no soft drinks

- Absolutely no going under 8 glasses of water daily

- Limit fried food to twice a week only.

- The key is to eat on time. Set an eating schedule for every phase and never break it.

- Take sodium bicarbonates everyday! Remember this might be tough on your tummy.

- I’m sorry but absolutely no energy drinks. Coffee is also limited to those 3-in-1 blends or brew your
own, no more frappes except for cheat days. Tea or yosi is better than coffee at this point I’m so sorry

- IMPORTANT: No weigh-ins. Remember that

Phase 1: SPEED IT UP! (July 9-July 29)

EVERYDAY except Sundays

Start each morning with a full body stretch workout

- focus points: neck, shoulders, biceps triceps, hips, legs, hamstring, feet

End each night with core workout

- lift water gallon (5 counts, 3 reps), planks, sit ups, leg raises – start at 5 counts, add 5 every two days


1 sandwich and 1 fruit slice for breakfast

Normal lunch with 1 cup of rice- 1:1 serving ratio ng meat and veggies

1 fruit slice or grilled/steamed veggies for merienda

Pure meat for dinner, 1 serving

Egg sandwich for breakfast

Normal lunch with 1 cup of rice- 1:1 serving ratio ng meat and veggies

1 part steamed/roasted chicken with cheese for merienda

Pure meat for dinner, 1 serving

ADD TO DAILY WORKOUT: Walk 200 steps, straight.


1 large potato for breakfast (however you might enjoy it, except fried) mashed with gravy and butter ok

Normal lunch with 1 cup of rice- 1:1 serving ratio ng meat and veggies

2 slices fruit for merienda

Pure meat for dinner, 1 serving


Grilled cheese sandwich and 1 hard boiled egg for breakfast

Normal lunch with 1 cup of rice- 1:1 serving ratio ng meat and veggies

Cassava chips for merienda

Pure meat for dinner, 1 serving

ADD TO DAILY WORKOUT: Walk 200 steps straight


Chicken or tuna sandwich for breakfast

Normal lunch with 1 cup of rice- 1:1 serving ratio ng meat and veggies

Hard-boiled egg and banana for merienda

Pure meat for dinner, 1 serving

ADD TO DAILY WORKOUT: minimum 1 hour volleyball!


Cereals, non-fat milk for breakfast

Normal lunch with 2 cups of rice- 1:1 serving ratio ng meat and veggies

1 whole fruit for merienda

1 cup rice and meat for dinner

ADD TO DAILY WORKOUT: Swimming lessons

SUNDAY is recovery day

30 minutes dancing in the morning and before bed

Take any of your preferred breakfasts from above

Lunch as usual

Take any of your preferred meriendas from above

Dinner as usual, wine optional


Everyday: Eat whatever the fuck you want but only every 18 hours (16 kung may physical activity)

Yosi, menthol fucking candy, and lemon cucumber water will be your bestfriend

August 8 to 12 are cheat days. EAT GOOD FOOD, NOT JUNK FOOD

PHASE 3: BUILD, BUILD, BUILD (August 20-September 9)

*Back to Phase 1 diet but 2 cups of rice allowed daily, let’s tweak it on the go depending on changes din
kasi sa monetary limits

*Back to Phase 1 workout except buhat ng galon ng tubig cause we’ll do it the right way -> BAKAL GYM
AT LEAST 4 TIMES A WEEK—if may non-bakal condo gym or we can afford those fancy gyms edi why not.

*Advanced swimming lessons, ramp up to AT LEAST 5 hours every week

PHASE FOUR: LET’S PUSH IT!!! (September 10-30)

*3 cups of rice a day will be allowed at this point

*and the switch to vape has to happen here


Workout is real, y’all

- Gym at least 4 times a week (with heavier lifting, rowing, F45)

- Volleyball, swimming and bowling regularly (let’s check our schedule when we get there)

- 1 class of your choice (can be Pilates, Yoga, or dance)

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