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The age of 13 to 18 is very difficult.

You are transitioning from child to adult yet sometimes you are treated as a child.
It is very difficult to understand the adult values and rules as no one will truly explain them. Depression and suicidal
thoughts are most prevalent at this time. Why? Because being a teenage is really it not great fun. I compare it to
being a second class citizen. You have no real voice and are constantly being treated as immature. The only
guidance I can offer is-" be firm and confident with adults". If you need spiritual guidance-seek religious help. Also
relationship at these ages can break your heart and make you suicidal. Take dating and relationship real light as
intense relationships can be detrimental. Don’t give up the childlike qualities and act like an adult only when you want
to. Until adults treat you as an adult, continue to enjoy your life as a teenager drifting back and forth from childhood
to adult at YOUR LEISURE. Take care.

1. Compared to the world, American kids are not the happiest by far.
While most define themselves as relatively “happy,” kids in countries like Mexico, Spain, Brazil and Germany are
happier than U.S. kids. So while today’s parents work harder at it than past generations, our kids just aren’t as happy
as they used to be.
2. White, affluent kids are less happy than minorities.
Of the four largest ethnic populations in America, the happiest are African-Americans followed by Asians and
Hispanics. Coming in fourth are Caucasians. So, while the majority of American wealth is enjoyed by whites, it
doesn’t equate to happiness.
3. Kids are far more worried about recession and global problems than school.
Thanks to ubiquitous technology and information, today’s teens are more stressed and distressed than past teen
generations. Awareness of global problems results in students feeling more angst about global conflict than their
own homework.
Wow. As a teen, my biggest worries were math and making the baseball team.
Three of the Greatest Sources of Happiness

Like me, you might be wondering—what did students say was their greatest source of happiness? In other words,
what actually made them happy? To this question, there was a wide array of responses, but topping the list were
these three:
Family – Time with family (extended and immediate) was the top answer.
Friends – Time with peers they enjoy, at school, evenings or on-line.
Free Time – Time to play, make up games, relax, and laugh.
Three of the Greatest Reasons for Student’s Unhappiness
Beyond this report on student happiness, I consulted the results from our 2016 Focus Groups with Generation Z. We
met with four communities of middle school and high school students and made discoveries about their habits,
attitudes and interests. Below are my conclusions on the biggest sources of unhappiness:
1. Anxiety

I have written much on the angst today’s teens and twenty-somethings feel. Despite their random posts on
Instagram, many worry over world problems because they’re exposed to them on social media. They have a higher
rate of depression and anxiety than generations who were unexposed.
2. Entitlement
A second source of unhappiness is obvious. Our generation (young and old) feels more “entitled” to possessions and
perks than we did in the past. When we feel entitled to something, it’s easy to feel unhappy when things don’t go our
way. Today, we have more “stuff”—but we have more expectations too.
Finally, our young feel the tangible “fear of missing out.” Because they can see on their screens all that’s going on
among friends, the social media posts can create unhappiness because they’re not in the middle of all the fun, all the
time. This gives new meaning to the old phrase—“ignorance is bliss.”

Steps We Can Take with Students

If you spend time with teens who appear unhappy, why not talk to them about it. Get them to acknowledge why they
are unhappy. Then, try suggesting three simple tasks. These are pretty timeless. I’ve seen them work as recently as
last month.
1. Make a Gratitude List

The quickest way out of feeling down is to recall what’s going right in our life. Have students actually make a list of
the people and realities they’re grateful for. Then, discuss them. Gratitude is closely related to happiness and
2. Mono-Task and Solve One Problem
Our unhappiness is often due to being overwhelmed. What if we suggest our students set aside most of what worries
them, and focus on just one problem to solve. Then, mono-task—instead of multi-task. Achievement feels good.
3. Focus on “Controllables”
Lastly, students can beat unhappiness by focusing on what’s in their control and not what’s beyond it. There’s little
more common for any generation than fretting over things we can’t change. We’re happiest when we take
responsibility for our “controllables.”
Remember—the Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. We have to catch it ourselves.

Should Fast Food Come With a Warning like Drugs?

You can get fast food on almost any street nowadays. Fast food and junk food are everywhere you look, and the
world is only creating more fast food shops around the globe. Fast food is more accessible than other food sources;
it is also one of the most popular ways to get dinner. Business workers are ordering in either for lunch or dinner, and
this is usually from fast food places with drive-throughs. Fast food companies use chemicals in their food that aren’t
exactly healthy for the human to consume on a regular basis. So, why should fast food companies be allowed to hide
all the chemicals and ingredients in their foods as well as hide any of the side effects that come with eating that
The issue is that fast food isn’t healthy. Healthy foods don’t contain many of the chemicals that fast foods do, they
don’t affect the body in the same way. Healthy foods come from wholesome ingredients and don’t have
preservatives or other pesticides or growth hormones in them. We all know that that’s food ingredients are in exactly
healthy, but many of us failed to read the list of ingredients for our favorite menu items. Because of this many of us
lack the billet he to understand how bad the first food we consume is.
Will you believe that fast food you come with a warning just like any other product you purchased? You want to know
exactly what’s going to happen to your body and you have the right to know that information. It should not be hidden
from you, and it should not be kept away as some company secret. Every person has the right to understand how
that food will affect their body. From then on they can make their choices if they want to eat it or not.
If you’ve looked at documentaries such as the McDonald’s documentary and other fast food documentaries you
probably noticed that fast food as a long-term effect on a human’s health. Fast food isn’t bad as long as you eat it
every once in a while, but many people choose to eat fast food every single day. This is not a healthy way of living
and can end up causing you permanent damage to your body because of the chemicals you were introduced into
your body every time you eat at fast food meal.
There are many of people who don’t want to know what’s in their food. But that’s only a small population. Every
person has a right to know how a product will affect them. Just as you see on labels such as pills, medications, and
even products such as workout equipment for scans. All of these come with a warning on what could go wrong when
you’re using it or consuming it. So why should fast food be any different? Just because a small population of people
doesn’t want to know what’s in their food doesn’t mean that the rest of the population shouldn’t at least have a
warning sticker.
As you can see, everyone has the right to know what chemicals and products go onto their food. I don’t know me that,
but they also deserve to know by consuming the fast food what kind of effects they should expect on their body.
Many people think that fast food will only affect their calorie intake for the day, this is not true. Fast food can affect a
person’s Brain, psyche, and body. This is why we believe the fast foods should come with a warning.

Premarital sex is sexual activity practiced by people before they are married. Historically, premarital sex was
considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures and considered a sin by a number of religions,
but since about the 1960s, it has become more widely accepted, especially in Western countries. A 2014 Pew
study on global morality found that premarital sex was considered particularly unacceptable in "predominantly
Muslim nations", such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan, and Egypt, each having over 90% disapproval,
while people in Western European countries were the most accepting, with Spain, Germany,
and France expressing less than 10% disapproval.

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