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URL Rule Static and Dynamic Mapping Examples

This document captures less common but useful URL rules and highlights considerations and implications of their use.

Additional resources can be found at the SEO Resource Center:

Mapping Rule Purpose Be Aware

/source-url p,,,Search- This static mapping rule takes the customer Each time a customer hits this URL it will count
Show,,q,on-sitesearch-query directly to a search results page based on as a search hit for the specified query in
the contents of “on-sitesearch-query” portion analytics. This can be coupled with a search
of the mapping rule. driven redirect when attempting to redirect a
legacy or vanity URL to a page that is external
to Demandware. i.e. a jobs portal
/source-url p,,,Cart- This static mapping rule takes the customer Each time a customer hits this URL it will add
AddProduct,,pid,garmin- directly to the cart and adds the identified the item to the cart. If the source code is tied to
gpsmap-96c,src,source-code product to the cart along with the specified a promo really intended for single use it would
source code. be better to remove the source code and use a
coupon code instead. Less automated but more
/source-url This static mapping rule leverages the This is only necessary when giving out a vanity
p,,,SourceCodeRedirect- redirect rule setup at the source code to take URL with the expectation that the customer will
Start,,src,source-code the customer to the desired redirect location. arrive at a desired destination along with having
This rule allows for a customer friendly vanity the source code experience applied to the site
URL to be distributed while still arriving at the (slot configuration, sorting rule, promotion).
desired destination with the source code
/source-url** p,,,Product- This static mapping rule is intended to pass Demandware strips out querystrings from an
Show,,pid,product-id- through the incoming querystring after the incoming unmatched URL.
here,{_querystring} redirect has occurred. This rule would be
used if legacy URLs contain querystring data

Mapping Rule Purpose Be Aware
that needs to be maintained after the
/source-url p,,,Search- This static mapping rule is used to redirect to Multiple refinement values can be added in the
Show,,cgid,category-id- a refined category page based on the same format where each additional value would
here,prefn1,refinement- refinement identified and the refinement be prefn# and prefv# incrementally (example:
id,prefv1,refinement-value value. prefn2, prefv2).

/source-url p,,,RedirectURL- This static (or dynamic) mapping rule allows This will immediately take the customer directly
Hostname,,Location,full- you to take an incoming URL request and off site.
domain-url-here redirect it to another domain. If setup as a
dynamic rule, a portion of the incoming URL
can be passed through dynamically to the
other domain. (example: /source-url/**
Hostname,,Location,{0} where anything held in the **
location will be placed after
/s/SiteName/* p,,,Home- Clients that host multiple sites on the same This only a solution for dealing with traffic that
Show,,, realm had problems that all sites are already “knows” the URL location. To prevent
accessible on all domains using our standard robots from crawling the structure define a
folder structure. By defining a redirect per disallow in the robots.txt.
Site requests can be redirected to the home

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