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The effect of weld parameters on friction stir welding of brass plates

Article  in  Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik · June 2008

DOI: 10.1002/mawe.200800314


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5 authors, including:

Gürel Çam Huseyin Tarik Serindag

Iskenderun Technical University Iskenderun Technical University


Ahmet Çakan Selcuk Mistikoglu

MEÜ Iskenderun Technical University


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DOI: 10.1002/mawe.200800314 Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2008, 39, No. 6

The effect of weld parameters on friction stir

welding of brass plates
G. Çam1, H. T. Serindağ1, A. Çakan2,
S. Mistikoglu1, H. Yavuz1

More successful results have been obtained in butt- and overlap- vestigated. The joint performance was determined by conducting
joining of Al-alloy plates by a recently developed solid state joining optical microscopy, microhardness mesurements and mechanical
technique, namely friction stir welding (FSW), than in more con- testing (e.g. tensile and bend tests). The effect of welding speed
ventional fusion welding processes. In this joining technique, no on the joint quality at a given rotational speed of the stirring pin
fusion takes place in the joint area of the plates welded. This novel (i.e. 1600 rpm) was also determined for both alloys. The highest
joining method also offers the potential to weld some other materi- joint performances were obtained at a welding speed of 210 mm/
als rather than Al-alloys, such as Mg-alloys, brasses and low min for both alloys.
strength steels. Keywords: Joining, friction stir welding, brass, Al-alloys, joint
In this study, the applicability of friction stir welding to brasses, performance
namely 90 %Cu-10 %Zn and 70 %Cu-30 %Zn alloys, has been in-

1 Introduction more than 36 % Zn consist of a+b phases. Brasses offer

very useful properties, such as high strength, conductivity,
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid state welding tech- formability, wear resistance and corrosion performance.
nique developed and patented at The Welding Institute The best combination of ductility and strength is achieved
(TWI), Abington, U.K., in 1991 [1 – 10]. While the parts to with 30 % Zn content and, therefore, Cu-30 %Zn alloy pos-
be welded do not melt in this welding process as it is the sesses excellent deep drawability.
case in other solid state joining processes, it differs from those Several difficulties are encountered in fusion welding of
processes in that no pressure is applied during joining. In this brasses with conventional joining processes [14], which are:
process, two plates are clamped on a table and butt-welded by l Formation of weld surface irregularities.
plunging a rotating tool, which is made of higher melting tem- l Change of colour due to oxidation.
perature material, into these plates and traversed along the l Insufficient penetration.
length of the plates as shown in Fig. 1 [1 – 10]. During the l Loss of strength at weld surface due to the formation of
process, frictional forces between the tool and plates create ZnO.
intense local heating that do not melt the plates to be joined, l Loss of strength in fusion zone due to the evaporation of Zn.
but plasticize the material around the tool. The tool rotation l High distortion.
causes material transfer around the tool, stirring the plates to- l Necessity of fast heat delivery due to high heat conductiv-
gether. ity.
It has been well demonstrated that this joining technology Almost all of these problems are not expected to be encoun-
produces low distortion, high quality, low cost welds in Al- tered in friction stir welding, which is a solid state joining
alloys, even for those that are not weldable with conventional technique. However, as already mentioned above there are
fusion welding processes, thus it is increasingly used in var- only a few reports thus far concerning the applicability of
ious industries [1 – 10]. The current industrial applications in- this method to brasses [13, 14, 15]. Thus, the objective of
clude ship panels, the frame of high speed trains, the suspen- this work to investigate the applicability of this welding tech-
sion of cars and fuel tanks of space crafts. Although the pro- nique to brasses. Moreover, the effects of stir head geometry
cess has been well established in joining of low-melting point and weld traverse speed on the joint performance in two dif-
Al-alloys, there is a limited data on joining of other materails,
such as Mg-alloys , mild steels [11], Ti-alloys and Cu-alloys
[12, 13].
Brasses are Cu-Zn alloys, containing up to 40 % Zn. The
alloying with Zn increases the strength of Cu by solid solution
strengthening. Zn has a high solid solubility in the a phase,
formed by Cu atoms. Thus, the microstructure of alloys up
to 36 % Zn content consist of a single phase a and known
as a-brasses, while the microstructure of alloys containing

Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Engineering and Architec-
ture, 31034 Antakya/Hatay, Turkey
Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Engineering and Ar- Figure 1. Schematic illustration of friction stir welding technique
chitecture, 14280 Bolu, Turkey [1 – 10].

394 F 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

ferent brass plates with different Zn levels, namely 10 % and
30 % Zn, were also studied.

2 Experimental procedure
Two different brass plates with varying Zn-content, namely
90 % Cu-10 % Zn (will be named 90/10 brass hereafter) and
70 % Cu-30 % Zn (will be designated as 70/30 brass here-
after), were friction stir butt-welded. The mechanical proper-
ties of brass plates used in this study are given in Table 1. Both
plates welded in this study were 3 mm thick and fricton stir
welding was performed with a tool rotational speed of
1600 rpm at three different traverse speeds, namely 160,
210 and 260 mm/min, for each brass plate. A slightly conical Figure 2. Tensile specimens (TS) extracted from both base plates.
tool with threads made of a hot work steel, i.e. X32CrMo3 3,
was used in the joining of both plates. The reason for choosing
a slightly conical tool is to determine whether it is possible to root inside, to determine whether cracking occurs or not in
employ higher rotational and travel speeds in friction stir both bending conditions.
welding of brass plates by increasing the surface area of
the tool, thus increasing the frictional heat. Generally, conical
tools are used in friction stir joining of thicker plates. The join- 3 Results and discussion
ing trials were made using a vertical milling machine.
Metallography specimens were extracted from the welded 3.1 Microstructure and microhardness
plates for microstructural observations. Metallography speci-
mens were polished with alumina solution (grain size being Optical microscopy revealed that porosity exists only in the
0,3 lm) and then etched using a solution of 50 ml HNO3 stirred zone (SZ) of the 70/30 brass joints produced with the
and 50 ml distilled water. A detailed microstructural observa- highest traverse speed used in this study, i.e. 260 mm/min, at a
tion was conducted for each welded plate using optical micro- tool rotational speed of 1600 rpm, Fig. 4. This indicates that
scopy to determine the presence of any weld defect. Further- these welding parameters were not convenient to achieve a
more, microhardness measurements were conducted on each sound stirred zone. On the other hand, no porosity was ob-
welded plate to determine hardness variations across the stir- served in the SZ of the 70/30 brass joint produced with the
red zones. other traverse speeds, i.e. 160 and 210 mm/min, Fig. 5, indi-
Moreover, standard flat tensile specimens were extracted cating that these traverse speeds are convenient to obtain a
from both base plates and all welded plates (minimum 3 speci- sound joint at the used rotational speed.
mens) and tested at room temperature (loading rate being No defects were observed in the stirred zones of all the
10 mm/min) to determine the joint performances, Figs. 2 joints produced with three different traverse speeds on the
and 3. Two non-standard bending specimens (20 mm wide 90/10 brass plates, which has a lower strength than the 70/
and 200 mm long) were also extracted from each welded plate 30 brass plate due to its lowest Zn content, Fig. 6. This result
(Fig. 3), both specimens were bended up to 180 degrees, one indicates that the welding window (in terms of traverse speed)
specimen with weld root being outside and the other with weld is wider in the lower Zn-content brass plate (i.e. 10 % Zn) than
in the higher Zn-content brass plate (i.e. 30 % Zn) for the used
Table 1. Mechanical properties of the brass plates used. tool rotational speed, i.e. 1600 rpm.
Microhardness measurement results are summarized in Fig.
Plate Hardness, ‰.2 Proof Tensile Elongation,
HV0,2 Stress, Strength, %
7, which illustrates the hardness variations across the weld
MPa MPa zones of the joints obtained in both brass plates with a traverse
speed of 210 mm/min. A slight hardness increase in the stirred
90 % Cu- 75 139 249 19 zone of the both joints was determined as seen from this fig-
10 % Zn ure. Similar results were also reported for Cu-40 % Zn brass
plate in the literature [13]. Park et al. [13] observed a more
70 % Cu- 80 217 341 17
30 % Zn
pronounced hardness increase in the stirred zone of the fric-
tion stir welded 60/40 brass plates (dual phase a+b brass) than

Figure 3. Tensile specimens (TS) and bend specimens

(BS) extracted from the welded plates: a) 70/30 brass
and b) 90/10 brass.

Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2008, 39, No. 6 The effect of weld parameters on friction stir welding of brass plates 395
3.2 Joint performance

Tensile test results of the specimens extracted from base

plates and friction stir welded plates and the joint efficiency
values obtained are summarized in Tables 2 and 3 for the 90/
10 and 70/30 brasses, respectively.
Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the comparison of the stress-strain
curves of the specimens extracted from the base plates and the
welded plates for both brass types used in this study. As seen
from Fig. 8b, Fig. 10 and Table 2, the best combination of
mechanical properties was obtained from the joint produced
with a traverse speed of 210 mm/min at the tool rotational
used (i.e. 1600 rpm) for the 90/10 brass plate. The specimens
extracted from this joint produced with a traverse speed of
210 mm/min failed within the base material side outside
Figure 4. Optical microscope showing the porosity in the stirred
zone (SZ) of the 70/30 brass joint obtained with a traverse speed
the stirred zone. Microhardness measurements are in accor-
of 260 mm/min (x20). dance with these results, Fig. 7a.
Thus, the highest strength performance, i.e. 101 % (the
same as that of the base plate), was obtained for the 90/10
that obtained in this work for single phase a brasses. The rea- brass joint produced with a traverse speed of 210 mm/min, Ta-
son for this is the much higher traverse speed they used in their ble 2. The highest joint performance in terms of ductility was
work (i.e. 500 to 2000 mm/min at tool rotational speeds of also obtained from the joint produced with this travel speed.
1000 and 1500 rpm), resulting in a much finer grain size in However, the highest ductility performance was 85 %, indicat-
the stirred zone due to lower heat input in higher traverse ing that the ductility of the joint is lower than that of the base
speeds. On the other hand, Lee and Jung [12] reported that plate. The reason for this is the inhomogeneous plastic defor-
a hardness decrease in the stirred zone of pure copper may mation of the joint due to a slight hardness increase in the stir-
also take place when lower traverse speeds (i.e. 61 mm/min red zone. These joint performance values are reasonably high,
at a tool rotational speed of 1250 rpm) are used. indicating that the joint quality is sufficient. The joints pro-
duced with the other traverse speeds (i.e. 160 and 260 mm/
min) also exhibited acceptable levels of joint performance va-

Figure 5. Optical microscope showing the stirred zone

(SZ) of the 70/30 brass joint obtained with a traverse
speed of 210 mm/min. (Note the absence of the porosity
in the SZ)

Figure 6. Optical microscope showing the stirred zone

(SZ) of the 90/10 brass joint obtained with a traverse
speed of 210 mm/min. (Note the absence of the porosity
in the SZ)

Figure 7. Hardness profiles of the joints: a) 90/10 brass

joint (210 mm/min) and b) 70/30 brass joint (210 mm/

396 G. Çam, H. T. Seridağ, A. Çakan, S. Mistikoglu, H. Yavuz Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2008, 39, No. 6
Table 2. Tensile test results of the base-plate and welded-plate specimens for the 90/10 brass.

Specimen 0,2 % Proof Tensile Elongation, % Strength Performance Ductility Performance

Stress, MPa Strength, MPa (SP*), % (DP**), %

Base Plate 140; 139; 137 250; 249; 248 18; 20; 19 __ __
(139) (249) (19)
FSW (160 mm/min 139; 138 239; 236 11; 11 96; 95 57; 56
at 1600 rpm) 136; 133 235; 222 11; 9 94; 89 56; 48
(137) (233) (11) (94) (54)
FSW (210 mm/min 142; 144 251; 252 15; 16 101; 101 78; 86
at 1600 rpm) 144; 143 252; 253 17; 16 101; 102 91; 82
(143) (252) (16) (101) (84)
FSW (260 mm/min 142; 138 251; 248 15; 15 101; 100 81; 76
at 1600 rpm) 136; 134 245; 239 14; 12 98; 96 73; 64
(138) (246) (14) (99) (74)
* SP=rt (weld)/rt (base plate average)x100
** DP=%Elongation(weld)/%Elongation (base plate average)x100
Bold numbers in parathesis indicate the average values

Table 3. Tensile test results of the base-plate and welded-plate specimens for the 70/30 brass.

Specimen 0,2 % Proof Tensile Elongation, % Strength Performance Ductility Performance

Stress, MPa Strength, MPa (SP*), % (DP**), %

Base Plate 216; 208; 226 339; 334; 351 17; 16; 17 __ __
(217) (341) (17)
FSW (160 mm/min 150; 160 312; 314 9; 15 91; 92 53; 88
at 1600 rpm) 163; 190 339; 351 16; 17 99; 103 94; 100
(166) (329) (14) (96) (84)
FSW (210 mm/min 211; 209; 428 349; 317; 535 12; 8; 7 102; 93; 157 74; 47; 39
at 1600 rpm) (283) (400) (9) (117) (53)
FSW (260 mm/min 234; 252; 245 312; 363; 323 2; 6; 2 91; 106; 95 11; 35; 15
at 1600 rpm) (244) (333) (3) (97) (20)
* SP=rt (weld)/rt (base plate average)x100
** DP=%Elongation(weld)/%Elongation (base plate average)x100
Bold numbers in parathesis indicate the average values

lues. It was also observed in this study that the tool geometry There is some scatter in the mechanical test results of the
has a significant effect on the weld parameters. By using a 70/30 brass joints. The reason for this is the poorer quality of
slightly conical tool instead of cylindrical one, a combination the 70/30 brass joints produced at the rotational speed used
of higher rotational and travel speeds can be employed for due to the presence of some porosity in the weld regions.
achieving sound joints in friction stir welding of 90/10 brass The joint performance values achieved with traverse speeds
plate. of 160 and 210 mm/min are reasonably high for the 70/30
The best combination of tensile performances for the 70/30 brass plate, indicating that the joint quality is sufficient, Table
brass plate was also achieved with the traverse speed of 3 and Fig. 10b. The ductility performance of the joint pro-
210 mm/min at the rotational speed used, Fig. 9b, Fig. 10a duced with the traverse speed of 160 mm/min is higher
and Table 3. The strength performance of this joint was than that obtained with the traverse speed of 210 mm/min.
120 % and the ductility performance was 55 %, which is quite However, the ductility of one specimen extracted from the
low compared to that obtained for the 90/10 brass joint, i.e. 70/30 brass joint produced with a traverse speed of
85 %. The reason for this is the inhomogeneous plastic defor- 160 mm/min was unacceptably low, Fig. 9a and Table 3.
mation of the joint due to a slight hardness increase in the stir- Furthermore, the 70/30 brass joint produced with a traverse
red zone (i.e. strength overmatching) and also possibly the speed of 260 mm/min exhibited unacceptable levels of joint
presence of some porosity in the weld zone. Similarly, lower performance values. The reason for the low joint performance
ductility performances (i.e. down to 35 %) were also reported values in the case of the joints produced with traverse speeds
for friction stir welded Cu-40 % Zn brass plate in the literature of 160 and 260 mm/min is apparently the presence of porosity
[13]. This low ductility performance is typical for strength- in the stirred zone, Fig. 4.
overmatching joints (i.e. higher strength fusion zone). There The results of bending tests conducted are also in accor-
are several reports on the performance of the strength-over- dance with the tensile test results. The cracking was only ob-
matching joints exhibiting lower elongation values compared served in the bend test of the 70/30 brass joint produced with
to the base material counterparts in the literature [16 – 18]. the traverse speed of 260 mm/min in the test condition with

Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2008, 39, No. 6 The effect of weld parameters on friction stir welding of brass plates 397
Figure 8. Comparison of stres-strain curves obtained from the 90/10 brass base plate and joints produced with different traverse speeds:
a) 160 mm/min, b) 210 mm/min, and c) 260 mm/min. (BM = Base Material)

Figure 9. Comparison of stress-strain curves obtained from the 70/30 brass base plate and joints produced with different traverse speeds:
a) 160 mm/min, b) 210 mm/min, and c) 260 mm/min. (BM = Base Material)

Figure 10. Summary of tensile test results (tool rotational speed being 1600 rpm): a) 90/10 brass joint and b) 70/30 brass joint.

the weld root outside. This is apparently due to the presence of 4 Conclusions
porosity within the stirred zone in the vicinity of the weld root,
Fig. 4. On the other hand, no cracking was observed for the
same joint in the bend testing with the weld root inside owing The following conclusions have been drawn from the pre-
to the fact that the shielding of porosity takes place in this test sent study:
condition. The bend specimens extracted from other joints ex- l Both brass plates investigated in this work (i.e. 90 % Cu-
hibited no cracking during the bend tests in both testing con- 10 % Zn and 70 % Cu-30 % Zn) were reasonably friction
dition, indicating that the joints are sound. stir butt-joined using a slightly conical tool. The 90/10 brass

398 G. Çam, H. T. Seridağ, A. Çakan, S. Mistikoglu, H. Yavuz Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2008, 39, No. 6
joints exhibited mechanical properties as good as those of References
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Acknowledgements Corresponding author: G. Çam, Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty

of Engineering and Architecture, 31034 Antakya/Hatay, Turkey,
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the
Scientific Research Projects Unit of Mustafa Kemal Univer- Received in final form: March 7, 2008 [T 314]
sity, Hatay, Turkey, for partially financing this work (project
number: 06 D 0202). We are also indebted to ÖZER Metal
A.Ş. (İstanbul) for the supply of brass plates used in this
work. Thanks are also due to the companies, namely Ekmekçi
Makine A.Ş., (Antakya), HAZ Metal A.Ş. (İskenderun), and
YETİŞEN Plastik Eşya İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. (An-
takya) for their contributions to the experimental work. We
would also like to thank Dr. M. Kemal SANGÜN, Dr. Ekrem
AKTOKLU, Mr. Halit ATAOĞLU and Mr. Hidayet DUMAN
from Mustafa Kemal University for their help in the experi-

Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2008, 39, No. 6 The effect of weld parameters on friction stir welding of brass plates 399

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