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Equipment details: Oil Fired Thermic Fluid Heater

1. The maximum heat output at the heater outlet is 2, 00,000 kcal/hr.-each x 1no.

2. Max. Fuel Firing rate:- 22 kg/hr-each x 1no

3. Maximum Thermic fluid Temperature at the heater outlet is 300 C.

4. Burner – Oil fired pressure jet, Forced draught, Spark ignited –Fully automatic
ON-OFF -Type.

5. Completing the combustion and pushing the flue gasses out of the heater is
independently done by the Mechanical Forced draught Fan as such there is always
positive pressure at the heater flue gas outlet-As such chimney is not needed for
producing INDUCED DRAUGHT but is needed only for venting the
combustibles out from the premises at safer elevation. Height is considered as
approved by local pollution authority or at least it should be higher than the
highest structure in the locality in a radius of 300 Mtrs. The highest structure is
users own factory shed.

6. The diameter and height are selected such that induced draught produced by the
chimney takes care of the draught loss thro it.

7. Working of the chimney dia& Height.- as per IS -6533 B-2.2

Diameter of the chimney – D = _ / 4Q / 3.14 x K x V

Q – Quantity of flue gas in m3/sec.
V - Velocity of flue gas in mtrs/sec.= _/ 2 g H ( Tg / Ta – 1)

- Velocity not to exceed 30 mtrs/sec.

- Tg- is absolute flue gas temp – 290+270 = 560,

- Ta – is absolute ambient temp- 30 +270 =300

G - Acceleration due to gravity in m/sec2 – 9.81 m/sec2

K – Constant = actual velocity/ theoretical velocity to be taken as - 0.6

Q- Firing rate x 14 the air requirement for completing combustion

Q = 22 x 14 =308 m3/hr at NTP. Flue gas temp max at heater outlet is
290 C

Q at 290 C = 308 /0.61 =505m3/hr – 1 / 3600 = 0.140 m3/sec.

V= _/ 2 x 9.81 x 20 (290 + 270 /30+270 -1) = 18.44mt/sec. is below 30

is OK.

H = of 20 Mtrs Considered is OK as per above.

H = of 20 Mtrs Considered is taken as heigher than highest building

structure in

the locality. The highest building structure is users own factory shed.
Now Diameter D1 = __/ 4 x 0.140 / 3.14 x 0.6 x18.44 = 0.127mtr

= 127 mm – for each minimum.

Recommended Chimney Dia is 250mm-ID - for 1 no of Heater


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