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1. Self Introduction – perfectly

2. What is the course - course code?
Ans: my course name is lab assistant, with a code of 21777.
3. Who is sponsoring this course?
Ans: oil agencies sponsoring the skill development program, in our district CMS
agency providing the SD program.
4. LSSSDC Abbreviation -
Ans: Life sciences sector skill development council.
5. What about CMS in your view
Ans: I found CMS a better platform providing skills to the unemployed youth with a
good maintenance, providing hostel facility, and following all the rules and
regulations of the skill development program.
6. What are the timings, what they taught?
Ans: The timings start from morning 9.0 clock with a prayer and ending at 5.0 clock
with prayer. They are teaching us chemistry, safety training, how to manufacture
API and formulation with detailing of equipment, documentation various processes
and procedures to be followed while working in the pharmaceutical industry.
7. Tell me your role in 1 day CMS
Ans: My role in CMS as a student my day starts with assembly, listening classess,
and doing experiments and handling the equipments in labs, and ends with the
8. What is your goal
Ans: My goal is to occupy a respective position in pharmaceutical industry
9. Who is your role model – why
Ans: My father is my role model because he is a very hardworking and sincere in
fulfilling his responsibilities.
10.What are your strengths and weakness
Ans: I’m a good hardworking girl, with positive attitude, sincere and punctual in
work and I’m adaptable, & flexible to any work environment. I trust people easily, I
can’t say no to people asking for help these are my weaknesses and I’m trying to
overcome these.
11.Before joining – after joining any changes from you
Ans: Before joining I just have theoretical knowledge I don’t know about the usage
of equipments but after joined SDI I learnt to express my views, I got cleared of
doubts, I developed my skills towards pharm industry.
12.Willing to work any where
Ans: yes sir/ madam
13.What is your expecting salary
Ans: As per the company norms.
14.How many years you will work with us
15.What are your lab equipments
Ans: In our lab we have centrifuge, reactor, RMG, dryer, hot air oven, autoclave,
analytical balance, jet cleaner, hand punching machine, pan coater, tube filling
machine, sieve shaker.
16.What is pharma industry
Ans: The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops, produces, and markets drugs
or pharmaceutical drugs for use as medications to be administered to patients to cure
the diseases.
17.What isAPI
Ans: it is an active pharmaceutical ingredient, a chemical substance biologically
active manufactured in a bulk drug industry.

18.What is Formulation
Ans: Formulation is defined as the addition of excipients to the active ingredient to
produce a specific form that is dosage form, manufactured in a formulation industry.
19.API machinery series
Ans: reactor, centrifuge, dryer, shifter, filter.
20.Formulation machinery series
Ans: Granulator, blender, dryer, shifter, sieve shaker, compression machine, coating
21.What are excipients?
Ans: excipients are additional substances added to the API to get a definite shape,
size, color, flavour to the dosage form.
22.What is contamination and cross contamination
Ans: Contamination is defined as the Introduction or entry of impurities into/ onto
the raw materials during production.
Cross contamination is defined as the reaction between the contaminated materials
with the present product/ materials.
23.What is function of Reactor – parts- procedure – cleaning procedure
Ans: function: it is a vessel in which reactions takes place.
Parts: vessel, motor, bottom valve, view glass, manhole, vent, thermostat, agitator,
jacket, propellers, temperature and pressure controls, primary and secondary valves,
coolant inlet.
Procedure: Materials are loaded into a reactor, and the reaction proceeds with time
and control of temperature, pressure and volume is often necessary. Reactors
therefore have ports for sensors and material input and output.
Cleaning procedure:
1.Initially remove all the residual material from the parts to be cleaned.
2. Wash with Potable water & scrub if necessary.
3. Wash with Potable water at least two times till the entire residue is washed off &
then used 2.5 % “Teepol” solutions.
4. Further clean the parts with hot water & finally rinse with purified Water.
5. Wipe with 70% v/v solution of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA).
6. Allow the parts to dry.
7. Affix “Cleaned” label & cover the parts adequately.

8. Check the parts for cleanliness before use & re-clean if not used within 72 hours.

24.What is function of Drying? write the names of parts

Ans: it is a process of removal of moisture from a wet material/product.
Parts: Motor, water pump, washer, dryer belts, seals, gaskets, thermal fuse.
25.What is function of Centrifuge –parts ....size of centrifuges
Ans: function is to separate solid mass from the solvent or liquid.
Parts: lid, centrifuge bag, motor, view glass, feeding line, body bowl, mother liquor
Sizes: centrifuge is available in the sizes of 12 “, 24”, 48” (inches)
26.What is function of Double cone blender
Ans: function is for homogeneous/ uniform mixing of compounds/ powder materials
during manufacturing.
27.What is function of RMG –parts
Ans: function: simultaneous homogeneous mixing of materials and formation of
Parts: chopper, impellers, motor, feeder, lid, display panel, view glass, material
28.What is function of magnetic stirrer
Ans: The main function of a magnetic stirrer is to agitate the liquid for speeding up
the reactions or improving mixture, often used with hot plates.

29.What is the function of compression machine and parts

Ans: Function: to compress the granules to form a tablet.
Parts: rollers, hopper, motor, fill cam track, die table, die cavity, upper and lower
punches, turrets, metal detector, scrapper, receiver.
30.What is function of tablet coating machine – parts
Ans: function is to coat the tablets and simultaneous drying using hot air.
Parts: coating pan, spray nozzle, hot air inlet, coating solution tank.
31.What is function of grinder
Ans: function is size reduction of lumps or aggregates into small particles.
32.What is granulation
Ans: process of forming of grains or granules from a powdery or solid substance.
33.What is the function of Blender
Ans: Function is to blend or homogeneous mixing of powder materials during
manufacturing of a product
34.Write parts of weighing Balance.
Ans: Display, weighing pan, tare button, levelling feet, operation key-board.
35.What is tube filling machine
Ans: machine is used to fill the materials into the tube (ex: creams, ointments, paste,
jam, gum,)
36.What is capsule filling machine
Ans: it is a versatile lever operator semi automatic machine for filling of capsules
and for various operations during manufacturing of capsules.
37.Explain the procedure of weighing balance
Ans: calibrate the weighing balance with appropriate weights, and thenPut material
to be weighed in a suitable container or on weighing paper, never directly on the pan
of the balance. Determine the mass of the weighing container or paper. Place the
material to be weighed in the container or on the weighing paper in the middle of the
pan to avoid corner-load error.
38.What is calibration
Ans: the action or process of configuring an instrument to provide a result for a
sample within an acceptable range.
39.What is documentation
Ans: it is an essential part of both the quality assurance and quality control systems;
it describes the specifications for all materials, methods of manufacturing and

40.What is status of labelling? Write the status label

Ans: status labelling provides information and identification of status of equipment
and premises.
Status label: contains
Equipment id
Issued by
Issued date
Approved by
41.Write the format of SOP
Ans: Writing Standard Operating Procedures, also known as an SOP template,
will allow you to standardize your procedures, get started quickly, and provide fast,
easy answers to common Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) questions.
An SOP template will communicate to everyone the procedure format you want to
42.Write the format of BMR

43.Abbreviations- SOP , BMR ,BPR, MSDS, FDA, USFDA , GMP ,CGMP ,

 Standard operating procedure
 Batch manufacturing record
 Batch packaging record
 Material safety data sheet
 Food and drug administration
 United states food and drug administration
 Good manufacturing practices
 Current Good manufacturing practices
 Good laboratory practices
 Good documentation practices
 World health organisation
 First in first out
 International union of pure and applied chemistry
44.What is SOP... Why SOP needs.....
Ans: it is a written document which gives detailing of a process or equipments in a
step wise manner
Reasons: to avoid mistakes in the process and operation of the equipment
To avoid time lags in the process
To train freshers
To obtain the quality product
45.How to correct on SOP document
46.What is BMR & BPR ....What is difference.......when they are applicable
47.What is MSDS...... application
48.What do you understand GMP
49.Explain 5 GMP Practices
 Manufacturing facilities must maintain a clean and hygienic manufacturing area

 Manufacturing facilities must maintain controlled environmental conditions in

order to prevent cross-contamination from adulterants and allergens that may
render the product unsafe for human consumption or use.
 Manufacturing processes must be clearly defined and controlled. All critical
processes are validated to ensure consistency and compliance with
 Manufacturing processes must be controlled, and any changes to the process
must be evaluated. Changes that affect the quality of the drug are validated as
 Instructions and procedures must be written in clear and unambiguous language
using good documentation practices.
 Operators must be trained to carry out and document procedures.
 Records must be made, manually or electronically, during manufacture that
demonstrate that all the steps required by the defined procedures and instructions
were in fact taken and that the quantity and quality of the food or drug was as
expected. Deviations must be investigated and documented.
 Records of manufacture (including distribution) that enable the complete history
of a batch to be traced must be retained in a comprehensible and accessible form.
 Any distribution of products must minimize any risk to their quality.
 A system must be in place for recalling any batch from sale or supply.
 Complaints about marketed products must be examined, the causes of quality
defects must be investigated, and appropriate measures must be taken with
respect to the defective products and to prevent recurrence.
50.What is packing?write the types of packing

Ans: The Packaging refers to all those activities related to designing, evaluating and
producing the container for a product. Simply, the box-like container, wherein the
product is stored to protect it from any physical damage and at the same time
attracting the customer through its appeal is called as packaging.

51.What do you understand Dosage forms ... explain types

52.Write any 8 departments in industry and their functioning
53.Explain any 5 tablets and Explain 5 capsules
54.Tell me 8 pharma industry names
55.Tablet sizes
56.Write the types of capsules and Different types of capsules
57.How do you calculate tablet hardness
58.What is humidity

Ans: a quantity representing the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere or in a gas.

59. Define IUPAC Names

Ans: In chemical nomenclature, the IUPAC nomenclature of organic chemistry is a

systematic method of naming organic chemical compounds as recommended by the
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). It is published in the
Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (informally called the Blue Book).

60.Write the material flow in pharmaceutical industry

61.what is Safety

Ans: the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.

62.Abbreviation of PPE- its Equipments- function

63.Function of Fire extinguisher - which gas filled in fire extinguisher
64.What is FIRE ,Draw FIRE Triangle

Ans: The Fire Triangle or Combustion Triangle or ″Fire Diamond ″ are simple
models for understanding the necessary ingredients for most fires. The triangle
illustrates the three elements a fire needs to ignite: heat, fuel, and an oxidizing agent
(usually oxygen).
65.maintenance & corrective maintenance
66.What is chemistry
Ans: the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is
composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such
reactions to form new substances.
67. Periodic table....Write 20 elements

68.SPDF – block elements....configuration

Ans: Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table

Z Element Configuration
70 Yb [Xe] 4f 14 6s 2
71 Lu [Xe] 4f 14 5d 1 6s 2
72 Hf [Xe] 4f 14 5d 2 6s 2
73 Ta [Xe] 4f 14 5d 3 6s 2

69.Define atom , Electron ,Protan,Nutron, Nucleus , Atomic number ,....examples

Ans: definition of
Atom:Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements
The atom is the smallest object that retains the properties of an element. Atoms are
composed of electrons and a nucleus.
Electron: An electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle. It can be either
free (not attached to any atom), or bound to the nucleus of an atom. Electrons in
atoms exist in spherical shells of various radii, representing energy levels.
Proton:an elementary particle that is identical with the nucleus of the hydrogen
atom, that along with the neutron is a constituent of all other atomic nuclei, that
carries a positive charge numerically equal to the charge of an electron, and that has
a mass of 1.673 × 10−27 kilogram.
Neutron: an uncharged elementary particle that has a mass nearly equal to that of the
proton and is present in all known atomic nuclei except the hydrogen nucleus.
Nucleus: the central part of an atom that is made up of protons and neutrons.
Atomic number: The number of protons or electrons normally found in an atom of
a given chemical element. The higher the atomic number, the heavier the atom is.
70.Isotopes , Isobars , Isotones molecule , mole , atomic weight , molecular weight
Ans: isotope - Computer Definition. One member of a family of chemical elements
that has the same chemical properties (the same atomic number) but differs in mass.
Isotopes have the same number of protons and electrons, but a different number of
71.What is valancy- chemical bond
Ans: it is the number of hydrogen atoms which can combine with [or displace] one
atom of the element forming a compound

72.Exothermic- Endo thermic

Ans: exo-thermic reaction is a reaction in which heat is liberated.
Endo-thermic reaction: it is a reaction in which heat is to be given.
73.Oxidation –reduction
74. Ans: An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that
involves a transfer of electrons between two species. An oxidation-reduction
reaction is any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule,
atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron
75.Simple chemical equations - balancing

Size of atom and units

Ans: An atom is a million times smaller than the thickest human hair. The diameter of
an atom ranges from about 0.1 to 0.5 nanometres (1 × 10−10 m to 5 × 10−10 m). All the
atoms of an element are not alike, however.

76.Types bond
Ans: ionic bond, covalent bond, hydrogen bond, co-ordinate covalent bond
77.What is Acid and what is base...and examples SA , WA , SB, WB
Ans: Acids in food such as vinegar (acetic acid), soda water (carbonic acid)
and lemon juice (citric acid) are weak acids. Some acids can lose more than one
proton. For example, carbonic acid can lose two protons, while citric and
phosphoric acids can lose three. Bases, called alkalis if an OH- is involved, accept
78.What is Neutralisation
Ans: In chemistry, neutralization or neutralisation (see spelling differences), is a
chemical reaction in which an acid and a base react quantitatively with each other. In
a reaction in water, neutralization results in there being no excess of hydrogen or
hydroxide ions present in the solution.
79.What is PH? write PH Scale
Ans: it is potential hydrogen which is defined as negative logerthem of hydronium
ion concentration.

80. What is Buffer solution

Ans: the solution which can resist the change of its pH upon addition of acids or
81.Conductor , Insulator , Semiconductor with examples

Ans: Conductor: In physics and electrical engineering, a conductor is an object or type

of material that allows the flow of an electrical current in one or more directions.
Materials made of metal are common electrical conductors.

Insulator: An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electric charges do not

flow freely; very little electric current will flow through it under the influence of an
electric field. This contrasts with other materials, semiconductors and conductors,
which conduct electric current more easily

Semiconductor: a solid substance that has conductivity between that of an insulator and
that of most metals, either due to the addition of an impurity or because of temperature
effects. Devices made of semiconductors, notably silicon, are essential components of
most electronic circuits.

82.What is Electrolysis
Ans: it means chemical decomposition produced by passing an electric current
through a liquid or solution containing ions.
83.Definition of corrosion
Ans: the process of corroding or being corroded is known as corrosion.
84.Water – source of water –hardness of water – To remove various impurities from
drinking water
Ans:source of water:Surface Water. Sources of surface water can include any
above-ground collection of water such as rivers, lakes, ponds and oceans.
Some sources of surface water are also fed by underground aquifers. A surface
water account for 80 present of the water human’s use.

Hardness of water:Water Hardness. The simple definition of water hardness is the

amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water. Hard water is high in
dissolved minerals, both calcium and magnesium. You may have felt the effects of
hard water, literally, the last time you washed your hands.

Impurities from drinking water:

 Gases that are picked up from the atmosphere by rainwater and torrential
 Decomposing animals and plants found near streams, rivers and lakes.
 Industrial sewage and wastewater.
 High levels of calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and chlorides in river water
85.What is ppm
Ans: parts per million-it are equivalent to 1 milligram of something per litter of
86.Definition of Heat and Temperature
Ans: Heat- it is the total energy of molecular motion in a substance.
Temperature- it is the measure of the average energy of molecular motion in a
87.What is boiling point and melting point
Ans: B.P- the temperature at which a liquid boils and turns into vapour. Eg-water
M.P- the temperature at which a material changes from solid to liquid.
88.What is universal solvent
Ans: Water.
89.Define organic chemistry
Ans: the branch of chemistry that deals with carbon compounds.
90.Define Organic compounds with examples
Ans: organic compound is generally any chemical compound that contains carbon.
Methane, ethane, ethylene, pentane, hexane.
91.Alkane ,alkenes , alkynes
Ans: alkanes are hydrocarbons with saturated single bonds having formula CnH2n+2,
Alkenes: these are unsaturated hydrocarbons with double bonds having formula of
Alkynes: these are unsaturated hydrocarbons with triple bonds having formula of
92.Benzene- 𝐶6 𝐻6 , ,sugar- C12H22O11, ,glucose- C₆H₁₂O₆, methane- CH₄ ,ethane- C ₂H
₆, acetylene- C₂H₂. , methyl alcohol- CH₃OH , ethyl alcohol- C ₂H ₅OH ,urea -
CO(NH₂)₂ ,chloroform- CHCl₃, carbon tetra chloride - CCl₄ , formic acid- HCOOH.
93.Definition Unit......Fundamental units....Derived units
Ans: units are the standards for measurements of physical quantities that need clear
definitions to be useful.
Fundamental units-fundamental units are the basic units of measurement upon which
other units depended.
Derived units-A large number of derived units formed by combining fundamental
units according to the algebraic relation of the corresponding quantities.
94.Units of length , mass , time , area , volume ,frequency , density ,velocity ,
acceleration ,force ,work or energy , power , torque, pressure , temperature
Ans: units of
Length: cm/m
Mass: kg/g
Time: hrs/min
Area: m2
Volume: let/ml
Frequency: Hz
Density: kg/m3 (or) g/ 𝑐m3
Acceleration: m/sec 2
Force: kg.m/sec 2
Work: Newton/m or joules
Power: watt or joule/sec
Torque: kg.m2 .sec⁡−2
Pressure: Pascal’s
Temperature: ℃ or ℉
95.Area Formula of square , rectangle , circle ,triangle
Ans: area of
Square- side 2,
Rectangle: length * breadth
Triangle: ½ base* height
Circle: 𝜋𝑟 2

96.Boyels law , Charles law

Ans: Boyle’s law: a law stating that the pressure of a given mass of an ideal gas is
inversely proportional to its volume at a constant temperature.
Charles law: a law stating that the volume of an ideal gas at constant pressure is
directly proportional to the absolute temperature.
97.What is Conduction , convection , radiation
Ans: conduction: it is a movement of something such as heat or electricity.
Convection: it is the transfer of heat through fluids (gas/liquid) from a warmer spot
to cooler spot
Radiation it is an emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or
particles through space or through a material. Ex: UV light from the sun or heat
from a burner

98.What you know about computer

Ans: it is an electronic machine which helps in solving problems quickly and easily
according to instructions given to it.

99.What is Internet
Ans: it is a global computer network providing a variety of information and
communication facilities. Internet is a “massive network” of networks. Globally it
connects millions of computers together.
100. What is Email
Ans: it is a method of exchanging messages between people using electronic
devices. Email servers accept, forward, deliver, store messages
101. What is purpose Google
Ans: it is specialised in internet related services and products, advertising
technologies and is a search engine.
102. What is input and out output devices of computer
Ans: input-devices: keyboard, mouse, scanner, web cam,
Output-devices: speakers, monitor, printer,
103. What is RAM & ROM
Ans: RAM: random access memory, it cannot store the information without power,
it’s a temporary storage.
ROM: read only memory, it can hold the data even if the power is off. It’s
permanent storage.
Ans: program is a set of instructions that a computer follows in order to perform a
particular task.

105. 1 cm=10mm
106. 1 meter =1000 mm
107. 1 meter =100cm
108. 1 inch=2.54 cm
109. 1inch=25.4 mm
110. 1 feet= 12 inch
111. 1 feet= 30.48 cm =304.8
112. 1 yard= 3 feet =36 inches
113. 1 mile= 1.6km
114. 1000ml= 1 lit
115. 100cl=1 lit
116. 1 kl=1000lts
117. 1 kg = 1000 grams
118. 1 gram=1000mg
119. What is you height in feet’s and cms
120. ALL SPELLINGS......

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