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Class -x dh 3loespephy] % When Ressunces “Tobeduchion 7 2 Earth Suace ie cornd with sch Coub ool o sigh) Would 2? > useble pant, + Surface Run off * Grourdwatun Renewed by Midelagcal Cole Qthen uly salen 6 Seance CP a tteigel 79657 4 tobl voline of wan ig Oceans and only 257 is fresh stn 7 Fox |resh waler occu as ie sheet and glaciers 9 fod reseies realy “oF global prciptaton and ranks 183 9 toms of wale awvailabihly —paxen pa ormim > Tolel eine water Rewunces oF Sula ane estivaled at 169 Slim par omnnum, + By 2005, lange park wil ce absolute woolen Sancy, ® Magnet Brains Class -x ch-3fbespaphy] % Ween Rescunces “Waker Sconcity - I > Abundance ard Remoabsly of water = Hoo Gn it be Scanee 29 v eden e ( Moy be in oneas of desert ord drought . Conte ely diets lected! negjats [xJ > oun exploitation, Excessive use ord unequal access to wala, arerg iFerert group: Bere a owalhhy cans whe Wate ost no and (boo HBC ® Magnet Brains Closs-x ch3 [Geegrophy) “Water, Resources A Weler Scarey -it a quoctalse asied =e [rving “hen a { Poplabir®) udden Prey die audlblve ome Linonisotion id Tadust alsa quebly 6 Scat tb area stil] Soler rom wale, Heavy use quate “seanciy 7 Derbed fo el ® Gul) are ore glen a eee pally ae + Exploitation et Ba eecunce sand 922% d clechaly Polluted due to Domestic ard Andushral washes. chemical fly ground ole Ie frend pa mile Walpole | Iroelechiic plant" ; Hagendoes for Human use ® Magnet Brains Closs-x h3 (Geegrophy) “Welor: Kesounces for aber Conservation and Monogmtt 7b Spend counseles fom = Gallatin eae) * Heollh Ing Goetiny population) * Ensune food Seearly + Degradation rolne) ecoayslem “Whalen Seancihy will dearack natura) resources and Guse Ecological Crisis feehng ou lives argpively ® Magnet Brains Closs-% ch {Geeqrophy) “Welerr Resources Multi Rorpese River Propet and Snkearoted Woten Resources Vnoent 1 > How co we Gonsewe ond Manoge 77 + Historical ord Archaeological necords 4 aalen Grsenvahen Wh a he u* Century, Bhopal eke one O Fast Gnluny B-¢ Sringavenapure hod | the bngest “ont al lhe Sophisticated nln harvesting’ Spt eine v5 bulb channelling flood Wooten river conan My 1a Goshury 5 the dank in Haug @ Dams, Jakes ard innigabion Syston were khas, Delhi twas Gnshucted by Extensively bull during chandraquple ena ely 9 a pa ee ‘Hlshaish Jpn Supplying unten to 9 Svidences gf Sephishere roagalion works have Sins Hae ° also been fund in Kalinga (onissa) , Naganjurakoncla + Nagarju (ae) SS wah eal ® Magnet Brains Class-x ch-3UGecqrophy) Wel Resources “Malt purpose Revere ‘Propet ond Torah Water Ressine Margene *DaM «a iso borer acres feuing wolen Hot chilnlel®, cieds on nelonds the Flow of woter , offen Cresting aoMesenvoir lobe om impoundients *Based on Shuclure si Timber dan «Based on Hogs ex: Small Sole obdhy Mee 99 + Trnigation \ “Temples o Modern India * Electnicih maaan = TL Nehnu | ! Flood Gnbol Developren f ogrictthune and, village economy. “Recreation *Ropid Trdushnialisation ond growth F unbon economy “Tord navigation Fish breeding Ctobeahated use of Snpoaded sucler ® Magnet Brains Class -x ch-BlGeeqrophy) Weer Resources * Sppasiion s| Mulbpmpsse projects -T 7 Grecgnophical Reoser Freed earthquakes * Regulating on downing ae Natural Flaws Lf + Exessive Sedimentation at the belo Resalhing —rackion Shaan beds “Poorer habtals for oguotic Me, ‘Vessel im Gobdvy floods of te Le ; bh. time rainfall ‘ ow en Ga Rae ee ford = Deshruction 4 pepe, Sol eusioh ond lord Clegredation Gused water bore Aiseases ard peshs ® Magnet Brains Class -x h- 3 (Geography) Water Rescusrces * Sppastion s| Mubpupse specs + Social Tnpact Some codten Reounes diffrent use? @” “lange Seale Displocement unfrin share df Sacnifce —Aaibation by formers in “ Iugolien > charged Cropping allem Grypat, Sabarmab: becin ; " & ven wala Supply proaby aah “Tronslormed Social lordscape gen to urban akeas ae meng Rich ard Poort Gap a "d ‘] > Th Shee lle + Socal Movement oginst mers dispute “Narmada Bacheo Arblan” ad"Tehsi Dam Andelan” ® Magnet Brains Class -x ch-3{(oeeqrophy) Later Rescurces 7 Rain water Honwesting *Ecoromically ond Envirermerlaly, viable clbennelive in Paid F resishance Against MPP Vanialn in unten honvesta ing Spl, Hein the local cca Cerditions ard thein Wanlen needs in Mind 0 Gul ards W bdas ord has 25) ronfanion region — * Bieler Ord Rallan Westen Hinelayas 2Dy ond onea apriculhna) field were Coweted into Arpad) on bil sp ot slog. Sheba Ww Dundotion channels in Feed phins oh 8, W). Roof top Rain waaten, fon 4 Bal (i) Bamba dap_ tise ve she ja, Zoe yeon olf Sy & arte ts Pipe bo chee ia 720 ew of water enens the borboo Pipes and 20-6 drop reas ot the sled plorts ® Magnet Brains Class-x th- 3(Gecqrophy) “Weter Resources * Reo} top Koin_toohen Hasecting Crerelillln. Medel Pirko_systen *Ln anid ord semi- anid Poe Ar Mysore Kornolaky 200 area of Rajesthon [Bhorer, abd] Household ove installed Reap t Rein wakes Henuestng Syshen > Looe mm onnual precipilation With S07 Gllebion djxieney, Fioo0 Mors of water is Solel sad Tankos Londo) “Comchd ath fle Rou Hanasting “Through pips water is trample every hasehld onualy to bros, DPRdiable Source J Drakig ue + Bl Neds ie the Bik she bang Conpulsony ea OBeat the Fal wt 7 ‘provision fon Redflap rain wale! Dent Y i ® Magnet Brains Class-x ch-albecspuphy | Water. Kescurices WWolen Scarcity 7 Couses of it? Specific Guse? Need fx” Consenueion and Mormment of woke Hesounces? " Ancient waler resource managment Syslen ? 8 het is Dam? Why ibe froin Mp 9 Advantages 4it? © Reasons fox Opposlion of TPP: 7 Problems onised due te wees? Lspecific} © Nowous Melhods of Rain water harvesting 7 (1 Reoflop rainwater honvesting’? Gerdathun model ? © Define > rom, aly an al 1 Khan ond Jeheds,, Baraboo dp imation de ® Magnet Brains

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