Delft GeoSystems - MStab

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Delft GeoSystems MStab Easy and efficient stability analysis MStab isa powerful tool in the everyday engineering practice for solving two-dimensional soil stability problems. MStab offers complete functionality to find automaticaly the critical slip plane with corresponding safety factor and stress distribu- f tion for slope stability and uplift stability (new). MStab is based on well-established design methods and has already been widely used for more than 10 years. The graphi- cal user interface, with a Windows look-and-feel, allows both frequent and inffequent users to analyse regular stability problems extremely quickly. Continuous development by experts from GeoDelf ensures that MStab keeps in step with all current and future demands. MSiab is available on Windows 98/2000/XP or NT 4.0 sys- tems. The MStab package includes comprehensive on-line help together with a set of examples and verification tests, foduct integration MStab isan integrated par of the M-Series. Therefore you can exchange relevant data with the central project database ceeanes 7 for directly with the components for transient settlements (MSertle), seepage (MSeep) and directional drilling (SDrith. This central project database is ereated and maintained with MGeoBase. The database contains data on measurement ‘geometry and soil properties of several cross-sections. Besides exchange of input data, MStab can also import a settled ge- ometry calculated by MSettle ora pore pressure load generated by MSeep. ei = Easy input or exchange of geometry and layer properties ‘interactive input of two-dimensional geometry with arbi trary shaped layers via drawing, or via data entry in spe- cific forms. Each layer is connected to a certain soil type; Accurate and complete * definition of piezometric heads along lines, optional ‘© automatic search ofthe critical slip plane; + user-defined zones thatthe plane will nat ross, for exam * direct input of material properties of sol types via forms, ple shee piling; or import of material properties from the MGeoBase data integration of geotextles; base: temporary and permanent loads, pore pressures and desre of consolidation; Moht-Coulomb soil parameters tase module for slope stability with circular slip plane; : exchange of geometry with related software for stlement {module er slope sail wih user-defined slip Blane analysis, seepage of directional drilling. You therefore need to define your geometry only once. Geotextiles Itis possible to model geotextles via input of straight sections The stability of a slope will increase if a slip plane intersects, with a geotextile unique module for uplift stability; output of global safety factor; output of safety contours; output of stress components along slip plane. 0. Box 69) Phone +31 0015 2693888 12600 AB Det Fax #31 (015 2690821 Stjesneg 2 suppont@geodett 2628CK Oekt svn get Det Chater partner Mohr-Coulomb Besides input of cohesion c and angle of internal friction ‘you can apply stress dependent friction via input ofa so-called ‘sigma-taut curve. It is also possible to use only undrained co hesion cy. In combination with MGeoBase, you can rettieve the parameters directly from the central database. Pore water pressures, surcharges and earthquake loading ‘© pore fluid load. Pore water pressures can be defined with, piezometrc level lines or with a degree of consolidation per soil layer, It is also possible to include the effect of suction above the phreatic line in your calculations. Alte natively, you can import pore pressures that are generated with MSeep. ‘© permanent and temporary surcharges. You can locate Permanent point loads anywhere in the geometry Distributed loads can be defined as permanent or tempo- rary loads on the surface of the soil structure. For these loads an angle of dispersion can be defined. For the tem- porary loads a degree of consolidation must be given, ‘© earthquake. To simulate earthquake loading, you can define additional horizontal and vertical acceleration, a certain drag down of the free water and a special excess pore pressure ratio, Calculation methods for slope stability and uplift stability ‘There are different calculation methods available in MStab. woe Each method will divide the slip plane into a number of verti- cal slices, and derive the maximum shear stress along the slip surface from the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. ‘© Bishop or Fellenius method. Determines the minimum safety factor with the corresponding circular slip plane in ‘case of slope stability. Bishop ensures equilibrium of moments and vertical forces. Fellenius ensures only equilibrium of moments. + Spencer method. Determines a saety factor for a user defined slip plane position. Equilibrium is ensured for ‘moments, vertical forces and horizontal forces. ‘© Uplift Van or Uplift Spencer method. Determines a slip plane with minimum safety factor in case of uplift stabi ity. The plane consists of a horizontal part, bounded by two circles (Van), of by one circle and one straight line (Spencer). Van's method ensures equilibrium for mo- ‘ments and vertical forces. Spencer's method also ensures equilibrium of horizontal forces MStab determines the critical slip citcle(s) by iteration, using fixed trial tangent lines and a moving grid of centre points Results ‘Analysis results are presented in a tabular and graphical form. ‘The tabular report contains an echo of the input data, concise information on all calculated slip surfaces and detailed infor- ‘mation about the critical slip surface. You can also view graphical output of the distribution of vari- ‘ous stress components along the slip plane or the details of a ‘raphically selected slice. Finally you can plot contours of the calculated safety factors on the grid of centre points and on the ‘geometry. Related tools within the M-Series MCompress Soil parameters for MSettle from oedometer tests MDrill Design of horizontal directional drilling MFoundation — Code-based design of foundations MGeobase Central project database MPile Analysis of a ple group, connected toa pile cap MSeep ‘Seepage analysis MSheet Design of sheet pile walls MSettle ‘Transient settlements in 1D and 2D geometry Mivelt ‘Transient multi-layer flow to wells GEF CPT Presentation tool for cone penetration tests Plot oot (or more formato, ti sessons and downioacs, place vs wmmwadlfigeosystems.n, or call +31 (015 2693844

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