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2015 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 | RELEVANT Magazine

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15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30

A simple checklist for moving into adulthood

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First off, nothing magical happens when you turn 30.

That sounds dumb, but it's worth mentioning. The word thirties hangs over most
of us like a solemn marker of adulthood, as if you'll wake up on your 30th birthday
with wizened eyes and a headful of sage wisdom.

The truth is, everything on this list is worth doing in your twenties (or your teens,
if you're so inclined) but we talk about it like this because though nothing magical
happens on your thirtieth birthday, 30 years is enough time to work out some of
life's kinks and pick up on some good habits.

All that's to say, there's no reason you should have all this mastered by the time
you're 30. But, then again, there's no reason not to try.

Waking Up Earlier Than You Have To

What do Twitter/Square founder Jack Dorsey, Richard Branson, Apple’s Tim Cook,
legendary Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, Condoleezza Rice and dozens of
other successful leaders all have in common? They get out of bed before 6 a.m.
every morning. Even Aristotle advocated waking up early, famously quipping, "It
is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and­things­start­doing­time­youre­30 1/12
19.07.2015 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 | RELEVANT Magazine


Through college and in our twenties, hitting the snooze button is a staple of
Saturday mornings and workweek rushing around, but there’s a reason so many
influential people get started early. Waking up before you have to lets you find
time to pray, exercise or just spend a few minutes alone before the craziness of
the day begins.

Saving Money
Starting to save money not only sets you up for a more secure future, it can also
help instill financial discipline as you enter into your prime earning years. And, if
you start at a young enough age, it can also add up fast: According to CNN
Money, if you put aside $3,000 a year from ages 25-35 in a tax-deferred
retirement account, by the time you hit 65, you’ll have $472,000 in the bank.

Actually Caring About What You Eat

Most people in their late twenties have come to the harsh realization that for
reasons that are totally unfair, your metabolism has a tendency to slow down with
age. Basically, we all will hit a certain age when we can no longer eat an entire
pizza and drink four Dr. Peppers without feeling like garbage shortly afterwards.
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying life—and some junk food every now and
then—but your thirties are a time to create, and sustain, healthy patterns you’ll
carry throughout adulthood.

Making Margin in Your Life

By the time you hit 30, there’s a good chance the routine of family, job, bills and
adulthood limits the free time that was once a part of twentysomething life.
Creating margin—to read, volunteer, pray, travel or just do the things you want to
do—is easy to neglect with the stresses that come along with being a
thirtysomething. Do yourself a favor: Make margin in your day-to-day life, and
don’t try to fill every waking moment with more busyness.

Creating a Pattern of Giving in Your Finances­things­start­doing­time­youre­30 2/12
19.07.2015 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 | RELEVANT Magazine

Life is expensive. Even if you’re settled into a good-paying career by the time
you’re 30, paying down student loans, owning a home, buying a car, paying the
bills and balancing a checkbook may not leave much left over. But along with
your tithes, establishing a pattern of giving (to charities, ministries or even to
friends and families in need), can serve as a constant reminder of who your
money actually belongs to.

Becoming Friends With People Much Older Than You

For most people, up to your late twenties, most relationships with people much
older than yourself are predicated on some sort of authority structure—your
parents, your teachers, your bosses, your pastors. But by the time you’re 30,
actually becoming friends with people you look up to not only adds new dynamics
to mentorship, it also broadens your social circles.

Letting Go of Baggage from Bad Relationships

Don’t let baggage from bad breakups, arguments with old friends or hurtful
comments from the past haunt you into your adult life. Even if reconciliation isn’t
possible, forgiveness always is.

Being Content With the Life You Have (While Still Trying
to Accomplish Your Dreams)
It’s never too late to try to write that novel, start that business, travel the world or
launch that social activism campaign you’ve always dreamed about. But even if
your life goals haven’t happened by the time you’ve hit 30, it doesn’t mean you
shouldn’t be content with the life you have. Finding the balance between
ambition and contentment isn’t easy, but it’s part of living with big dreams.

Reading the News Every Day

Before you can change the world, you have to be informed about the problems
facing it. Reading headlines online, listening to NPR or just tuning into the
evening news can be a gateway to knowing how to make a difference and
instituting real change.­things­start­doing­time­youre­30 3/12
19.07.2015 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 | RELEVANT Magazine

Learning to Unplug
It’s easy to get stuck in a pattern of working long hours, being tied to the phone
or just binge watching shows on Netflix during every minute of free time. None of
those things are necessarily bad in doses, but if you’re spending your whole life
plugged into a device, you may be missing out on some pretty great experiences.

Finding Organizations or Causes to Support Long-Term

Partnering with organizations like WorldReach (who allows you to sponsor
children) and Charity: Water (who lets you tell your friends to donate instead of
getting you a birthday present every year) or finding a cause like ending human
trafficking, supporting education or assisting the homeless can represent more
than just one-time gifts or temporary passions. Your 30s are a great time to find
causes, organizations and campaigns to be dedicated to throughout your life.

Making Exercise a Lifestyle


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You don’t have to join an expensive gym or jump on the next fitness trend
bandwagon to make exercise a part of your life. Ride your bike to work. Take the
stairs instead of the elevator. Join a community sports league with friends.
Making exercise a regular part of your schedule helps it to become a lifestyle, not
an afterthought or another chore you have to make time for.

Actively Combating Spiritual Complacency

At some point, most Christians will deal with spiritual complacency. We get into a
routine, and it’s easy to allow actively trying to grow in your faith to become a
side note to the day-to-day realities of adult life. Make it a point to stay
challenged spiritually—read good books, stay involved in your church, seek­things­start­doing­time­youre­30 4/12
19.07.2015 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 | RELEVANT Magazine

ministry opportunities, get a mentor and a mentee. As other parts of your life
grow, make sure your faith does too.

Being Intentional With Relationships

The older you get, the more time becomes a precious commodity. Unlike the
college days, when you’d see your buddies between every class, once you get
plugged into a job and family life, it can be hard to make time to see your friends.
In your twenties and thirties, be intentional about getting together with friends
and relatives (who are also probably pretty busy), and invest in relationships over

Buying Things That Last

For many people in their twenties, paying extra to purchase high-quality items—
from clothes and accessories, to furniture and appliances—just isn’t practical as
they are settling into new careers and finding their financial footing. But as you
save more and become more established in your job, purchasing quality items
(and fewer of them because they last so long) puts the emphasis on sustainability
and craftsmanship instead of fast fashion disposability.





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10/21/2014 4:59 PM
59 +-
Josh commented…

There are some good things on this list. However, a problem with a
number of things listed is that they are contingent on someone at 30
having enough disposable income to accomplish them. Many people today
(unfortunately the number rising every day) do not have a stable career to
be able to do this. Perhaps this list should focus more on moral fiber
instead of material possessions.

10/21/2014 1:48 PM
55 +-
Paul Sohn commented…

This is a great list. The only thing I would add to the discussion is to
clarify your values and purpose. I know this sounds like soft and fuzzy
stuff, but these are what underpins your life. The more we become
intentional about living in alignment of our calling, the more we can
glorify God and serve others more effectively. Here's a post that I think
will help you clarify that:
core-values-in-your-20s/­things­start­doing­time­youre­30 6/12
19.07.2015 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 | RELEVANT Magazine


5/3/2015 4:56 AM
1 +-
Emerson Moran commented…

There are some good things in this article. For example, I think that
waking up early and doing excercise are good together because I have
done it like that. And it is great because you can have a big smile during
the whole day! and you can see the things into differents ways, your day
can be less stressful and you can have not only fun because you can have
happiness with your family and friends. That is my advise and then
everyone lives life as they wish! and remember you have to be fine with
yourself to be fine with everyone.

5/3/2015 6:27 AM
0 +-
susana castro commented…

This article is very interesting and helpful that´s why I like it and also for
the excellent information that it contains about things and activities that
we supposedly should do before the thirties, it explains us in a nice way
with details and example every activity, nevertheless it says that if we
have not done those things before turning thirty, we should try to do
them, the time that we decided to start it does not matter, remember it is
never too late to start. In fact we have to learn to unplug of stressful
things that surround us, and we should take the advice that the paragraph
is telling us, and enjoy the life with our special people because the life is
only one and that is our opportunity to do those activity, although it has
challenging ways but we can, so let´s go now we are young, so we can do
it, and we try to take good decision to get better life. Anyway my favorite
part is where it says “instead of waiting for a gift in every birthday until
the thirties, look for something to donate'' because the life is not just
receiving, whether no it is also giving and sharing with other people.­things­start­doing­time­youre­30 7/12
19.07.2015 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 | RELEVANT Magazine

Alvarez 5/3/2015 7:41 AM
0 +-
Eunice A. Alvarez commented…

Very interesting article! .. Most of those things are really good habits like
saving money or wake up early,etc...and it help us to be better. I liked so
much that part where says "being international with relationships"
because I think friends and relatives are important in our life and is not
nesesary that we get a relationship with people of our age I belive we can
meet all kind of people and learnd about them
...... I think each one as a person should think do those things

5/3/2015 2:54 PM
0 +-
Gaby Segura commented…

Very interesting article!! I think that this activities could be practiced in

any time of our lives because it's never late enough to start adopting them
un our lifestyles. Also, there are a lot of them that could be already
practiced by some people. I hope to practice some of the ones i have
never tried, it could be an extraordinary experience!!!

5/3/2015 11:36 PM
0 +-
Lee Beau commented…

Super cool the article, a very complete list of things we have to do before
30, one of the things that must be practicing is to be satisfied with the life
we have and never give up our dreams for my all in this lifetime is
possible provided you don't fight.­things­start­doing­time­youre­30 8/12
19.07.2015 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 | RELEVANT Magazine

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