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The 28th
President of the The 28th president of the USA once
U.S said “We came to America, either
ourselves or in the persons of our
ancestors, to better the ideals of
men, to make them see finer things
than they had seen before, to get rid
of the things that divide and to make
sure of the things that unite.”

Woodrow Wilson
Topic introduction
● Did you know that undocumented immigrants make 28% percent of the
population of the united states of america, says the migration policy

● Many undocumented immigrants pay taxes, there for they contribute into social
security funds and yet don't benefit from it.
Why immigrants matter.
● Immigrants benefit the us economy because they participate in the labor force
more than people that were born here

● They run small business and increase jobs

● They also pay taxes

Labor force
I know it might not sound that big of a deal but the “labor force” is actually like a
population or a group of people who are trying to work. Immigrants participate in
the labor force more than people who were born here. In 2018, there were 28.2
million foreign-born persons in the U.S labor force, making it 17.4 percent of the
total. Undocumented hispanics accounted for nearly half of the foreign-born labor
force in 2018.
Small businesses
My dad, he is an undocumented immigrant and not only does he work for somebody else but he
has his own small landscaping business. Every weekend me and my little brother go out with
him and do people’s lawns weather it being mowing grass, picking up leaves or even making
patios. Sometimes when he needs extra help he hires people to work for him, and not only my
dad is doing this but many undocumented immigrants are too. This how they make the
economy grow they are creating more jobs for others, starting small business that later in the
future become big.
Pay taxes
Do immigrants pay taxes? The answer to that is yes, in fact research shows that
undocumented pay billions of dollars in taxes to federal, state and local governments
every year. All that money goes into lots of things such roads, schools, and even into
social security funds, but then again they don't benefit from that because they
weren't born here.
Immigrants don't benefit
● So many immigrants pay taxes and don't get nothing in return. For instance they
contribute to social security funds and yet they don't have or are able to qualify
for a social security number.
● Immigrants can work legally with a social security number, a way we can help
them obtain one is by everyone voting in next years election for candidates
supporting immigrants, a good example would be Michael Bloomberg.
In conclusion
I believe everyone should have the the same rights as the people who were born
here. Undocumented immigrants have a huge role here in the united states. They
shouldn't be getting seperated from there families or kicked out of here. They are
are like everyone else, they are trying to support their families here and over back
home. They are changing this place in so many positive ways that many people don't
see. If I could stop every single undocumented immigrant from working, shopping, or
going out for one whole day I would, just so everyone can see how much of an impact
undocumented immigrants have to this country!
Thank you for your time and
for being here, means a lot!!

Any questions?

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