Once Upon A Time in The Western Rim v0.1 PDF

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i ; eo > S TigaAtN VA Lea NY MUTANT MT a Ma a A TIME IN THE eee RIM Unofficial Fanmade Campagin by Dar sgh arsed by Fantasy Flight Gam COMPONENT LIST 4 Map Tiles 9 Hera Class Cards 2 Antagonist Tokens CREDITS Firstly, [ would like to thank my group of players for their time, fun experience and feedback that made this scum campaign see the lignt ! This is a fan made campaign, commercial use is not permitted. Once Upon a Time in the Western Rim is not affiliated with Fantasy Flight Games. I would like to thank FFG for the great game Imperial Assault, and the Star Wars Com- 2 Deplayment Cards © 4 Condtion Cards 4 Condition Tokens munity for the enthusiastic welcome of my previous and first mini-campaign For a Few More Credits! Darth Jawa. EXPANSION ICON All cards, sheets and map tiles found in this expansion are marked with the Once Upon a Time in the Western Rim icon to distinguish these components from those found in the core game and other expansions. INSIDE THIS EXPANSION ‘The Once Upon a Time in the Westem Rim expansion includes new contents to expand all clements of your Imperial Assault experience. ‘This mini-campaign is the second one I publish, after the For a Few More Credits mini campaign. This expansion contains six new missions, intended to be played as the Once Upon a Time in the Western Rim mini campaign. BECOME A BAD GLY Once Upon a Time in the Western Rim was designed to allow players to control bounty hhunters characters. As a result, a few changes need to be made. During the mini campaign, the Imperial Player, defined in the Imperial Assault Rulebook, will be either playing the Empire, the Rebels, or Mercenaries. Therefore, for convenienee, in this expansion, the Imperial Player will be named the Commander Player. As mentioned in the Imperial Assault Rulebook, all other players take on the roles of Rebel Heroes. Well. even if one can claim that bounty hunters are brave law-enforcement officers, they are also often seen as greedy, trigger-happy opportunists on the other side. Most civilians, and even officials have been known to all bounty hunters “seums”. Anyway, the word “scum” seems more relevant, or at least more usual, to talk about bounty hunters than the word “hero” npaign, Rebel Players will be named Scums Players. After all, players might just get used to it, hopefully As the campaign goes, the Commmander Player will 4 influence and XP, and spend them to get Agenda Cards or Imperial Class Cards, In the Once Upon a Time in the Wester Rim mini campaign, these cards are considered as neutral and can be either used by imperials, rebels or mercenaries controled by the Commander Player If for any reason, one card seems inappropriate, the Commander Player is exceptionally allowed to replace it or draw another card instead. We “THE LPIA TE WT WESTER 7 3 RULEBOOK A The Once Upon a Time in the Western Rim expansion introduces the new Conditon: “Wanted”.Note that tl condition is specific to Scums Players. This condition is neither a benificial nor a harmful condition: it reflects the bounty hunters’ lust to catch their Acquisition, aka target When required by the mission, apply a Wanted Token and Condition Card to the indicated hostile figure. © Once Upon a Time in the Westem Rim is intented to be played in a succession fo form a narrative mini campaign that requires only 6-8 hours to pla MINI CAMPAIGN SETUP Before starting a new mini campaign, perform only steps 1-3 of “Campaign Setup” as outlined on page 7 of the Rules Reference Guide in the core game. 4 orn wT WESTER / RULEBOOK 0 Then perform the following steps: | Build the Agenda Deck: The Commander Player builds his deck of Agenda eards following the sidelines in “Building the Agenda Deck” on page 4 of the Rules Reference Guide in the core Then, he returns all cards in his Agenda Deck that are played as side missions or forced missions to the game. game box. 2. Upgrade Scums: Each Scum receives 3 XP, and Scums collectively receive 400 eredits per seum. Then, scums resolve a Scum Upgrade Stage. When purchasing item cards during this Scum Upgrade St Scum players draw cards from the Tier | item deck and draw ten cards instead of six. 3. Upgrade Commander Player: The Commander player receives 3 XP. Then, he performs a Commander Upgrade Stage, but skips purchasing Agenda Cards, 4.Set Up Introductory Mission: Players are then ready {o set up and play the introductory mission for the mini campaign Once Upon a Time in the Western Rim, “Nar Shaddaa’s Lower Levels” (see page PLAYING THE MINI CAMPAIGN Playing the mini campaign is similar to playing a full campaign (see “Playing a Campaign” on page 10 of the Learn to Play booklet in the core game). Unlike a full campaign, missions in the mini campaign are all considered to be a story missions and are played in a specific order. Side missions are not played during the mini During the Mission Stage, Scum players do not choose the next mission to resolve based upon active Side or Story Mission cards, Instead, each mission’s end text will determine the next active mission to be resolved. NOTE TO THE COMMANDER PLAYER During the mini campaign, the Commander player is five to adjust resources to his needs, For instance, he can replace a Bantha rider (9 points) with an AT-ST (14 points) and decrease by 5. Ora group with a Grand Inquisitor with stormtroopers (15 points) can be replaced bby Darth Vader (18 points) and decrease «8 by 3. END OF MISSIONS When playing the mini campaign, each mission’s “End of Mission” text will direct players to resolve an additional event. These events provide additional rewards specific to the mini campa ession. Name and page number of the mission should be recorded in the mission entry of the eampsi (see “Phe Campaign Log” below). THE CAMPAIGN LOG players utilize a campaign ormations relevant to the n, Like in a full eampa log to track and record ir progression of the mini campai The campaign log for Once Upon a Time in the Western Rim mini campaign is found at this end of this book and is used in a fashion identical to the me campaign log in the core ice TE ESTE RULEBOOK \ EVENT SUMMARY + Atthe end of Round 2: Coto! Saton J+ Attheend of Round 3: In Saery + No hontile figures ‘grote Sed an (stound ‘Note: Consider the red doors mem a blocked terra Open Groups: ‘$05: ) CONTROL STATION DEPLOYMENT AND SETUP Initial Groups: Hired Gun, Nexu, Reserved Groups: Imperial Officer, Stormtrooper. Probe Droid,Trandoshan Hunter, Obl Ada 18,14 0h ) NIGHT CLUB MISSION BRIEFING [Nar Shaddaa at nigh axes with act Seated at a roy night clu, the Merchant Guild representative, Obl Ada, is exposing the contract your group of bounty hunters. Propping up the bar, « nerous radians staring at yourtable. AMtofa sudden, trans Tuater ais a Blaster at yo, the farnly gags Obl Lada, He growl: ‘Don't move or try anything ! Your frend comes with me.” Haste trandeshan rushes out into the strets, pushing without due care your contractor through the crows. Right fe, rods overturn tables an shoot at you. + ‘The Tiandoshan Huntersare the frst to activate. The one in the night ciub and Obl Ada are moved tothe biue points Then the door closes. + The gry mission tokens rpresont innocent bystanders, Forscums, movinginto aspace occupied bya bystander costs oneaciditional ‘movement point. The commancler moves the bystanders (Speed) duringthe Status Phase. Innocent bystanderscannotbe targeted. + Aslongas Obl Adaisadjacen to ahostile figure, he movesalongsde the hostile figure. ObLAda can only move once per round ( up ues: % Os, 02, 03s, be + Themission ends when noostil igure is adjacent to Obl Ada, when a hostile mercemary figure adjacent to ObI Ada reaches the purple point, henall scumsare wounded, orat the end of Round, CONTROL STATION ‘tthe end of Round Asone could expec blasters shots and fae bystanders screaming hav caught the attention of he nearby contro station. oorsopen pera have just appointed your grup asthe troublemakers ++ Open the doors ofthe control station. Deploy the reserved Imperial Officer and the Stormtroopers to the yellow point. “The ed deployment points now ative. IN SAFETY ‘Atthe end of Round 3: Amida the confusion, bystanders der shocker for their ives fo makedufshetes. + Removeall thebystandes tokens fom the game board ay / END OF MISSION No hostile figure is adjacent tn Obl Ada: At last, pressed by your fir these randoshans ddipserse. And your originator OBLAda ssf ‘Short of brea, he ads: “Theses pirates were set hy Aromas after me. Your hut isan agent matter Let me gv you addtional information about your austin.” Scum seve XP and 00 cas por ctaracte: Comtande ects 1 Iuece Next mision is Boag Action (ge 8) (bl Ada and h eget ed espe your efforts, your opponents have finaly ished ne bend of agri ale. Your mission has doubled: review yur vriginator Obl Ade and put aren tothe activites of the pirate Arona Sums receive 2XP and 300 eri per character. Commander reeives XP and 1 Influence. Next Mission is Seoet Dealings on asp (page9). CE LFON ATE TE ESTERTEN_” 1 CAMPAIGN GUIDE \. yD Reserved Group: Open Groups: 34) Special Setup: Increase {8} by twice and resolve an optional deployment. 40h cockert MISSION BRIEFING wus not tat iil obtain useful information out ofthe trandasan captured in Nar Shad By all accounts hs boss Aronax would bea fearsome space ren Able to cid abnost ‘simultaneously merchant convoys n diferent lay syste. Another harsh cexitnce ofa ng, ane you lear the ply pint for the pirate ships sted by stealth in his sector, the long wait hasended: a ship hasjus arrived. Tome to si this newcomer + Blue doors follow the standard rules. Grey doors can be passed through without spendingan action foropeningit. Grey doors Dlocklines ofsight + ‘Thedoorto the Cockpitislockel.A scum caninteractto openit (294). +The mission ends winen the figure with the Wanted condition s defeated, atthe end of ‘Round 8,o¢ when all scums are wounded. (3 aera / CAMPAIGN GUIDE DEPLOYMENT AND SETUP Initial Groups: ‘Trandoshan Hunter, Hired Gun, Ugnaught Tinkerer, Ugnaught Tinkerer. ronax, Trandoshan Hunter. SHIP INSPECTION ‘tthe end of Round + Thedoorthe Storage Compartment opens. Increase &} by2. UNDER ARREST ‘When the door to the Cockpit opens: Thug the opening dow, you inomedaly your acgustion. As fast as lightning, Arona: ops he ship communes ras a fog laser, + Deploy Aronavand the Tandoshan Hunters tothe ylloe point Aron Heath 12, Defense: € SOB Nl APiexe! + Applya Wanted cncition to Aronaxand internupttomakea f attack with Aronax + Increase (8 by 4and perform an optional ‘deployment. The ed deployment points nowactive. Nap TUES: 9 Ol, 024 03% Of, 05s EVENT SUMMARY Under Ares 71 da) some cowPneTMeNT END OF MISSION When Aronax is defeated: ‘Taking i at breath, Arona ls tothe ground. Son, hacia features bein tater A changelng! Ts evet ould make a ddierence. WasitAronax? or wasitan Jmpostor right-hand man? Shorty after this raids contre t affct ‘merchant coms. You realize where ls the access to helplfies. Sums receive 4XP and 400 credits per character, Commander receives? Influences ani 2XP Nest mission is nperial Archies (page 10). ‘At the end of Round 8 or when all Scums. are wounded: ‘The ship crew is outamberng your fore. rade hezey enemy fir, you non back to your ship and escape wiht jomp to Fyperspace. Before facing Aromas agai, you need 0 prepare ad gather yformation. A cotact witha betray raider he banned is pla ‘Scums receive 3XP and 300 credits por ‘charactor. Commander receives 3XP and? Tnfhuences. Next Mission is Mest Wanted (page 11). + Atthe end of ond I: Ship Inspection + When the door tothe Cockpit opens: + Aronaxis defeated, Fad of Round 8, OF All Seams wounded: End of Mision DEPLOYMENT AND SETUP Ugnaught Tinkerer. Reserved Groups: Davith Elso, Lobot, Lando Calrissian, Aronax, Hired Gun. Open Groups: 24 Initial Groups: Wing Guard, Wing Guard, ke N/T A‘ MISSION BRIEFING Amoaeraids can range from the Tras Hydiantraderoute tothe Corian Trade ‘Spine These strategicconimercal us Jimpactlargetomtories: many ito are affected. You heard that Bespin’ interests particulary isgas exports, were adversely affected. Rumours cela thatthe Baron Administrator Lando Cabrisian is about to conde a sere agreement wth Aronian ‘onder to unblock his curentsituation. Paste on Cloud City or days, our group asst fond signs o is Acquistion. + ‘The dort the Landing Patformhas comple security codes- To open it scums ‘need to extract codes fom the terminal (2 © 0r20). Then, onceascumisadjacentto the doos asuccesfuld, testis nowded. ‘+ Thomission ends when the Wanted figures defeated, when allscums are wounded or at the end of Round 6. (ous ok 00, 08 53, 383) 1058 BESPIN DELEGATION ‘The door tothe Reception Rom opens: + Deploy Davith Eko and Lobo tthe elo point The Commander gts interoption toactvate both Davth Eboand Lobo. Increase by? TRADE TALKS The dao ta the Landing Platform opens (On the windy platform, a group isnervousy discussing Aronascnotics your presence and shouts at his body guards: "Who ae they? Bimiate hese intruders!” + Deploy Aronay theresorved Hired Guns and Lando Calan tothe blae point. Apply Wanalcondtion Arona. + Inteeruptto perform a 4 attack with the reserved Hitedi Guns. + crane by 4. The red deployment point ‘snow active When Aronaxisdefeatad | [Next missions Inperial Archies (page 10) END OF MISSION | Arts he teri Lands ene ‘Caste? Heong rs as ow eee Ash il nis ron oto tek nit dong geingbatie Peaeiiad ‘Startled, Lando asks: "Wait a minute, this rt Arn Len hp ly Tat! — } Sunset Pan 00cm per Chance ante oar Labo eee Atthe end of Round 6 ‘or when all Scums are wounded: ‘Unable fo reach your Acqsition time, armed mia aly wart your plans Unfortunately this waste ofefort has now made Arona untraceable low about a olds trick? Like bribing eof Arora former defection fhe ill ale } ‘Scums receive 3XP and 300 credits por ‘charactor. Commander receives 3XP and? Tnfhuences. Next Mission is Mest Wanted (page 11). MISSION BRIEFING Yours attempt capture Arona madeyou uncover how hs aide might operat, but aso lad to deailoc: If Aronax uses changelng partners, tisis a say for hi to bot muiply hs presence and ras on commeril routes. Thus, ronors about this pirate emphase his evil deus Your primary concem for now sto gather information about your acquisition Inger archives are know contin previous dat. base about registered acts of acy. That, and alo the reputation or being well guarded. + Toavoid future imperial reprisals sucms Iaveto erase traces of theirintrusion. “The ed terminal from the Security Room has ‘tobe destroyed (Health: 6), + Tolocate the lovantarchive, ascum must fiscinteract with the le tema (38). AS resi thearchive isexplled and avalale at the Archive Tower. scum may then retrieve thearchive (2@ when agjcenttothe grey mission tokon) in the Archive Tower, ‘+ Thomission ends when the red terminalis destroyed and the archive retroved, atthe end found 7, orwhen all scumsare wounded. Wi {0 CAMPAIGN GUIDE cer CRIMSON GUARDS Reserved Grou Guard, Probe Droid, Probe Droid. Open Groups: 2@ The door tothe Security Room apes: + Deploy the served Royal Guards inthe Security Room, DEFENCE SYSTEM The door ta the Hall opens: ‘The dooropenstoa rt hall Ontheopposte sel without warn defence try pes fr + Deploy the reserved E-Web Engineer io the red point. The red deployment points. now active, FLYING TROUBLES The coor tothe Archive Tawer opens: ‘Slight z2ing sounds ae emited fom the sdazycoluns, Metallic sound seem to get closer Probe roids ave lying in cies, + Deploy the reserved Probe Droids tothe yellow point NAP TUES: © 184, 28 $34, 384(2) DEPLOYMENT AND SETUP Initial Groups: Imperial Officer, Stormtrooper. E-Web Engineer, Royal EVENT SUMMARY ‘or connate actions pid. Wh the Sten dm gw a toch your gine Yourmsson ccs withthe hie your ha Dac omtss ndta ys ekg the prided formation he inate ref eons tha Fag roby SSeums receive 4XP and 400 credits per charcter Commander receives Influences and 2XP.Next mission is Untilthe End Gree). ‘tthe end of Rnd 7 or whe are wounded: iN Scums: Th imperial defensive stom remairs invoable No other choice hat awe his secure acy. By pening a sigficnt rout frets about te cold even rakes bantha ak You ear haya kl lata Aras. Scum receive 3XP and 300 cris per characte, Commander receives 3XP and2 Inuences. Next Mision s Util he End (page 12). EVENT SUMMARY + Theellow door opens Streit + Fist ne a scum/the ema ‘eters the te 2A: Peon Bs Head + the i defeated, the smuggler ‘reaches the Extraction Poiat( Grey {nlssion token), End of Ko ‘Or AllScuone wounded End of Mision DEPLOYMENT AND SETUP Initial Groups: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Hired Gun, ‘Smuggler Reserved Groups: Wing Guard, Bossk Open Groups: 244 Nt: the rod dors are considered as Hooked terran END OF MISSION MISSION BRIEFING + The mission ends when the smagger aches ee Someprplehawaypesaltaowjoretigy | thesmumgers deat, whenallscumsare The Smuggler rearhes the Extracto Pint ders of eb Sas ee ee hectare (Gray Mission token into ois of rouble, The smuggler you wis to bribes one of them. Being Aromas’ former hired gu, his contact promises somehow to be valuable Getting loser to the rendezvos poston at ‘the Proxing Bantha Bar you hear aval altercation breaking out, Amd about to escalate to physiea rpg Your yormant is also a profes troublemaker 12s thus imperative to escort ion to a safe extraction point «The smugglers theinformantthe scums nc arempingto protect Heisreeesenedon the map bythe allance Smuggler token andis considered as analy for the cus for his Move §, Health §, Defense 4B N Sin A Pierce? AV-Focus APFint Aid: Removes Gor} tothe smuggler orto ienlyadacet igure Limited once pe activation + Ifthe smugglers the target ofan attack, an adjacent non wounded seam may choose to become the target ofthe attack insted, STREET MILITIA ‘When the yellow daor opens etree eterna your gon. Pt our bist dno wilco These mitiamer areca to restore onder, + Deploy the reserved Wing Guanes tothe Dive point. PRICE ON HIS HEAD First time a scum /the smuggler enters the tile Inyour rush to the extraction pat massive sihouete pst your way Bask hse “Sonuggler your master Arona has put a priceon your head. Preferably dea + Deploy Bosskto tho yollow point. “Tho rod deployment points now active. AP TES: Ol, 02s 084, Ota ‘convince him to re Acquston _Now getting lowed of his whereabouts, your tam aboutto sik atthe heart of ‘Aronaa’sremote base Sums receive 4XP and 400 cre per character, Commander receives 2 Influences and 2XP.Next mission is Until the End Gree 1) Wel ths suger was as much asourceof fnjormation as a source of problems, (Others have captured hr, but thers a opportunity to rte situation around, ng device put on Bossip aly aad you to Arona, vill edout ‘Scums receive 3XP and 300 credits per ‘charactor. Commander receivos 3XP and? Influences. Next Mission is Unt the End (page 12). [BNGEUPON ATE THE WESTER RO CAMPAIGN GUIDE DEPLOYMENT AND SETUP Initial Groups Reserved Groups: Nexu, Gundark, Wookie Warrior, Aronax. Open Groups: 24 ‘Special Setup: Increase 8} by twice and resolve an optional deployment. EVENT SUMMARY + Red terminal ached: Acces Denied eee eres + het me Aromaxslfers Hs Behnd the Mask + Blne aod sed terminals ase hacked and Atonaris detested orknd of found 8 rail Seame wounded: Enda Sason MISSION BRIEFING remot heat of the jungle the native _gide wwe is pas aan nication to op. “Over thee" Once the cris pocketed, your don't even notice his leaving Atte ee ofthe cer hows sigsof an have to atswfty and with preci sung the city An ursal activity _ , d Thistime, your Aquisition Arouax wont make t though + The blue terminal ust be hacked to prevent Aronaxfom fleeing (2 needed). * + Tho ed torinal mest be hacked to sl: destruct the smogalerbase and to getthe codes ofthe yallow door (2 © or & noodle) + Once both terminals are hacked the yellow doormay be opened by scums (2 © or Q, needed). The mission will progress when the yellow door opens. + Thomission ends when Aronaxis defeated, atthe end of Round 8 or when all seams are ‘wounded. CE UPA TOE THE WESTERN CAMPAIGN GUIDE M12, ‘Trandoshan Hunter, Hired £ ACCESS DENIED The red terminalis hacked: The com froze “Acass Denied” appeasson screen A voice sounds “Now itis, mec ou smuggled goods” The door seals and hatches open slowh. suds othe er The blue door seals, Scums may attack the departure. You'll | bys dage (Heath: 6) to open it Deploy the reserved sandarkand News to the blue points. FACE-TO-FACE The yellow door opens: Deploythe reserved Wookie Warriors and gona: Moved, Health 12, Defonse fm W130 tothe yulow point The wel deployment points now active, Apply a Wanted condition to Aronax. BEHIND THE MASK First time Aronax suffers 1G Aronax's blading To you Jeatures move and your contractor Obl Ada is mow tang You fol have learnt my secret to chest te Merduant Guild, Die with i" The Commander gets an interruption to perform an attack with Aronax END OF MISSION When Aronaxcis defeated Finally this masquerade has come fo an en Your empyer ObI Ada uss physical ils toembouy Aromas, Pretending o be tle, he wasn fact the thief A cunning wey fran sin beyond all sepicion inside mu foe from hs Merchant Guild partners. Anal to asy and as sus fcr. Learning this misdeeds the Merchant Guild decides to reward your grap gonerous Sums win the Once Upona Time the Western Rim min-campaign Atthe end of Round 8 or when all Scum are wounded: Under heavy fog the tap that Aroma a planed closing around your grog, Tha manage fo lessperate mov, you hard essipe, Even informed the Merchant Gul fuss to _givecradi fo yourrevelations A wast of time ‘and energy. Fortunately this galaxy abounds inallsortsof other contacts. The Commander player wins the Once Upon a Time the Western Rim min:campaign ! Sin yer] PTE EOLA LN Lees) FLED DOES) Gud Vano Duras Explorer Self-Control Acie sa of your ‘tivation, you become Teed fo move is formed wnt the eed bl iberoand (except ‘wth tie Opprtanst abil) Opportunist Alter you resolve an attack, the age fufleed or ore Ef, youmay move Tsp [2 Bleed, stun Reach | A #1Rh Hide “A> rat Perform atacks. Fach attack ‘st haves dferent ange. “29 Rare Deploy | Wing Ged aedtotcboe 4p Grier Choote anoterSienly ‘tings Tage ay age I 9c, You may atach ito any friendly Mure.

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