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The “No Gym” 28-Day Program

The Transform at Home “Program” is only for those who have purchased the Program on provided by Transform Management
LLC. As a purchaser of the Program, you have agreed to the Terms and Conditions that are found on

The information presented in this Program is also covered by the Terms and Conditions on

We encourage you to read the complete Terms and Conditions thoroughly before using any part of the Program.

Statements in this ebook have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.


This Program is provided for guidance and information on how to improve your fitness, health, and nutrition, and support your weight loss. THIS




You should be aware that there are inherent physical and mental health risks to exercise and change of diet including the risk of injury or illness.

By accessing the Program, you acknowledge and agree that your performance of any and all exercises or activities recommended by the Services is
entirely at your own risk. Neither Transform Management LLC or Chris Powell and Heidi Powell will be liable for any physical or mental injury or illness
that may result, whether directly or indirectly, from any of our recommended workout plans or exercises.

Using the guidelines such as written descriptions, pictures, or videos describing how to perform specific exercises or activities, you assume sole re-
sponsibility for performing those exercises or activities with proper form, as there is an increased risk of injury or illness increases with improper form.
We encourage you to seek multiple sources of information regarding how to perform each exercise correctly and to consider consulting with a quali-
fied coach, instructor, personal trainer, or physical therapist, especially if you are new to any of the forms of training or activity you seek to perform.

Healthy sustainable weight loss of 2 lbs/week is not considered feasible over an extended period of time. The length of time varies depending on

All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book with-
out permission of the publisher constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material in this book
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Published by Transform Management LLC
September 2019

4 Welcome to Transform at Home: The “No Gym” 28-Day Program

6 Why This Program Was Created

7 What Makes Transform at Home Different Than Any Other Program?

12 Weigh-In & Measurements

14 Nutrition Guide

23 Workouts

29 Movement Guide

41 Meal Plans

300 FAQs
Welcome to Transform at Home:
The “No Gym” 28-Day Program

First of all, congratulations on taking this BIG step towards your weight loss goal. We couldn’t be MORE excited to
be a part of your transformation!

With over three decades of combined experience, we’ve helped coach thousands of people towards their weight
loss goals. We’ve seen so many amazing people implement the things we teach and become the heroes of their own
story. It’s been absolutely incredible to watch and be a part of!

We’ve spent years and years developing this 28-Day Transform at Home Program, so why are we giving it to you
absolutely FREE? Here’s why!

First, we know that for 99.7% of you, this is not your first time trying to lose weight.

In fact, we know people average about 2.7 attempts on the same weight loss plan before they jump to another pro-
gram and repeat the same amount of attempts before jumping to yet another program—and the cycle goes on and
on. And we know how frustrating this can be!

Second, we know the overwhelming majority of people are completely off their weight loss plan in 5 weeks and 2
days… to be exact!

Third, we know the first 28 days of any weight loss program are the most critical. These 28 days can make or
break your success.

And to be honest, we are disgusted at the fact that most weight loss companies only set you up for failure in the
first 28 days.

Fortunately, we know exactly how to set you up to see success in the first 28 days, and more importantly, set you
up correctly to achieve your weight loss goal!

When it comes to sticking to a weight loss plan, losing the weight, and keeping it off, we haven’t found any cor-
relation between successfully achieving results and financial commitment to workout plans, meal plans, weight loss
supplements, and specialty weight loss foods. In other words, just because someone is paying for any of these things
above doesn’t increase their weight loss success rate.

We already know how invested you are in losing weight. Here is just one example of how we know that:

• We’ve surveyed over 15,000 people who are wanting to lose weight, and 97% reported that at their current
weight, their level of happiness is “low to very low.”

• 84% reported their self-worth is extremely low. 95% of them said that their weight occupies their thoughts MUL-
TIPLE times a day, every day.

Even though these statistics seem extremely depressing, and you may even identify with the same sentiments, the
great news is that 98.9% of those people say they deserve to be happy! And we TOTALLY agree!

The beauty of it all is that because your weight affects most aspects of your life, losing weight can affect most aspects
of your life as well!

We’ve helped show thousands of people how to take back control of their health and start living their best lives
possible with the right start to their weight loss journey.

We are so pumped to show YOU that transforming your life is possible.

Over the next 28-days of Transform at Home, we’re going to help you:

• Jumpstart your weight loss. (Healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds a week).
• Build strength while losing inches. Our goal for this program is to help you lose a minimum of 8 total
inches off your body!
• Increase your energy and power so you can be even more productive at work and home and get more
done in your day-to-day life!
• Increase your confidence.
• Learn how to control hunger once and for all in a healthy, delicious way so you can feel full, satisfy your
cravings, AND lose weight.

So buckle up and let’s go ALL IN. Yeah, you didn’t pay any money for Transform at Home, but it truly is unlike any
other weight loss program you’ve ever seen or tried before!

It’s time to TRANSFORM!

- Chris & Heidi

Why this program Was Created
After years of working with so many amazing individuals and helping them lose weight, we noticed several common
problems so many people face on their transformation journey that cause them to give up on their goals and some-
times not even start on them:

• Not being able to control hunger—The #1 problem that will destroy any “diet.”
• Feeling tired a majority of the day, making it hard to want to work out and eat right.
• Not knowing where to even start with exercise and nutrition.
• Taking on too much all at once (even with the best of intentions), causing them to give up and quit
because it is not doable and becomes overwhelming.
• Feeling embarrassed to work out in the gym.
• Thinking they have to spend hours and hours in the gym sweating their heart out each day just to lose
• Diet plans that are too restrictive and disgusting, making it impossible to stay on track.

Any of these sound familiar?! If so, you are definitely not alone, but here’s the great news:

That’s exactly why we created the FREE Transform at Home: The “No Gym” 28-Day Plan.

That’s right. We’ve combined our years of transformation expertise into a powerful “no gym” plan to solve these
problems and kickstart your weight loss results.

We’ve designed Transform at Home to help you experience results like never before and to have FUN while achieving

We’re going to show you how to control your hunger and satisfy cravings by eating delicious foods several times
throughout the day.

We’re going to give you a nutrition and workout plan that is going to help boost your energy so you can feel em-
powered and own your days.

We’re going to guide you the entire way and show you exactly what you should be doing to lose weight.

And even better—we’re going to show you that you don’t need to completely change your lifestyle overnight to
achieve these goals. In fact, successful weight loss and transformation come from making small, but important,

You DON’T need to work out in a crowded gym to lose weight. In fact, you DON’T need to work out in a gym at all
to burn fat and lose weight, and you certainly don’t need to spend hours and hours each day exercising.

We’re going to show you the exact exercises you need to do to support weight loss and fat burn. And you’re going
to be able to do them at home!

We’re going to give you a meal plan with recipes that are going to blow your mind with just how delicious weight
loss can be and make it so easy for you to stay on plan.

What Makes Transform at Home Different Than Any
Other Program?
From delicious, amazing meal plans designed to help fuel you up and keep you feeling full to the amazing at-home
workouts to help with fat burning and weight loss, Transform at Home will help lay the foundation to your transfor-
mation and success along your journey!

These are nutritional principles and exercises we’ve used to help thousands of people transform.

Transform at Home goes even deeper than just incredible exercise plans and recipes, though. It’s true. Exercise and
nutrition are absolutely crucial to your results.

But the path to your transformation truly comes down to one very powerful thing.

And before we tell you what it is, just know that this one thing is something we’ve been preaching for over three
decades. It’s been the foundational principle behind thousands and thousands of transformations.


Creating Your True Path to Transformation Through Personal Integrity

We all seek to keep promises and commitments to others. We say we’re going to help a family member out by pick-
ing them up from the airport, so we do it.

We tell a friend we’ll meet them for lunch—or whatever it may be, so we show up.

We tell a coworker we’ll pick up their shift or stay later to get something done, so we do exactly that.

If fact, we will do almost anything to make sure our promises and commitments to others are kept. If we don’t, it
communicates to that person we don’t value them, and they can’t trust us.

It also tells them we don’t value our own word, and breaking even the smallest promise could jeopardize our rela-
tionship with them.

But what about keeping promises and commitments to the most important What about keeping
integrity with yourself?

Think about that for a sec! We put such a BIG emphasis on keeping commitments and promises to others, but with
ourselves, it can be so easy to make excuses.

Just think about how many times you promised yourself you were going to save money, lose weight, or clean out
the junk drawer in your office. You’ve likely made thousands of promises to yourself and then broken the majority of

How many times have you said “The diet starts Monday?” Granted, it might start on Monday, but most likely, by
Wednesday or Thursday, you are right back to your old habits again.

This lack of integrity with yourself is why you are right here, right now. And it all stops today.

From our experience, a big part of successful weight loss comes down to personal integrity.

It comes down to doing what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it...when nobody is
watching. It comes down to making promises to yourself, setting aside time for yourself, and holding yourself

Hint: If you can set aside time for yourself at the same time each day, it will make this program easy to follow.

For Transform at Home to work for you, it’s going to require personal integrity. You’re going to need to commit
yourself to this program and give it your all!

We’ve said it before, but we’re going to say it again: We are over the moon excited to be able to coach you during
this program. And we are committed to making this journey so much more enjoyable than you could ever imagine!

But despite how bad we want this transformation for you, we can’t put in the work for you. We can’t exercise for
you, meal prep for you, or answer for your accountability.

We’re going to give you the baby steps. We’re going to show you what foods to eat to support weight loss. We’re
going to guide you through all the exercises in our videos, where we’ll coach you through the workouts and show
you all of the modifications you will need to complete them.

We will give you amazing support and additional resources.

But even with a proven program with incredible resources…


If you are looking for the person who is going to change your life, look in the mirror.

You have the power within you to change forever. You have the strength to lose the weight and take back control of
your health.


You’re Not Going to Be Doing This Program Alone.
It’s Time to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone!

This brings us to our next point: If you think you’re going at this Transform at Home program alone, you’re sorely
mistaken! :)

One of the best things you can do for your transformation is to surround yourself with a supportive network.

It sounds simple enough, but it is absolutely crucial to your weight loss and transformation success!

It’s Time to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone!

Nothing ever happens by staying in your comfort zone. It’s time to break down those walls and become a little

As you start the Transform at Home program, we encourage you to join our special Transform at Home Facebook

This is going to be the most loving and supportive community you can turn to when you need motivation and help.
You’re going to be surrounded by people just like you with the same goals.

This private Facebook community is where you can go to ask questions, get answers from us and our team, and
share your struggles and victories.

Trust us when we say you are going to LOVE this community!

Tell us “WHY” You Joined Transform at Home

WHYs don’t have to be dramatic, but they need to come from a place of passion. You have to want your WHY more
than anything else and be willing to make it a priority.

As you think about your WHY, think deeply about the situations you faced and concerns you had in your previous
attempts at weight loss. What caused you to STOP? More than likely, most of the situations and concerns you had
previously are still there or will surface during the 28 days you are on this program.

Research indicates only 9.2% of those who say they want to lose weight believe their WHY or motivation to lose
weight is strong enough to crush any obstacle that gets in the way.

Since EVERYONE faces obstacles while losing weight (no one is ever exempt!), simple math tells us 90.8% of people
will fail just because their WHY is not strong enough.

We want to make sure you are a part of the 9.2% who believe their WHY is strong enough to overcome the obsta-
cles and achieve transformation success. Before we start working with any of our clients, we make sure they clarify
their WHY before we feel confident that they will succeed.

At this point you are probably thinking about WHY your previous attempts at weight loss didn’t work and that your
WHY for losing weight this time hasn’t really changed.

What Is Going to Make the Difference This Time?

When we initially ask our clients about their WHY for losing weight, here are the top five answers we usually get:

1. Kids
2. Health
3. Spouse/Partner
4. Job
5. Self-confidence/Self-worth

Research shows general goals (or WHYs), though they sound really good, are pretty much useless unless they are
accompanied by a very specific action/goal. For WHYs to be effective, they need to be specific and continually
updated. [1]

For example, the top WHY we receive is “Kids,” so what does that really mean?

Here is an example from a customer who listed “Kids” as her WHY, and then she was asked to get more specific:

Her first month’s WHY was just to be able to get off the couch onto the floor and play with her kids for five min-

Her second month’s WHY was to take her kids on a walk.

For the next nine months, she created a specific WHY she did with her kids that was just a little more ambitious
than the previous month.

Her WHY for her 12th month was to run, not walk, a 5k with her family!

Looking back on our top five general WHYs, notice that she made significant progress in each one. She met all her
“Kids” goals, which in turn she says increased her health, helped her relationship with her spouse become even bet-
ter, and skyrocketed her self-confidence and self-worth.

She is a stay-at-home mom, which could considerably be the world’s hardest job, and she reported that she has
become a better mom with a lot more energy. (And yes her weight and inches dropped dramatically).

If you don’t have a specific WHY that can be accomplished in a relatively short time (and then another specific
WHY), all research indicates you will fail in losing weight. We absolutely know this to be a certainty.

For your 28 days on this program, we INSIST that you determine a specific WHY to be completed by you in the next
28 days.

Psychologists say that a goal that stays “secret” has an extremely poor chance of becoming a reality. [1] So after you
have picked a specific WHY, we want you to put it out into the world!

Weigh-In & Measurements

To help you visualize the physical changes you’ll be making (pounds and inches lost), please record your beginning
measurements on Day 1 and ending measurements on Day 28!

Here are some quick instructions on how to take these measurements:

Chest: Circumference of your chest along the nipple line.

Waist: Circumference of your torso at the smallest point, a couple of inches below your ribs, the place
where your hands automatically go when you put your hands on your waist.

Belly Button: Circumference of your torso at the point that is level with your belly button.

Glutes/Hips: Circumference of your glutes/hips at the fullest point.

Right Thigh: Circumference of your thigh at the fullest point.

Right Calf: Circumference of your calf at the fullest point.

Right Arm: Circumference of your arm halfway between your elbow and your shoulder.

Click here to fill out your starting measurements

Watch out for NSVs because they are coming your way!

During the next 28 Days, you’re going to be seeing some AMAZING results, both on and off the scale.
These “off the scale” victories are what we like to call Non-Scale Victories, or NSVs for short!

Non-scale victories are the benefits of healthy living that aren’t necessarily reflected on the scale.

Every day, many members of the community post their NSVs and are extremely excited for their victories.
NSVs are totally worth celebrating because they mean you are moving toward your goals.

After all, your value as a person, your experiences, your successes, and the light you bring into the world are not

Here are some of the most common NSVs we see our community members posting about every day:

1. Inches Lost: The dropping of inches from their arms, legs, chest, waist, etc. Usually our community
members don’t post the exact number of inches they drop, but what they post and celebrate are the results: a drop
in clothing size or belt size, going out in public in a tank top or in a swimsuit, or our most popular inches lost post: I
can fit into a dress that hasn’t fit me for years.

2. More Strength: Gaining total body strength. Again, it’s rare that our community members post actual numbers like
my “bench press increased by 10 lbs,” but they report the outcomes of gaining strength, like, “I discovered pull ups
were possible,” “My children all of a sudden feel lighter,” and “I run up the stairs now.”

3. More Energy: Increased energy throughout the day. Some popular posts are, “My everyday tasks are getting easi-
er,” “I can now wake up early to sweat (exercise),” and “Biking has become my preferred mode of transportation,” and
our very popular post, “I can keep up with my kids and grandkids on the playground.”

4. More Muscle Tone and Definition: We are absolutely thrilled by the number of posts we receive showing increas-
es in muscle tone and definition. Biceps popping, calves growing, ab muscles starting to appear, and those pesky
saddlebags disappearing are some of the most popular pictures shared in the community.

Here are a few more NSVs that will probably sneak up on you in the next 28 days:

1. Less cravings
2. Better sleep
3. Shinier hair, clearer skin, and a healthier glow
4. Increased productivity
5. Brighter mood
6. Less painful joints
7. Sense of well-being
8. More regular digestion
9. Increased confidence
10. Less anxiety and depression

...and the list goes on!

Please celebrate your NSVs with us in the Transform At Home Private Facebook Community.

Nutrition Guide

Around 80% of weight loss comes down to nutrition. Simply put, you can’t outwork a bad diet, no matter how hard
you try!

In our combined 30 years of helping people lose weight and transform, we have literally looked very closely at
hundreds of weight loss meal plans.

Quite honestly, with most meal plans, if you make it through 28 days, you will lose weight. However, like we men-
tioned earlier, these meal plans are going to be unsustainable. You will gain back the weight you lost. Statistically,
you will actually gain more weight back than the weight you had just lost.

So our goal in developing Transform at Home was to create a program that is universal, meaning the vast majority of
people can use the program effectively and see results in just 28 days. But even more significantly, we set out to
create a program that is sustainable and that will get your body and mind back on track so you can continue the rest
of your transformation experience.

A majority of our customers say they anticipate their weight loss journey to take between 6 months and a year. So
take a moment and think:

If healthy weight loss is 1 to almost 2 lbs per week, how long will your journey take?

Now we realize everyone is different, so after your 28 days with Transform at Home, the chances of you needing and
wanting to change a few little things are almost assured. And we will be there to help you.

It’s time to conquer 80% of your weight loss!

When it comes to weight loss, here’s the thing: The meals you eat HAVE to be delicious.

There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. No one wants to sit around eating bland food in the name of dropping
pounds. It’s not sustainable, it’s not fun, and you’re going to quit eventually!

That’s why we’ve created an amazing, delicious menu full of variety. This is the plan we’ve used to get people on the
right track to lose weight. And don’t worry, for the next 28 days, we’ve done all the calorie and macro counting for
you with these recipes!

The meals are designed to help save you time, help satisfy your cravings, and truly help you control your hunger so
you can feel full while reducing your calories and lose weight.

Let’s run through everything you need to know about the nutrition part of Transform at Home.

How the Meal Plans Work

Throughout Transform at Home, you’ll eat 5 times each day, :


The meal plan portions and calories differ depending on your starting weight. Your meals will be centered around
protein, and we’ll explain why. It’s really important!

We’ve organized your meal plan into High Carb & Low Carb recipe sections. Whether you’re on a Low Carb Day or
a High Carb Day, you can use the chart above to guide you as you pick your delicious meals.

We’ve used this plan to help thousands of people lose weight. We can’t wait for you to try it!

You’ll be able to pick your favorite recipes for each meal and snack time. You can mix them up each day or stick with
your favorites. Whatever you want to do!

On Days 7, 14, 21, and 28, you’ll have Reward Meals and Snacks. We’ve created some DELICIOUS Reward Meals
and Snacks you’re going to love.

Protein Is at the Center of Your Meals
You’re going to see we’ve centered each and every one of your meals around protein, and there are a lot of reasons
for that!

Protein is a weight loss superhero and is a BIG deal when you’re trying to lose weight. Protein plays a key role in
weight loss as well as weight maintenance after you’ve reached your goals.

Let’s run through why protein is such a big key player when you’re trying to lose weight.

1. Protein Helps Reduce Hunger Hormones & Increase Satiety Hormones

At the end of the day, if you’re trying to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Depriving
yourself of food and starving yourself is NOT the name of the game!

The key to successful weight loss is to stay fueled up AND full throughout the day, all while consuming fewer calo-

To lose weight, you need to BURN MORE calories than you consume each day while staying full and satisfied.

Eating enough protein can actually help you control your hunger so you can feel full for longer periods of time.

Protein does this by reducing the hunger hormone (ghrelin) and boosting the appetite-reducing hormones (GLP-1),
peptide YY, and cholecystokinin. [2] [3]

2. Your Body Burns Calories Digesting Protein

That’s right: Your body burns calories as it digests food. But protein requires your body to use more calories to digest
it. The term used to describe the number of calories your body uses to digest food is called the Thermic Effect of
Food (TEF).

3. Protein Revs Up Metabolism

In addition to requiring your body to burn more calories to digest it, protein also revs up your metabolism, which also
causes your body to burn more calories.

4. Protein Reduces Calories Consumed

Because protein affects hunger and satiety hormones, and due to its Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), protein does a
great job at helping reduce total daily calories.

This reduction can have an impact on your weight loss goals over time.

5. Protein Helps You Lose Fat Instead of Muscle

When you consume fewer calories than you burn, your body will start to lose weight. BUT where that weight comes
from is important to consider.

It’s safe to say most people want to lose weight in the form of “body fat.” But here’s the truth: You can often lose
muscle during weight loss. And while this definitely happens, this is where protein comes to the rescue.

Eating enough protein can help your body actually hold on to muscle while losing fat. Protein can help retain your
muscle as you drop pounds.

Carb Cycling: High Carb and Low Carb Days

Carb Cycling: High Carb and Low Carb
Transform at Home utilizes our unique carb cycling method we’ve been using for years to help people maximize
weight loss and fat burn and help keep them fueled up and feeling full. We used these same nutritional principles
on our hit weight loss TV show.

No matter which day you’re on, you’ll start off every day with a balanced breakfast, then move into your Low Carb or
High Carb Day.

By balanced breakfast, we mean a breakfast that includes carbs and fats and is centered around protein.

This is because you’ll have just woken up from fasting for several hours, and your breakfast will help fuel you up and
get you ready for the day.

Your dinner every day will also be lower in carbs. This is because you’ll be going to bed, and you won’t need to fuel

Our carb cycling method will make eating healthy, tasty meals sustainable, flexible, and full of variety.

Your 28-Day Meal Schedule

Here is the meal schedule you will follow for the 28 days of this program. Follow the meal plan through once com-
pletely, and when you reach Day 7, start over again for weeks 2-4.

Day 1
High Carb Day

Day 2
Low Carb Day

Day 3
High Carb Day

Day 4
Low Carb Day

Day 5
High Carb Day

Day 6
Low Carb Day

Day 7
Reward Day

Reward Meals
You’ll notice as you look at your Meal Plan down below that you’ll have Reward Meals on Days 7, 14, 21, and 28,
and those are exactly what they sound like!

We’ve selected some amazing Reward Meals for you on your meal plan that you’re going to love!

But why Reward Meals?

These meals offer some incredible benefits:

1. Weight loss is such a mental game. Reward Meals help satisfy those emotional cravings you may be experiencing,
which is huge! You won’t find yourself having to say “no!” to foods when you’re on a sustainable, flexible, delicious
meal plan.

2. Reward Meals help reset your metabolism and make sure it stays healthy and humming along so you can burn fat.
By strategically eating more calories during a fat loss phase, you can help maximize your results.

Why Did We Pick These Meals for You?
Let’s be real for one second: If the food on your plan doesn’t taste good, there’s NO WAY you’re going to stick with

To lose weight and keep it off, you HAVE to love the food you’re eating. There’s just no way around it.

You also need to feel full and fueled throughout the day. If you’re constantly feeling “hangry” and depriving yourself,
you’re going to eventually give in. You’re going to give up and binge.

That’s exactly why we picked these tasty meals and set up your meal plan the way we did:

• First things first. They are extremely delicious!

• They will help you control your hunger so you can feel full and satisfied.
• The meal plan is super flexible, allowing you to pick which meals you want each day.
• We’ve included Grab & Go, Quick Prep, and Gourmet meals so you can have several convenient options.

Substitutions, Variety, & Mixing It Up
Like we just mentioned, we’ve set up this meal plan to be extremely flexible. If you want to change things up every
day and pick completely new recipes, go for it! We actually encourage it! There are so many tasty recipes in the
Transform at Home program. You’re going to love the variety.

If you want to stick with a handful of your favorite meals, you’ve also got the green light for that as well!

We can’t wait for you to try out these meals and fall in love. You’re going to truly see that weight loss has never
been so delicious!

Vegans & Vegetarians

For those on a vegetarian or vegan diet, feel free to use your favorite plant-based protein sources to replace any
meat-based protein sources in the recipes.

Here’s a convenient chart to help with substituting:

Protein Source Calories Fat (g) Carbs (g) Protein Serving Size
Shelled Edamame 130 5 11 12 1 cup (118g)
Seitan 118 2 4 21 100g
Tofu (raw, firm) 176 1 4 20 1 cup
Tempeh 196 11 9 18 100g
Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt 120 0 9 22 1 cup (227g)
Egg Whites 117 0 2 26 1 cup (243g)
Low-Fat Cottage Cheese 194 5.5 8 26 1 cup (226g)

We’ve given you a variety of recipes to pick from. The hardest part of this challenge will be looking at the recipes
and not drooling.


Exercise is an important part of any transformation! While nutrition makes up about 80% of weight loss, exercise is
the other crucial piece to the fat loss puzzle.

To help you accelerate your weight loss and also help you build strength and increase your energy, we’ve selected
amazing at-home exercises for you so you can get the most “bang for your workout buck” and continually see

And most important? These exercises are fun AND efficient. Because who has time to spend hours and hours work-
ing out each day, right?!

With Transform at Home, you’re going to get photo demonstrations of every single movement. You’ll also find your
Exercise Plan for the next 28 days with all your workouts scheduled out.

But it gets even better.

We’re also going to walk you through EACH exercise with video guidance and work out along with you! We’ll show
you the movements and exercises, demonstrate exercise modifications, and coach you through each of your work-

And because this is a true at-home program, you won’t need any equipment to do these exercises.

How Your Exercises Work
Your exercise portion of the program consists of both Metabolic Missions and Accelerators.

Now let’s break down what Metabolic Missions and Accelerators are, show you your exercise schedule, and explain
the movements you’ll be doing!

What Are Metabolic Missions?

Your Metabolic Missions are your bodyweight workouts you’ll be doing three times a week throughout this program.

Bodyweight exercises are incredible because they are a great way to get moving without any equipment!

The bodyweight exercises we’ve picked will help you build strength and muscle and support weight loss.

You’ll see that each Metabolic Mission will change between the following:

Tabata: Do as many reps as you can for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat this 8 times per move-
ment. Complete the Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) for each movement listed.

Rounds for Time (RFT): Perform all assigned reps of each movement in the entire circuit to equal one round. Com-
plete the assigned number of rounds as fast as you can!

As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP): Perform all of the reps for each movement in the circuit to equal one round.
Complete as many rounds as you can until the time is up! (This is different than “RFT” because you’ll be completing
the rounds until the assigned time expires).

Chipper: Start with the first movement and work your way through it. After you’ve completed the assigned number
of reps, move on to the next exercise. Complete all of the reps and movements in the circuit as fast as you can!

Stepladder Down: Complete each exercise for the assigned number of reps. After you’ve run through each exercise,
decrease the assigned number of reps, and work your way down to 1. This means you’ll start at 10 reps for each
movement, then 9 reps, then 8 reps, etc. Push yourself and complete them as fast as you can!

What Are Accelerators?

The goal of Accelerators is to get your body and muscles in motion, plain and simple!

The more you move your body and move your muscles, the more calories you are going to burn.

You’ll have an Accelerator workout every day except on your Rest Days. Your Accelerator time will start out at 5
minutes each day (except Rest Days) for Week 1. Each week after that, your Accelerator time will increase as follows:

Week 1: 5 Minutes (Filthy Fifteens)
Week 2: 10 Minutes (Thrilling Thirties)
Week 3: 15 Minutes (Mighty Minutes)
Week 4: 20 Minutes (Nasty Nineties)

As far as Accelerators go, we’ve listed four below for you to pick from. Feel free to mix up your Accelerators every
other day or week or stick with your favorites:

Jumping Rope
Jumping Jacks

Pick whichever Accelerator(s) you like most and roll with it for the designated time! Each week you’ll complete your
Accelerators in specific intervals:

Week 1: 5 Minutes (Filthy Fifteens)

For your Accelerators during Week 1, you’ll complete your 5 minutes each day by doing Filthy Fifteens. This means
15 seconds of high intensity, followed by 15 seconds of low intensity.

You’ll do your Accelerator of choice in these 15 second intervals (Filthy Fifteens) until you reach 5 minutes!

Week 2: 10 Minutes (Thrilling Thirties)

For your Accelerators during Week 2, you’ll complete your 10 minutes each day by doing Thrilling Thirties. This
means 30 seconds of high intensity, followed by 30 seconds of low intensity.

You’ll do your Accelerator of choice in these 30 second intervals (Thrilling Thirties) until you reach 10 minutes!

Week 3: 15 Minutes (Mighty Minutes)

For your Accelerators during Week 3, you’ll complete your 15 minutes each day by doing Mighty Minutes. This
means 1 minute of high intensity, followed by 1 minute of low intensity.

You’ll do your Accelerator of choice in these 1 minute intervals (Mighty Minutes) until you reach 15 minutes!

Week 4: 20 Minutes (Nasty Nineties)

For your Accelerators during Week 4, you’ll complete your 20 minutes each day by doing Nasty Nineties. This means
90 seconds of high intensity, followed by 90 seconds of low intensity.

You’ll do your Accelerator of choice in these 90 second intervals (Nasty Nineties) until you reach 15 minutes!

Not sure what we consider “Low Intensity” and “High Intensity”? Check out our key below!

Low Intensity Interval Key:

• Breathing should be slightly labored, but you should still be able to carry on a conversation.
• Your target heart rate is 100-130 beats per minute.

High Intensity Interval Key:

• Breathing is heavy, and it should be hard to talk.
• Your target heart rate is 130-160 beats per minute.

Your Transform at Home Exercise Schedule
*Days 7, 14, 21, and 28 will be REST DAYS

Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

TABATA Day 2: Accelerator 10 RFT AMRAP 15

Day 4: Accelerator

Day 6: Accelerator

Day 7: Rest Day

Leg Levers 10 Sit Ups 4 Pirate Push Ups
5 min.

5 min.

5 min.
Air Squats 8 Mountain 8 Back Lunges
1 Single Leg Bridge 12 Jumping Jacks
Up (Each Side) 6 Push Ups
Accelerator: 5 min.
Accelerator: 5 min. Accelerator: 5 min.

Day 8 Day 10 Day 12

Day 11: Accelerator

Day 13: Accelerator

Day 9: Accelerator

Day 14: Rest Day

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.
15 Dive Bombers Squat Thrusts 30 Burpees

30 Air Squats Commander 40 Hollow Rocks

Push Ups
45 High Knees 50 Back Lunges
Jumping Jacks
Accelerator: 10 min. Accelerator: 10 min.
Accelerator: 10 min.

Day 15 Day 17 Day 19
Day 16: Accelerator

Day 18: Accelerator

Day 20: Accelerator


Day 21: Rest Day

5 Burpees Air Squats 12 Leg Levers
15 min.

15 min.

15 min.

10 Single Leg Bridge Bridge Ups 12 Mountain Climbers

Ups (each side)
Knee to Elbow 12 Dive Bombers
15 High Knees
Push Ups Accelerator: 15 min.
Accelerator: 15 min.
Accelerator: 15 min.

Day 22 Day 24 Day 26
Day 23: Accelerator

Day 25: Accelerator

Day 27: Accelerator


Day 28: Rest Day

5 Hollow Rocks 100 High Knees Push Ups

20 min.

20 min.

20 min.

5 Squat Thrusts 50 Back Lunges Jumping Jacks

5 Pirate Push Ups 50 Dips Back Lunges

Accelerator: 20 min. 50 Supermans Accelerator: 20 min.

Accelerator: 20 min.


Here is a photo guide of ALL the movements you’ll be doing throughout this program. We’ll also walk through the
movements and exercises in our guided videos!


Air Squats
Back Lunges
Bridge Ups
Commander Push Ups
Dive Bombers
Hollow Rock
High Knees
Jumping Jacks
Knee to Elbow
Leg Levers
Mountain Climbers
Pirate Push Ups
Push Ups
Single Leg Bridge Ups
Sit Ups
Squat Thrusts
Walking Lunges

Air Squats

1 1


( Modification )

Begin in a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly out of parallel. Keeping your weight on
your heels, bend your knees and lower your buttocks downward and backward as if being pulled from your belt. Us-
ing your arms as a counterbalance, reach them upward as the crease of your hip drops slightly below your kneecap,
making sure that your knees are tracking directly over your toes (not knocking inward). Drive upward through your
heels, standing back up to the beginning position with knees and hips extended. At the bottom of the air squat, the
crease of your hip must pass below the top of the knee cap. At the top of the movement, the hips and knees must
be fully extended–standing upright.

Back Lunges

1 3

2 4

Begin in a standing position. Take an aggressive step backward with the right foot, gently “kissing” your back knee to
the ground. Keeping the front left knee over the toe, drive through the forward heel to a standing position. Alternate
legs and repeat.

Bridge Ups

1 2

Begin lying on the floor facing upward, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground. Squeeze your glutes, pressing your
lower back into the ground and raise your hips off the ground as high as you can, pressing through the heels. Lower
your hips back down to the ground and resume the starting position.


1 7

2 3 5 6


1 8

2 3 4 6 7

Begin standing with feet at shoulder width. Squat down and place hands on the ground just inside your feet. Jump
back to a plank position. Perform a push up. Jump forward with feet outside your hands. Jump up and touch your
hands overhead.

Commander Push Ups

2 4

1 3

First perform a push up, touching your chest and thighs to the ground, then drive a knee forward to your chest as
fast as possible. Keep alternating back and forth, and these will be a real burner for your chest AND core!

Dive Bombers


Begin in the pike position, holding a near 90-degree angle at the waist with knees and elbows extended, head
tucked between your shoulders. Bending at the elbows, lower your head to the ground and shift forward, allowing
it to pass through your hands in a “swooping” motion. Press upward, extending your elbows and back, keeping your
hips and thighs on the ground. Keeping elbows extended, tighten your abs and raise your hips off of the ground,
shifting your body back to the pike position. End in the pike position, ready for another dive bomber.

High Knees

1 2

Keeping your weight on your toes, stand tall with abs engaged, alternate driving knees upward toward your chest in
a running tempo. Keeping elbows bent at 90 degrees, drive with your arms. When doing High Knees, elbows must
remain at a 90 degree angle. The top of your knee must touch your hand.

Hollow Rocks

1 3


1 3

Begin lying on your back with arms extended overhead. Tighten your abs and raise your feet 1-2 feet off of the
ground, creating a “hollow body” position. Keeping your core tight and body rigid, allow your heels to lower back
down to the ground, raising your torso off of the floor. Rock back and forth in a rhythmic motion.

Jumping Jacks

1 2

Begin in a standing position, feet together and hands at your sides. In one motion, jump feet out to a wide stance
and clap hands overhead. Jump feet back together bringing arms quickly back down to your sides. At the top of the
movement, you must be standing upright and hands must be touching the sides of your thighs. At the bottom of the
movement, hands must touch overhead while feet land in a position wider than your shoulders.

Knees to Elbows

Begin the movement by lying on the ground. Bring your knees up, bending them slightly as you perform a crunching
movement. At the same time, complete the crunch movement by bringing your arms forward, ending the movement
by touching your elbows to your knees. To see the full movement, check out the workout videos!

Leg Levers

1 3

Begin lying on your back with arms braced against the ground or holding a chair or sofa, heels touching the ground.
Keeping your knees extended, raise legs upward until feet are directly overhead. Lower your heels back down to
touch the ground. At the bottom of the Leg Lever, the heels must touch the ground with the knees extended. At the
top of the movement, with knees extended, the feet must pass through a vertical plane directly over your hips.

Mountain Climbers

1 2 3

4 5

Begin in a deep runner’s stance with both hands on the ground, shoulder width apart. Keeping your abs tight, jump
and switch feet as fast as you can. Land gently with the opposite foot forward. As soon as your feet touch down,
jump quickly and switch feet again. Switch feet back and forth in a rhythmic motion.

Pirate Push Ups

1 3

Just like the pirate ship ride at amusement parks, dive headfirst toward your hands, then swoop your body upward
to the sky. Then REVERSE the motion, pressing hard with your chest and shoulders back to the starting position. It’s
a real burner on all of your pushing muscles!

Push Ups

1 3

Alternative: Option 1

1 3

Alternative: Option 2

1 3

Begin in the plank position, hands underneath the shoulders, elbows extended, and abs tight. Bend
at your elbows, lowering your body to the ground but staying rigid from your feet to your shoulders. Immediately
press upward, extending the elbows, keeping the abs tight and body rigid. At the bottom of the push up, the chest
and thighs must touch the ground. At the top of the push up, elbows must be fully extended.

Single Leg Bridge Ups

1 2 3 4

Begin lying on the floor facing upward, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground. Raise one knee so your upper thigh
is perpendicular to the ground. Squeeze your glutes, pressing your lower back into the ground and raise your hips off
of the ground as high as you can, pressing through your heel. Lower your hips back down to the ground and resume
the starting position. Repeat for the opposite leg.

Sit Ups

1 2 3

Alternative: Option 1

1 2 3

Alternative: Option 2

1 2 3

Begin lying on the ground face-up, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms extended overhead. Swing your arms
forward, using the momentum to raise your shoulders and torso off of the ground. Touch your wrists to the top
of your knees. Extend your arms overhead as you lower your torso and shoulders back to the ground. Touch the
ground overhead to complete the repetition. When doing sit ups, feet can be either straight or bent.

Squat Thrusts

1 5

2 3

Begin standing with feet together, hands by your side. Squat down and place hands on the ground just outside your
feet. Jump your feet back to push up position. Jump forward with feet landing outside your hands. Stand straight up.


1 2 3

Lying on your belly with arms and legs fully extended, squeeze your glutes, drive your hips into the ground, and raise
your arms and legs off of the floor. These are incredible for your lower back and core muscles!

Walking Lunges

1 3

2 4

Take a big aggressive step forward and slightly to the side for balance. Gently kiss the ground with your back knee,
then drive through your front heel to standing, then repeat on the other side! This is a main movement for the glutes
and quads!


Click on your weight range to head
straight to your meal plan!

Under 150 lbs

150 - 199 lbs

200 lbs and over

Under 175 lbs

175 - 249 lbs

250 lbs and over

Under 150 lbs: Women’s Meal Plan (1500 Calories)

Welcome to your meal plan! Each day you’ll eat 5 times:

Breakfast/Meal 1:
Whether you’re on a High Carb Day or a Low Carb Day, your breakfast will always be around the same number of
calories and macronutrients—don’t worry, we’ve done all the counting for you!

This just means you won’t see “High Carb Breakfast Recipes” or “Low Carb Breakfast Recipes” in your meal plan.
Instead, you’ll just see “Breakfasts.” But you will get some Quick Prep and Gourmet options!

Snack/Meal 2:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Lunch/Meal 3:
When you’re on a Low Carb Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipes for this lunch/meal time. When you’re on a
High Carb Day, you can pick ANY High Carb recipes for this lunch/meal time!

Snack/Meal 4:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Dinner/Meal 5:
No matter whether you’re on a High Carb Day or Low Carb Day, your last meal of the day (usually dinner for most
people!) will always be LOW in carbs.

This is because you are winding down for the day and don’t need to stock up on carbs. You’ll have a delicious, pow-
er-packed breakfast when you wake up!

That said, you’ll find your Low Carb Recipe options for dinner in the Low Carb Recipes portion of your meal plan.
Remember, even when you’re on a High Carb Day, you’ll still have a Low Carb dinner.

Here’s what your High Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options
Meal 2: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

Here’s what your Low Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options

Here’s what your Reward Days will look like on Days 7, 14, 21, & 28:

**For your Reward Days, you will start your day off with a normal Breakfast (from your Breakfast options)
and end your day with a Low Carb meal (from your Low Carb options).**

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 3: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 4: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

For your meal plan:

*Macros will vary slightly depending on the brands of ingredients you pick.
*A medium banana is 7-8 inches.
*A large banana is 8-9 inches.
*An average-sized avocado is roughly 6 ounces.
*An average-sized sweet potato is 5 inches.
*A medium-sized baked potato is 6 ounces.
*For ham & turkey deli meat, 1 slice is .66 ounce.
*A large baked potato is 8 to 10 ounces.
*A medium baked potato is 6-8 ounces.

Breakfast Recipes
Quick Prep

PB&J Greek Yogurt Parfait

Breakfast Quick Prep

3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
2/3 cup strawberry halves
Granulated stevia, to taste
3 tablespoons low-fat granola

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and peanut butter, set aside.
2. In a small bowl, mash strawberry halves with fork, sprinkle with
stevia to desired sweetness.
3. Combine strawberry puree with peanut butter yogurt mixture, stir
until well combined.
4. Top with granola and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 343 calories 13g fat, 34g carbs, 24g protein

Complete Breakfast Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 slices whole wheat bread
1 egg
1 egg white
2 slices medium avocado, sliced
3 slices turkey deli meat
3 spinach leaves
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray, fry egg sprinkled
with salt and pepper to desired texture.
2. Toast whole wheat bread, top with fried egg, turkey deli meat, spin-
ach, and avocado and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 354 calories, 11g fat, 39g carb, 30g protein

Bacon, Egg, and Avocado Sandwich
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 whole wheat English muffins
1 whole egg
2 slices extra lean turkey bacon (like Apple Gate)
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped avocado
1 1/2 tomato slices
Handful mixed greens
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Black pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium-high heat.
Scramble egg to likeness and cook bacon.
2. Toast muffins. Spread mustard on muffin, then layer greens, bacon,
egg, tomato and avocado. Top with black pepper and sandwich with
other side of muffin.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 358 calories; 11g fat; 36g carb; 26g protein

Sunflower and Avocado Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 slices sprouted bread
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/4 medium avocado sliced
Sprinkle red chili flakes
2 1/2 teaspoons sunflower seeds
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Toast bread—the crunchier, the better!
2. Layer cottage cheese and avocado on toast.
3. Sprinkle toast with sunflower seeds, red chili flakes, salt, and
pepper and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 351 calories, 13g fat, 38g carbs, 24g protein

Green Machine Pancakes
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/3 cup rolled oats
2/3 medium banana
2/3 cup spinach
2 tablespoons calorie and sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/4 cup strawberry halves

1. Spray skillet or griddle with cooking spray and preheat to 300
2. Place all ingredients except the strawberries and syrup in a blender
and blend until smooth.
3. Pour batter slowly onto griddle. Once bubbles form on top of pan-
cake, flip. Top with strawberries and sugar-free syrup.

Makes 1 serving—about 6 pancakes

Nutrition information: 357 calories; 9g fat; 43g carb; 30g protein

Egg Muffin Sandwich

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 egg whites
3 slices tomato
1 1/2 whole wheat English muffins, toasted
1 1/2 slices cheddar cheese

1. In a large bowl, whisk together egg whites for about 45 seconds.
2. Spritz cooking spray in a medium nonstick pan over medium-high
heat. Add the egg mixture to the pan. As the egg starts to set, scram-
ble until cooked.
3. Place the sliced tomato, cooked eggs, and cheese on the muffins
and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 349 calories; 12g fat; 38g carb; 26g protein

Banana Yogurt Parfait
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/4 cup ripe banana, sliced
2 tablespoons low-sugar granola
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 packet Truvia (optional)

1. Top Greek yogurt with sliced banana, granola, and peanut butter.
Option: Add some Truvia to cut the sourness of the yogurt.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 361 calories; 13g fat; 36g carbs; 29g protein

One-Minute Egg Breakfast

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 egg
2 egg whites
3 tablespoons diced bell pepper
1 1/2 slices turkey deli meat, diced
1 1/2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2 slices whole wheat bread toasted
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray the inside of a large mug with cooking spray, add eggs.
2. Mix in bell pepper, turkey, cheese, salt, and pepper.
3. Using a fork, quickly whisk all ingredients together.
4. Place the mug in the microwave for 1-2 minutes until eggs are set.
5. Briefly let cool.
6. Enjoy with toast on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 357 calories; 11g fat; 36g carb; 30g protein

Transform Breakfast Protein Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep 

2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberry halves
2 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut

1. Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement powder in a bowl.   
2. Layer blueberries, then strawberries, and then sprinkle with coconut. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving    
Nutrition information: 343 cal; 11g fat; 37g carbs, 30g protein 

Transform Peanut Butter Cup Overnight Oats

Breakfast Quick Prep

1/3 cup rolled oats
3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, softened
3/4 teaspoon granulated stevia
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement
Shake Powder

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 341 calories; 14g fat; 32g carbs; 24g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep

2/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 medium banana, sliced
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, melted

Directions: Combine cottage cheese and meal replacement in bowl. Top with banana and drizzle with peanut butter.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 348 calories, 14g fat, 32g carbs, 28g protein

Transform Coconut Almond Bliss Shake

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups water
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 medium banana, frozen
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1/2 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut
1/2 tablespoon all-natural almond butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract (optional)
Granulated stevia for desired sweetness, to taste (optional)
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 342 calories, 13g fat, 34g carbs, 31g protein

Transform Banana Cream Shake
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 1/3 cups water
1 medium banana
1 tablespoon cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 353 calories, 13g fat, 33g carbs, 31g protein

Transform Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 medium banana
1/3 cup frozen berries
1/4 medium avocado
1 1/2 cups water
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 343 calories, 12g fat, 36g carbs, 29g protein

Transform Green Goddess Smoothie
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 cup spinach
1/3 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1/4 cup frozen mango chunks
1/3 medium banana
2 slices average avocado
1 1/2-2 cups water

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender, blend and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 356 calories, 11g fat, 37g carbs, 30g protein

Breakfast Recipes

Morning Glory Muffins and Eggs

Breakfast Gourmet

3/4 cup coconut sugar
2 1/4 cups Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes mix
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup shredded zucchini (water squeezed out)
2 cups grated carrot
1/2 cup natural unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup calorie-free, sugar-free maple syrup (like Walden Farms)
3 large eggs
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 egg whites
2 1/2 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
2/3 cup halved strawberries

1. Preheat oven to 350. Line muffin tin with paper liners and set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk sugar, Kodiak cakes, cinnamon, allspice, baking soda, and salt. Add in zucchini and carrot and

3. Add in applesauce, maple syrup, 3 eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla. Incorporate the dry into wet using a rubber spat-
ula until just combined. Do not over mix!
4. Scoop into prepared tins and bake 25-35 minutes. Recipe makes 20 muffins.
5. Let cool for 5 minutes in the pan and then transfer to a cooling rack.
6. Store in the fridge for up to three days OR freeze for a few months.
7. Scramble the egg whites and enjoy 1 1/2 muffins with scrambled egg whites and cheese on the side with some

Makes 20 muffins
Serving size: 1 1/2 muffins with scrambled egg whites, cheese, strawberries
Nutrition information per serving: 340 calories; 11g fat; 34g carbs; 28g protein

Transform Lemon Coconut Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

1/3 cup rolled oats
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
2 egg whites
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
Lemon zest, to taste
Granulated stevia, to taste
Calorie-free sugar-Free syrup, (like Walden Farms) to taste

1. Blend oats in a blender until flour forms.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except for coconut, blueberries, and syrup, and blend until batter is smooth.
Fold in coconut.
3. Preheat a griddle to medium heat and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
4. Pour batter on preheated griddle, makes about 2 medium pancakes.
5. Allow to cook until edges are set, about 2-3 minutes, then flip and continue cooking another 1-2 minutes or until
golden brown.
6. Top pancakes with sugar-free syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 348 calories, 12g fat, 37g carbs, 27g protein

Cinnamon French Toast
Breakfast Gourmet

1 1/2 slices low-sodium sprouted grain bread
1 egg white
1 tablespoon unsweetened almond milk
Dash of cinnamon
1/2 cup low-fat, low-sodium cottage cheese
Stevia drops for desired sweetness, to taste
1/2 cup berries
5 teaspoons almond slivers
2 tablespoons calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)

1. Spray a pan or skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium heat.
2. Beat the egg, almond milk, and cinnamon together in a shallow dish. Dip both slices of the bread into the mixture,
coating both sides. Place on the skillet and cook until the bread is brown on both sides.
3. Mix together the cottage cheese and stevia drops. Top French toast with sweetened cottage cheese, berries,
almonds, and syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 344 calories; 12g fat; 37g carb; 24g protein

Transform Powell Protein Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

1/3 cup oats
2 egg whites
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/3 cup blueberries

1.  Grind the oats in a blender or food processor.
2.  Put the ground oats in a bowl and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
3.  Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat.
4. Add the batter to the skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown.
5. Top with peanut butter, sugar-free syrup, and blueberries.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 343 calories, 14g fat, 34g carbs, 24g protein

High Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Turkey Burger Bowl

High Carb Quick Prep

1 cup extra-lean turkey burger (meal prepped)
1/2 cup cooked jasmine rice
1/2 cup corn steamed
Hot sauce to taste

1. In a bowl, combine turkey burger with rice and corn. Sprinkle hot
sauce over the top and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 308 calories, 4g fat, 38g carbs, 30g protein

Turkey Sandwich and Carrots

High Carb Quick Prep

2 1/2 slices thin sliced whole wheat bread
5 slices turkey deli meat
1 1/2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 1/2 teaspoons mustard
2 1/2 tomato slices
1 1/4 leaves romaine lettuce
9 baby carrots

1. Spread Greek yogurt on each slice of bread. Layer turkey, tomatoes,
romaine, and mustard. Serve with carrots on the side and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 307 cal; 4g fat; 41g carbs; 34g protein

Broccoli Cranberry Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

2 cups raw broccoli, chopped
2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 teaspoon granulated stevia
1/2 tablespoon vinegar
2 tablespoons dried cranberries
3/4 cup grilled chicken chopped (meal prepped)

1. Combine broccoli and grilled chicken in a bowl. Set aside.
2. Whisk together stevia, vinegar, and Greek yogurt.
3. Pour dressing over broccoli bowl. Top with dried cranberries and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 297 calories; 4g fat; 38g carbs; 32g protein

Ground Turkey, Potatoes, and Salsa

High Carb Quick Prep

1 medium baked potato
1 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
2 tablespoons salsa
Salt-free seasoning, to taste
Pepper, to taste

Directions: Cut baked potatoes in half, season with seasonings to

taste. Place ground turkey on top of seasoned potatoes, drizzle with
salsa, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 309 calories; 1g fat; 40g carbs; 33g protein

Moco Loco
High Carb Quick Prep

1/2 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
2 egg whites
3/4 cup cooked jasmine rice
1/3 cup mushrooms
1/4 cup turkey gravy

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, combine egg whites and
mushrooms. Scramble eggs until done and mushrooms are soft.
2. In a bowl, layer rice, egg white and mushroom mixture, and ground
turkey. Top with gravy and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 293 calories, 3g fat, 38g carbs, 27g protein

Transform Banana Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

1/3 cup rolled oats 
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk 
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
1/2 small banana, mashed
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 303 calories; 6g fat; 39g carbs; 26g protein

Transform Chocolate Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries, cut in halves
1/4 cup low-fat granola

Directions: In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and chocolate meal replacement. Top with berries and sprinkle with
granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 300 calories, 5g fat, 41g carbs, 28g protein

Transform Mango Parfait

High Carb Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup mangos, diced
1/3 cup low-fat granola

Directions: Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement in bowl. Top with mango and sprinkle with granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 304 calories, 5g fat, 41g carbs, 28g protein

Transform Protein Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup blueberries
1/3 cup blackberries
1/3 cup strawberry halves
1/4 medium banana, sliced

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement. Mix well.
2. Layer berries over Greek yogurt mixture. Top with sliced banana and enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 303 calories, 5g fat, 37g carbs, 33g protein

Transform Pumpkin Overnight Oats

High Carb Quick Prep 

1/3 cup rolled oats 
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk 
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
1 tablespoon pumpkin puree
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
, Powder
1/4 medium banana, mashed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pumpkin pie spice, to taste
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 294 calories; 7g fat; 37g carbs; 24g protein

Barbeque Chicken Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

1/2 cup chicken breast cubed (meal prepped)
1 tablespoon low-sodium barbecue sauce
2 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
2/3 cup tomato, diced
1/3 cup cooked black beans rinsed and drained
1/4 cup fresh corn
1 packet low-sodium ranch seasoning powder
1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1. Mix barbecue sauce with chicken, set aside.
2. To make dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together ranch seasoning
powder and Greek yogurt until well combined.
3. Make salad by layering lettuce, tomatoes, beans, corn, and chicken.
Top with 2 tablespoons of dressing.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 301 calories; 4g fat; 36g carbs; 30g protein

Transform Apple and Dip

High Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
3 tablespoons powdered peanut butter
Granulated stevia, to taste
Dash of cinnamon
1 medium apple

1. Mix yogurt, meal replacement, powdered peanut butter, stevia, and
2. Slice the apple and dip!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 298 calories, 5g fat, 36g carbs, 30g protein

Transform Chocolate Cake Batter Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup water
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
3/4 teaspoon sugar-free fat-free instant vanilla pudding mix
1 medium banana
1 teaspoon butter extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients, except for the banana, into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy with banana on
the side!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 310 calories, 8g fat, 37g carbs, 28g protein

Transform Mango Tango Shake  

High Carb Quick Prep 

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder  

2/3 cup frozen mango chunks 
1/4 nonfat plain Greek yogurt  
1/3 cup 100% pineapple juice 
2/3 cup water  
Ice as desired 

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!  

Makes 1 serving    
Nutrition information: 297 calories, 6g fat, 34g carbs, 26g protein

Transform Orange Cream Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup 100% orange juice
1 cup water
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 medium banana
Ice as desired

Directions: In a blender, combine all ingredients, add water to desired thickness. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 300 calories, 6g fat, 39g carbs, 27g protein

Grab & Go

Tuna and Bread

High Carb Grab & Go

1 small can of water-packed tuna (3 ounces)
2 1/4 slices whole wheat bread

Directions: Place tuna on bread and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 304 calories; 5g fat; 38g carbs; 26g protein

Turkey and Whole Wheat Crackers

High Carb Grab & Go

5 1/2 slices turkey deli meat
10 low-fat whole wheat crackers

Directions: Place turkey on crackers and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 300 cals; 5g fat; 37g carbs; 28g protein

Beef Jerky and Rice Bars

High Carb Grab & Go

1/3 cup low-sodium beef jerky
1 3/4 snack size rice crispy treat bars


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 298 calories; 5g fat; 35g carbs; 26g protein


Chicken Tostadas Bowl

High Carb Gourmet

1/2 cup chicken breast, diced
1 1/4 corn tortillas
1/3 cup low-sodium black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup diced bell pepper
1/2 cup sliced onions
1 cup romaine lettuce, chopped
3 tablespoons salsa

1. Lightly spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray, and set stove to medium heat. Sauté onions & peppers
until tender. Add chicken and cook for about 8-10 minutes, until no longer pink or reaches an internal temperature
of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Mix in beans and heat for another 2-3 minutes.
3. Remove from heat, mix with lettuce and salsa.
4. Tear tortillas into 1-inch pieces, sprinkle over the top, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 301 calories; 4g fat; 37g carb; 27g protein

White Chicken Chili
High Carb Gourmet

4 cups shredded boneless, skinless chicken breast (meal prepped)
3 (15 1/2 ounce) cans Great Northern beans
1/2 cup chopped onion
1  (4 ounce) can chopped green chilies
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1  (14 1/2 ounce) can low-fat, low-sodium chicken broth
1 tablespoon nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 cup mixed salad greens
1 lime wedge

1. Put everything except the yogurt, greens, and lime wedge in a slow cooker, stir together until well mixed, and
cook on low for 6-9 hours. Recipe makes 9 cups of chili.
2. Squeeze lime wedge onto mixed greens. Enjoy 1 1/4 cups of chili topped with Greek yogurt and mixed greens on
the side.

Makes 9 cups of chili

Serving size: 1 1/4 cups of chili, 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt, 1 cup mixed salad greens
Nutrition information per serving: 312 calories, 3g fat, 35g carbs, 36g protein

BBQ Baked Sweet Potato, Loaded with Grilled Chicken, Corn, and Black Beans
High Carb Gourmet

3/4 cup grilled diced chicken
1/3 medium baked sweet potato
1 tablespoon frozen corn, thawed
1/4 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
1 1/2 tablespoons reduced-sugar BBQ sauce
Pinch black pepper
Pinch salt substitute
1/2 cup chopped steamed broccoli

1. Grill and dice the chicken.
2. Poke holes in the sweet potato and bake it in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or for 8 minutes in the
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the grilled chicken, thawed corn, cooked black beans, and barbecue sauce and season with
black pepper and salt substitute. Stir until all ingredients have been evenly coated with sauce. Spoon the mixture
into the middle of the sweet potato. Chop broccoli and place it on top of the chicken mixture.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 305 calories; 4g fat; 43g carbs; 30g protein

Low Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Ground Turkey Marinara

1/2 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
1/2 cup steamed broccoli
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup low-sugar marinara
1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter

1. In a bowl, combine the steamed broccoli and butter, toss until well
2. In the same bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 256 calories; 13g fat; 10g carbs; 26g protein

Transform Chocolate Mousse

1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons cream cheese
1 slice medium avocado
1/2 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Liquid stevia drops, to taste

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 263 calories, 16g fat, 13g carbs, 20g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bowl 
Low Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup Greek yogurt (full fat)
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement
Shake Powder
1/2 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, melted

1. Combine Greek yogurt and protein powder in a bowl.   
2. Drizzle with peanut butter and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 243 calories; 13g fat; 12g carbs; 22g protein

Transform Brownie Cacao Nib Shake

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup water
2 slices of a medium avocado
1/2 tablespoon cacao nibs

Directions: Place all ingredients, except for cacao nibs, in a blender, blend until smooth. Top with cacao nibs and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 265 calories, 14g fat, 15g carbs, 22g protein

Transform Chocolate Mocha Shake
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 tablespoon instant coffee
1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream
Additional ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 253 calories, 14g fat, 13g carbs, 21g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Shake 

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
2 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter 
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk 
1/2 cup water
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving 
Nutrition information: 248 calories; 13g fat; 13g carb, 23g protein

Transform Vanilla Pecan Pudding
Low Carb Quick Prep

2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 tablespoon all-natural almond butter
Vanilla stevia drops, to taste
1 tablespoon chopped pecans

1. Mix the Greek yogurt, meal replacement, almond butter, and stevia
together in a bowl.
2. Top with pecans and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 265 calories, 15g fat, 12g carbs, 23g protein

Club Salad
Low Carb Quick Prep

2 cups romaine salad mix
1/4 cup rotisserie chicken shredded (meal prepped)
1 slice low-sodium deli ham
1 slice low-sodium deli turkey breast
1 slice bacon crumbled (meal prepped)
1 1/2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon ranch dressing
Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: In a large bowl, layer all ingredients except ranch, salt, and
pepper. Drizzle with ranch and season with salt and pepper, enjoy

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 252 calories, 14g fat, 5g carbs, 25g protein

Protein Punch Wraps
Low Carb Quick Prep

1/4 cup shredded chicken breast (meal prepped)
1 stick string cheese, cut into rounds
2 tablespoons cup slivered almonds
2 lettuce cups

Directions: Divide chicken, cheese, and almonds on top of each

lettuce cup. Eat cold and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 251 calories; 15g fat; 4g carb; 24g protein

Grab & Go

Turkey Jerky and Cashews

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/3 cup turkey jerky

13 cashews


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 257 calories; 16g fat; 15g carbs; 27g protein

Turkey Pepperoni & Cheese Sticks

Low Carb Grab & Go

34 turkey pepperoni slices

1 1/2 mozzarella cheese sticks


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 252 calories; 17g fat; 2g carb; 26g protein

Jerky and Almonds

Low carb Grab & Go

1/4 cup low-sodium beef jerky

22 almonds


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 254 cal; 15g fat; 9g carb; 24g protein

Shake, Cheese Stick, and Almonds
Low Carb Grab & Go

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/2 cups water
8 almonds
1/2 mozzarella cheese stick

Directions: Mix together protein powder and water and enjoy with almonds and cheese stick!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 261 calories, 14g fat, 13g carbs, 25g protein


Cheesy Mini Meatloaves

Low Carb Gourmet

5 cups lean ground turkey
1 egg
1/3 cup grated Parmesan
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup sugar-free ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
1 teaspoon butter
1 cup zucchini, sliced

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients except for ketchup, mustard, butter, and zucchini. Use your hands to mix well.
3. In a small bowl, mix together ketchup and mustard, set aside.
4. Divide meatloaf mixture between 12 muffin molds. Top each one with ketchup mixture.
5. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until meatloaves are cooked through.
6. While the meatloaves are cooking, heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and season with salt
and pepper to taste. Sauté until bright green and just soft.
7. Enjoy 2 mini meatloaves with zucchini on the side!

Makes 12 mini meatloaves

Serving Size: 2 mini meatloaves, 1 cup zucchini
Nutrition Information per serving: 259 calories, 15g fat, 5g carbs, 27g protein

Turkey Pesto Meatballs
Low Carb Gourmet

3/4 cup extra-lean ground turkey
2 tablespoons pesto, warmed
3/4 cup cauliflower rice
2 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In a bowl, mix together ground turkey, seasonings, and shredded cheese. Roll into bite size balls and line on a
greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-25 minutes, depending on the size of meatballs.
3. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, add cauliflower rice and season to taste. Sauté for 3-5 minutes until
cauliflower is just colored.
4. Serve meatballs over rice and drizzle with pesto. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 254 calories, 15g fat, 6g carbs, 24g protein

Steak Fajita Salad
Low Carb Gourmet

Palm-size flank steak (4 ounces) cut into strips
2 cups romaine salad mix
2 tablespoons cup onion chopped
1/4 cup bell peppers chopped
1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon pico de gallo
1 1/2 tablespoons guacamole
Low-sodium chipotle seasoning to taste
Sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Add in onion, bell peppers, and flank steak.
2. Season to taste and sauté until meat is cooked to desire and onions are transparent and peppers are soft, about
5-8 minutes.
3. Place romaine in a bowl and top with cooked flank steak. Sprinkle with cheese and pico, and top with guacamole.
Enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 256 calories, 13g fat, 8g carbs, 24g protein

Reward Recipes
Quick Prep

Mexican Pizza
Reward Quick Prep

2/3 cup veggie ground crumbles
2 tablespoons salsa
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/3 cup refried beans
1/8 chopped medium avocado
2 corn tostada shells (18 grams each)

1. Spread beans on one tostada shell.
2. Place heated veggie crumbles on top of beans.
3. Place second tostada shell on top of Boca crumbles.
4. Top with salsa and cheese.
5. Place under low broil for 2 minutes, then top with Greek yogurt and avocado. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 508 calories, 23g fat, 43g carbs, 38g protein

BLTT Wrap and Potato Chips

Reward Quick Prep

1 whole grain flatbread wrap
2 slices bacon (meal prepped)
2 slices turkey deli meat
1 tablespoon olive oil mayo
2 slices tomato
1 cup spinach
18 wavy potato chips

1. Spread olive oil mayo on wrap, place bacon, turkey, tomato, and spinach on wrap. Roll up edges.
2. Enjoy wrap with potato chips on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 504 calories, 24g fat, 36g carbs, 33g protein

Transform Chunky Monkey Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter
1 medium frozen banana
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup ice
1/3 cup sliced strawberries
1 tablespoon granola
1 tablespoon extra-dark chocolate chips
1 teaspoon raw honey

1. Blend yogurt, peanut butter, frozen banana, protein powder, and ice cubes in a blender.
2. Pour in a bowl and top with remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 493 calories, 17g fat, 73g carbs; 21g protein

Transform Cinnamon Crunch Cereal Protein Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 medium banana, sliced
1/3 cup strawberry halves
2/3 cup cinnamon toast crunch cereal
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon mini chocolate chips

1. In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and protein powder until well combined.
2. Top with bananas, strawberries, and cereal. Melt peanut butter and drizzle over cereal mixture, sprinkle with choc-
olate chips, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 514 calories, 18g fat, 63g carbs, 30g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Reward Quick Prep

2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup oats, ground into flour
1 tablespoon dark chocolate chips

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and eat as is OR scoop into cookie dough balls. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 516 calories, 26g fat, 54g carbs, 21g protein


Edamame Cashew Stir-Fry

Reward Gourmet

3/4 cup shelled edamame
3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
1 cup cooked cauliflower rice (or pearls)
1 1/2 cups frozen stir-fry vegetables
1 1/2 cups kale
1/4 cup chopped cashews

1. Place veggies and kale in a skillet over medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until tender but still crisp.
2. Add edamame and cauliflower rice.
3. Pour low sodium soy sauce and toss vegetables for about 1 minute.
4. Remove from pan. Plate and top with cashews and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 484 calories, 23g fat, 45g carbs, 30g protein

150-199 lbs: Women’s Meal Plan (1750 Calories)

Welcome to your meal plan! Each day you’ll eat 5 times:

Breakfast/Meal 1:
Whether you’re on a High Carb Day or a Low Carb Day, your breakfast will always be around the same number of
calories and macronutrients–don’t worry, we’ve done all the counting for you!

This just means you won’t see “High Carb Breakfast Recipes” or “Low Carb Breakfast Recipes” in your meal plan.
Instead, you’ll just see “Breakfasts”! But you will get some Quick Prep and Gourmet options!

Snack/Meal 2:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Lunch/Meal 3:
When you’re on a Low Carb Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipes for this lunch/meal time. When you’re on a
High Carb Day, you can pick ANY High Carb recipes for this lunch/meal time!

Snack/Meal 4:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Dinner/Meal 5:
No matter whether you’re on a High Carb Day or Low Carb Day, your last meal of the day (usually dinner for most
people!) will always be LOW in carbs.

This is because you are winding down for the day and don’t need to stock up on carbs. You’ll have a delicious, pow-
er-packed breakfast when you wake up!

That said, you’ll find your Low Carb Recipe options for dinner in the Low Carb Recipes portion of your meal plan.
Remember, even when you’re on a High Carb Day, you’ll still have a Low Carb dinner.

Here’s what your High Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

Here’s what your Low Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options

Here’s what your Reward Days will look like on Days 7, 14, 21, & 28:

**For your Reward Days, you will start your day off with a normal Breakfast (from your Breakfast options)
and end your day with a Low Carb meal (from your Low Carb options).**

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 3: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 4: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

For your meal plan:

*Macros will vary slightly depending on the brands of ingredients you pick.
*A medium banana is 7-8 inches.
*A large banana is 8-9 inches.
*An average-sized avocado is roughly 6 ounces.
*An average-sized sweet potato is 5 inches.
*A medium-sized baked potato is 6 ounces.
*For ham & turkey deli meat, 1 slice is .66 ounce.
*A large baked potato is 8 to 10 ounces.
*A medium baked potato is 6-8 ounces.

Breakfast Recipes
Quick Prep

PB&J Greek Yogurt Parfait

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
3/4 cup strawberry halves
Granulated stevia, to taste
3 1/2 tablespoons low-fat granola

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and peanut butter, set aside.
2. In a small bowl, mash strawberry halves with fork, sprinkle with
stevia to desired sweetness.
3. Combine strawberry puree with peanut butter yogurt mixture, stir
until well combined.
4. Top with granola and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 392 calories 14g fat, 40g carbs, 30g protein

Complete Breakfast Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 slices whole wheat bread
1 egg
1 egg white
2 slices medium avocado
3 slices turkey deli meat
1 slice thin provolone cheese
2 spinach leaves
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray, fry egg sprinkled
with salt and pepper to desired texture.
2. Toast whole wheat bread, top with cheese, fried egg, turkey deli
meat, spinach, and avocado and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 394 calories, 14g fat, 39g carb, 33g protein

Bacon, Egg, and Avocado Sandwich
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 whole wheat English muffins
2 whole eggs
1 1/2 slices extra-lean turkey bacon (like Applegate)
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped avocado
1 1/2 tomato slices
Handful mixed greens
1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Black pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium-high heat.
Scramble eggs to likeness and cook bacon.
2. Toast muffins. Spread mustard on muffin, then layer greens, bacon,
egg, tomato and avocado. Top with black pepper and sandwich with
other side of muffin.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 358 calories; 11g fat; 36g carb; 26g protein

Sunflower and Avocado Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 slices sprouted grain bread
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/3 medium avocado sliced
Sprinkle red chili flakes
3 teaspoons sunflower seeds
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Toast bread—the crunchier, the better!
2. Layer cottage cheese and avocado on toast.
3. Sprinkle toast with sunflower seeds, red chili flakes, salt, and pep-
per and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 380 calories, 15g fat, 40g carbs, 25g protein

Green Machine Pancakes
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/3 cup rolled oats
2/3 medium banana
2/3 cup spinach
2 tablespoons calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/4 cup strawberry halves
1/2 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter

1. Spray skillet or griddle with cooking spray and preheat to 300
2. Place all ingredients except the strawberries, syrup, and peanut
butter in a blender and blend until smooth.
3. Pour batter slowly onto griddle. Once bubbles form on top of pan-
cake, flip. Top with peanut butter, strawberries, and sugar-free syrup.

Makes 1 serving—about 6 pancakes

Nutrition information: 401 calories; 13g fat; 45g carb; 32g protein

Egg Muffin Sandwich

Breakfast Quick Prep

3 egg whites
3 slices tomato
1 3/4 whole wheat English muffins, toasted
1 1/2 slices cheddar cheese

1. In a large bowl, whisk together egg whites for about 45 seconds.
2. Spritz cooking spray in a medium nonstick pan over medium-high
heat. Add the egg mixture to the pan. As the egg starts to set, scram-
ble until cooked.
3. Place the sliced tomato, cooked eggs, and cheese on the muffins
and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 396 calories; 12g fat; 44g carb; 32g protein

Banana Yogurt Parfait
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/3 medium banana, sliced
2 tablespoons low-sugar granola
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 packet Truvia (optional)

Top Greek yogurt with sliced banana, granola, and peanut butter.
Option: Add some Truvia to cut the sourness of the yogurt.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 404 calories; 13g fat; 41g carbs; 35g protein

One-Minute Egg Breakfast

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 egg
2 egg whites
3 tablespoons diced bell pepper
1 1/2 slices turkey deli meat, diced
1 1/2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
2 slices whole wheat bread toasted
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray the inside of a large mug with cooking spray, add eggs.
2. Mix in bell pepper, turkey, cheese, salt, and pepper.
3. Using a fork, quickly whisk all ingredients together.
4. Place the mug in the microwave for 2-3 minutes until eggs are set.
5. Briefly let cool.
6. Enjoy with toast on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 417 cals; 12g fat; 47g carb; 32g protein

Transform Breakfast Protein Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep 

3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup blueberries
2/3 cup strawberry halves
2 1/2 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut

1. Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement powder in a bowl.   
2. Layer blueberries, then strawberries, and then sprinkle with coconut. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving    
Nutrition information: 393 calories; 14g fat; 41g carbs, 34g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Cup Overnight Oats

Breakfast Quick Prep

1/2 cup rolled oats
3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, softened
1 teaspoon granulated stevia
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement
Shake Powder

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 399 calories; 15g fat; 43g carbs; 26g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep

3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 medium banana, sliced
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, melted

Directions: Combine cottage cheese and meal replacement in bowl. Top with banana and drizzle with peanut butter.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 403 calories, 15g fat, 37g carbs, 34g protein

Transform Coconut Almond Bliss Shake

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups water
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 medium banana, frozen
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut
1/2 tablespoon all-natural almond butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract (optional)
Granulated stevia for desired sweetness, to taste (optional)
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 390 calories, 14g fat, 40g carbs, 34g protein

Transform Banana Cream Shake
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 1/3 cups water
1 medium banana
1 tablespoon cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 393 calories, 14g fat, 39g carbs, 31g protein

Transform Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 medium banana
1/2 cup frozen berries
1/4 medium avocado
1 1/2 cups water
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 404 calories, 13g fat, 45g carbs, 32g protein

Transform Green Goddess Smoothie
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 cups spinach
1/3 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1/3 cup frozen mango chunks
1/4 medium banana
2 slices medium avocado
1 1/2-2 cups water

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender, blend and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 397 calories, 13g fat, 41g carbs, 35g protein

Breakfast Recipes

Morning Glory Muffins and Eggs

3/4 cup coconut sugar
2 1/4 cups Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes mix
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup shredded zucchini (water squeezed out)
2 cups grated carrot
1/2 cup natural unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup calorie-free sugar-free maple syrup (like Walden Farms)
3 large eggs
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 egg whites
3 1/2 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup halved strawberries

1. Preheat oven to 350. Line muffin tin with paper liners and set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk sugar, Kodiak cakes, cinnamon, allspice, baking soda, and salt. Add in zucchini and carrot and
3. Add in applesauce, maple syrup, 3 eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla. Incorporate the dry into wet using a rubber spat-
ula until just combined. Do not over mix!

4. Scoop into prepared tins and bake 25-35 minutes. Recipe makes 20 muffins.
5. Let cool for 5 minutes in the pan and then transfer to a cooling rack.
6. Store in the fridge for up to three days OR freeze for a few months.
7. Scramble the egg whites and enjoy 1 1/2 muffins with scrambled egg whites and cheese on the side with some

Makes 20 muffins
Serving size: 1 1/2 muffins, scrambled egg whites, cheese, strawberries
Nutrition information per serving: 389 calories; 12g fat; 39g carbs; 34g protein

Cinnamon French Toast
Breakfast Gourmet

2 slices low-sodium grain bread

1 egg white
1 tablespoon unsweetened almond milk
Dash cinnamon
1/2 cup low fat, low sodium cottage cheese
Vanilla stevia drops for desired sweetness, to taste
2/3 cup berries
2 tablespoons almond slivers
2 tablespoons calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)

1. Spray a pan or skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium heat.
2. Beat the egg, almond milk, and cinnamon together in a shallow dish. Dip both slices of the bread into the mixture,
coating both sides. Place on the skillet and cook until the bread is brown on both sides.
3. Mix together the cottage cheese and stevia drops. Top French toast with sweetened cottage cheese, berries,
almonds, and syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 404 calories; 13g fat; 46g carb; 26g protein

Transform Lemon Coconut Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

1/3 cup rolled oats
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
2 egg whites
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
Lemon zest, to taste
Granulated stevia, to taste
Calorie-free, sugar-free syrup, to taste (like Walden Farms)

1. Blend oats in a blender until flour forms.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except for coconut, blueberries, and syrup, and blend until batter is smooth.
3. Preheat a griddle to medium heat and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
4. Pour batter on preheated griddle, makes about 2 medium pancakes.
5. Allow to cook until edges are set, about 2-3 minutes, then flip and continue cooking another 1-2 minutes or until
golden brown.
6. Top pancakes with sugar-free syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 395 calories, 14g fat, 41g carbs, 32g protein

Transform Powell Protein Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

1/2 cup oats
2 egg whites
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/3 cup blueberries

1.  Grind the oats in a blender or food processor.
2.  Put the ground oats in a bowl and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
3.  Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat.
4. Add the batter to the skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown.
5. Top with peanut butter, sugar-free syrup, and blueberries.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 394 calories, 15g fat, 43g carbs, 26g protein

High Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Turkey Burger Bowl

High Carb quick prep

1 cup extra-lean turkey burger (meal prepped)
2/3 cup cooked jasmine rice
1/2 cup corn steamed
Hot sauce to taste

In a bowl, combine turkey burger with rice and corn. Sprinkle hot
sauce over the top and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 342 calories, 4g fat, 45g carbs, 31g protein

Turkey Sandwich and Carrots

High Carb Quick Prep

3 slices thin sliced whole wheat bread
5 1/2 slices turkey deli meat
1 1/2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 1/2 teaspoons mustard
2 1/2 tomato slices
1 1/2 leaves romaine lettuce
10 baby carrots

Spread Greek yogurt on each slice of bread. Layer turkey, tomatoes,
romaine, and mustard. Serve with carrots on the side and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 355 calories; 5g fat; 49g carbs; 38g protein

Broccoli Cranberry Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

3 cups raw broccoli, chopped
3 1/2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon granulated stevia
1/2 tablespoon vinegar
2 tablespoons dried cranberries
2/3 cup grilled chicken chopped (meal prepped)

1. Combine broccoli and grilled chicken in a bowl. Set aside.
2. Whisk together stevia, vinegar, and Greek yogurt.
3. Pour dressing over broccoli bowl. Top with dried cranberries and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 341 calories; 4g fat; 45g carbs; 37g protein

Ground Turkey, Potatoes, and Salsa

High Carb Quick Prep

1/2 large baked potato
1 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
2 tablespoons salsa
Salt-free seasoning, to taste
Pepper, to taste

1. Cut baked potatoes in half, season with seasonings to taste. Place
ground turkey on top of seasoned potatoes, drizzle with salsa, and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 359 calories; 2g fat; 44g carbs; 40g protein

Moco Loco
High Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
2 egg whites
1 cup cooked jasmine rice
1/2 cup mushrooms
1/4 cup turkey gravy

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, combine egg whites and
mushrooms. Scramble eggs until done and mushrooms are soft.
2. In a bowl, layer rice, egg white and mushroom mixture, and ground
turkey. Top with gravy and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 362 calories, 3g fat, 50g carbs, 32g protein

Transform Banana Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup rolled oats 
3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk 
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
1/2 medium banana mashed
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 356 calories; 8g fat; 48g carbs; 29g protein

Transform Chocolate Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries, cut in halves
1/3 cup low-fat granola

Directions: In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and chocolate meal replacement. Top with berries and sprinkle with
granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 346 calories, 5g fat, 48g carbs, 32g protein

Transform Mango Parfait

High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup mangos, diced
1/3 cup low-fat granola

Directions: Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement in bowl. Top with mango and sprinkle with granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 341 calories, 5g fat, 47g carbs, 32g protein

Transform Protein Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup blackberries
1/2 cup strawberry halves
1/3 medium banana, sliced

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement. Mix well.
2. Layer berries over Greek yogurt mixture. Top with sliced banana and enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 354 calories, 5g fat, 47g carbs, 36g protein

Transform Pumpkin Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

  1/2 cup rolled oats 
3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk 
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
1 1/2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/4 medium banana mashed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pumpkin pie spice, to taste
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 356 calories; 8g fat; 48g carbs; 26g protein

Barbeque Chicken Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

1 cup chicken breast cubed (meal prepped)
1 tablespoon low-sodium barbecue sauce
3 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
2/3 cup tomato, diced
1/2 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 cup fresh corn
1 packet low-sodium ranch seasoning powder
1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1. Mix barbecue sauce with chicken, set aside.
2. To make dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together ranch seasoning
powder and Greek yogurt until well combined.
3. Make salad by layering lettuce, tomatoes, beans, corn, and chicken.
Top with 2 tablespoons of dressing.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 361 calories; 4g fat; 43g carbs; 37g protein

Transform Apple and Dip

High Carb Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
3 1/2 tablespoons powdered peanut butter
Granulated stevia, to taste
Dash cinnamon
1 1/3 medium apples

1. Mix yogurt, meal replacement, powdered peanut butter, stevia, and
2. Slice the apple and dip!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 346 calories, 6g fat, 42g carbs, 36g protein

Transform Chocolate Cake Batter Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup water
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 teaspoons sugar-free fat-free instant vanilla pudding mix
1 medium banana
Splash butter extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients, except for the banana, into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy with banana on
the side!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 346 calories, 8g fat, 43g carbs, 30g protein

Transform Mango Tango Shake

High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup frozen mango chunks
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup 100% pineapple juice
2/3 cup water
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 357 calories, 6g fat, 42g carbs, 32g protein

Transform Orange Cream Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup 100% orange juice
1 cup water
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 of medium banana
Ice as desired

Directions: In a blender, combine all ingredients, add water to desired thickness. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 353 calories, 6g fat, 43g carbs, 37g protein

Grab & Go

Tuna and Bread

High Carb Grab & Go

1 small can water-packed tuna (3 ounces)
2 1/2 slices whole wheat bread

Directions: Place tuna on bread and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 348 calories; 6g fat; 43g carbs; 31g protein

Turkey and Whole Wheat Crackers

High Carb Grab & Go

6 slices turkey deli meat
12 low-fat whole wheat crackers

Directions: Place turkey on crackers and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 346 calories; 6g fat; 43g carbs; 31g protein

Beef Jerky and Rice Bars

High Carb Grab & Go

1/3 cup low-sodium beef jerky
2 1/4 snack size rice crispy treat bars


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 363 calories; 7g fat; 44g carbs; 30g protein


Chicken Tostadas Bowl

High Carb Gourmet

1/2 cup chicken breast, diced
1 1/4 corn tortillas
1/2 cup low-sodium black beans rinsed and drained
1/2 cup diced bell peppers
1/2 cup sliced onions
1 cup romaine lettuce, chopped
3 1/2 tablespoons salsa

1. Lightly spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray, and set stove to medium heat. Sauté onions & peppers
until tender. Add chicken and cook for about 8-10 minutes, until no longer pink or reaches an internal temperature
of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Mix in beans and heat for another 2-3 minutes.
3. Remove from heat, mix with lettuce and salsa.
4. Tear tortillas into 1-inch pieces, sprinkle over the top, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 350 calories; 4g fat; 44g carb; 31g protein

White Chicken Chili
High Carb Gourmet

5 cups shredded boneless, skinless chicken breast (meal prepped)
3 (15 1/2 ounce) cans Great Northern beans
1/2 cup chopped onion
1  (4 ounce) can chopped green chilies
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1  (14 1/2 ounce) can low-fat, low-sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
1 lime wedge

1. Put everything except the yogurt, greens, and lime wedge in a slow cooker, stir together until well mixed, and
cook on low for 6-9 hours. Recipe makes 9 cups of chili.
2. Squeeze lime wedge onto mixed greens. Enjoy 1 1/3 cups of chili topped with Greek yogurt and mixed greens on
the side.

Makes 9 cups of chili

Serving size: 1 1/3 cups of chili, 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt, 1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
Nutrition information per serving: 347 calories, 3g fat, 39g carbs, 41g protein

BBQ Baked Sweet Potato, Loaded with Grilled Chicken, Corn, and Black Beans
High Carb Gourmet

1 cup grilled diced chicken
1/2 medium baked sweet potato
1 tablespoon frozen corn, thawed
1/4 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
1 1/2 tablespoons reduced-sugar BBQ sauce
Pinch black pepper
Pinch salt substitute
1/2 cup chopped steamed broccoli

1. Grill and dice the chicken.
2. Poke holes in the sweet potato and bake it in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or for 8 minutes in the
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the grilled chicken, thawed corn, cooked black beans, and barbecue sauce and season with
black pepper and salt substitute. Stir until all ingredients have been evenly coated with sauce. Spoon the mixture
into the middle of the sweet potato. Chop broccoli and place it on top of the chicken mixture.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 351 calories; 6g fat; 43g carbs; 39g protein

Low Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Ground Turkey Marinara

Low carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
1/2 cup steamed broccoli
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup low-sugar marinara
1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter

1. In a bowl, combine the steamed broccoli and butter, toss until well
2. In the same bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 308 calories; 15g fat; 12g carbs; 31g protein

Transform Chocolate Mousse

Low Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons cup cream cheese
2 slices medium avocado
1/2 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Liquid stevia drops, to taste

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 308 calories, 19g fat, 15g carbs, 25g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bowl 
Low Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup Greek yogurt (full fat)
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement
Shake Powder
2 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter, melted

1. Combine Greek yogurt and protein powder in a bowl.   
2. Drizzle with peanut butter and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 299 calories; 15g fat; 14g carbs; 27g protein

Transform Brownie Cacao Nib Shake

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 slice medium avocado
1/2 tablespoon cacao nibs

Directions: Place all ingredients, except for cacao nibs, in a blender, blend until smooth. Top with cacao nibs and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 310 calories, 15g fat, 17g carbs, 29g protein

Transform Chocolate Mocha Shake
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon instant coffee
1 1/2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
Additional ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 298 calories, 16g fat, 14g carbs, 25g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Shake 

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
2 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter 
2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk 
1/2 cup water
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving 
Nutrition information: 293 calories; 14g fat; 16g carb, 30g protein

Transform Vanilla Pecan Pudding
Low Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 tablespoon all-natural almond butter
Vanilla stevia drops, to taste
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped pecans

1. Mix the Greek yogurt, meal replacement, almond butter, and stevia
together in a bowl.
2. Top with pecans and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 290 calories, 16g fat, 13g carbs, 25g protein

Club Salad
Low Carb Quick Prep

2 cups romaine salad mix
1/4 cup rotisserie chicken shredded (meal prepped)
1 slice low-sodium deli ham, sliced
1 slice low-sodium deli turkey breast, sliced
1 1/2 slices bacon crumbled (meal prepped)
2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon ranch dressing
Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: In a large bowl, layer all ingredients except ranch, salt, and
pepper. Drizzle with ranch and season with salt and pepper, enjoy

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 305 calories, 18g fat, 5g carbs, 31g protein

Protein Punch Wraps
Low Carb Quick Prep

1/2 cup shredded chicken breast (meal prepped)
1 1/4 sticks string cheese, cut into rounds
1 teaspoon slivered almonds
2 lettuce cups

Directions: Divide chicken, cheese, and almonds on top of each let-

tuce cup. Eat cold and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 295 calories; 17g fat; 4g carb; 30g protein

Grab & Go

Turkey Jerky and Cashews

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/3 cup of turkey jerky

16 cashews


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 304 calories; 19g fat; 18g carbs; 31g protein

Turkey Pepperoni & Cheese Sticks

Low Carb Grab & Go

42 turkey pepperoni slices

1 3/4 mozzarella cheese sticks


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 305 calories; 20g fat; 2g carb; 32g protein

Jerky and Almonds

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/4 cup low-sodium beef jerky

25 almonds


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 295 calories; 17g fat; 11g carb; 29g protein

Shake, Cheese Stick, and Almonds
Low Carb Grab & Go

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
12 ounces water
15 almonds
1/2 mozzarella cheese stick

Directions: Mix together protein powder and water and enjoy with almonds and cheese stick!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 309 calories, 18g fat, 14g carbs, 27g protein


Cheesy Mini Meatloaves

Low Carb Gourmet

6 cups lean ground turkey
1 egg
1/3 cup grated Parmesan
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup sugar-free ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
1 teaspoon butter
1 cup zucchini, sliced

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients except for ketchup, mustard, butter, and zucchini. Use your hands to mix well.
3. In a small bowl, mix together ketchup and mustard, set aside.
4. Divide meatloaf mixture between 12 muffin molds. Top each one with ketchup mixture.
5. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until meatloaves are cooked through.
6. While the meatloaves are cooking, heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and season with salt
and pepper to taste. Sauté until bright green and just soft.
7. Enjoy 2 1/2 mini meatloaves with zucchini on the side!

Makes 12 mini meatloaves

Serving Size: 2 1/2 mini meatloaves, 1 cup zucchini
Nutrition Information per serving: 311 calories, 18g fat, 6g carbs, 34g protein

Turkey Pesto Meatballs
Low Carb Gourmet

1 cup extra-lean ground turkey
2 tablespoons pesto, warmed
3/4 cup cauliflower rice
2 1/2 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In a bowl, mix together ground turkey, seasonings, and shredded cheese. Roll into bite size balls and line on a
greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-25 minutes, depending on the size of meatballs.
3. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, add cauliflower rice and season to taste. Sauté for 3-5 minutes until
cauliflower is just colored.
4. Serve meatballs over rice and drizzle with pesto. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 289 calories, 16g fat, 6g carbs, 30g protein

Steak Fajita Salad
Low Carb Gourmet

Palm-size flank steak (4 ounces), cut into strips
2 cups romaine salad mix
2 tablespoons onion, chopped
1/4 cup bell peppers, chopped
1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon pico de gallo
2 tablespoons guacamole
Low-sodium chipotle seasoning to taste
Sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Add in onion, bell peppers, and flank steak.
2. Season to taste and sauté until meat is cooked to desire and onions are transparent and peppers are soft, about
5-8 minutes.
3. Place romaine in a bowl and top with cooked flank steak. Sprinkle with cheese and pico, and top with guacamole.
Enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 303 calories, 16g fat, 9g carbs, 29g protein

Reward Recipes
Quick Prep

Mexican Pizza
Reward Quick Prep

2/3 cup veggie ground crumbles
2 tablespoons salsa
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/3 cup refried beans
1 slice chopped avocado
3 corn tostada shells (18 grams each)

1. Spread beans on two tostada shells.
2. Place heated vegetable crumbles on top of beans.
3. Place another tostada shell on top of vegetable crumbles of one shell.
4. Top with salsa and cheese.
5. Place under low broil for 2 minutes, then top with Greek yogurt and avocado. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 561 calories, 25g fat, 51g carbs, 39g protein

BLTT Wrap and Potato Chips

Reward Quick Prep

1 whole grain flatbread wrap
2 slices bacon (meal prepped)
2 slices turkey deli meat
1 tablespoon olive oil mayo
2 slices tomato
2 cups spinach
1 1/4 ounces wavy potato chips

1. Spread olive oil mayo on wrap, place bacon, turkey, tomato, and spinach on wrap. Roll up edges.
2. Enjoy wrap with potato chips on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 544 calories, 27g fat, 40g carbs, 34g protein

Transform Chunky Monkey Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 medium frozen banana
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup ice
1/3 cup sliced strawberries
1 tablespoon granola
1 tablespoon extra-dark chocolate chips
1 teaspoon raw honey

1. Blend yogurt, peanut butter, frozen banana, protein powder, and ice cubes in a blender.
2. Pour in a bowl and top with remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 553 calories, 21g fat, 75g carbs, 25g protein

Transform Cinnamon Crunch Cereal Protein Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 medium banana, sliced
1/3 cup strawberry halves
3/4 cup cinnamon toast crunch cereal
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon mini chocolate chips

1. In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and protein powder until well combined.
2. Top with bananas, strawberries, and cereal. Melt peanut butter and drizzle over cereal mixture, sprinkle with choc-
olate chips, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 550 calories, 18g fat, 68g carbs, 34g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Reward Quick Prep

2 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup oats, ground into flour
1 tablespoon dark chocolate chips

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and eat as is OR scoop into cookie dough balls. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 563 calories, 30g fat, 56g carbs, 23g protein

Reward Gourmet

Edamame Cashew Stir-Fry

1 cup shelled edamame
3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
1 cup cooked cauliflower rice (or pearls)
1 1/2 cups frozen stir-fry vegetables
1 1/2 cups kale
1/4 cup chopped cashews

1. Place veggies and kale in a skillet over medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until tender but still crisp.
2. Add edamame and cauliflower rice.
3. Pour in low sodium soy sauce and toss vegetables for about 1 minute.
4. Remove from pan. Plate and top with cashews and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 544 calories, 25g fat, 49g carbs, 35g protein

200 lbs & Over: Women’s Meal Plan (2000 Calories)

Welcome to your meal plan! Each day you’ll eat 5 times:

Breakfast/Meal 1:
Whether you’re on a High Carb Day or a Low Carb Day, your breakfast will always be around the same number of
calories and macronutrients–don’t worry, we’ve done all the counting for you!

This just means you won’t see “High Carb Breakfast Recipes” or “Low Carb Breakfast Recipes” in your meal plan.
Instead, you’ll just see “Breakfasts”! But you will get some Quick Prep and Gourmet options!

Snack/Meal 2:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Lunch/Meal 3:
When you’re on a Low Carb Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipes for this lunch/meal time. When you’re on a
High Carb Day, you can pick ANY High Carb recipes for this lunch/meal time!

Snack/Meal 4:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Dinner/Meal 5:
No matter whether you’re on a High Carb Day or Low Carb Day, your last meal of the day (usually dinner for most
people!) will always be LOW in carbs.

This is because you are winding down for the day and don’t need to stock up on carbs. You’ll have a delicious, pow-
er-packed breakfast when you wake up!

That said, you’ll find your Low Carb Recipe options for dinner in the Low Carb Recipes portion of your meal plan.
Remember, even when you’re on a High Carb Day, you’ll still have a Low Carb dinner.

Here’s what your High Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

Here’s what your Low Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options

Here’s what your Reward Days will look like on Days 7, 14, 21, & 28:

**For your Reward Days, you will start your day off with a normal Breakfast (from your Breakfast options)
and end your day with a Low Carb meal (from your Low Carb options).**

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 3: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 4: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

For your meal plan:

*Macros will vary slightly depending on the brands of ingredients you pick.
*A medium banana is 7-8 inches.
*A large banana is 8-9 inches.
*An average-sized avocado is roughly 6 ounces.
*An average-sized sweet potato is 5 inches.
*A medium-sized baked potato is 6 ounces.
*For ham & turkey deli meat, 1 slice is .66 ounce.
*A large baked potato is 8 to 10 ounces.
*A medium baked potato is 6-8 ounces.

Breakfast Recipes
Quick Prep

PB&J Greek Yogurt Parfait

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
3/4 cup strawberry halves
Granulated stevia, to taste
1/4 cup low-fat granola

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and peanut butter, set aside.
2. In a small bowl, mash strawberry halves with fork, sprinkle with
stevia to desired sweetness.
3. Combine strawberry puree with peanut butter yogurt mixture, stir
until well combined.
4. Top with granola and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 451 calories 18g fat, 44g carbs, 32g protein

Complete Breakfast Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 1/2 slices whole wheat bread
1 egg
1 egg white
2 slices medium avocado
4 slices turkey deli meat
1 slice thin provolone cheese
2 spinach leaves
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray, fry egg sprinkled
with salt and pepper to desired texture.
2. Toast whole wheat bread, top with cheese, fried egg, turkey deli
meat, spinach, and avocado and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 449 calories, 15g fat, 49g carb, 39g protein

Bacon, Egg, and Avocado Sandwich
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 whole wheat English muffins
2 whole eggs
2 slices extra-lean turkey bacon (like Applegate)
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped avocado
1 1/2 tomato slices
Handful mixed greens
1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Black pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium-high heat.
Scramble eggs to likeness and cook bacon.
2. Toast muffins. Spread mustard on muffin, then layer greens, bacon,
egg, tomato and avocado. Top with black pepper and sandwich with
other side of muffin.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 358 calories; 11g fat; 36g carb; 26g protein

Sunflower and Avocado Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 1/2 slices whole grain bread
2/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/3 medium avocado sliced
Sprinkle red chili flakes
3 teaspoons sunflower seeds
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Toast bread—the crunchier, the better!
2. Layer cottage cheese and avocado on toast.
3. Sprinkle toast with sunflower seeds, red chili flakes, salt, and pep-
per and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 450 calories, 16g fat, 48g carbs, 31g protein

Green Machine Pancakes
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/3 cup rolled oats
2/3 medium banana
2/3 cup spinach
2 tablespoons no calorie sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/4 cup strawberry halves
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter

1. Spray skillet or griddle with cooking spray and preheat to 300
2. Place all ingredients except the strawberries and syrup in a blender
and blend until smooth.
3. Pour batter slowly onto griddle. Once bubbles form on top of
pancake, flip. Top with strawberries and sugar-free syrup.

Makes 1 serving—about 6 pancakes

Nutrition information: 448 calories; 17g fat; 46g carb; 34g protein

Egg Muffin Sandwich

Breakfast Quick Prep

4 egg whites
3 slices tomato
1 3/4 whole wheat English muffins, toasted
2 slices cheddar cheese

1. In a large bowl, whisk together egg whites for about 45 seconds.
2. Spritz cooking spray in a medium nonstick pan over medium-high
heat. Add the egg mixture to the pan. As the egg starts to set, scram-
ble until cooked.
3. Place the sliced tomato, cooked eggs, and cheese on the muffins
and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 453 calories; 16g fat; 44g carb; 39g protein

Banana Yogurt Parfait
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup medium banana, sliced
2 tablespoons low-sugar granola
5 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter
1 packet Truvia (optional)

Top Greek yogurt with sliced banana, granola, and peanut butter.
Option: Add some Truvia to cut the sourness of the yogurt.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 452 calories; 15g fat; 47g carbs; 37g protein

One-Minute Egg Breakfast

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 egg
3 egg whites
3 tablespoons diced bell pepper
2 slices turkey deli meat, diced
2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
2 slices whole wheat bread toasted
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray the inside of a large mug with cooking spray, add eggs.
2. Mix in bell pepper, turkey, cheese, salt, and pepper.
3. Using a fork, quickly whisk all ingredients together.
4. Place the mug in the microwave for 2-3 minutes until eggs are set.
5. Briefly let cool.
6. Enjoy with toast on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 457 calories; 13g fat; 48g carb; 39g protein

Transform Breakfast Protein Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep 

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup blueberries
2/3 cup strawberry halves
3 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut

1. Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement powder in a bowl.   
2. Layer blueberries, then strawberries, and then sprinkle with coconut. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving    
Nutrition information: 461 calories; 15g fat; 49g carbs, 40g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Cup Overnight Oats

Breakfast Quick Prep

1/2 cup rolled oats
3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
4 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter, softened
1 teaspoon granulated stevia
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement
Shake Powder

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 457 calories; 18g fat; 45g carbs; 30g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep

3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 medium banana, sliced
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, melted

Directions: Combine cottage cheese and meal replacement in bowl. Top with banana and drizzle with peanut butter.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 460 calories, 16g fat, 47g carbs, 38g protein

Transform Coconut Almond Bliss Shake

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups water
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 medium banana, frozen
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tablespoon all-natural almond butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract (optional)
Granulated stevia for desired sweetness, to taste (optional)
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 445 calories, 18g fat, 42g carbs, 37g protein

Transform Banana Cream Shake
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 1/3 cups water
1 medium banana
1 tablespoon cream cheese
Splash vanilla extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 449 calories, 17g fat, 42g carbs, 36g protein

Transform Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 medium banana
2/3 cup frozen berries
1/2 medium avocado
1 1/2 cups water
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 455 calories, 17g fat, 50g carbs, 33g protein

Transform Green Goddess Smoothie
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 cups spinach
1/3 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
1/6 medium banana
1 slice avocado
1 1/2-2 cups water

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender, blend and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 447 calories, 14g fat, 47g carbs, 39g protein

Breakfast Recipes

Morning Glory Muffins and Eggs

3/4 cup coconut sugar
2 1/4 cups Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes mix
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup shredded zucchini (water squeezed out)
2 cups grated carrot
1/2 cup natural unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup calorie-free sugar-free maple syrup (like Walden Farms)
3 large eggs
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 egg whites
3 1/2 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup halved strawberries

1. Preheat oven to 350. Line muffin tin with paper liners and set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk sugar, Kodiak cakes, cinnamon, allspice, baking soda, and salt. Add in zucchini and carrot and
3. Add in applesauce, maple syrup, 3 eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla. Incorporate the dry into wet using a rubber spat-
ula until just combined. Do not over mix!

4. Scoop into prepared tins and bake 25-35 minutes. Recipe makes 20 muffins.
5. Let cool for 5 minutes in the pan and then transfer to a cooling rack.
6. Store in the fridge for up to three days OR freeze for a few months.
7. Scramble the egg whites and enjoy 2 muffins with scrambled egg whites and cheese on the side with some straw-

Makes 20 muffins
Serving size: 2 muffins, scrambled egg whites, cheese, strawberries
Nutrition information per serving: 451 calories; 15g fat; 47g carbs; 36g protein

Cinnamon French Toast
Breakfast Gourmet

2 slices low-sodium sprouted grain bread
1 egg white
1 tablespoon unsweetened almond milk
Dash of cinnamon
3/4 cup low-fat, low-sodium cottage cheese
Stevia drops for desired sweetness, to taste
2/3 cup berries
2 tablespoons almond slivers
2 tablespoons calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)

1. Spray a pan or skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium heat.
2. Beat the egg, almond milk, and cinnamon together in a shallow dish. Dip both slices of the bread into the mixture,
coating both sides. Place on the skillet and cook until the bread is brown on both sides.
3. Mix together the cottage cheese and stevia drops. Top French toast with sweetened cottage cheese, berries,
almonds, and syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 449 calories; 14g fat; 48g carb; 33g protein

Transform Lemon Coconut Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

1/2 cup rolled oats
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
2 egg whites
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
Lemon zest, to taste
Granulated stevia, to taste
Calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)

1. Blend oats in a blender until flour forms.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except for coconut, blueberries, and syrup, and blend until batter is smooth.
3. Preheat a griddle to medium heat and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
4. Pour batter on preheated griddle, makes about 2 medium pancakes.
5. Allow to cook until edges are set, about 2-3 minutes, then flip and continue cooking another 1-2 minutes or until
golden brown.
6. Top pancakes with sugar-free syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 446 calories, 15g fat, 50g carbs, 33g protein

Transform Powell Protein Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

1/2 cup oats
2 egg whites
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/3 cup blueberries

1.  Grind the oats in a blender or food processor.
2.  Put the ground oats in a bowl and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
3.  Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat.
4. Add the batter to the skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown.
5. Top with peanut butter, sugar-free syrup, and blueberries.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 445 calories, 19g fat, 44g carbs, 28g protein

High Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Turkey Burger Bowl

High Carb quick prep

1 1/4 cups extra-lean turkey burger (meal prepped)
3/4 cup cooked jasmine rice
1/2 cup corn steamed
Hot sauce to taste

In a bowl, combine turkey burger with rice and corn. Sprinkle hot
sauce over the top and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 402 calories, 5g fat, 50g carbs, 40g protein

Turkey Sandwich and Carrots

High Carb Quick Prep

3 1/2 slices thin sliced whole wheat bread
6 slices turkey deli meat
2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 1/2 teaspoons mustard
3 tomato slices
2 leaves romaine lettuce
6 baby carrots

Spread Greek yogurt on each slice of bread. Layer turkey, tomatoes,
romaine, and mustard. Serve with carrots on the side and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 402 calories; 6g fat; 56g carbs; 42g protein

Broccoli Cranberry Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

3 1/2 cups raw broccoli, chopped
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon granulated stevia
1/2 tablespoon vinegar
2 1/2 tablespoons dried cranberries
3/4 cup grilled chicken chopped (meal prepped)

1. Combine broccoli and grilled chicken in a bowl. Set aside.
2. Whisk together stevia, vinegar, and Greek yogurt.
3. Pour dressing over broccoli bowl. Top with dried cranberries and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 405 cal; 5g fat; 54g carbs; 43g protein

Ground Turkey, Potatoes, and Salsa

High Carb Quick Prep

1 large baked potato
1 1/4 cups extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
2 1/2 tablespoons salsa
Salt-free seasoning, to taste
Pepper, to taste

1. Cut baked potatoes in half, season with seasonings to taste. Place
ground turkey on top of seasoned potatoes, drizzle with salsa, and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 404 calories; 2g fat; 51g carbs; 44g protein

Moco Loco
High Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
3 egg whites
1 cup cooked jasmine rice
1/2 cup mushrooms
1/3 cup turkey gravy

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, combine egg whites and
mushrooms. Scramble eggs until done and mushrooms are soft.
2. In a bowl, layer rice, egg white and mushroom mixture, and ground
turkey. Top with gravy and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 402 calories, 4g fat, 51g carbs, 39g protein

Transform Banana Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup rolled oats 
3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk 
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
1/2 medium banana mashed
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 412 calories; 10g fat; 51g carbs; 35g protein

Transform Chocolate Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries, cut in halves
1/3 cup low-fat granola

Directions: In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and chocolate meal replacement. Top with berries and sprinkle with
granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 394 calories, 6g fat, 54g carbs, 37g protein

Transform Mango Parfait

High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup mangos, diced
1/3 cup low-fat granola

Directions: Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement in bowl. Top with mango and sprinkle with granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 389 calories, 6g fat, 53g carbs, 37g protein

Transform Protein Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup blueberries
2/3 cup blackberries
1/2 cup strawberry halves
1/3 medium banana, sliced

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement. Mix well.
2. Layer berries over Greek yogurt mixture. Top with sliced banana and enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 397 calories, 6g fat, 55g carbs, 38g protein

Transform Pumpkin Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup rolled oats 
3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk 
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
1 1/2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/3 medium banana mashed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pumpkin pie spice, to taste
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 392 cal; 8g fat; 52g carbs; 30g protein

Barbeque Chicken Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups chicken breast cubed (meal prepped)
1 tablespoon low-sodium barbecue sauce
3 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
1 cup tomato, diced
1/2 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 cup fresh corn
1 packet low-sodium ranch seasoning powder
1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1. Mix barbecue sauce with chicken, set aside.
2. To make dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together ranch seasoning
powder and Greek yogurt until well combined.
3. Make salad by layering lettuce, tomatoes, beans, corn, and chicken.
Top with 2 tablespoons of dressing.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 402 cals; 5g fat; 47g carbs; 42g protein

Transform Apple and Dip

High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/4 cup powdered peanut butter
Granulated stevia, to taste
Dash cinnamon
1 2/3 medium apples

1. Mix yogurt, meal replacement, powdered peanut butter, stevia, and
2. Slice the apple and dip!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 394 calories, 6g fat, 49g carbs, 41g protein

Transform Chocolate Cake Batter Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 cups water
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 teaspoon sugar-free fat-free instant vanilla pudding mix
1 large banana
1 teaspoon butter extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients, except for the banana, into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy with banana on
the side!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 395 calories, 9g fat, 50g carbs, 34g protein

Transform Mango Tango Shake

High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup frozen mango chunks
2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup 100% pineapple juice
2/3 cup water
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 398 calories, 7g fat, 49g carbs, 36g protein

Transform Orange Cream Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup 100% orange juice
1 cup water
1 1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 medium banana
Ice as desired

Directions: In a blender, combine all ingredients, add water to desired thickness. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 409 calories, 6g fat, 53g carbs, 41g protein

Grab & Go

Tuna and Bread

High Carb Grab & Go

1 small can water-packed tuna (3 ounces)
3 slices whole wheat bread

Directions: Place tuna on bread and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 409 calories; 7g fat; 51g carbs; 36g protein

Turkey and Whole Wheat Crackers

High Carb Grab & Go

7 slices turkey deli meat
14 low-fat whole wheat crackers

Directions: Place turkey on crackers and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 403 calories; 7g fat; 51g carbs; 36g protein

Beef Jerky and Rice Bars

High Carb Grab & Go

2/3 cup low-sodium beef jerky
2 1/3 snack size rice crispy treat bars


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 396 cal; 7g fat; 47g carbs; 35g protein


Chicken Tostadas Bowl

High Carb Gourmet

2/3 cup chicken breast, diced
1 1/2 corn tortillas
1/2 cup low-sodium black beans rinsed and drained
2/3 cup diced bell peppers
2/3 cup sliced onions
1 cup romaine lettuce, chopped
3 1/2 tablespoons salsa

1. Lightly spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray, and set stove to medium heat. Sauté onions & peppers
until tender. Add chicken and cook for about 8-10 minutes, until no longer pink or reaches an internal temperature
of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Mix in beans and heat for another 2-3 minutes.
3. Remove from heat, mix with lettuce and salsa.
4. Tear tortillas into 1-inch pieces, sprinkle over the top, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 401 calories; 5g fat; 49g carb; 36g protein

White Chicken Chili
High Carb Gourmet

6 cups shredded boneless, skinless chicken breast (meal prepped)
3 (15 1/2 ounce) cans Great Northern beans
1/2 cup chopped onion
1  (4 ounce) can chopped green chilies
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1  (14 1/2 ounce) can low-fat, low-sodium chicken broth
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
1 lime wedge

1. Put everything except the yogurt, greens, and lime wedge in a slow cooker, stir together until well mixed, and
cook on low for 6-9 hours. Recipe makes 9 cups of chili.
2. Squeeze lime wedge onto mixed greens. Enjoy 1 1/2 cups of chili topped with Greek yogurt and mixed greens on
the side.

Makes 9 cups of chili

Serving size: 1 1/2 cups of chili, 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
Nutrition information per serving: 400 calories, 3g fat, 44g carbs, 48g protein

BBQ Baked Sweet Potato, Loaded with Grilled Chicken, Corn, and Black Beans
High Carb Gourmet

1 cup grilled diced chicken
3/4 medium baked sweet potato
2 tablespoons frozen corn, thawed
1/4 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons reduced-sugar BBQ sauce
Pinch black pepper
Pinch salt substitute
1/2 cup chopped steamed broccoli

1. Grill and dice the chicken.
2. Poke holes in the sweet potato and bake it in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or for 8 minutes in the
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the grilled chicken, thawed corn, cooked black beans, and barbecue sauce and season with
black pepper and salt substitute. Stir until all ingredients have been evenly coated with sauce. Spoon the mixture
into the middle of the sweet potato. Chop broccoli and place it on top of the chicken mixture.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 401 calories; 6g fat; 51g carbs; 43g protein

Low Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Ground Turkey Marinara

Low carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
3/4 cup steamed broccoli
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup low-sugar marinara
2 teaspoons unsalted butter

1. In a bowl, combine the steamed broccoli and butter, toss until well
2. In the same bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 356 calories; 18g fat; 14g carbs; 35g protein

Transform Chocolate Mousse

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt

2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons cream cheese
2/3 slice avocado
1/2 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Liquid stevia drops, to taste

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 355 calories, 20g fat, 18g carbs, 32g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bowl 
Low Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup Greek yogurt (full fat)
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement
Shake Powder
2 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter, melted

1. Combine Greek yogurt and protein powder in a bowl.   
2. Drizzle with peanut butter and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 341 calories; 17g fat; 16g carbs; 31g protein

Transform Brownie Cacao Nib Shake

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup water
2 slices medium avocado
1/2 tablespoon cacao nibs

Directions: Place all ingredients, except for cacao nibs, in a blender, blend until smooth. Top with cacao nibs and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 353 calories, 18g fat, 19g carbs, 31g protein

Transform Chocolate Mocha Shake
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons instant coffee
2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
Additional ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 345 calories, 19g fat, 16g carbs, 29g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Shake 

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
4 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter 
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk 
1/2 cup water
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving 
Nutrition information: 359 calories; 20g fat; 18g carb, 32g protein

Transform Vanilla Pecan Pudding
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
4 teaspoons all-natural almond butter
Vanilla stevia drops, to taste
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped pecans

1. Mix the Greek yogurt, meal replacement, almond butter, and stevia
together in a bowl.
2. Top with pecans and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 341 calories, 19g fat, 16g carbs, 30g protein

Club Salad
Low Carb Quick Prep

2 cups romaine salad mix
1/4 cup rotisserie chicken shredded (meal prepped)
1 1/3 slices low-sodium deli ham
1 1/3 slices low-sodium deli turkey breast
1 1/2 slices bacon crumbled (meal prepped)
2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2 tablespoons ranch dressing
Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: In a large bowl, layer all ingredients except ranch, salt, and
pepper. Drizzle with ranch and season with salt and pepper, enjoy

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 354 calories, 21g fat, 6g carbs, 35g protein

Protein Punch Wraps
Low Carb Quick Prep

1/2 cup shredded chicken breast (meal prepped)
1 1/4 sticks string cheese, cut into rounds
1 teaspoon slivered almonds
3 lettuce cups

Directions: Divide chicken, cheese, and almonds on top of each let-

tuce cup. Eat cold and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 347 calories; 20g fat; 5g carb; 36g protein

Grab & Go

Turkey Jerky and Cashews

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/2 cup turkey jerky

19 cashews


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 351 calories; 22g fat; 21g carbs; 35g protein

Turkey Pepperoni & Cheese Sticks

Low Carb Grab & Go
51 turkey pepperoni slices
2 mozzarella cheese sticks


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 358 calories; 23g fat; 2g carb; 38g protein

Jerky and Almonds

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/3 cup low-sodium beef jerky

29 almonds


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 343 cal; 19g fat; 12g carb; 34g protein

Shake, Cheese Stick, and Almonds
Low Carb Grab & Go

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
12 ounces water
15 almonds
1 mozzarella cheese stick

Directions: Mix together protein powder and water and enjoy with almonds and cheese stick!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 349 calories, 21g fats, 15g carbs; 30g protein


Cheesy Mini Meatloaves

Low Carb Gourmet

1 1/2 pounds lean ground turkey
1 egg
1/3 cup grated Parmesan
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup sugar-free ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons butter
1 1/2 cups zucchini, sliced

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients except for ketchup, mustard, butter, and zucchini. Use your hands to mix well.
3. In a small bowl, mix together ketchup and mustard, set aside.
4. Divide meatloaf mixture between 12 muffin molds. Top each one with ketchup mixture.
5. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until meatloaves are cooked through.
6. While the meatloaves are cooking, heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and season with salt
and pepper to taste. Sauté until bright green and just soft.
7. Enjoy 2 ½ mini meatloaves with zucchini on the side!

Makes 12 mini meat loabes

Serving Size: 2 1/2 mini meatloaves, 1 1/2 cups zucchini
Nutrition information per serving: 339 calories, 20g fat, 8g carbs, 35g protein

Turkey Pesto Meatballs
Low Carb Gourmet

1 1/4 cups extra-lean ground turkey
2 tablespoons pesto, warmed
1 cup cauliflower rice
3 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In a bowl, mix together ground turkey, seasonings, and shredded cheese. Roll into bite size balls and line on a
greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-25 minutes, depending on the size of meatballs.
3. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, add cauliflower rice and season to taste. Sauté for 3-5 minutes until
cauliflower is just colored.
4. Serve meatballs over rice and drizzle with pesto. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 344 calories, 17g fat, 7g carbs, 41g protein

Steak Fajita Salad
Low Carb Gourmet

1/2 palm-size flank steaks (6 ounces) cut into strips
2 cups romaine salad mix
2 tablespoons onion, chopped
1/4 cup bell peppers, chopped
1 1/2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon pico de gallo
2 tablespoons guacamole
Low-sodium chipotle seasoning to taste
Sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Add in onion, bell peppers, and flank steak.
2. Season to taste and sauté until meat is cooked to desire and onions are transparent and peppers are soft, about
5-8 minutes.
3. Place romaine in a bowl and top with cooked flank steak. Sprinkle with cheese and pico, and top with guacamole.
Enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 348 calories, 18g fat, 9g carbs, 34g protein

Reward Recipes
Quick Prep

Mexican Pizza
Reward Quick Prep

3/4 cup veggie ground crumbles
2 tablespoons salsa
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/3 cup refried beans
1 slice avocado
3 corn tostada shells (18 grams each)

1. Spread beans on two tostada shells.
2. Place heated vegetable crumbles on top of beans.
3. Place another tostada shell on top of vegetable crumbles of one shell.
4. Top with salsa and cheese.
5. Place under low broil for 2 minutes, then top with Greek yogurt and avocado. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 595 calories, 26g fat, 53g carbs, 43g protein

BLTT Wrap and Potato Chips

Reward Quick Prep

1 whole grain flatbread wrap
3 slices bacon (meal prepped)
2 1/2 slices turkey deli meat
1 tablespoon olive oil mayo
2 slices tomato
1 cup spinach
24 wavy potato chips

1. Spread olive oil mayo on wrap, place bacon, turkey, tomato, and spinach on wrap. Roll up edges.
2. Enjoy wrap with potato chips on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 613 calories, 30g fat, 41g carbs, 39g protein

Transform Chunky Monkey Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 medium frozen banana
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup ice
1/3 cup sliced strawberries
1 tablespoon granola
1 1/2 tablespoons extra-dark chocolate chips
1 teaspoon raw honey

1. Blend yogurt, peanut butter, frozen banana, protein powder, and ice cubes in a blender.
2. Pour in a bowl and top with remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 601 calories, 23g fat, 81g carbs, 28g protein

Transform Cinnamon Crunch Cereal Protein Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 medium banana, sliced
1/3 cup strawberry halves
3/4 cup cinnamon toast crunch cereal
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon mini chocolate chips

1. In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and protein powder until well combined.
2. Top with bananas, strawberries, and cereal. Melt peanut butter and drizzle over cereal mixture, sprinkle with choc-
olate chips, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 597 calories, 22g fat, 69g carbs, 36g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Reward Quick Prep

2 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup oats, ground into flour
1 tablespoon dark chocolate chips

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and eat as is OR scoop into cookie dough balls. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 614 calories, 31g fat, 65g carbs, 25g protein

Reward Gourmet

Edamame Cashew Stir-Fry

1 1/8 cups shelled edamame
3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
1 cup cooked cauliflower rice (or pearls)
1 3/4 cups frozen stir-fry vegetables
2 cups kale
1/4 cup chopped cashews

1. Place veggies and kale in a skillet over medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until tender but still crisp.
2. Add edamame and cauliflower rice.
3. Pour in Tamari low sodium soy sauce and toss vegetables for about 1 minute.
4. Remove from pan. Plate and top with cashews and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 598 calories, 27g fat, 56g carbs, 39g protein

Under 175 lbs: Men’s Meal Plan (2250 Calories)

Welcome to your meal plan! Each day you’ll eat 5 times:

Breakfast/Meal 1:
Whether you’re on a High Carb Day or a Low Carb Day, your breakfast will always be around the same number of
calories and macronutrients–don’t worry, we’ve done all the counting for you!

This just means you won’t see “High Carb Breakfast Recipes” or “Low Carb Breakfast Recipes” in your meal plan.
Instead, you’ll just see “Breakfasts”! But you will get some Quick Prep and Gourmet options!

Snack/Meal 2:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Lunch/Meal 3:
When you’re on a Low Carb Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipes for this lunch/meal time. When you’re on a
High Carb Day, you can pick ANY High Carb recipes for this lunch/meal time!

Snack/Meal 4:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Dinner/Meal 5:
No matter whether you’re on a High Carb Day or Low Carb Day, your last meal of the day (usually dinner for most
people!) will always be LOW in carbs.

This is because you are winding down for the day and don’t need to stock up on carbs. You’ll have a delicious, pow-
er-packed breakfast when you wake up!

That said, you’ll find your Low Carb Recipe options for dinner in the Low Carb Recipes portion of your meal plan.
Remember, even when you’re on a High Carb Day, you’ll still have a Low Carb dinner.

Here’s what your High Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

Here’s what your Low Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options

Here’s what your Reward Days will look like on Days 7, 14, 21, & 28:

**For your Reward Days, you will start your day off with a normal Breakfast (from your Breakfast options)
and end your day with a Low Carb meal (from your Low Carb options).**

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 3: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 4: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

For your meal plan:

*Macros will vary slightly depending on the brands of ingredients you pick.
*A medium banana is 7-8 inches.
*A large banana is 8-9 inches.
*An average-sized avocado is roughly 6 ounces.
*An average-sized sweet potato is 5 inches.
*A medium-sized baked potato is 6 ounces.
*For ham & turkey deli meat, 1 slice is .66 ounce.
*A large baked potato is 8 to 10 ounces.
*A medium baked potato is 6-8 ounces.

Breakfast Recipes
Quick Prep

PB&J Greek Yogurt Parfait

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 cup strawberry halves
Granulated stevia, to taste
1/4 cup low-fat granola

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and peanut butter, set aside.
2. In a small bowl, mash strawberry halves with fork, sprinkle with
stevia to desired sweetness.
3. Combine strawberry puree with peanut butter yogurt mixture, stir
until well combined.
4. Top with granola and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 507 calories 18g fat, 50g carbs, 39g protein

Complete Breakfast Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 1/2 slices whole wheat bread
1 egg
2 egg whites
1/4 medium avocado, sliced
4 slices turkey deli meat
1 slice thin provolone cheese
3 spinach leaves
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray, fry egg sprinkled
with salt and pepper to desired texture.
2. Toast whole wheat bread, top with cheese, fried egg, turkey deli
meat, spinach, and avocado and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 495 calories, 18g fat, 51g carb, 43g protein

Bacon, Egg, and Avocado Sandwich
Breakfast Quick Prep

2 whole wheat English muffins
2 whole eggs
2 slices extra-lean turkey bacon (like Applegate)
2 tablespoons chopped avocado
2 tomato slices
Handful mixed greens
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Black pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium-high heat.
Scramble eggs to likeness and cook bacon.
2. Toast muffins. Spread mustard on muffin, then layer greens, bacon,
egg, tomato and avocado. Top with black pepper and sandwich with
other side of muffin.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 508 calories; 17g fat; 49g carb; 35g protein

Sunflower and Avocado Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 1/2 slices whole grain bread
2/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 medium avocado sliced
Sprinkle red chili flakes
4 teaspoons sunflower seeds
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Toast bread—the crunchier, the better!
2. Layer cottage cheese and avocado on toast.
3. Sprinkle toast with sunflower seeds, red chili flakes, salt, and pep-
per and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 504 calories, 21g fat, 51g carbs, 32g protein

Green Machine Pancakes
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 medium banana
1 cup of spinach
3 tablespoons calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/4 cup strawberry halves
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter

1. Spray skillet or griddle with cooking spray and preheat to 300
2. Place all ingredients except the syrup, strawberries, and peanut
butter in a blender and blend until smooth.
3. Pour batter slowly onto griddle. Once bubbles form on top of pan-
cake, flip. Top with peanut butter, strawberries, and sugar-free syrup.

Makes 1 serving—about 6 pancakes

Nutrition information: 514 calories; 19g fat; 53g carb; 40g protein

Egg Muffin Sandwich

Breakfast Quick Prep

4 egg whites
5 slices tomato
2 whole wheat English muffins, toasted
2 slices cheddar cheese

1. In a large bowl, whisk together egg whites for about 45 seconds.
2. Spritz cooking spray in a medium nonstick pan over medium-high
heat. Add the egg mixture to the pan. As the egg starts to set, scram-
ble until cooked.
3. Place the sliced tomato, cooked eggs, and cheese on the muffins
and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 493 calories; 16g fat; 52g carb; 40g protein

Banana Yogurt Parfait
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 medium banana, sliced
3 tablespoons low-sugar granola
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 packet Truvia (optional)

Top Greek yogurt with sliced banana, granola, and peanut butter.
Option: Add some Truvia to cut the sourness of the yogurt.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 501 calories; 17g fat; 53g carbs; 38g protein

One-Minute Egg Breakfast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 eggs
2 egg whites
1/4 cup diced bell pepper
2 slices turkey deli meat, diced
2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
2 slices whole wheat bread, toasted
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray the inside of a large mug with cooking spray, add eggs.
2. Mix in bell pepper, turkey, cheese, salt, and pepper.
3. Using a fork, quickly whisk all ingredients together.
4. Place the mug in the microwave for 3-4 minutes until eggs are set.
5. Briefly let cool.
6. Enjoy with toast on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 513 calories; 18g fat; 49g carb; 41g protein

Transform Breakfast Protein Bowl 
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup blueberries
2/3 cup strawberry halves
3 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut

1. Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement powder in a bowl.   
2. Layer blueberries, then strawberries, and then sprinkle with coconut. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 502 cal; 17g fat; 52g carbs, 45g protein 

Transform Peanut Butter Cup Overnight Oats

Breakfast Quick Prep

1/2 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
4 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter, softened
1 teaspoon granulated stevia
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 517 cal; 20g fat; 50g carbs; 37g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep 

1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 large banana, sliced
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, melted

Directions: Combine cottage cheese and meal replacement in bowl. Top with banana and drizzle with peanut butter.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 505 calories, 17g fat, 49g carbs, 44g protein

Transform Coconut Almond Bliss Shake

Breakfast Quick Prep 

1 1/2 cups water
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 medium banana, frozen
1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tablespoon all-natural almond butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract (optional)
Granulated stevia for desired sweetness, to taste (optional)
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 506 calories, 21g fat, 54g carbs, 38g protein

Transform Banana Cream Shake
Breakfast Quick Prep 

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 1/3 cups water
1 large banana
1 tablespoon cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 496 calories, 18g fat, 48g carbs, 40g protein

Transform Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

Breakfast Quick Prep 

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 medium banana
2/3 cup frozen berries
1/2 medium avocado
1 1/2 cups water
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 500 calories, 20g fat, 53g carbs, 35g protein

Transform Green Goddess Smoothie
Breakfast Quick Prep 

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 cups spinach
1/3 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
1/2 medium banana
1/3 average avocado
2-3 cups water

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender, blend and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 499 calories, 16g fat, 55g carbs, 40g protein

Breakfast Recipes

Morning Glory Muffins and Eggs

3/4 cup coconut sugar
2 1/4 cups Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes mix
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup shredded zucchini (water squeezed out)
2 cups grated carrot
1/2 cup natural unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup calorie-free sugar-free maple syrup (like Walden Farms)
3 large eggs
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
7 egg whites
4 1/2 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup halved strawberries

1. Preheat oven to 350. Line muffin tin with paper liners and set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk sugar, Kodiak cakes, cinnamon, allspice, baking soda, and salt. Add in zucchini and carrot and
3. Add in applesauce, maple syrup, 3 eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla. Incorporate the dry into wet using a rubber spat-
ula until just combined. Do not over mix!

4. Scoop into prepared tins and bake 25-35 minutes. Recipe makes 20 muffins.
5. Let cool for 5 minutes in the pan and then transfer to a cooling rack.
6. Store in the fridge for up to three days OR freeze for a few months.
7. Scramble the egg whites and enjoy 2 muffins with scrambled egg whites and cheese on the side with some straw-

Makes 20 muffins
Serving size: 2 muffins, scrambled egg whites, cheese, strawberries
Nutrition information per serving: 483 calories; 16g fat; 48g carbs; 41g protein

Cinnamon French Toast
Breakfast Gourmet

2 1/2 slices low-sodium sprouted grain bread
1 egg white
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
Dash of cinnamon
3/4 cup low-fat, low-sodium cottage cheese
Stevia drops for desired sweetness, to taste
2/3 cup berries
7 teaspoons almond slivers
3 tablespoons calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)

1. Spray a pan or skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium heat.
2. Beat the egg, almond milk, and cinnamon together in a shallow dish. Dip both slices of the bread into the mixture,
coating both sides. Place on the skillet and cook until the bread is brown on both sides.
3. Mix together the cottage cheese and stevia drops. Top French toast with sweetened cottage cheese, berries,
almonds, and syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 506 calories; 16g fat; 56g carb; 36g protein

Transform Lemon Coconut Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

2/3 cup rolled oats
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
3 egg whites
¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Lemon zest, to taste
Granulated stevia, to taste
Calorie-free sugar-free syrup, to taste (like Walden Farms)

1. Blend oats in a blender until flour forms.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except for coconut, blueberries, and syrup, and blend until batter is smooth.
3. Preheat a griddle to medium heat and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
4. Pour batter on preheated griddle, makes about 4 medium pancakes.
5. Allow to cook until edges are set, about 2-3 minutes, then flip and continue cooking another 1-2 minutes or until
golden brown.
6. Top pancakes with calorie-free sugar-free syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 522 calories, 17g fat, 55g carbs, 40g protein

Transform Powell Protein Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

1/2 cup oats
2 egg whites
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/2 cup blueberries

1. Grind the oats in a blender or food processor.
2. Put the ground oats in a bowl and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
3. Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat.
4. Add the batter to the skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown.
5. Top with peanut butter, sugar-free syrup, and blueberries.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 500 calories, 20g fat, 50g carbs, 33g protein

High Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Turkey Burger Bowl

High Carb quick prep

1 1/2 cups extra-lean turkey burger (meal prepped)
3/4 cup cooked jasmine rice
2/3 cup corn steamed
Hot sauce to taste

Directions: In a bowl, combine turkey burger with rice and corn.

Sprinkle hot sauce over the top and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 448 calories, 6g fat, 55g carbs, 45g protein

Turkey Sandwich and Carrots

High Carb Quick Prep

4 slices thin sliced whole wheat bread
7 slices turkey deli meat
2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 1/2 teaspoons mustard
3 tomato slices
2 leaves romaine lettuce
12 baby carrots

Directions: Spread Greek yogurt on each slice of bread. Layer turkey,

tomatoes, romaine, and mustard. Serve with carrots on the side and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 457 calories; 7g fat; 63g carbs; 49g protein

Broccoli Cranberry Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

3 1/2 cups raw broccoli, chopped
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon granulated stevia
1 tablespoon vinegar
3 tablespoons dried cranberries
1 cup grilled chicken chopped (meal prepped)

1. Combine broccoli and grilled chicken in a bowl. Set aside.
2. Whisk together stevia, vinegar, and Greek yogurt.
3. Pour dressing over broccoli bowl. Top with dried cranverries and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 450 cal; 5g fat; 60g carbs; 47g protein

Ground Turkey, Potatoes, and Salsa

High Carb Quick Prep

1 large baked potato
2 cups extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
2 1/2 tablespoons salsa
Salt-free seasoning, to taste
Pepper, to taste

Directions: Cut baked potatoes in half, season with seasonings to

taste. Place ground turkey on top of seasoned potatoes, drizzle with
salsa, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 446 cals; 2g fat; 57g carbs; 48g protein

Moco Loco
High Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
3 egg whites
1 1/4 cups cooked jasmine rice
1/2 cup mushrooms
1/3 cup turkey gravy

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, combine egg whites and
mushrooms. Scramble eggs until done and mushrooms are soft.
2. In a bowl, layer rice, egg white and mushroom mixture, and ground
turkey. Top with gravy and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 453 calories, 4g fat, 62g carbs, 40g protein

Transform Banana Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup rolled oats 
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk 
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
2/3 average banana mashed
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 448 cal; 10g fat; 57g carbs; 38g protein

Transform Chocolate Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup blueberries
2/3 cup strawberries, cut in halves
1/3 cup low-fat granola

Directions: In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and chocolate meal replacement. Top with berries and sprinkle with
granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 444 calories, 7g fat, 61g carbs, 41g protein

Transform Mango Parfait

High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup mangos, diced
1/3 cup low-fat granola

Directions: Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement in bowl. Top with mango and sprinkle with granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 459 calories, 8g fat, 57g carbs, 46g protein

Transform Chocolate Cake Batter Shake

High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/3 cups water
3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 teaspoon sugar-free fat-free instant vanilla pudding mix
1 large banana
1 teaspoon butter extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients, except for the banana, into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy with banana on
the side!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 444 calories, 10g fat, 53g carbs, 41g protein

Transform Protein Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup blueberries
2/3 cup blackberries
1/2 cup strawberry halves
1/2 average banana sliced

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement. Mix well.
2. Layer berries over Greek yogurt mixture. Top with sliced banana and enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 447 calories, 7g fat, 60g carbs, 43g protein

Transform Pumpkin Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup rolled oats 
3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk 
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
1 1/2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/3 average banana mashed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pumpkin pie spice, to taste
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 458 cal; 10g fat; 56g carbs; 40g protein 

Barbeque Chicken Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups chicken breast cubed (meal prepped)
2 tablespoons low-sodium barbecue sauce
3 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
1 cup tomato, diced
1/2 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup fresh corn
1 packet low-sodium ranch seasoning powder
1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1. Mix barbecue sauce with chicken, set aside.
2. To make dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together ranch seasoning
powder and Greek yogurt until well combined.
3. Make salad by layering lettuce, tomatoes, beans, corn, and chicken.
Top with 2 tablespoons of dressing.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 464 calories; 6g fat; 55g carbs; 45g protein

Transform Apple and Dip

High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/3 cup powdered peanut butter
Granulated stevia, to taste
Dash cinnamon
1 3/4 medium apples

1. Mix yogurt, meal replacement, powdered peanut butter, stevia, and
2. Slice the apple and dip!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 452 calories, 7g fat, 56g carbs, 46g protein

Transform Mango Tango Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 cups frozen mango chunks
3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 cup 100% pineapple juice
2/3 cup water
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 452 calories, 7g fat, 59g carbs, 38g protein

Transform Orange Cream Shake

High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup 100% orange juice
1 cup water
1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 large banana
Ice as desired

Directions: In a blender, combine all ingredients, add water to desired thickness. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 443 calories, 6g fat, 58g carbs, 45g protein

Shake, Cheese Stick, and Almonds
Low Carb Grab & Go

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
12 ounces water
18 almonds
1 1/2 mozzarella cheese sticks

Directions: Mix together protein powder and water and enjoy with almonds and cheese sticks!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 410 calories, 26g fat, 16g carbs, 34g protein

Grab & Go

Tuna and Bread

High Carb Grab & Go

1 can water-packed tuna (5 oz)
3 1/4 slices whole wheat bread

Directions: Place tuna on bread and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 453 calories; 8g fat; 55g carbs; 41g protein

Turkey and Whole Wheat Crackers

High Carb Grab & Go

8 slices turkey deli meat
15 low-fat whole wheat crackers

Directions: Place turkey on crackers and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 444 calories; 8g fat; 55g carbs; 41g protein

Beef Jerky and Rice Bars

High Carb Grab & Go

1/2 cup low-sodium beef jerky
2 3/4 snack size rice crispy treat bars


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 448 cal; 8g fat; 54g carbs; 38g protein


Chicken Tostadas Bowl

High Carb Gourmet

3/4 cup chicken breast, diced
1 1/2 corn tortillas
2/3 cup low-sodium black beans rinsed and drained
2/3 cup diced bell pepper
2/3 cup sliced onions
1 cup romaine lettuce, chopped
3 1/2 tablespoons salsa

1. Lightly spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray, and set stove to medium heat. Sauté onions & peppers
until tender. Add chicken and cook for about 8-10 minutes, until no longer pink or reaches an internal temperature
of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Remove from heat, mix with lettuce and salsa.
4. Tear tortillas into 1-inch pieces, sprinkle over the top, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 460 cals; 6g fat; 56g carb; 43g protein

White Chicken Chili
High Carb Gourmet

6 cups shredded boneless, skinless chicken breast (meal prepped)
3 (15 1/2 ounce) cans Great Northern beans
1/2 cup chopped onion
1  (4 ounce) can chopped green chilies
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1  (14 1/2 ounce) can low-fat, low-sodium chicken broth
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
1 lime wedge

1. Put everything except the yogurt, greens, and lime wedge in a slow cooker, stir together until well mixed, and
cook on low for 6-9 hours. Recipe makes 9 cups of chili.
2. Squeeze lime wedge onto mixed greens. Enjoy 1 ¾ cups of chili topped with Greek yogurt and mixed greens on
the side.

Makes 9 cups of chili

Serving size: 1 3/4 cups of chili, 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
Nutrition information per serving: 457 calories, 4g fat, 50g carbs, 54g protein

BBQ Baked Sweet Potato, Loaded with Grilled Chicken, Corn, and Black Beans
High Carb Gourmet

1 1/2 cups grilled diced chicken
3/4 baked sweet potato
3 tablespoons frozen corn, thawed
1/4 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons reduced-sugar BBQ sauce
Pinch black pepper
Pinch salt substitute
3/4 cup chopped steamed broccoli

1. Grill and dice the chicken.
2. Poke holes in the sweet potato and bake it in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or for 8 minutes in the
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the grilled chicken, thawed corn, cooked black beans, and barbecue sauce and season with
black pepper and salt substitute. Stir until all ingredients have been evenly coated with sauce. Spoon the mixture
into the middle of the sweet potato. Chop broccoli and place it on top of the chicken mixture.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 451 cals; 8g fat; 55g carbs; 51g protein

Low Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Ground Turkey Marinara

Low carb Quick Prep

1 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
1 cup steamed broccoli
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup low-sugar marinara
1 tablespoon unsalted butter

1. In a bowl, combine the steamed broccoli and butter, toss until well
2. In the same bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 404 cal; 21g fat; 15g carbs; 39g protein

Transform Chocolate Mousse

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3 tablespoons cream cheese
1 slice avocado
1/2 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Liquid stevia drops, to taste

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 400 calories, 22g fat, 20g carbs, 36g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bowl 
Low Carb Quick Prep 

1/2 cup Greek yogurt (full fat)
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
2 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter, melted

1. Combine Greek yogurt and protein powder in a bowl.   
2. Drizzle with peanut butter and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 398 cal; 20g fat; 20g carbs; 37g protein

Transform Brownie Cacao Nib Shake

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons instant coffee
2 1/2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
Additional ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 400 calories, 22g fat, 18g carbs, 33g protein

Transform Chocolate Mocha Shake
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons instant coffee
3 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
Additional ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 451 calories, 25g fat, 20g carbs, 37g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Shake 

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter 
1 cup unsweetened almond milk 
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving 
Nutrition information: 443 cals; 26g fat; 21g carb, 37g protein

Transform Vanilla Pecan Pudding
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural almond butter
Vanilla stevia drops, to taste
2 tablespoons chopped pecans

1. Mix the Greek yogurt, meal replacement, almond butter, and stevia
together in a bowl.
2. Top with pecans and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 395 calories, 22g fat, 18g carbs, 34g protein

Club Salad
Low Carb Quick Prep

3 cups romaine salad mix
1/3 cup rotisserie chicken shredded (meal prepped)
1 1/3 ounce low-sodium deli ham, sliced
1 1/3 ounce low-sodium deli turkey breast, sliced
2 slices bacon crumbled (meal prepped)
2 1/2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2 tablespoons ranch dressing
Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: In a large bowl, layer all ingredients except ranch, salt, and
pepper. Drizzle with ranch and season with salt and pepper, enjoy

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 403 calories, 24g fat, 7g carbs, 40g protein

Protein Punch Wraps
Low Carb Quick Prep

2/3 cup shredded chicken breast (meal prepped)
1 1/2 sticks string cheese, cut into rounds
1 tablespoon slivered almonds
3 lettuce cups

Directions: Divide chicken, cheese, and almonds on top of each

lettuce cup. Eat cold and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 394 calories; 23g fat; 6g carb; 40g protein

Grab & Go

Turkey Jerky and Cashews

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/2 cup turkey jerky

22 cashews


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 398 calories; 25g fat; 23g carbs; 39g protein

Turkey Pepperoni & Cheese Sticks

Low Carb Grab & Go

42 turkey pepperoni slices

2 1/2 mozzarella cheese sticks


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 398 calories; 26g fat; 3g carb; 41g protein

Jerky and Almonds

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/2 cup low-sodium beef jerky

34 almonds


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 398 cal; 23g fat; 14g carb; 39g protein

Reward Gourmet

Edamame Cashew Stir-Fry

1 1/8 cups shelled edamame
3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
1 cup cooked cauliflower rice (or pearls)
1 3/4 cups frozen stir-fry vegetables
2 cups kale
1/3 cup chopped cashews

1. Place veggies and kale in a skillet over medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until tender but still crisp.
2. Add edamame and cauliflower rice.
3. Pour in low-sodium soy sauce and toss vegetables for about 1 minute.
4. Remove from pan. Plate and top with cashews and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 653 calories, 31g fat, 58g carbs, 41g protein


Cheesy Mini Meatloaves

Low Carb Gourmet

5 cups lean ground turkey
1 egg
1/3 cup grated Parmesan
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup sugar-free ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons butter
1 1/2 cups zucchini, sliced

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients except for ketchup, mustard, butter, and zucchini. Use your hands to mix well.
3. In a small bowl, mix together ketchup and mustard, set aside.
4. Divide meatloaf mixture between 12 muffin molds. Top each one with ketchup mixture.
5. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until meatloaves are cooked through.
6. While the meatloaves are cooking, heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and season with salt
and pepper to taste. Sauté until bright green and just soft.
7. Enjoy 3 mini meatloaves with zucchini on the side!

Makes 12 mini meatloaves

Serving Size: 3 mini meatloaves, 1 1/2 cups zucchini
Nutrition Information per serving: 390 calories, 23g fat, 8g carbs, 42g protein

Turkey Pesto Meatballs
Low Carb Gourmet

1 1/4 cups extra-lean ground turkey
3 tablespoons pesto, warmed
1 cup cauliflower rice
3 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In a bowl, mix together ground turkey, seasonings, and shredded cheese. Roll into bite size balls and line on a
greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-25 minutes, depending on the size of meatballs.
3. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, add cauliflower rice and season to taste. Sauté for 3-5 minutes until
cauliflower is just colored.
4. Serve meatballs over rice and drizzle with pesto. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 404 calories, 23g fat, 8g carbs, 41g protein

Steak Fajita Salad
Low Carb Gourmet

1 1/4 palm-sizse flank steaks (5 ounces) cut into strips
2 cups romaine salad mix
2 tablespoons onion, chopped
1/3 cup bell peppers, chopped
1 1/2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon pico de gallo
2 1/2 tablespoons guacamole
Low-sodium chipotle seasoning to taste
Sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Add in onion, bell peppers, and flank steak.
2. Season to taste and sauté until meat is cooked to desire and onions are transparent and peppers are soft, about
5-8 minutes.
3. Place romaine in a bowl and top with cooked flank steak. Sprinkle with cheese and pico, and top with guacamole.
Enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 397 calories, 21g fat, 9g carbs, 39g protein

Reward Recipes
Quick Prep

Mexican Pizza
Reward Quick Prep

1 cup veggie ground crumbles
2 tablespoons salsa
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/3 cup refried beans
1/3 medium chopped avocado
3 corn tostada shells (18 grams each)

1. Spread beans on two tostada shells.
2. Place heated veggie crumbles on top of beans.
3. Place another tostada shell on top of veggie crumbles of one shell.
4. Top with salsa and cheese.
5. Place under low broil for 2 minutes, then top with Greek yogurt and avocado. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 653 calories, 28g fat, 58g carbs, 50g protein

BLTT Wrap and Potato Chips

Reward Quick Prep

1 whole grain flatbread wrap
3 1/2 slices bacon (meal prepped)
2 1/2 slices turkey deli meat
1 tablespoon olive oil mayo
2 slices tomato
1 cup spinach
27 wavy potato chips

1. Spread olive oil mayo on wrap, place bacon, turkey, tomato, and spinach on wrap. Roll up edges.
2. Enjoy wrap with potato chips on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 660 calories, 33g fat, 44g carbs, 41g protein

Transform Chunky Monkey Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 medium frozen banana
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup ice
1/3 cup sliced strawberries
1 tablespoon granola
2 tablespoons extra-dark chocolate chips
1 teaspoon raw honey

1. Blend yogurt, peanut butter, frozen banana, protein powder, and ice cubes in a blender.
2. Pour in a bowl and top with remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 663 calories, 26g fat, 87g carbs, 33g protein

Transform Cinnamon Crunch Cereal Protein Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 medium banana, sliced
1/3 cup strawberry halves
3/4 cup cinnamon toast crunch cereal
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon mini chocolate chips

1. In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and protein powder until well combined.
2. Top with bananas, strawberries, and cereal. Melt peanut butter and drizzle over cereal mixture, sprinkle with choc-
olate chips, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 645 calories, 24g fat, 72g carbs, 42g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Reward Quick Prep

2 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup oats, ground into flour
1 tablespoon dark chocolate chips

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and eat as is OR scoop into cookie dough balls. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 655 calories, 33g fat, 67g carbs, 30g protein

175 - 249 lbs: Men’s Meal Plan (2500 Calories)

Welcome to your meal plan! Each day you’ll eat 5 times:

Breakfast/Meal 1:
Whether you’re on a High Carb Day or a Low Carb Day, your breakfast will always be around the same number of
calories and macronutrients–don’t worry, we’ve done all the counting for you!

This just means you won’t see “High Carb Breakfast Recipes” or “Low Carb Breakfast Recipes” in your meal plan.
Instead, you’ll just see “Breakfasts”! But you will get some Quick Prep and Gourmet options!

Snack/Meal 2:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Lunch/Meal 3:
When you’re on a Low Carb Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipes for this lunch/meal time. When you’re on a
High Carb Day, you can pick ANY High Carb recipes for this lunch/meal time!

Snack/Meal 4:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Dinner/Meal 5:
No matter whether you’re on a High Carb Day or Low Carb Day, your last meal of the day (usually dinner for most
people!) will always be LOW in carbs.

This is because you are winding down for the day and don’t need to stock up on carbs. You’ll have a delicious, pow-
er-packed breakfast when you wake up!

That said, you’ll find your Low Carb Recipe options for dinner in the Low Carb Recipes portion of your meal plan.
Remember, even when you’re on a High Carb Day, you’ll still have a Low Carb dinner.

For your meal plan:

*Macros will vary slightly depending on the brands of ingredients you pick.
*A medium banana is 7-8 inches.
*A large banana is 8-9 inches.
*An average-sized avocado is roughly 6 ounces.
*An average-sized sweet potato is 5 inches.
*A medium-sized baked potato is 6 ounces.
*For ham & turkey deli meat, 1 slice is .66 ounce.
*A large baked potato is 8 to 10 ounces.
*A medium baked potato is 6-8 ounces.

Here’s what your High Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

Here’s what your Low Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options

Here’s what your Reward Days will look like on Days 7, 14, 21, & 28:

**For your Reward Days, you will start your day off with a normal Breakfast (from your Breakfast options)
and end your day with a Low Carb meal (from your Low Carb options).**

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 3: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 4: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

Transform Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 large bananas, sliced
4 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter, melted

Directions: Combine cottage cheese and meal replacement in bowl. Top with banana and drizzle with peanut butter.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 540 calories, 19g fat, 56g carbs, 43g protein

Transform Coconut Almond Bliss Shake

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 3/4 cups water
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 medium banana, frozen
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tablespoon all-natural almond butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract (optional)
Granulated stevia for desired sweetness, to taste (optional)
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 548 calories, 23g fat, 58g carbs, 42g protein

Breakfast Recipes
Quick Prep

PB&J Greek Yogurt Parfait

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 cup strawberry halves
Granulated stevia to taste
5 tablespoons low-fat granola

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and peanut butter, set aside.
2. In a small bowl, mash strawberry halves with fork, sprinkle with
stevia to desired sweetness.
3. Combine strawberry puree with peanut butter yogurt mixture, stir
until well combined.
4. Top with granola and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 552 calories 18g fat, 57g carbs, 44g protein

Complete Breakfast Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

3 slices whole wheat bread
1 egg
2 egg whites
1/4 medium avocado, sliced
4 slices turkey deli meat
1 1/4 slices thin provolone cheese
3 Spinach leaves
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray, fry egg sprinkled
with salt and pepper to desired texture.
2. Toast whole wheat bread, top with cheese, fried egg, turkey deli
meat, spinach, and avocado and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 550 calories, 19g fat, 60g carb, 46g protein

Bacon, Egg, and Avocado Sandwich
Breakfast Quick Prep

2 whole wheat English muffins
2 whole eggs
3 slices extra-lean turkey bacon (like Applegate)
2 1/2 tablespoons chopped avocado
2 tomato slices
Handful mixed greens
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Black pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium-high heat.
Scramble eggs to likeness and cook bacon.
2. Toast muffins. Spread mustard on muffin, then layer greens, bacon,
egg, tomato and avocado. Top with black pepper and sandwich with
other side of muffin.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 551 calories; 19g fat; 50g carb; 41g protein

Sunflower and Avocado Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

3 slices sprouted grain bread
3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 medium avocado sliced
Sprinkle red chili flakes
4 teaspoons sunflower seeds
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Toast bread—the crunchier, the better!
2. Layer cottage cheese and avocado on toast.
3. Sprinkle toast with sunflower seeds, red chili flakes, salt, and pep-
per and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 559 calories, 22g fat, 59g carbs, 37g protein

Green Machine Pancakes
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 whole egg
3 egg whites
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 medium banana
1 1/4 cups of spinach
3 tablespoons calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/2 cup strawberry halves
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter

1. Spray skillet or griddle with cooking spray and preheat to 300
2. Place all ingredients except the syrup, strawberries, and peanut
butter in a blender and blend until smooth.
3. Pour batter slowly onto griddle. Once bubbles form on top of pan-
cake, flip. Top with peanut butter, strawberries, and sugar-free syrup.

Makes 1 serving—about 6 pancakes

Nutrition information: 545 calories; 19g fat; 56g carb; 46g protein

Egg Muffin Sandwich

Breakfast Quick Prep

4 egg whites
5 slices tomato
2 1/4 whole wheat English muffins, toasted
2 1/4 slices cheddar cheese

1. In a large bowl, whisk together egg whites for about 45 seconds.
2. Spritz cooking spray in a medium nonstick pan over medium-high
heat. Add the egg mixture to the pan. As the egg starts to set, scram-
ble until cooked.
3. Place the sliced tomato, cooked eggs, and cheese on the muffins
and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 543 calories; 18g fat; 57g carb; 43g protein

Banana Yogurt Parfait
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 cup banana, sliced
3 tablespoons low-sugar granola
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 packet Truvia (optional)

Top Greek yogurt with sliced banana, granola, and peanut butter.
Option: Add some Truvia to cut the sourness of the yogurt.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 555 calories; 17g fat; 61g carbs; 44g protein

One-Minute Egg Breakfast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 eggs
2 egg whites
1/4 cup diced bell pepper
2 1/2 slices turkey deli meat, diced
2 1/2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
2 slices whole wheat bread, toasted
3 medium strawberries
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray the inside of a large mug with cooking spray, add eggs.
2. Mix in bell pepper, turkey, cheese, salt, and pepper.
3. Using a fork, quickly whisk all ingredients together.
4. Place the mug in the microwave for 3-4 minutes until eggs are set.
5. Briefly let cool.
6. Enjoy with toast and strawberries on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 546 calories; 19g fat; 52g carb; 44g protein

Transform Breakfast Protein Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep 

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 cups blueberries
3/4 cup strawberry halves
3 1/2 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut

1. Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement powder in a bowl.   
2. Layer blueberries, then strawberries, and then sprinkle with coconut. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving    
Nutrition information: 545 cal; 19g fat; 59g carbs, 45g protein 

Transform Peanut Butter Cup Overnight Oats

Breakfast Quick Prep

1/2 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
5 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter, softened
1 teaspoon granulated stevia
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 549 cal; 22g fat; 52g carbs; 38g protein

Transform Banana Cream Shake
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 1/3 cups water
1 large banana
1 tablespoon cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 542 calories, 20g fat, 52g carbs, 43g protein

Transform Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 medium banana
3/4 cup frozen berries
1/2 medium avocado
1 3/4 cups water
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 556 calories, 21g fat, 60g carbs, 42g protein

Transform Green Goddess Smoothie
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 cups spinach
1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
1/2 medium banana
2 slices avocado
2-3 cups water

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender, blend and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 550 calories, 17g fat, 62g carbs, 44g protein

Transform Chocolate Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries, cut in halves
1/2 cup low-fat granola

Directions: In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and chocolate meal replacement. Top with berries and sprinkle with
granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 508 calories, 9g fat, 69g carbs, 45g protein

Transform Mango Parfait

High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup mangos, diced
1/2 cup low-fat granola

Directions: Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement in bowl. Top with mango and sprinkle with granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 499 calories, 9g fat, 64g carbs, 47g protein

Breakfast Recipes

Morning Glory Muffins and Eggs

3/4 cup coconut sugar
2 1/4 cups Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes mix
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup shredded zucchini (water squeezed out)
2 cups grated carrot
1/2 cup natural unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup calorie-free sugar-free maple syrup (like Walden Farms)
3 large eggs
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
7 egg whites
5 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup halved strawberries

1. Preheat oven to 350. Line muffin tin with paper liners and set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk sugar, Kodiak cakes, cinnamon, allspice, baking soda, and salt. Add in zucchini and carrot and
3. Add in applesauce, maple syrup, 3 eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla. Incorporate the dry into wet using a rubber spat-
ula until just combined. Do not over mix!

4. Scoop into prepared tins and bake 25-35 minutes. Recipe makes 20 muffins.
5. Let cool for 5 minutes in the pan and then transfer to a cooling rack.
6. Store in the fridge for up to three days OR freeze for a few months.
7. Scramble the egg whites and enjoy 2 1/2 muffins with scrambled egg whites and cheese on the side with some

Makes 20 muffins
Serving size: 2 1/2 muffins, scrambled egg whites, cheese, strawberries
Nutrition information per serving: 552 calories; 19g fat; 56g carbs; 44g protein

Cinnamon French Toast
Breakfast Gourmet

2 1/2 slices low-sodium sprouted grain bread
2 egg whites
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
Dash cinnamon
3/4 cup low-fat, low-sodium cottage cheese
Vanilla stevia drops for desired sweetness, to taste
2/3 cup berries
2 3/4 tablespoons almond slivers
3 tablespoons calorie-free sugar free syrup (like Walden Farms)

1. Spray a pan or skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium heat.
2. Beat the egg, almond milk, and cinnamon together in a shallow dish. Dip both slices of the bread into the mixture,
coating both sides. Place on the skillet and cook until the bread is brown on both sides.
3. Mix together the cottage cheese and stevia drops. Top French toast with sweetened cottage cheese, berries,
almonds, and syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 553 calories; 19g fat; 57g carb; 41g protein

Transform Lemon Coconut Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

2/3 cup rolled oats
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
3 egg whites
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Lemon zest, to taste
Granulated stevia to taste
Calorie-free sugar-free syrup, to taste (like Waldens)

1. Blend oats in a blender until flour forms.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except for coconut, blueberries, and syrup, and blend until batter is smooth.
3. Preheat a griddle to medium heat and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
4. Pour batter on preheated griddle, makes about 4 medium pancakes.
5. Allow to cook until edges are set, about 2-3 minutes, then flip and continue cooking another 1-2 minutes or until
golden brown.
6. Top pancakes with sugar-free syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 555 calories, 21g fat, 57g carbs, 40g protein

Transform Powell Protein Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

1/2 cup oats
2 egg whites
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
2/3 cup blueberries

1. Grind the oats in a blender or food processor.
2. Put the ground oats in a bowl and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
3. Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat.
4. Add the batter to the skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown.
5. Top with peanut butter, sugar-free syrup, and blueberries.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 555 calories, 22g fat, 56g carbs, 38g protein

High Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Turkey Burger Bowl

High Carb quick prep

1 1/4 cups extra-lean turkey burger (meal prepped)
1 cup cooked jasmine rice
2/3 cup corn steamed
Hot sauce to taste

Directions: In a bowl, combine turkey burger with rice and corn.

Sprinkle hot sauce over the top and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 499 calories, 6g fat, 66g carbs, 46g protein

Turkey Sandwich and Carrots

High Carb Quick Prep

4 slices thin sliced whole wheat bread
8 slices turkey deli meat
2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 1/2 teaspoons mustard
3 tomato slices
2 leaves romaine lettuce
9 baby carrots

Directions: Spread Greek yogurt on each slice of bread. Layer turkey,

tomatoes, romaine, and mustard. Serve with carrots on the side and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 500 calories; 7g fat; 68g carbs; 54g protein

Broccoli Cranberry Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

4 cups raw broccoli, chopped
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 teaspoon granulated stevia
1 tablespoon vinegar
3 tablespoons dried cranberries
1 cup grilled chicken chopped (meal prepped)

1. Combine broccoli and grilled chicken in a bowl. Set aside.
2. Whisk together stevia, vinegar, and Greek yogurt.
3. Pour dressing over broccoli bowl. Top with dried cranberries and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 505 calories; 6g fat; 63g carbs; 56g protein

Ground Turkey, Potatoes, and Salsa

High Carb Quick Prep

1 large baked potato
1 1/4 extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
1/4 cup salsa
Salt-free seasoning, to taste
Pepper, to taste

Directions: Cut baked potatoes in half, season with seasonings to

taste. Place ground turkey on top of seasoned potatoes, drizzle with
salsa, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 496 calories; 3g fat; 65g carbs; 52g protein

Moco Loco
High Carb Quick Prep

1 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
4 egg whites
1 1/3 cups cooked jasmine rice
2/3 cup mushrooms
1/2 cup turkey gravy

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, combine egg whites and
mushrooms. Scramble eggs until done and mushrooms are soft.
2. In a bowl, layer rice, egg white and mushroom mixture, and ground
turkey. Top with gravy and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 505 calories, 6g fat, 65g carbs, 47g protein

Transform Banana Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

2/3 cup rolled oats 
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk 
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
1/2 large banana mashed
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 506 cal; 11g fat; 68g carbs; 41g protein

Transform Protein Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup blueberries
2/3 cup blackberries
2/3 cup strawberry halves
1/2 medium banana, sliced

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement. Mix well.
2. Layer berries over Greek yogurt mixture. Top with sliced banana and enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 497 calories, 7g fat, 65g carbs, 50g protein

Transform Pumpkin Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

2/3 cup rolled oats 
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk 
1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/3 medium banana mashed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pumpkin pie spice, to taste
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving    
Nutrition information: 518 calories; 11g fat; 66g carbs; 42g protein 

Barbeque Chicken Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

1 cup chicken breast cubed (meal prepped)
2 tablespoons low-sodium barbecue sauce
3 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
1 cup tomato, diced
2/3 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup fresh corn
1 packet low-sodium ranch seasoning powder
1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1. Mix barbecue sauce with chicken, set aside.
2. To make dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together ranch seasoning
powder and Greek yogurt until well combined.
3. Make salad by layering lettuce, tomatoes, beans, corn, and chicken.
Top with 2 tablespoons of dressing.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 510 calories; 6g fat; 62g carbs; 49g protein

Transform Apple and Dip

High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/3 cup powdered peanut butter
Granulated stevia, to taste
Dash cinnamon
1 3/4 medium apples

1. Mix yogurt, meal replacement, powdered peanut butter, stevia, and
2. Slice the apple and dip!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 500 calories, 8g fat, 61g carbs, 52g protein

Transform Chocolate Cake Batter Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 cups water
1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 teaspoon sugar-free fat-free instant vanilla pudding mix
1 1/4 large bananas
1/4 teaspoon butter extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients, except for the banana, into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy with banana on
the side!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 503 calories, 12g fat, 58g carbs, 48g protein

Transform Mango Tango Shake

High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 cups frozen mango chunks
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 cup 100% pineapple juice
1 1/3 cups water
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 494 calories, 7g fat, 63g carbs, 44g protein

Transform Orange Cream Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup 100% orange juice
1 cup water
1 3/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 medium banana
Ice as desired

Directions: In a blender, combine all ingredients, add water to desired thickness. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 495 calories, 6g fat, 67g carbs, 49g protein

Grab & Go

Tuna and Bread

High Carb Grab & Go

1 1/4 cans water-packed tuna (6 ounces)
3 1/2 slices whole wheat bread

Directions: Place tuna on bread and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 498 cal; 8g fat; 60g carbs; 46g protein

Turkey and Whole Wheat Crackers

High Carb Grab & Go

9 slices turkey deli meat
17 low-fat whole wheat crackers

Directions: Place turkey on crackers and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 501 calories; 9g fat; 62g carbs; 46g protein

Beef Jerky and Rice Bars

High Carb Grab & Go

2/3 cup low-sodium beef jerky
3 snack size rice crispy treat bars


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 510 calories; 9g fat; 60g carbs; 45g protein


Chicken Tostadas Bowl

High Carb Gourmet

3/4 cup chicken breast, diced
2 corn tortillas
2/3 cup low-sodium black beans rinsed and drained
2/3 cup diced bell pepper
2/3 cup sliced onion
1 1/2 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
3 1/2 tablespoons salsa

1. Lightly spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray, and set stove to medium heat. Sauté onions & peppers
until tender. Add chicken and cook for about 8-10 minutes, until no longer pink or reaches an internal temperature
of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Mix in beans and heat for another 2-3 minutes.
3. Remove from heat, mix with lettuce and salsa.
4. Tear tortillas into 1-inch pieces, sprinkle over the top, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 500 calories; 6g fat; 62g carb; 46g protein

White Chicken Chili
High Carb Gourmet

5 cups shredded boneless, skinless chicken breast (meal prepped)
3 (15 1/2 ounce) cans Great Northern beans
1/2 cup chopped onion
1  (4 ounce) can chopped green chilies
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1  (14 1/2 ounce) can low-fat, low-sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
1 lime wedge

1. Put everything except the yogurt, greens, and lime wedge in a slow cooker, stir together until well mixed, and
cook on low for 6-9 hours. Recipe makes 9 cups of chili.
2. Squeeze lime wedge onto mixed greens. Enjoy 2 cups of chili topped with Greek yogurt and mixed greens on the

Makes 9 cups of chili

Serving size: 2 cups of chili, 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt, 1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
Nutrition information per serving: 499 calories, 4g fat, 55g carbs, 59g protein

BBQ Baked Sweet Potato, Loaded with Grilled Chicken, Corn, and Black Beans
High Carb Gourmet

1 1/2 cups grilled diced chicken
3/4 medium sweet potato baked
1/4 cup frozen corn, thawed
1/4 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons reduced-sugar BBQ sauce
Pinch black pepper
Pinch salt substitute
3/4 cup chopped steamed broccoli
4 sweet mini peppers, chopped
1/2 cup tomatoes, chopped

1. Grill and dice the chicken.
2. Poke holes in the sweet potato and bake it in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or for 8 minutes in the
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the grilled chicken, thawed corn, cooked black beans, and barbecue sauce and season with
black pepper and salt substitute. Stir until all ingredients have been evenly coated with sauce. Spoon the mixture
into the middle of the sweet potato. Chop broccoli, peppers, and tomatoes and place them on top of the chicken

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 501 cals; 8g fat; 65g carbs; 53g protein

Low Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Ground Turkey Marinara

Low carb Quick Prep

1 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
1 cup steamed broccoli
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup low-sugar marinara
1 tablespoon unsalted butter

1. In a bowl, combine the steamed broccoli and butter, toss until well
2. In the same bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 445 cal; 24g fat; 15g carbs; 42g protein

Transform Chocolate Mousse

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3 tablespoons cream cheese
1 slice avocado
1/2 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Liquid stevia drops, to taste

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 452 calories, 24g fat, 22g carbs, 42 protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bowl 
Low Carb Quick Prep 

3/4 cup Greek yogurt (full fat)
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, melted

1. Combine Greek yogurt and protein powder in a bowl.   
2. Drizzle with peanut butter and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 458 calories; 24g fat; 22g carbs; 41g protein 

Transform Brownie Cacao Nib Shake

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup water
1 slice avocado
1 tablespoon cacao nibs

Directions: Place all ingredients, except for cacao nibs, in a blender, blend until smooth. Top with cacao nibs and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 457 calories, 24g fat, 23g carbs, 41g protein

Transform Chocolate Mocha Shake
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons instant coffee
3 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
Additional ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 451 calories, 25g fat, 20g carbs, 37g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Shake 

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter 
1 cup unsweetened almond milk 
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving 
Nutrition information: 443 cals; 26g fat; 21g carb, 37g protein

Transform Vanilla Pecan Pudding
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
2 tablespoons all-natural almond butter
Vanilla stevia drops, to taste
2 tablespoons chopped pecans

1. Mix the Greek yogurt, meal replacement, almond butter, and stevia
together in a bowl.
2. Top with pecans and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 449 calories, 26g fat, 20g carbs, 37g protein

Club Salad
Low Carb Quick Prep

3 cups romaine salad mix
1/2 cup rotisserie chicken shredded (meal prepped)
2 slices low-sodium deli ham
2 slices ounce low-sodium deli turkey breast
2 slices bacon crumbled (meal prepped)
3 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2 tablespoons ranch dressing
Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: In a large bowl, layer all ingredients except ranch, salt, and
pepper. Drizzle with ranch and season with salt and pepper, enjoy

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 444 calories, 26g fat, 8g carbs, 45g protein

Protein Punch Wraps
Low Carb Quick Prep

2/3 cup shredded chicken breast (meal prepped)
2 sticks string cheese, cut into rounds
1 tablespoon slivered almonds
3 lettuce cups

Directions: Divide chicken, cheese, and almonds on top of each let-

tuce cup. Eat cold and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 451 calories; 27g fat; 7g carb; 46g protein

Grab & Go

Turkey Jerky and Cashews

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/2 cup turkey jerky

25 cashews


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 445 cal; 28g fat; 26g carbs; 43g protein

Turkey Pepperoni & Cheese Sticks

Low Carb Grab & Go

49 turkey pepperoni slices

2 3/4 mozzarella cheese sticks


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 452 calories; 30g fat; 3g carb; 46g protein

Jerky and Almonds

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/2 cup low-sodium beef jerky

38 almonds


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 446 cal; 25g fat; 16g carb; 44g protein

Shake, Cheese Stick, and Almonds
Low Carb Grab & Go

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
12 ounces water
18 almonds
2 mozzarella cheese sticks

Directions: Mix together protein powder and water and enjoy with almonds and cheese sticks!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 450 calories, 29g fat, 17g carbs, 37g protein


Cheesy Mini Meatloaves

Low Carb Gourmet

6 cups lean ground turkey
1 egg
1/3 cup grated Parmesan
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup sugar-free ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons butter
2 cups zucchini, sliced

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients except for ketchup, mustard, butter, and zucchini. Use your hands to mix well.
3. In a small bowl, mix together ketchup and mustard, set aside.
4. Divide meatloaf mixture between 12 muffin molds. Top each one with ketchup mixture.
5. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until meatloaves are cooked through.
6. While the meatloaves are cooking, heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and season with salt
and pepper to taste. Sauté until bright green and just soft.
7. Enjoy 3 ½ mini meatloaves with zucchini on the side!

Makes 12 mini meatloaves

Serving Size: 3 1/2 mini meatloaves, 2 cups zucchini
Nutrition Information per serving: 451 calories, 26g fat, 11g carbs, 49g protein

Turkey Pesto Meatballs
Low Carb Gourmet

1 cup extra-lean ground turkey
1/4 cup pesto, warmed
1 1/4 cups cauliflower rice
3 tablespoons shredded mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In a bowl, mix together ground turkey, seasonings, and shredded cheese. Roll into bite size balls and line on a
greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-25 minutes, depending on the size of meatballs.
3. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, add cauliflower rice and season to taste. Sauté for 3-5 minutes until
cauliflower is just colored.
4. Serve meatballs over rice and drizzle with pesto. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 470 calories, 29g fat, 10g carbs, 43g protein

Steak Fajita Salad
Low Carb Gourmet

1 1/4 palm-size flank steak (5 ounces) cut into strips
2 cups romaine salad mix
2 tablespoons onion, chopped
1/3 cup bell peppers, chopped
1 1/2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2 tablespoons pico de gallo
3 tablespoons guacamole
Low-sodium chipotle seasoning to taste
Sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Add in onion, bell peppers, and flank steak.
2. Season to taste and sauté until meat is cooked to desire and onions are transparent and peppers are soft, about
5-8 minutes.
3. Place romaine in a bowl and top with cooked flank steak. Sprinkle with cheese and pico, and top with guacamole.
Enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 447 calories, 24g fat, 10g carbs, 44g protein

Reward Recipes
Quick Prep

Mexican Pizza
Reward Quick Prep

1 cup veggie ground crumbles
2 tablespoons salsa
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/3 cup refried beans
1 slice avocado
3 corn tostada shells (18 grams each)

1. Spread beans on two tostada shells.
2. Place heated veggie ground crumbles on top of beans.
3. Place another tostada shell on top of veggie ground crumbles of one shell.
4. Top with salsa and cheese.
5. Place under low broil for 2 minutes, then top with Greek yogurt and avocado. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 716 calories, 33g fat, 57g carbs, 55g protein

BLTT Wrap and Potato Chips

Reward Quick Prep

1 whole grain flatbread wrap
4 slices bacon (meal prepped)
3 slices turkey deli meat
1 tablespoon olive oil mayo
3 slices tomato
1 cup spinach
27 wavy potato chips

1. Spread olive oil mayo on wrap, place bacon, turkey, tomato, and spinach on wrap. Roll up edges.
2. Enjoy wrap with potato chips on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 728 calories, 38g fat, 48g carbs, 47g protein

Transform Chunky Monkey Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 medium frozen banana
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup ice
1/3 cup sliced strawberries
1 tablespoon granola
2 tablespoons extra-dark chocolate chips
1 teaspoon raw honey

1. Blend yogurt, peanut butter, frozen banana, protein powder, and ice cubes in a blender.
2. Pour in a bowl and top with remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 705 calories, 27g fat, 90g carbs, 38g protein

Transform Cinnamon Crunch Cereal Protein Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 medium banana, sliced
1/2 cup strawberry halves
1 cup cinnamon toast crunch cereal
1 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon dark chocolate chips

1. In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and protein powder until well combined.
2. Top with bananas, strawberries, and cereal. Melt peanut butter and drizzle over cereal mixture, sprinkle with choc-
olate chips, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 710 calories, 25g fat, 84g carbs, 45g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Reward Quick Prep

2 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup oats, ground into flour
1 1/2 tablespoons dark chocolate chips

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and eat as is OR scoop into cookie dough balls. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 695 calories, 35g fat, 71g carbs, 30g protein

Reward Gourmet

Edamame Cashew Stir-Fry

1 1/3 cups shelled edamame
3 1/2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
1 cup cooked cauliflower rice (or pearls)
2 cups frozen stir-fry vegetables
2 cups kale
1/3 cup chopped cashews

1. Place veggies and kale in a skillet over medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until tender but still crisp.
2. Add edamame and cauliflower rice.
3. Pour in low sodium soy sauce and toss vegetables for about 1 minute.
4. Remove from pan. Plate and top with cashews and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 712 calories, 33g fat, 63g carbs, 45g protein

250+ lbs: Men’s Meal Plan (2,750 Calories)

Welcome to your meal plan! Each day you’ll eat 5 times:

Breakfast/Meal 1:
Whether you’re on a High Carb Day or a Low Carb Day, your breakfast will always be around the same number of
calories and macronutrients–don’t worry, we’ve done all the counting for you!

This just means you won’t see “High Carb Breakfast Recipes” or “Low Carb Breakfast Recipes” in your meal plan.
Instead, you’ll just see “Breakfasts”! But you will get some Quick Prep and Gourmet options!

Snack/Meal 2:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Lunch/Meal 3:
When you’re on a Low Carb Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipes for this lunch/meal time. When you’re on a
High Carb Day, you can pick ANY High Carb recipes for this lunch/meal time!

Snack/Meal 4:
You’ll have 2 snacks a day (one before lunch, and one after lunch but before dinner). When you’re on a Low Carb
Day, you can pick ANY Low Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time. When you’re on a High Carb Day, you can pick
ANY High Carb Recipe for this snack/meal time.

Dinner/Meal 5:
No matter whether you’re on a High Carb Day or Low Carb Day, your last meal of the day (usually dinner for most
people!) will always be LOW in carbs.

This is because you are winding down for the day and don’t need to stock up on carbs. You’ll have a delicious, pow-
er-packed breakfast when you wake up!

That said, you’ll find your Low Carb Recipe options for dinner in the Low Carb Recipes portion of your meal plan.
Remember, even when you’re on a High Carb Day, you’ll still have a Low Carb dinner.

Here’s what your High Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY High Carb Recipe from the High Carb options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

Here’s what your Low Carb Days will look like:

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 3: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options
Meal 4: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options
Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb meal options

Here’s what your Reward Days will look like on Days 7, 14, 21, & 28:

**For your Reward Days, you will start your day off with a normal Breakfast (from your Breakfast options)
and end your day with a Low Carb meal (from your Low Carb options).**

Meal 1: Select a Breakfast from the Breakfast options

Meal 2: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 3: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 4: Pick ANY Reward Recipe from the Reward options

Meal 5: Pick ANY Low Carb Recipe from the Low Carb options

For your meal plan:

*Macros will vary slightly depending on the brands of ingredients you pick.
*A medium banana is 7-8 inches.
*A large banana is 8-9 inches.
*An average-sized avocado is roughly 6 ounces.
*An average-sized sweet potato is 5 inches.
*A medium-sized baked potato is 6 ounces.
*For ham & turkey deli meat, 1 slice is .66 ounce.
*A large baked potato is 8 to 10 ounces.
*A medium baked potato is 6-8 ounces.

Breakfast Recipes
Quick Prep

PB&J Greek Yogurt Parfait

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 1/3 cups strawberry halves
Granulated stevia, to taste
6 tablespoons KIND low-fat granola

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and peanut butter, set aside.
2. In a small bowl, mash strawberry halves with fork, sprinkle with
stevia to desired sweetness.
3. Combine strawberry puree with peanut butter yogurt mixture, stir
until well combined.
4. Top with granola and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 596 calories 19g fat, 66g carbs, 44g protein

Complete Breakfast Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

3 slices whole wheat bread
1 egg
2 egg whites
1/3 small avocado, sliced
5 slices turkey deli meat
1 1/2 slices thin slice provolone cheese
2 leaves spinach
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray, fry egg sprinkled
with salt and pepper to desired texture.
2. Toast whole wheat bread, top with cheese, fried egg, turkey deli
meat, spinach, and avocado and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 599 calories, 22g fat, 62g carbs, 50g protein

Bacon, Egg, and Avocado Sandwich
Breakfast Quick Prep

2 1/2 whole wheat English muffins
2 whole eggs
3 slices extra-lean turkey bacon (like Apple Gate)
2 ½ tablespoons chopped avocado
2 ½ tomato slices
Handful mixed greens
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Black pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium-high heat.
Scramble eggs to likeness and cook bacon.
2. Toast muffins. Spread mustard on muffin, then layer greens, bacon,
egg, tomato and avocado. Top with black pepper and sandwich with
other side of muffin.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 611 calories; 20g fat; 61g carb; 44g protein

Sunflower and Avocado Toast

Breakfast Quick Prep

3 slices sprouted grain bread
1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 medium avocado sliced
Sprinkle red chili flakes
4 teaspoons sunflower seeds
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Toast bread—the crunchier, the better!
2. Layer cottage cheese and avocado on toast.
3. Sprinkle toast with sunflower seeds, red chili flakes, salt, and pep-
per and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 605 calories, 23g fat, 61g carbs, 44g protein

Green Machine Pancakes
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 whole egg
3 egg whites
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 medium banana
1 1/4 cups spinach
3 tablespoons calorie free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1 cup strawberry halves
1 1/4 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter

1. Spray skillet or griddle with cooking spray and preheat to 300
2. Place all ingredients except the syrup, strawberries, and peanut
butter in a blender and blend until smooth.
3. Pour batter slowly onto griddle. Once bubbles form on top of pan-
cake, flip. Top with peanut butter, strawberries, and sugar-free syrup.

Makes 1 serving—about 6 pancakes

Nutrition information: 593 calories; 21g fat; 63g carb; 47g protein

Egg Muffin Sandwich

Breakfast Quick Prep

4 egg whites
6 slices tomato
2 1/2 whole wheat English muffins, toasted
2 1/2 slices cheddar cheese

1. In a large bowl, whisk together egg whites for about 45 seconds.
2. Spritz cooking spray in a medium nonstick pan over medium-high
heat. Add the egg mixture to the pan. As the egg starts to set, scram-
ble until cooked.
3. Place the sliced tomato, cooked eggs, and cheese on the muffins
and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 598 calories; 20g fat; 64g carb; 46g protein

Banana Yogurt Parfait
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 medium banana, sliced
3 tablespoons low-sugar granola
2 1/2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1-2 packets Truvia (optional)

Directions: Top Greek yogurt with sliced banana, granola, and peanut
Option: Add some Truvia to cut the sourness of the yogurt.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 605 calories; 21g fat; 62g carbs; 46g protein

One-Minute Egg Breakfast

Breakfast Quick Prep

2 eggs
2 egg whites
1/4 cup diced bell pepper
2 slices turkey deli meat, diced
2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
2 1/2 slices whole wheat bread, toasted
5 medium strawberries
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray the inside of a large mug with cooking spray, add eggs.
2. Mix in bell pepper, turkey, cheese, salt, and pepper.
3. Using a fork, quickly whisk all ingredients together.
4. Place the mug in the microwave for 3-4 minutes until eggs are set.
5. Briefly let cool.
6. Enjoy with toast and strawberries on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 592 calories; 19g fat; 64g carb; 44g protein

Transform Breakfast Protein Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep 

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 cups blueberries
1 cup strawberry halves
1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut

1. Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement powder in a bowl.   
2. Layer blueberries, then strawberries, and then sprinkle with coconut. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 604 calories; 20g fat; 65g carbs, 51g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Cup Overnight Oats

Breakfast Quick Prep

2/3 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
5 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter, softened
3/4 teaspoon granulated stevia
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 605 calories; 23g fat; 61g carbs; 40g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups low-fat cottage cheese
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 medium bananas, sliced
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, melted

Directions: Combine cottage cheese and meal replacement in bowl. Top with banana and drizzle with peanut butter.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 604 calories, 19g fat, 62g carbs, 53g protein

Transform Coconut Almond Bliss Shake

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 3/4 cups water
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/4 medium bananas, frozen
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tablespoon all-natural almond butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract (optional)
Granulated stevia for desired sweetness, to taste (optional)
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 596 calories, 23g fat, 67g carbs, 47g protein

Transform Banana Cream Shake
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 1/3 cups water
2 medium bananas
1 tablespoon cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 602 calories, 21g fat, 58g carbs, 50g protein

Transform Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 medium banana
1 cup frozen berries
1/2 medium avocado
1 3/4 cups water
Ice as desired

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 595 calories, 23g fat, 65g carbs, 43g protein

Transform Green Goddess Smoothie
Breakfast Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 cups spinach
1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
1/2 medium banana
1/3 medium avocado
2-3 cups water

Directions: Place all ingredients in blender, blend and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 594 calories, 19g fat, 64g carbs, 48g protein

Breakfast Recipes

Morning Glory Muffins and Eggs

3/4 cup coconut sugar
2 1/4 cups Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes mix
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup shredded zucchini (water squeezed out)
2 cups grated carrot
1/2 cup natural unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup calorie-free sugar-free maple syrup (like Walden Farms)
3 large eggs
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
8 egg whites
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup halved strawberries

1. Preheat oven to 350. Line muffin tin with paper liners and set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk sugar, Kodiak cakes, cinnamon, allspice, baking soda, and salt. Add in zucchini and carrot and
3. Add in applesauce, maple syrup, 3 eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla. Incorporate the dry into wet using a rubber spat-
ula until just combined. Do not over mix!

4. Scoop into prepared tins and bake 25-35 minutes. Recipe makes 20 muffins.
5. Let cool for 5 minutes in the pan and then transfer to a cooling rack.
6. Store in the fridge for up to three days OR freeze for a few months.
7. Scramble the egg whites and enjoy 3 muffins with scrambled egg whites and cheese on the side with some straw-

Makes 20 muffins
Serving size: 3 muffins, scrambled egg whites, cheese, strawberries
Nutrition information per serving: 616 calories; 20g fat; 64g carbs; 48g protein

Cinnamon French Toast
Breakfast Gourmet

2 1/2 slices low-sodium sprouted grain bread
2 egg whites
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
Dash of cinnamon
1 cup low-fat, low-sodium cottage cheese
Stevia drops for desired sweetness, to taste
3/4 cup berries
3 tablespoons almond slivers
3 tablespoons no calorie sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)

1. Spray a pan or skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium heat.
2. Beat the egg, almond milk, and cinnamon together in a shallow dish. Dip both slices of the bread into the mixture,
coating both sides. Place on the skillet and cook until the bread is brown on both sides.
3. Mix together the cottage cheese and stevia drops. Top French toast with sweetened cottage cheese, berries,
almonds, and syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 604 calories; 20g fat; 60g carbs; 48g protein

Transform Lemon Coconut Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

3/4 cup rolled oats
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
4 egg whites
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Lemon zest, to taste
Granulated stevia, to taste
Calorie-free sugar-free syrup, to taste (like Walden Farms)

1. Blend oats in a blender until flour forms.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except for coconut, blueberries, and syrup, and blend until batter is smooth.
3. Preheat a griddle to medium heat and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
4. Pour batter on preheated griddle, makes about 4 medium pancakes.
5. Allow to cook until edges are set, about 2-3 minutes, then flip and continue cooking another 1-2 minutes or until
golden brown.
6. Top pancakes with sugar-free syrup. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 603 calories, 21g fat, 62g carbs, 45g protein

Transform Powell Protein Pancakes
Breakfast Gourmet

2/3 cup oats
3 egg whites
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 ½ tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon calorie-free sugar-free syrup (like Walden Farms)
1/2 cup blueberries

1. Grind the oats in a blender or food processor.
2. Put the ground oats in a bowl and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
3. Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat.
4. Add the batter to the skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown.
5. Top with peanut butter, sugar-free syrup, and blueberries.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 606 calories, 23g fat, 62g carbs, 44g protein

High Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Turkey Burger Bowl

High Carb quick prep

1 1/2 cups extra-lean turkey burger (meal prepped)
1 1/8 cups cooked jasmine rice
2/3 cup corn steamed
Hot sauce to taste

Directions: In a bowl, combine turkey burger with rice and corn.

Sprinkle hot sauce over the top and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 547 calories, 7g fat, 71g carbs, 51g protein

Turkey Sandwich and Carrots

High Carb Quick Prep

4 slices thin sliced whole wheat bread
9 1/2 slices turkey deli meat
2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 teaspoons mustard
3 tomato slices
2 leaves romaine lettuce
9 baby carrots

Directions: Spread Greek yogurt on each slice of bread. Layer turkey,

tomatoes, romaine, and mustard. Serve with carrots on the side and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 550 calories; 8g fat; 73g carbs; 61g protein

Broccoli Cranberry Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

4 cups raw broccoli, chopped
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon granulated stevia
1 tablespoon vinegar
3 1/2 tablespoons dried cranberries
1 1/4 cups grilled chicken (meal prepped) chopped

1. Combine broccoli and grilled chicken in a bowl. Set aside.
2. Whisk together stevia, vinegar, and Greek yogurt.
3. Pour dressing over broccoli bowl. Top with dried cranberries and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 541 cal; 6g fat; 70g carbs; 58g protein

Ground Turkey, Potatoes, and Salsa

High Carb Quick Prep

2 medium baked potatoes
2 cups extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
1/4 cup salsa
Salt-free seasoning, to taste
Pepper, to taste

Directions: Cut baked potatoes in half, season with seasonings to

taste. Place ground turkey on top of seasoned potatoes, drizzle with
salsa, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 553 calories; 3g fat; 71g carbs; 59g protein

Moco Loco
High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/4 cup extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
5 egg whites
1 1/3 cups cooked jasmine rice
2/3 cup mushrooms
1/2 cup turkey gravy

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, combine egg whites and
mushrooms. Scramble eggs until done and mushrooms are soft.
2. In a bowl, layer rice, egg white and mushroom mixture, and ground
turkey. Top with gravy and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 552 calories, 7g fat, 65g carbs, 57g protein

Transform Banana Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

2/3 cup rolled oats 
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk 
3/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 
2/3 medium banana, mashed
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.   
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 546 calories; 11g fat; 69g carbs; 49g protein

Transform Chocolate Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

1 2/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2/3 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries, cut in halves
1/2 cup low-fat granola

Directions: In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and chocolate meal replacement. Top with berries and sprinkle with
granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 548 calories, 9g fat, 74g carbs, 50g protein

Transform Mango Parfait

High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup mangos, diced
2/3 cup low-fat granola

Directions: Combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement in bowl. Top with mango and sprinkle with granola. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 552 calories, 9g fat, 75g carbs, 48g protein

Transform Chocolate Cake Batter Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
2 cups water
1 1/8 cups low-fat cottage cheese
1 teaspoon sugar-free fat-free instant vanilla pudding mix
2 medium bananas
1/4 teaspoon butter extract
Liquid stevia drops, to taste
Ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients, except for the banana, into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy with banana on
the side!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 552 calories, 12g fat, 66g carbs, 51g protein

Transform Mango Tango Shake

High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/3 cups frozen mango chunks
1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 cup 100% pineapple juice
1 1/3 cups water
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 540 calories, 7g fat, 68g carbs, 51g protein

Transform Protein Berry Parfait
High Carb Quick Prep

1 1/4 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup blueberries
2/3 cup blackberries
2/3 cup strawberry halves
1/2 large banana

1. In a bowl, combine Greek yogurt and meal replacement. Mix well.
2. Layer berries over Greek yogurt mixture. Top with sliced banana and enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 551 calories, 7g fat, 72g carbs, 57g protein

Transform Pumpkin Overnight Oats 

High Carb Quick Prep 

2/3 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
2/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/2 medium banana mashed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pumpkin pie spice, to taste
Cinnamon, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and store in the fridge overnight.
2. Pull the jar out in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 556 calories; 11g fat; 71g carbs; 46g protein 

Barbeque Chicken Salad
High Carb Quick Prep

2 cups chicken breast cubed (meal prepped)
2 1/2 tablespoons low-sodium barbecue sauce
3 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
1 cup tomato, diced
2/3 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup fresh corn
1 packet low-sodium ranch seasoning powder
1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1. Mix barbecue sauce with chicken, set aside.
2. To make dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together ranch seasoning
powder and Greek yogurt until well combined.
3. Make salad by layering lettuce, tomatoes, beans, corn, and chicken.
Top with 3 tablespoons of dressing.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 559 cals; 7g fat; 65g carbs; 56g protein

Transform Apple and Dip

High Carb Quick Prep

1 2/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/3 cup powdered peanut butter
Granulated stevia, to taste
Dash cinnamon
2 medium apples

1. Mix yogurt, meal replacement, powdered peanut butter, stevia, and
2. Slice the apple and dip!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 550 calories, 8g fat, 68g carbs, 56g protein

Transform Orange Cream Shake
High Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1 1/4 cups 100% orange juice
2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3/4 medium banana
Ice as desired

Directions: In a blender, combine all ingredients, add water to desired thickness. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 543 calories, 6g fat, 75g carbs, 53g protein

Shake, Cheese Stick, and Almonds
Low Carb Grab & Go

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
12 ounces water
20 almonds
2 1/2 mozzarella cheese sticks

Directions: Mix together protein powder and water and enjoy with almonds and cheese sticks!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 504 calories, 33g fat, 18g carbs, 40g protein

Grab & Go

Tuna and Bread

High Carb Grab & Go

1 can water-packed tuna (5 ounces)
4 slices whole wheat bread

Directions: Place tuna on bread and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 558 calories; 9g fat; 68g carbs; 50g protein

Turkey and Whole Wheat Crackers

High Carb Grab & Go

10 slices turkey deli meat
19 low-fat whole wheat crackers

Directions: Place turkey on crackers and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 559 calories; 10g fat; 69g carbs; 51g protein

Beef Jerky and Rice Bars

High Carb Grab & Go

2/3 cup low-sodium beef jerky
3 1/3 snack size rice crispy treat bars


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 560 cal; 10g fat; 66g carbs; 49g protein


Chicken Tostadas Bowl

High Carb Gourmet

1 cup chicken breast, diced
2 1/2 corn tortillas
3/4 cup low-sodium black beans rinsed and drained
2/3 cup diced bell pepper
2/3 cup sliced onion
1 1/2 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
3 1/2 tablespoons salsa

1. Lightly spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray, and set stove to medium heat. Sauté onions & peppers
until tender. Add chicken and cook for about 8-10 minutes, until no longer pink or reaches an internal temperature
of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Mix in beans and heat for another 2-3 minutes.
3. Remove from heat, mix with lettuce and salsa.
4. Tear tortillas into 1-inch pieces, sprinkle over the top, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 557 calories; 7g fat; 71g carb; 50g protein

White Chicken Chili
High Carb Gourmet

6 cups shredded boneless, skinless chicken breast (meal prepped)
3 (15 1/2 ounce) cans Great Northern beans
1/2 cup chopped onion
1  (4 ounce) can chopped green chilies
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1  (14 1/2 ounce) can low-fat, low-sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
1 lime wedge

1. Put everything except the yogurt, greens, and lime wedge in a slow cooker, stir together until well mixed, and
cook on low for 6-9 hours. Recipe makes 9 cups of chili.
2. Squeeze lime wedge onto mixed greens. Enjoy 2 1/4 cups of chili topped with Greek yogurt and mixed greens on
the side.

Makes 9 cups of chili

Serving size: 2 1/4 cups of chili, 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt, 1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens
Nutrition information per serving: 556 calories, 3g fat, 62g carbs, 66g protein

BBQ Baked Sweet Potato, Loaded with Grilled Chicken, Corn, and Black Beans
High Carb Gourmet

1 1/4 cups grilled diced chicken
2/3 baked sweet potato
1/4 cup frozen corn, thawed
1/4 cup cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
3 tablespoons reduced-sugar BBQ sauce
Pinch black pepper
Pinch salt substitute
1 cup chopped steamed broccoli
4 sweet mini peppers, chopped
3/4 cup tomatoes, chopped

1. Grill and dice the chicken.
2. Poke holes in the sweet potato and bake it in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or for 8 minutes in the
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the grilled chicken, thawed corn, cooked black beans, and barbecue sauce and season with
black pepper and salt substitute. Stir until all ingredients have been evenly coated with sauce. Spoon the mixture
into the middle of the sweet potato. Chop broccoli, peppers, and tomatoes and place them on top of the chicken

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 549 cals; 9g fat; 72g carbs; 58g protein

Low Carb Recipes
Quick Prep

Ground Turkey Marinara

Low carb Quick Prep

1 cup cooked extra-lean ground turkey (meal prepped)
1 cup steamed broccoli
1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup low-sugar marinara
1 tablespoon unsalted butter

1. In a bowl, combine the steamed broccoli and butter, toss until well
2. In the same bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 498 calories; 27g fat; 16g carbs; 47g protein

Transform Chocolate Mousse

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/4 cup cream cheese
2 slices medium avocado
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Liquid stevia drops, to taste

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 510 calories, 31g fat, 25g carbs, 41g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bowl 
Low Carb Quick Prep 

3/4 cup Greek yogurt (full fat)
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 tablespoon all-natural peanut butter, melted

1. Combine Greek yogurt and protein powder in a bowl.   
2. Drizzle with peanut butter and enjoy! 

Makes 1 serving  
Nutrition information: 485 cal; 25g fat; 23g carbs; 44g protein  

Transform Brownie Cacao Nib Shake

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup water
2 slices medium avocado
1 tablespoon cacao nibs

Directions: Place all ingredients, except for cacao nibs, in a blender, blend until smooth. Top with cacao nibs and

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 495 calories, 26g fat, 25g carbs, 44g protein

Transform Chocolate Mocha Shake
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons instant coffee
3 1/2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
Additional ice as desired
Additional water as desired

Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 503 calories, 27g fat, 22g carbs, 41g protein

Transform Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Shake 

Low Carb Quick Prep

1 scoop Chris + Heidi Chocolate Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
7 teaspoons all-natural peanut butter 
1 cup unsweetened almond milk 
Water as desired
Ice as desired

Directions: Combine all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth.


Makes 1 serving 
Nutrition information: 501 calories; 29g fat; 23g carb, 43g protein

Transform Vanilla Pecan Pudding
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 1/3 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2/3 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake
2 tablespoons all-natural almond butter
Vanilla stevia drops, to taste
2 1/2 tablespoons chopped pecans

1. Mix the Greek yogurt, meal replacement, almond butter, and stevia
together in a bowl.
2. Top with pecans and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 493 calories, 29g fat, 22g carbs, 40g protein

Club Salad
Low Carb Quick Prep

4 cups romaine salad mix
1/2 cup rotisserie chicken shredded (meal prepped)
2 slices low-sodium deli ham, sliced
2 slices low-sodium deli turkey breast
2 slices bacon crumbled (meal prepped)
3 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons ranch dressing
Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: In a large bowl, layer all ingredients except ranch, salt, and
pepper. Drizzle with ranch and season with salt and pepper, enjoy

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 503 calories, 29g fat, 9g carbs, 50g protein

Protein Punch Wraps
Low Carb Quick Prep

1 cup shredded chicken breast (meal prepped)
2 sticks string cheese, cut into rounds
1/4 cup slivered almonds
3 lettuce cups

Directions: Divide chicken, cheese, and almonds on top of each

lettuce cup. Eat cold and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 502 calories; 31g fat; 8g carb; 49g protein

Grab & Go

Turkey Jerky and Cashews

Low Carb Grab & Go

2/3 cup turkey jerky

25 cashews


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition Information: 506 calories; 29g fat; 30g carbs; 53g protein

Turkey Pepperoni & Cheese Sticks

Low Carb Grab & Go
56 turkey pepperoni slices
3 mozzarella cheese sticks


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 505 calories; 33g fat; 3g carb; 52g protein

Jerky and Almonds

Low Carb Grab & Go

1/2 cup low-sodium beef jerky

44 almonds


Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 508 cal; 29g fat; 18g carb; 49g protein

Reward Gourmet

Edamame Cashew Stir-Fry

1 1/2 cups shelled edamame
4 1/2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
2 cups cooked cauliflower rice (or pearls)
2 1/3 cups frozen stir-fry vegetables
2 1/3 cups kale
1/3 cup chopped cashews

1. Place veggies and kale in a skillet over medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until tender but still crisp.
2. Add edamame and cauliflower rice.
3. Pour in low sodium soy sauce and toss vegetables for about 1 minute.
4. Remove from pan. Plate and top with cashews and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 803 calories, 36g fat, 76g carbs, 53g protein


Cheesy Mini Meatloaves

Low Carb Gourmet

6 cups lean ground turkey
1 egg
1/3 cup grated Parmesan
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup sugar-free ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons butter
2 cups zucchini, sliced

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients except for ketchup, mustard, butter, and zucchini. Use your hands to mix well.
3. In a small bowl, mix together ketchup and mustard, set aside.
4. Divide meatloaf mixture between 12 muffin molds. Top each one with ketchup mixture.
5. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until meatloaves are cooked through.
6. While the meatloaves are cooking, heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and season with salt
and pepper to taste. Sauté until bright green and just soft.
7. Enjoy 4 mini meatloaves with zucchini on the side!

Makes 12 mini meatloaves

Serving Size: 4 mini meatloaves, 2 cups zucchini
Nutrition information per serving: 502 calories, 29g fat, 11g carbs, 56g protein

Turkey Pesto Meatballs
Low Carb Gourmet

1 1/2 cups extra-lean ground turkey
1/4 cup pesto, warmed
1 1/2 cups cauliflower rice
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In a bowl, mix together ground turkey, seasonings, and shredded cheese. Roll into bite size balls and line on a
greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-25 minutes, depending on the size of meatballs.
3. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray, add cauliflower rice and season to taste. Sauté for 3-5 minutes until
cauliflower is just colored.
4. Serve meatballs over rice and drizzle with pesto. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 508 calories, 30g fat, 11g carbs, 48g protein

Steak Fajita Salad
Low Carb Gourmet

1 3/4 palm-size flank steaks (7 ounces) cut into strips
3 cups romaine salad mix
1/4 cup onion chopped
1/2 cup bell peppers chopped
2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons pico de gallo
3 tablespoons guacamole
Low-sodium chipotle seasoning to taste
Sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Add in onion, bell peppers, and flank steak.
2. Season to taste and sauté until meat is cooked to desire and onions are transparent and peppers are soft, about
5-8 minutes.
3. Place romaine in a bowl and top with cooked flank steak. Sprinkle with cheese and pico, and top with guacamole.
Enjoy immediately!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 504 calories, 26g fat, 15g carbs, 48g protein

Reward Recipes
Quick Prep

Mexican Pizza
Reward Quick Prep

1 cup veggie ground crumbles
2 tablespoons salsa
1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup refried beans
2 slices average avocado
4 corn tostada shells (18 grams each)

1. Spread beans on two tostada shells.
2. Place heated veggie ground crumbles on top of beans.
3. Place another tostada shell on top of veggie ground crumbles of one shell.
4. Top with salsa and cheese.
5. Place under low broil for 2 minutes, then top with Greek yogurt and avocado. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutritional information: 804 calories, 36g fat, 71g carbs, 57g protein

BLTT Wrap and Potato Chips

Reward Quick Prep

1 1/2 whole grain flatbread wraps
4 slices bacon (meal prepped)
3 slices turkey deli meat
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil mayo
3 slices tomato
1 cup spinach
30 wavy potato chips

1. Spread olive oil mayo on wrap, place bacon, turkey, tomato, and spinach on wrap. Roll up edges.
2. Enjoy wrap with potato chips on the side.

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 817 calories, 41g fat, 56g carbs, 52g protein

Transform Chunky Monkey Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 medium frozen banana
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 cup ice
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1 tablespoon granola
2 tablespoons extra-dark chocolate chips
1 teaspoon raw honey

1. Blend yogurt, peanut butter, frozen banana, protein powder, and ice cubes in a blender.
2. Pour in a bowl and top with remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 802 calories, 33g fat, 96g carbs, 45g protein

Transform Cinnamon Crunch Cereal Protein Bowl
Reward Quick Prep

1 1/2 cups nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
1/2 medium banana, sliced
1/2 cup strawberry halves
1 cup cinnamon toast crunch cereal
2 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon dark chocolate chips

1. In a bowl, mix together Greek yogurt and protein powder until well combined.
2. Top with bananas, strawberries, and cereal. Melt peanut butter and drizzle over cereal mixture, sprinkle with choc-
olate chips, and enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 800 calories, 30g fat, 88g carbs, 52g protein

Transform Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Reward Quick Prep

3 tablespoons all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3/4 scoop Chris + Heidi Vanilla Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake Powder
3/4 cup oats, ground into flour
1 1/2 tablespoons dark chocolate chips

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and eat as is OR scoop into cookie dough balls. Enjoy!

Makes 1 serving
Nutrition information: 818 calories, 41g fat, 86g carbs, 35g protein

Frequ ently
Qu esti o ns

Can I stick with the same high carb meals on high carb days and low carb meals on low carb days, or do I have to
switch things up?

Feel free to stick with your favorite high carb meals on your high carb days and low carb meals on your low carb
days. There’s definitely nothing wrong with that—that’s the beauty of this meal plan!

Do I have to just stick with one Accelerator for the whole week or even the same day?

You can mix up your Accelerators daily, weekly, and even in the middle of your Accelerator.

For example, if you’re on Week 2 and doing 10 minute Accelerators, you can alternate your Thrilling Thirties by
jumping rope and jogging.

I have a difficult time staying full throughout the day and always feel like I need to snack. Will Transform at Home
help with this?

You’re not alone! We’ve seen uncontrollable hunger be such a roadblock for so many people we’ve worked with over
the years. That’s why we’ve designed these meals to help keep you feeling full and fueled up!

Each meal is centered around one of the most satiating ingredients ever: protein.

This means that each meal will include a protein source, and protein helps keep you feeling full.

In addition to this, we’ve also included our Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake as a meal option. We specifically
designed this meal replacement shake to help you control your hunger with a Tri-Phase Protein blend and fiber.

Plus, as part of Transform at Home, we’ve approved an “Unlimited Veggies” list that you can snack on whenever you
need to. You can also add these to your meals and snacks to help volumize them and make them even bigger. Here’s
that list of Unlimited Veggies:

Mixed Greens
Green Beans
Collard Greens

I noticed recipes for Chris and Heidi’s Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake. Do I need this for Transform at Home?

You definitely don’t need our shake to follow Transform at Home! Transform at Home is completely free.
Our tasty Low Carb Meal Replacement Shake is designed to help you control hunger, help fast-track weight loss, and
keep you feeling fueled.

Can I do other types of Accelerator activities, like swimming or playing sports?

Yes, you can do other types of Accelerator activities. Just make sure you do them for at least the same amount of
time. For convenience, here are your Accelerator times per week:

Week 1: 5 minutes
Week 2: 10 minutes
Week 3: 15 minutes
Week 4: 20 minutes

Can I repeat Transform at Home?

Yes! Feel free to repeat Transform at Home as many times as you’d like.


[1] Houston, Elaine. “What Is Goal Setting and How to Do It Well.”, 19 June 2019, positive-

[2] Lejeune, Manuela P G M, et al. “Ghrelin and Glucagon-like Peptide 1 Concentrations, 24-h Satiety, and Energy
and Substrate Metabolism during a High-Protein Diet and Measured in a Respiration Chamber.” The American Jour-
nal of Clinical Nutrition, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan. 2006,

[3] Batterham, Rachel L., et al. “Critical Role for Peptide YY in Protein-Mediated Satiation and Body-Weight Regula-
tion.” Cell Metabolism, Cell Press, 5 Sept. 2006,


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