Cellular Pathology - Indd - Osmosis

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▪ Two main ways by which cells die Fibrinoid necrosis
▪ Occurs in malignant hypertension/vasculitis
NECROSIS ▪ Fibrin/inflammation damages blood vessel
▪ Cell death by injury/disease walls
▫ External triggers (e.g. infection, Also includes oncosis
temperature) ▪ Toxins/ischemia damage mitochondria
▫ Internal triggers (e.g. ischemia) ▪ ATP can no longer be synthesized (e.g.
Coagulative necrosis ionic pumps)
▪ Occurs in hypoxic tissue ▪ Sodium, water flow into cell → swelling
▪ Structural proteins bend out of shape ▪ Cell bursts, triggers inflammatory process
▪ Lysosomal proteins become ineffective at
removing affected proteins APOPTOSIS
▪ Cell dies, some structure remains ▪ Programmed cell death
▪ Based on caspase cascade
Gangrenous necrosis
▫ Pro-caspases cleaved into caspases,
▪ Also occurs in hypoxic tissue
activating caspase 3
▪ Dry gangrene: tissue dries up
▫ Caspase 3 causes activation of cascade
▪ Wet gangrene: if infection, liquefactive of caspase proteins
necrosis also occurs
▫ Cleaves various integral proteins,
Liquefactive necrosis degrading cellular components (e.g.
nucleus, organelles, cytoskeleton)
▪ Hydrolytic enzymes digest dead cells into
creamy substance ▫ Cell loses structure, resulting in blebs,
which break off, undergo phagocytosis
Caseous necrosis
Intrinsic/mitochondrial pathway
▪ Occurs in fungal/mycobacterial infections
▪ Induced by stress (e.g. radiation)
▪ Cell disintegrate (not fully) → cottage
cheese consistency ▪ Process
▫ Intracellular proteins BAX, BAK pierce
Fat necrosis mitochondrial membrane
▪ Occurs in response to fatty organ trauma ▫ This allows SMACS, cytochrome C to
▪ Adipose cell membranes ruptured flow out of mitochondria
▪ Fatty acids combine with calcium, causing ▫ SMACS binds to proteins that otherwise
dystrophic calcifications inhibit apoptosis
▪ Can occur in pancreas as result of ▫ Cytochrome C binds to ATP, APAF-1,
inflammation (AKA pancreatitis) forming apoptosome
▫ Pro-caspase 9 cleaves into caspase 9,
activating caspase 3

Figur e 24.1 The intrinsic/mitochondrial apoptosis pathway.

Chapter 24 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Pathology

Extrinsic/death receptor pathway cell (AKA death domain)

▪ Process ▫ Death domain changes shape, binds
▫ External cell initiates apoptosis by various proteins to form internal
releasing various signaling proteins signalling complex
▫ Signaling proteins bind to death ▫ Pro-caspase 8 cleaves into caspase 8,
receptors on cell membrane activating caspase 3
▫ Cytosolic end of protein dives deep into

Figur e 24.2 Two examples of the extrinsic/death receptor pathway. In example 1, a macrophage
recognizes an old cell, a pathogenic cell, or a cell that has completed its task. It releases TNF-α,
which binds to the death receptor tumor necrosis factor receptor 1. In example 2, when a
cytotoxic T cell detects that a cell is expressing foreign antigens, the T cell expresses FAS ligand
on its membrane. FAS ligand binds to the death receptor called FAS receptor. In both cases, the
death domain binds other proteins to form DISC and the caspase cascade leads to apoptosis.


▪ Code for proteins involved in progression of

cell cycle
▫ Positive regulation: oncogenes stimulate
cell growth, division
▫ Negative regulation: tumor suppressor
genes stop cell cycle progression,
promote apoptosis

▪ Code for growth factors, growth factor
receptors (e.g. receptor tyrosine kinase) Figur e 24.3 Burkitt lymphoma can occur
▪ Signal transduction proteins (e.g. RAS due to translocation between portions
GTPase), transcription factors (e.g. MYC), of chromosomes 8 and 14, resulting in
apoptosis inhibitors (e.g. BCL-2) overexpression of proto-oncogene MYC.
▪ Active when cell needs to grow, divide
▪ Translocations, amplifications, point
mutations turn proto-oncogenes into
▫ Overexpression
▫ E.g. in Burkitt lymphoma, MYC
moved from chromosome 8 to near
IgH promoter on chromosome 14
→ overexpression of cyclins, cyclin-
dependent kinases
▫ E.g. in chronic myeloid leukemia with
Philadelphia chromosome

Tumor suppressor genes Figur e 24.4 When a translocation occurs

between the long arms of chromosomes
▪ Code for various tumor suppressors, other
9 and 22, the resulting chromosome 22
protein inhibitors
with part of chromosome 9 is called the
▪ Active throughout cell cycle Philadelphia chromosome. It contains fusion
▪ Various mutations cause uncontrolled cell gene BCR-ABL, whose protein BCR-ABL has
growth, division tyrosine kinase activity (on/off switch for cell
division). Since it’s always on, myeloid cells
keep dividing → leukemia.

Chapter 24 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Pathology


▪ Two ways by which cells adapt to stress ▪ Pathological processes: e.g. excessive
▪ Often happen together in tissues with stem hormonal stimulation → excessive
cells endometrial growth
▪ Sometimes associated with cancer: cells
mutate → dysplasia
▪ Organ/tissue cells ↑ in number
▪ Only happens in organs with stem cells that HYPERTROPHY
can differentiate, mature ▪ Organ/tissue cells ↑ in size

Types Causes
▪ Compensatory hyperplasia: in organs that ▪ Physiological processes: e.g. ↑ functional
regenerate (e.g. skin) demand → muscle cells produce more
▪ Hormonal hyperplasia: in organs regulated myofilaments
by hormones (e.g. endocrine) ▪ Pathological processes: e.g. hypertension
→ cardiac myocytes produce more
Causes myofilaments
▪ Physiological processes: e.g. pregnancy →
enlargement of breast

Figur e 24.5 An analogy to describe the difference between hyperplasia and hypertrophy.
When the workload is bigger than one lumberjack can handle, she gets stressed. Hyperplasia is
like hiring more lumberjacks to help; hypertrophy is like the one lumberjack getting bigger and
tougher so she can cut down more trees on her own.

▪ Mature differentiated cell transforms into
new mature cell type
▪ Often caused by environmental stressor
▫ E.g. tobacco smoke: pseudostratified
columnar epithelial cells in airways →
stratified squamous epithelium
▪ Reversible if stimulus reverted

▪ Tissue develops large number of immature
▪ Precancerous state
▪ Four pathological changes to cell
▫ Anisocytosis (AKA unequal cells)
▫ Poikilocytosis (AKA abnormally-shaped
▫ Hyperchromatism (AKA excessive
▫ Increases number of mitotic figures
(AKA more mitosis)

Figur e 24.6Example of metaplasia caused

by exposure to tobacco smoke.


▪ Three ways by which cellular, bodily ▪ May be associated with ↓ cell number (e.g.
growth fails/reverts apoptosis)
▫ E.g. orthopedic casting of an extremity
ATROPHY ▪ May be associated with ↓ cell size
▪ Cell/organ/tissue size reduction ▫ Loss of nerve/hormonal supply
▪ Causes include disuse, denervation, ▫ Ubiquitin proteasome pathway:
ischemia, nutrient starvation, interruption of proteasome destroys polyubiquitinated
endocrine signals filaments/vacuoles destroy ubiquitin-

Chapter 24 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Pathology

tagged organelles (e.g. muscle atrophy) HYPOPLASIA

▪ Reduced size/abnormal shape of organ/
APLASIA tissue
▪ Failure of organ/tissue to form properly ▪ Growth fails during embryogenesis in some
precursor cells
▪ Growth fails during embryogenesis with no
precursor cells




▪ Chemical species with unpaired electron in RADICALS
outer orbit
▫ Physiologic causes: e.g. oxidative
▪ E.g. vitamins A, C, E
phosphorylation, enzyme activity
▪ Eliminate free radicals by donating
▫ Pathologic causes: e.g. ionizing
radiation, inflammation, metal
interactions, drugs/chemicals) Metal carrier proteins
▪ May result in cellular injury ▪ E.g. transferrin for iron, ceruloplasmin for
FREE RADICAL CELLULAR INJURY ▪ Bind, carry metals to prevent free radical
MECHANISMS production

Lipid peroxidation Enzymes

▪ Free radicals “steal” electron from lipids on ▪ Eliminate various free radical species
cell membrane ▫ Superoxide dismutase → superoxide
▪ Damages cell membrane, entire cell ▫ Catalase → hydrogen peroxide
▫ Glutathione peroxidase → hydroxyl
Protein oxidation
▪ Free radicals oxidize proteins, including
DNA, inside cell
▫ DNA oxidation → mutations → cancer

Figur e 24.7 Oxygen is an example of a molecule that can become a free radical.

▪ Reduction in blood flow to organ/tissue → Outcomes
oxygen shortage ▪ Sometimes, congestion → ↑↑ pressure →
▫ Caused by blockage/compression of fluid forced out/edema
blood vessel ▪ ↓↓ oxygen → cell death (e.g. tissue necrosis,
Arterial ischemia
▫ Ischemic penumbra: ischemic but still
▪ ↓ arterial blood flow → ↓ oxygen received
viable tissue
▪ E.g. atherosclerosis: plaque blocks arteries
▫ Collateralization: growth of collateral
to heart → ischemic heart disease vessels to serve ischemic tissue
Venous ischemia ▪ Time to reperfusion: time taken to re-
▪ ↓ venous blood flow → ↓ drainage → ↓ establish perfusion before cells die
blood flow → ↓ oxygen received ▫ Short → cells survive → reversible
▪ E.g. Budd–Chiari syndrome: clot blocks ▫ Long → cells die → irreversible
hepatic vein → liver ischemia → edema/

▪ Immune response described by four key cells
signs: ▪ Activate cells, sparking inflammatory
▫ Calor: heat response
▫ Dolor: pain ▪ Mast cells contain granules with
▫ Rubor: redness inflammatory mediators
▫ Tumor: swelling ▫ E.g. histamine, serotonin, cytokines, and
▪ May also involve “functio laesa” (AKA loss eicosanoids
of function) ▪ → separate endothelial cells on nearby
▪ Triggered by external, internal factors capillaries
▪ External ▪ Macrophages eat any invading pathogens
▫ Non-microbial: allergens, irritants, toxic ▪ Cytokines cause capillaries to enlarge, ↑
compounds vascular permeability
▫ Microbial: virulence factors, pathogen ▪ Endothelial cells release nitric oxide for
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) vasodilation, ↑ vascular permeability
▪ Internal ▪ Leukocytes, especially neutrophils,
attracted through capillaries by
▫ Damage associated molecular patterns
chemokines, microbial products; squeeze
through membrane
Example process ▫ AKA extravasation
▪ PAMPs, DAMPs recognized by pattern ▪ Leukocyte follows gradient of inflammatory
recognition receptors (PRRs) on immune mediators

Chapter 24 Cellular Physiology: Cellular Pathology

▪ Neutrophils phagocytose pathogens ▪ Dendritic cells phagocytose pathogens,

immediately before destroying themselves present antigens to T lymphocytes,
▪ Antibodies bound to pathogens activate activating adaptive immune system
complement system ▪ Ends with tissue repair
▫ Aids in opsonization, kills pathogens by

Figur e 24.8 1: DAMPs and PAMPs activate immune cells. 2: Macrophages phagocytose
pathogens at the site of inflammation. Mast cells release inflammatory mediators that widen
the distance between adjacent endothelial cells. 3: Endothelial cells release nitric oxide → ↑
vasodilation, vascular permeability.

Figur e 24.9 1: Neutrophils are the first leukocytes recruited during the acute inflammatory
process. They squeeze through the gap between endothelial cells (extravasation) and follow
the gradient of inflammatory mediators to the site of inflammation. 2: Neutrophils quickly
phagocytose pathogens. While this is happening, complement proteins are activated by the
presence of pathogens and help with opsonization (they bind to microbes so leukocytes can
more easily eat them). Some can also kill pathogens by forming a channel in their membranes.


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