Final Kason Gjelhaug

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Kason Gjelhaug

Ms. Lowe

Honors English II

5 December 2019

Juul isnt Cuul

Juuling is a major problem affecting the health of many teens and young adults in

America. This is a newer device which has many dangers known and unknowns. Juuls can lead

to long-term addiction to nicotine, lead to later use of drugs and hurts the lungs of those who use

them. Studies have shown that vaping will affect the users lungs and other health later in life and

teens in the future will use them if something is not done about Juuls. Next is some more in

depth information on why juuling is bad.

Juuling is a newer type of vaping device that appeals to lots of teens across America. One

problem said in Teen Vaping: What You Need to Know “with vaping is that teens hear that it’s

not as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes and many think there is no harm. They really

think that they are mostly flavors and that they are inhaling a pleasant gas.”says Dr. Taskiran.

Many believe this but these devices are safe but they are actually dangerous for anyone that uses

them and have caused many health problems. The second problem is that the use of it has gone

up in the past few years as it says in Teen Vaping: What You Need to Know “Although

e-cigarettes have been around for more than a decade, vaping rates have skyrocketed in recent

years, especially among teens. E-cigarettes are now the most frequently used tobacco product

among adolescents — some 2.1 million middle and high school students were e-cigarette users in
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2017.” The Third problem “Using nicotine in adolescence may also increase risk for future

addiction to other drugs.” (Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young

Adults) Teens in the future will be more likely if they Juul to use drugs which is not good for

them or future teens. Some big changes need to happen to stop this problem and they are next.

One solution to help stop Juuling In the article written by Diane Mapes it says “In

Washington state, Gov. Jay Inslee called on the state health board to impose an emergency ban

on flavored vape products of any kind as a way to protect the health of Washingtonians,

particularly youth. The proposed ban will likely be voted on by the board when it meets.” The

pros of this would be making it so that there are not any flavored ones which is the reason most

teens who Juul do it for and if this helps them stop then they will be healthier and help future

teens by not letting them Juul. The cons of this would be that it is only in the state of Washington

so it does not help teens in all states another problem with this is that is does not get rid of them

completely so some teen will still use them. Another solution is in the following paragraph.

Another solution that is already taking place is using ads that are talking about the

problems with them. In the article “FDA Launches New Campaign: "The Real Cost" Youth

E-Cigarette Prevention Campaign” it says “part of FDA's ongoing efforts to protect youth from

the dangers of tobacco use, the agency is expanding its successful youth tobacco prevention

campaign, “The Real Cost,” to reach the more than 10 million youth ages 12-17 who have used

e-cigarettes or are open to trying them. The campaign urges these teens to “know the real cost of

vaping,” with advertising designed to snap teens out of their “cost-free” mentality by educating
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youth about the potential risks of using e-cigarettes.” These commercials are used all over

television and the internet to help promote that Juuling is bad. Some other good about the ads are

that everyone can see what the problems are with vaping and Juuling. The problem with this is

that it costs more than and that it still allows Juuls to be on the market for people to buy.

In conclusion Juuling is a very big problem in America but there are solutions to the

problem. Banning flavored Juuls is going to be more efficient for stopping Juuling and help teens

now and in the future if they can get it to happen all across America. If this problem can be

solved this would help teens all across America.

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Work Cited

Martinelli, Katherine. “Teen Vaping: What Parents Need to Know.” Child Mind Institute,

Mapes, Diane. “How Do We Get Teens to Stop Vaping?” Fred Hutch, 30 Sept. 2019,

“Quick Facts on the Risks of E-Cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults.” Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 11 Mar.


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