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2017 (A) ‘ SSC PART-II (10th CLASS) ' civics ur TIME ALLOWED: 2.10 Hours SUBJECTIVE “Bio £210 = MAXIMUM MARKS: 60 0 = Ar NOTE: - Write same question number he fal RE buphrAinsgg he 2) and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper. SECTION-| Uso 2. Attempt any six parts. 42=2x6 EfoyelingeY 2dr (@ What is meant by Right of Representation? ee Ge wy (i) What ere disedventages of Seclarianism? Tasty) Gi) Define Economic Rights. cARASGP Se iii) (iv) What is meant by Duties? foyer} Wy (v) What is meant by Rights of Women? espe BRL, wy) (vi) What is meant by Demacratc System? Sefecete lb (a) (vi) Who lad the fourdatin of Two Nation Theory? LABEA > oi) (vit) How did Ch, Rehmat Aliconceive the word PAKISTAN? SpreLue we Reateae (vil (ix) Wirte down the names of any two books written by Sir Syed Anmad Khan. ae om 3. Attempt any six parts. 12=2x6 Pfepalinge bf “3dr (What was 3rd June 1947 Plan? (i) Write down any two Islamic Provisions of 1962 Constitution “F V1987 oR 3 wSel TC 1982 Gi (li) What is meant by Rigid Constitution? Seale UH Om (iv) What is meant by Islamic Values? feyesisu (vy) (¥) Write down two points of Objectives Resoluton, Sifetslvtui> yy (vi) Weite down two Islamic Provisions of Constitution af 1656. -Eeforisuw 195627 (i) (vi) How is the District Government formed? se deh em (vi) (vii) How Is the Union Government formed? eG LoAts (wii (x) Which departments work in District? ue Fioe ttl 4. Attempt any six parts. 12=2x6 ~Efoelingae Sf 4dr (0) Who introduced the System of Local Government? SWGerwteAedy” (i) (i) Whatis Foreign Policy? fe davity at (iii) How many Secretaries are there in a Union Council? (iv) What is Tehsil Municipal Office TMO)? (vy) When did the Russian Army enter Afghanistan? (vi) What is the iongth of Border of China and Pakistan? (vi) When aid the Goverrment of Mujahideen estabish in Afghanistan? (vil) When gid the Karakoram Highway completed? eA (vii) (&) How did the incident of World Trade Centre change the situation of bet fe ible nL FE, (x Aighanistan? SECTION-II ee NOTE: - Attempt any three questions. 24=8x3 -SyfeliaLeiingads ud 5. _Narrate the Poltical rights of Citizens in detail Foe rcuy 6 ©. Write Fourteen Points of Quaid-e-Azam, -Ecfetiel Pi 6 7. Describe the features of the Constitution of 1956 Soke ASIC 1958 7 8, Analyse the electoral reforms of Local Government Plan 2600. AA KeL ine -2000 oped 8 9, Write in detail the ups and downs in relationship of Pakistan ae Shit PrBbud pe siLe intel 2 and India 62:2017(A)-1000 (MULTAN) 2017 (A) ) 1G / A TAS SSC PART-II CLA: ’ NUMBER: 3177 P Ups SEASS) , PAPER CODE Civics TIME ALLOWED. 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE are 20 = MAXIMUM MARKS: 15 182 AE Fe oh | Aha Qe ci we LES see MrngQeye BEE 1D WiC Bik epee lg Lod St hee Aton Li Bubbles ein tli tonSD LOW | Lfitrnbie fi ok Note: You have four cholces foreach objective pe questonas A.B, CandD. BuTrowrgey dr The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question, Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank, No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER, QNo 1 dlr (1) The mest important officer in Municipal Corporation is leet (1) (2) Magistrate <> (A) DCO sss (BAC We! (©) Chief Offices (2) The Chairman of Distrc: Council is elected - em OM LBL IN (2) (A) Directly e-usie —(B) Individually 171 (C) Joint Panet YEG (0) None of these Lae tur (3) In Distret Council reserve seats of Minorities are at PUREE a (A) Eignt 27 (B) Seven et (Sk g (vFive (4) The name of Iran's capital is cerikerBiLoy! (4) (Ay Tehian wi? (B)Istanan wk (©) Tattan wo (9)Necrsar_ 2u¥ (5) ___ became the mc ictim of human rights violation. Ue Smt B SIF bh (8) (A) The Christians Jie (B) The Sikhs (C) The Hindus 12: (D) The Musims yu" (8) Before Islam the status of woman was: fepSettar (8) (A) Very iow (Ug? (B) Very good (ih. (C) Equal tomen Gsi-Ls¢ (D) Better than ran Fear (7) The Musin League came into baing in note om @) of 1005 (B) 4 1900 (©) # 1807 (0) € 1908 (8) Alama Muhammad Iqbal went to Europe for Higher Education in:- Lendl Whe (&) at 1901 (B) 4 1903 (©) of 1905 (0) £1907 (9) Nehru's Reportwas presented in’- Witege @ (A) 41928 (B) ut 1929 (©) 1930 (D) 1934 (10) The demand for separate electoral of the Muslin League was accepted in LW Ph eb 10) (A) ut 1906 (8) £1907 (C) £1908 (0) 4 1000 (11) tn the First Constitutional Assembly __ was elected “eel eT ed OL FiLeagoed (1) as President on 10th August 1947 (A) Ghulam Muhammad 4 (B) Feroz Khan Weird (C) Quaid-e-Azam ice (D) Liaquat Ali Khen UG he5y! (12) The Second Constitutional Assembly was eame into being in epi Kints (12) (A) #1954 (8) ¢ 1985 (©) 1956 (0) 1987 (13) The first Constitution of Pakisten was implemented in:- lesteg Tee, 13) (A) 2 1956 (3) 4 1962 (©) 1972 () 61979 (14) The Islamic Revolution of fran came into in: -Hhwiwtey (14) (A) £1976 (B) 4.1977 (C) 1978 (0) # 1978 (15) The bordes of 1610 Km with Pakistan is of: -eeFS 1610 Ze (18) (A) Afghanstan yeiai (@) China Jo? (C) India Gov (tran Soy! s2(00y( FATA H).2017(4)-1060 (MULTAN) BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, . MULTAN - OBJECTIVE KEY FOR SSC 10" e Examination, 2017, Name of Subject_CiwicA —_finel ession _90/F— 1: Q. | Paper | Paper | Paper | Paper Nos. Cade , Code | Code Code | = 3/7) | 3173 31753177 |} |D iA |A |e [2 la |p lp [ec 3 16 |Ol|oLD ft |¢ |B lela —& la lalolo 6 1D |D|DI\A 7 le \|¢ lf |b (® |8 |e |p |e | * |a ic la ja | lp p iB ID “Tela le le | "lclp la |6 BlolalD la

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