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General Information
Welcome to LitePro DLX, this information packet is being provided to help you to work quickly
and effectively with LitePro DLX. This packet will cover System Requirements, Installation
Instructions, Basic Settings and Operational Tips. We will also be providing several simple
tutorials to help you become familiar with the various calculation functions offered by
LitePro DLX.

System requirements:

• CPU with SSE2 support

• 4 GB RAM (min. 2GB)
• DirectX10 graphics card(1 GB RAM)
• Resolution min. 1024px x 768px
• Windows Vista SP2 (32bit/64bit)
• Windows 7 (32-bit/6-bit)
• Windows XP SP3 (32-bit). No support for Windows XP from 2014.
• Windows 8 (32-bit/64-bit)

• Start the 32-bit or 64-bit setup.exe file and follow the instructions in the installation
program. If you have suitable hardware and a 64-bit operating system, then you have
access to a larger RAM, and it will be possible to create and calculate larger projects in
LitePro DLX. The 32-bit version should only be used if a 32-bit operating system is
installed on your computer.

General Settings: [File > Settings > General Settings]

Here you will define how often LitePro DLX should remind you to save your file and set
the maximum number of working steps that can be undone.

Language Settings:
LitePro DLX defaults to the language of your operating system. Under "Language
Settings" you can change the default language and also switch from imperial dimensions
to metric dimensions. You may also change photometric units from the default Imperial
System (FC) to the European System (LUX).

Project Preferences:
Here you can set the default project folder in which your projects will be saved.

More Locations:
Furniture and materials can be stored on your hard disc or on network drives depending
on your preference. Here you can set the default locations for your material and objects
libraries. Only in extreme cases is it necessary to change the storage location. If you
chose to keep your objects and materials library on a network rather than a local drive
you must be connected to that network to access them.
Output Settings:
If desired a personal/company logo can be selected for the header on the results
documents. You also have the option of creating a “Foot Note” that will be shown at the
bottom of each output document.

Standard Settings: [File > Settings > Standards]

These setting are preset by LitePro DLX and cannot be changed; however please be sure
the “Preset” is set to “USA”.

LitePro DLX templates are preset and cannot be changed.

Maintenance Value:
By setting the default maintenance value to “Detailed” you will be required to provide
detailed information in each project that is used to calculate the maintenance value.
When the default is selected the maintenance factor set here will be used on all projects.
However, the maintenance factor set here can be changed at anytime while creating a


Outdoor and Building Planning:

This function allows the creation of a new project with a blank field and no preset
parameters. Using this function will allow you to create your own project by either
importing blocks, AutoCad files or “On the Fly” modeling of sites and buildings.

DWG/DXF Import:
This function allows the creation of a new project based on the features of a DWG/DXF
file. After importing the file you will be able to model the site/building by tracing the
outlines of imported files.

Empty Rectangular Room:

This function allows you to create a simple rectangular room based simple dimensions.
This option will allow you to assign textures to the room, model windows and doors,
insert objects into the room, add windows and account for day lighting.

Tabular Street Planning:

Not Available at this time.

Simple Indoor Planning:

This function allows you to create a simple rectangular room similar to the “Empty
Rectangular Room” tool except that most functions are disabled. You will not be able to
add objects, windows, textures or calculation results to the room as you can with the
“Empty Rectangular Room” feature. However, the Workspace Menu will allow you to
switch from “Simple Indoor Planning to “Building and Outdoor Planning” in order to
create a more complex calculation. This feature will be used primarily for quick indoor
calculations and fixture count estimates.
LitePro DLX Interface:

Mode refers to the individual design steps within a workspace. The Mode Menu will
always be at the top of the screen.

Construction Mode:
This is the mode you will use to construct your site, building or any other objects you
may require. Inside of Construction Mode you will be able place furniture, objects or
create custom objects to use inside of the project. Using this mode you will also be able
to assign colors, textures and modify the reflectance of the buildings and objects in the
project. You will use Construction Mode to import, scale or rotate the CAD files that are
used for the background drawings.

Light Mode:
This mode will allow you to import, place and aim luminaires required for the project.
While in Light Mode you will be able to track energy consumption, energy costs, create
multiple light scenes, assign individual maintenance factors, create day-lighting
calculations and place lighting controls into the space.

Calculation Objects Mode:

This mode will allow you to place all necessary calculation grids, work zones and activity
areas that may be required. Calculation Mode will also be used to display the calculation
results using the Calculation Grids, False Colors or Iso-lines options.

Export Mode:
This mode will allow you to export your photometric plan to CAD, render images and
save views for use later inside of the final documentation.

Documentation Mode:
This mode will allow you to assemble the final report for the project. The final
documentation can include project information, luminaire specification information,
point-x-point summaries and any views that were saved while creating the design.

Each “Mode” provides a different Tools Menu for each function that can be performed
while in that particular mode. The Tools Menu is always on the left side of the display
screen. Each “Tool” will have a different Actions Menu that will be used to create, modify
and/or customize all objects associated with that tool. The Actions Menu is on the right
next to the Tools Menu.

Standard Tools:
These four design tools on the Tools Menu will be available in Construction, Light and
Calculation mode.

Help Lines and Labeling:

• Draw Reference Lines: These lines can be used to place objects or luminaires along the
lines or simply to create a new or missing line inside the DWG file.
• Draw Help Reference Grid: Used to create grids for placing luminaires and objects at a
consistent spacing. Used primarily to create ceiling grids inside of rooms to help place
• Place New Text: Used to create design notes, luminaire labels or text to identify a
particular area. The text will be visible in the file and can be exported to the
documentation or CAD file if desired. This tool will also be used to edit text that is placed
automatically by LitePro DLX.
• Draw New Dimension Line: Used to place dimensions inside of LitePro. These dimensions
will be visible in the file and can be exported to the documentation or CAD file if desired.

Copy and Arrange:

• Copy along a Line: Allows the selected object to be placed along the line that has been
created. The length of the line, number of objects and the spacing between the objects
can be edited after it has been created.
• Copy as Circular Arrangement: Allows the selected object to be placed along the outside
of the circle that has been created. The circumference of the circle, number of objects
and the spacing between the objects can be edited after it has been created.
• Copy as Polygonal Arrangement: Allows the selected object to be placed along the lines
of a polygon that has been created. The quantity of objects to be placed along the edges
of the polygon can be edited after it has been created.
• Copy along a Curve: Allows the selected object to be placed along a curved line that has
been created. The quantity of objects to be placed along that line can be edited after it
has been created.

• Save New View: Allows the current view from the workspace to saved; the saved view
can then be imported into the final documentation.
• Show View: The function will return the current workspace view to the exact camera
location as the named view you have selected from the saved views menu.
• Save Image: This function will allow the current workspace view to be exported from
LitePro as a JPEG image.

Project Overview:
• Project Overview: This “Project Tree” will allow you to view all objects in the file you are
working in. It is most useful in finding objects within the project that may be in conflicts
with other objects. When you select on the object in the Project Tree the object will then
be highlighted in the workspace thus making it easier to locate and adjust any errors you
may have.

View Bar:
The different views available will vary based on the type of project and complexity of the
project being created. As new buildings, stories and rooms are added to a project the
View Bar will expand providing more options.

This view shows you the whole project from an aerial perspective. The Site View will
include all buildings, parking lots and any exterior objects associated with the site. A
description of the terrain, a suitable utilization profile, an overall maintenance factor and
the site location and directional orientation (for day lighting analysis) will be assigned to
the site here using the Tools and Actions menus.

Isolates the view onto the selected building, if there are multiple buildings associate with
a site then a new drop down menu will appear that will allow toggling between the
buildings. From within this view the building can be named, the active utilization set, the
building height and number of stories set.

Isolates the view onto a specified story with the building that is currently active, if there
are multiple stories associated with the active building a new drop down menu will
appear that will allow toggling between stories. From within this view the rooms
associated with specified storey will be created. This view will also be used to create
doors, windows, cutouts, create roofs, and insert ceilings into rooms. Luminaires and
sensors may be placed into the space in this view if there is only one room associated
with the selected story.

Isolates the view onto the selected room within the building and story specified within
previous views (i.e. Site 1/Building 2/ Storey 3/Room 4), if there are multiple rooms
within a building or story a drop down menu that will allow toggling between the rooms
will be available. This view should be used to place luminaires, motions sensors,
furniture/objects, textures, colors and create custom calculation grids if any are required.
Using the “Assessment Zone” tool in this mode will allow you to name the rooms, assign
the utilization, set room specific maintenance factors and modify the room height if

Elevation Views:
Using the preset views and you can choose to view the project from one of six views.

1 - 3D Rendering
2 - Plan View
3 - Front View
4 - Side View From Right
5 - View From Behind
6 - Side View From Left
7 - Zoom All
8 - Tape Measure

Zoom All:
Zooms out of the current view too allow for a full screen view of the overall project.
Tape Measure:
Tape measure allows for a quick reference measurement to be done within the design
space at any time.
3D Rendering:
This view will give a 3-D view of how the project will appear once complete. Any function
that can be done in “Plan View” can be done in this view as well. The 3D view allows for
rotation around the site/building/room in all directions to allow the user to get an overall
perspective of the project. This view is most useful when placing furniture, aiming
luminaires, applying colors and textures because it allows the user to see how the room
will appear once complete.

Floor Plan:
This view gives an overall perspective of the active space from above. The ability to see
furniture, luminaires and other objects within the space will be based on what Mode is
currently active.

Display Options:

1 - Show/Hide Coordinates System

2 - Show/Hide Help Lines
3 - Show/Hide Work Plane(s)
4 - Show/Hide Calculation Surfaces/Points
5 - Wireframe View
6 - Show/Hide Isolines
7 - Show/Hide Background
8 - Show/Hide Photometric Web
9 - Show/Hide Room Labels
10 - Show/Hide Sky Textures
11 - Show/Hide False Colors
12 - Show/Hide Textures
13 – Show/Hide Light Visualization
14 – Show/Hide Energy Consumption

Results Overview:

The “Results Overview” menu will automatically open once a calculation is complete.
Once the calculation is complete all calculation surfaces that are available will be shown
in the menu. To select a calculation surface simply select “Results on Surface” from the
Actions Menu under the Calculation Objects Mode and click on the surface or select the
surface from the Results Overview Menu by clicking on the name of the desired
calculation grid. Once the surface or work-plane is active it will be highlighted within the
workspace, then select Iso-lines, False Colors or Calculation Grid from the Actions Menu
to activate the results.

Construction Mode:
• Drawings Tool
– Import DWG/DXF: Used to load the base file into LitePro DLX.
– Reload DWG/DXF: Used to update the base file if changes have been made.
– Drawings: Shows all DWG files that are currently loaded into the program.
– Active Drawing: Allows the DWG/DXF background to be turned on or off.
– Scale: Used to specify the units that will be used to create project.
– Positioning: Allows the base file to be moved and/or rotated to meet a required
location or orientation.
– Layer: Allows embedded layers to be turned on or off as needed and also allows
layer colors to be changed.
– Save Options: Allows the base file to be embedded into the LitePro file. (Note: If
the file is embedded into LitePro and the DWG file is updated then LitePro will not
update with the new background file automatically.)
• Site Tool
– Actions:
• Draw New Building: Used to create single or multi story buildings. Before
creating the building the total building height and number of stories will
need to be specified.
• Draw Floor Element: Use this function to create the floor elements in a
project. Floor elements are used as calculation surfaces for exterior projects.
Once created the active floor element can then be assigned a name,
repositioned or assigned a thickness if necessary.
• Draw North Arrow: The North Arrow will be used to orient a project to allow
for daylight analysis to be performed. To create a north arrow simply
indicate the compass direction by defining two points, the first point being
south and the second point being north.
• Duplicate Building: This function enables the duplication of a completed
building. By removing the tick mark you can decide which features of the
existing building are assigned to the duplicate building.
– Active Site: Used to assign a name to site, give a small description of the area and
determine if there will be outputs for this site.
– Properties: Used to assign the utilization profile to the site.
– Maintenance: Used to assign a fixed overall maintenance factor to all luminaires
that are placed on the exterior portion of a project.

– Site Alignment: Assign the exact global position of the site using longitude and
latitude, set the north orientation and assign the time zone for the site. (Required
for day lighting analysis.)
– Background: All files AutoCad files that have been assigned to the project are listed
here. By selecting the file(s) you can choose to remove or update the background
• Storey and Building Construction Tool
– Actions:
• Draw New Indoor Contour: Used to create individual rooms inside of
• Draw New Building Contour: Used to create building and/or add onto an
existing building if required after the original building has been created.
• New Empty Story: Used to add a new a new story onto the existing building.
This feature allows for the new story to be larger or smaller than the one
below it.
• Duplicate Story: This function allows for the duplication of an existing floor
level which has already been completed. Specify which features will be
copied by removing the tick marks beside the objects which should not be
transferred to the new story.
• Active Story: Used to name the story and give a brief description of the
• Properties: Allows the height and floor thickness of the story to be modified
if required.
• Story Overview: Shows the names and heights of each story within the
specified building.
• Background: Lists which background files are currently active for the current
active story.
• Apertures Tool
– Actions:
• Position Active Building Opening: Used to insert apertures (doors/windows)
into walls or roofs using the cursor. The dimensions of the aperture will be
shown under the properties menu and can be modified at anytime if

• Draw New Building Opening: Used to insert apertures (doors/windows) into
walls and roofs by drawing them into position using the mouse. The cursor
will be used to specify the beginning and end of the opening and then the
exact length, width and height of the aperture can be set under the
properties menu.
• Adjust Building Opening for Wall Thickness: With this function you adapt the
depth of the aperture to variations in wall thickness.
• Replace Selected Building Openings: Use this function to replace one or
more building apertures of the same type with a new aperture in one step.
• Replace All Building Openings of this Type: Use this function to replace all
building apertures of the same type with a new aperture in one step.
• Active Aperture: Displays the current active aperture that will be placed into
the space.
• Properties: Displays the Cutting Depth, Height, Width, Frame Width and Still
Height of the selected aperture. All of these properties can be modified at
anytime to create a custom aperture.
• Positioning: Allows the placement of the aperture to be modified
numerically if needed.
• Assessment Zones Tool
– Actions:
• Draw Rectangular Space, Draw Circular Space, and Draw Polygonal Space:
These tools are used to create separate zones within a room/area to
separate areas different criteria from the overall space. The new space can
then be assigned a new name, utilization profile and maintenance factor.
• Exclude Subspace: This function allows areas to be removed from the overall
calculation zone by removing the points within the space from the
calculation analysis.
• Active Space: Allows a name and brief description to be assigned to the new
• Properties: Allows for a different height and Active Utilization Profile to be
assigned to the space that is different than the overall space.
• Workplane: Allows for the name and height of the workplane in the space to
be set if needed.
• Maintenance: Used to assign a fixed overall maintenance factor to all
luminaires that are placed within the space.
• Positioning: Allows the location of the zone to be modified numerically if
• Edit Space Contour: Allows for the shape and size of the zone to be modified
numerically if required.
• Room Elements Tool
– Actions:
• Drawing a Rectangular Room Element, Drawing a Circular Room Element,
Drawing a Polygonal Room Element: These tools will be used to create
elements inside of the rooms such as ramps, columns, platforms etc.
• Active Room Element: Displays the current active room element that will be
created using the draw tools.
• Room Elements: These (5) preset elements are what can be drawn into the
space using the draw tools. Once the objects are placed into the space the
height, width and length of object can be modified.
• Positioning: Allows the location of the element to be modified numerically if
• Roofs Tool
– Actions:
• Automatically Place Roof: This tool will automatically place one of the nine
preset roof types, adapted to the contours of the floor level, onto the
building or story.
• Draw a Roof: Use this tool to create a custom roof using one of the nine
preset roof types.
• Properties: This menu will be used to modify the dimensions, thickness,
gradient and pitch of the roof after it has been created.
• Positioning: Allows the location of the roof to be modified numerically if
• Ceilings Tool
– Actions:
• Insert Ceiling Into Room: Use this too to create a ceiling that will cover the
entire space.
• Draw New Ceiling: Use this tool to create custom ceiling(s) for a space.
• Active Ceiling: Allows for the height, thickness, plenum depth or wall
distance for the active ceiling to be modified at any time.

• Cutouts Tool
– Actions:
• Rectangular Cutout, Circular Cutout and Polygonal Cutout: Use this tool to
create openings in walls, ceilings, roofs or floors.
• Properties: Allows for the depth of the cut to be modified to create features
in the wall rather than openings to the next space.
• Positioning: Allows the location of the cutout to be modified numerically if

• Furniture and Objects Tool

– Actions:
• Place by Arrangement: Use these tools to position multiple objects using
the specified arrangement type.
• Draw Extrusion Body: Use this command to create custom objects within the
active space.
• Automatic Arrangement for Space: LitePro will automatically populate the
active space with the defined object and space them at equal distances from
one another.
• Replace Selected Building Openings: Use this function to replace one or
more objects of the same type with a new object in one step.
• Replace All Building Openings of this Type: Use this function to replace all
objects of the same type with a new object in one step.
• Active Object: Displays the current active object to be placed into the
• Grid Arrangement: Allows the group of objects placed automatically using
the Automatic Arrangement for Spaces action to be modified.
• Properties: Allows for objects with the space to be assigned a specific name.
• Positioning: Allows the location of the active objects to be modified
numerically if needed.

• Materials Tool
– Actions:
• Pick Material: Use this tool to select a material that is currently in the project
and make it the active material.
• Apply Material: Use this tool to apply the active material to an individual
surface or the entire object. (Tip: To apply the material to an entire object
simply drag and drop the material ball onto the object.)
• Replace Material: Allows an occurrence of a particular material in the project
to be replaced with another material.
• Create Color Material: If the standard colors available do not match what is
needed then a custom color can be created by adjusting the properties
under the Color Menu.
• Create Texture Material: Use this command to import an image file that
matches the desired texture.
• Apply Reflectance to Surface: Use the command to adjust the reflection
factor of a particular surface, color or textured being utilized in the project.
• Change Reflectance of Room Surfaces: Use this command to adjust the
reflection factor of the ceiling, walls or floors of a given space.
• Active Material: Displays the current active color or material that will be
applied to an object.
• Advanced Properties: Allows for the Material Type, Reflection Factor and
Transmission factor of any material to be modified.
Light Mode:
• Luminaires Tool
– Actions:
• Draw Arrangement: Use these tools to position multiple luminaires into a
space using the specified arrangement type. Once the arrangement is placed
it can be modified manually under the “Grid Arrangement Menu”.
• Place Individual Luminaire: This tool allows for the placement of luminaires
into an area one at a time.
• Automatic Arrangement for Spaces: This tool will automatically place the
required number of luminaire into a space based on the target light levels
set in the room utilization profile.

• Replace Selected Luminaires: Use this function to replace one more
luminaires with a new luminaire in one step.
• Replace All Luminaires of this Type: Use this function to replace all
occurrences of the specified luminaire with a new luminaire in one step.
• Import Luminaire File: This tool allows IES or ULD files to be imported into
the project without using the Hubbell Catalog.
• Active Luminaire: Displays the current active luminaire.
• Designation in DWG Plan: Allows a designation to be assigned to the active
luminaire group that will then be exported and displayed in the DWG file.
• Properties: Allows a name to be assigned to the active luminaire or
luminaire group.
• Arrangement: Allows for the current grid, arrangement type, luminaire
spacing and rotation of the selected luminaire(s) to be modified at any time.
• Estimate Calculator: Shows the current Target Light Levels and the current
Estimated Light Levels based on the luminaires that are in the space.
• Photometric Data: Shows the lumen output, wattage and number of lamps
for the active luminaire.
• Mounting Type: Displays the Mounting Type, Suspension Length, Light
Center Height and Mounting Height of the active luminaire.
• Lamp Tool
– Actions
• Active Luminaire: Displays the current active luminaire.
• Lamps: Displays the lamp type, lumen output, wattage and color rendering
of the active luminaire.
• Edit Joints Tool
– Actions
• Set Illumination Point: Use the command to set the aiming point for the
active luminaire.
• Reset Angle: Use this command to reset the aiming angle of the active
luminaire back to nadir.
• Filter
– Actions
• Active Luminaire: Allows for a color filter to be assigned to the active
luminaire or group of luminaires.

• Light Scenes Tool:
– Actions:
• Create Light Scene for a Room/Space: Use this tool to can create light
scene(s) in which only the luminaires assigned to a particular scene are used
in the calculation. For example, to create an emergency lighting calculation
assign only the luminaires listed as emergency lights to the new scene.
When the calculation is run then only the emergency luminaires will be
considered in the calculation, all other luminaires in the space will be
• Duplicate Light Scene: This function will duplicate the existing scene to allow
for the creation of a new scene by adjusting dimmer settings or different
compositions of luminaire groups.
• Create Empty Light Scene: Creates a new scene with no luminaires assigned
to the new scene.
• Create New Luminaire Group: Creates a new empty luminaire group to allow
for the creation of a new group with no predefined settings.
• Assessment Zones Tool:
– Actions:
• Draw Rectangular Space, Draw Circular Space, and Draw Polygonal Space: These tools are
used to create separate zones within a room/area to

• separate areas different criteria from the overall space. The new space can
then be assigned a new name, utilization profile and maintenance factor.
• Exclude Subspace: This function allows areas to be removed from the overall
calculation zone by removing the points within the space from the
calculation analysis.
• Active Space: Allows a name and brief description to be assigned to the new
• Properties: Allows for a different height and Active Utilization Profile to be
assigned to the space that is different than the overall space.
• Workplane: Allows for the name and height of the workplane in the space to
be set if needed.
• Maintenance: Used to assign a fixed overall maintenance factor to all
luminaires that are placed within the space.

• Positioning: Allows the location of the zone to be modified numerically if
• Edit Space Contour: Allows for the shape and size of the zone to be modified
numerically if required.
• Maintenance Factors Tool
– Actions
• Room: Use this menu to define the Room Surface Maintenance Factor or
change the Assessment Zone the luminaire is assigned to.
• Luminaire: Use this menu to list the Luminaire Type, set the Cleaning Interval
and assign a Luminaire Maintenance Factor (LMF).
• Lamps: Use this menu to list the Lamp Type, Annual Operating Hours and
Lamp Replacement Interval.
• Result: This menu will list the final Light Loss Factor (LLF) for the active
luminaire or luminaire group calculated from the information given in the
Room, Luminaire and Lamps menus.
• Energy Consumption:
– Actions
• Insert Detector/Sensor: Use this tool to insert a switch or motion sensor into
a space.
• Energy Consumption and Cost: This menu will track the current energy
consumption and energy costs for the active space based on the type of
switch being utilized, operating hours, absence factor and cost per kw/h.
• Use Times: Use this menu to set the hours or operation, absence factor and
utilization profile that will be used in the energy analysis for the space.
• Tachometer Properties: Use this menu to display an energy/cost usage bar at the bottom
of the workspace. By setting limits in this menu the usage bar at the bottom of the
screen will track the usage and notify you when you exceed the preset limits.

Calculation Objects Mode:
• Calculation Objects Tool
– Actions:
• Draw Calculation Object: Use these tools to create new calculation grids
within the project.
• Place Calculation Object: This tool will place a calculation zone within a
larger space.
• Iso-Lines: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button will
activate the iso-lines for that calculation grid/surface.
• False Colors: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button
will activate the false colors for that calculation grid/surface. The color limits
for this grid can be set at the bottom of the workspace.
• Calculation Grid: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this
button will activate the point-x-point results for that calculation grid/surface.
• Delete Diagrams: This will delete all grids associated with the active
calculation grid/surface.
• Results on Surface: Use this tool to select which calculation grid/surface you
wish to work with.
• Active Calculation Object: Displays if you are working with a calculation
object or workplane. (Note: The active workplane can be assigned a name in
the menu.)
• Properties: Allow the calculation surface to be given a name with a brief
description or to set the height and wall zone of the active workplane.
• Calculation Parameters: Use the menu to assign a calculation type to the
active calculation grid/surface.
• Iso-Lines: Use this menu to select default iso-line settings for either an
“Inside” or “Outside” based on the type of project or to create custom iso-
line settings.
• Settings for Measuring Grid: Use this menu to set the spacing between the
calculation points and the placement of the points for the active calculation
• Value Chart Settings: Use this menu to select the font size, rotation angle,
spacing and placement of the active calculation grid/surface.

• Working Planes Tool
– Actions:
• Create Working Plane for Space: Allows for a calculation plane to be added
to space.
• Iso-Lines: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button will
activate the iso-lines for that calculation grid/surface.
• False Colors: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button
will activate the false colors for that calculation grid/surface. The color limits
for this grid can be set at the bottom of the workspace.
• Calculation Grid: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this
button will activate the point-x-point results for that calculation grid/surface.
• Delete Diagrams: This will delete all grids associated with the active
calculation grid/surface.
• Results on Surface: Use this tool to select which calculation grid/surface you
wish to work with.
• Active Calculation Object: Displays if you are working with a calculation
object or workplane. (Note: The active workplane can be assigned a name in
the menu.)
• Properties: Allow the calculation surface to be given a name with a brief
description or to set the height and wall zone of the active workplane.
• Calculation Parameters: Use the menu to assign a calculation type to the
active calculation grid/surface.
• Iso-Lines: Use this menu to select default iso-line settings for either an
“Inside” or “Outside” based on the type of project or to create custom iso-
line settings.
• Settings for Measuring Grid: Use this menu to set the spacing between the
calculation points and the placement of the points for the active calculation
• Value Chart Settings: Use this menu to select the font size, rotation angle,
spacing and placement of the active calculation grid/surface.
• Work Areas Tool
– Actions

• Draw Calculation Object: With this tool it is possible to create a separate
calculation grid/zone inside of a larger space with its own utilization profile
and target light levels.
• Condense Surrounding Areas:

• Iso-Lines: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button will
activate the iso-lines for that calculation grid/surface.
• False Colors: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button
will activate the false colors for that calculation grid/surface. The color limits
for this grid can be set at the bottom of the workspace.
• Calculation Grid: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this
button will activate the point-x-point results for that calculation grid/surface.
• Delete Diagrams: This will delete all grids associated with the active
calculation grid/surface.
• Results on Surface: Use this tool to select which calculation grid/surface you
wish to work with.
• Active Calculation Object: Displays if you are working with a calculation
object or workplane. (Note: The active workplane can be assigned a name in
the menu.)
• Properties: Allow the calculation surface to be given a name with a brief
description or to set the height and wall zone of the active workplane.
• Calculation Parameters: Use the menu to assign a calculation type to the
active calculation grid/surface.
• Iso-Lines: Use this menu to select default iso-line settings for either an
“Inside” or “Outside” based on the type of project or to create custom iso-
line settings.
• Settings for Measuring Grid: Use this menu to set the spacing between the
calculation points and the placement of the points for the active calculation
• Value Chart Settings: Use this menu to select the font size, rotation angle,
spacing and placement of the active calculation grid/surface.

• Areas of Activity Tool

– Actions:
• Draw Area of Activity: With this tool it is possible to create an activity area
inside of a larger space to determine the light levels in that specific area
•Position Area of Activity: This will allow the location of the area to be
adjusted numerically if required.
• Iso-Lines: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button will
activate the iso-lines for that calculation grid/surface.
• False Colors: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button
will activate the false colors for that calculation grid/surface. The color limits
for this grid can be set at the bottom of the workspace.
• Calculation Grid: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this
button will activate the point-x-point results for that calculation grid/surface.
• Delete Diagrams: This will delete all grids associated with the active
calculation grid/surface.
• Results on Surface: Use this tool to select which calculation grid/surface you
wish to work with.
• Active Calculation Object: Displays if you are working with a calculation
object or workplane. (Note: The active workplane can be assigned a name in
the menu.)
• Properties: Allows the type of activity for the current space to defined.
• Calculation Parameters: Use the menu to assign a calculation type to the
active calculation grid/surface.
• Iso-Lines: Use this menu to select default iso-line settings for either an
“Inside” or “Outside” based on the type of project or to create custom iso-
line settings.
• Settings for Measuring Grid: Use this menu to set the spacing between the
calculation points and the placement of the points for the active calculation
• Value Chart Settings: Use this menu to select the font size, rotation angle,
spacing and placement of the active calculation grid/surface.
• Room Main Surfaces Tool
– Actions:
• Automatically Select Room Main Surfaces: This tool will automatically assign
a calculation grid to all surfaces associated with the active space. (Walls,
Floor, Ceiling)
• Select Room Main Surfaces: Create a separate space inside of a larger space
that includes vertical calculation grids for the defined space.
• Select Ceiling Surfaces:

• Iso-Lines: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button will
activate the iso-lines for that calculation grid/surface.
• False Colors: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this button
will activate the false colors for that calculation grid/surface. The color limits
for this grid can be set at the bottom of the workspace.
• Calculation Grid: Once a calculation surface/grid has become active this
button will activate the point-x-point results for that calculation grid/surface.
• Delete Diagrams: This will delete all grids associated with the active
calculation grid/surface.
• Results on Surface: Use this tool to select which calculation grid/surface you
wish to work with.
• Active Calculation Object: Displays if you are working with a calculation
object or workplane. (Note: The active workplane can be assigned a name in
the menu.)
• Properties: Allow the calculation surface to be given a name with a brief
description or to set the height and wall zone of the active workplane.
• Calculation Parameters: Use the menu to assign a calculation type to the
active calculation grid/surface.
• Iso-Lines: Use this menu to select default iso-line settings for either an
“Inside” or “Outside” based on the type of project or to create custom iso-
line settings.
• Settings for Measuring Grid: Use this menu to set the spacing between the
calculation points and the placement of the points for the active calculation
• Value Chart Settings: Use this menu to select the font size, rotation angle,
spacing and placement of the active calculation grid/surface.

Export Mode:
• Views Tool
– Actions:
• Save New View: This tool allows for the creation of custom views that can be
saved and imported to the final documentation for the project. The saved
view can also be used to save views inside of LitePro that you may wish to
return to later, when the saved view is double clicked on the active
workspace will change to match saved view.

• Show View: This tool will change the view in the active workspace to match
the saved view that has been selected.
• Save Image: This will allow the current view to be exported from LitePro as
an image file.
– Raytracer Tool
• Start Raytracing: This tool will begin the image rendering process, note that
image resolution can be adjusted under “Properties”.
• Cancel: This will cancel the current rendering process.
• Save Image: This will allow the rendered image to be saved as an image file
for use outside of LitePro.
• Create and Save HDR: With the aid of the raytracer LitePro can generate HDR
images (High Dynamic Range). The spread of luminance which can be
displayed by your monitor will seldom achieve absolute reality. The actual
illuminance distribution can however be calculated by LitePro and saved as
an .EXR file and can then be used in other HDR editing programs.
– Drawings Tool
• Export to New File: This will export the photometric plan from LitePro and
create a new DWG file for the project.
• Export to Existing File: This tool will export the photometric plan onto an
existing DWG file, such as the file that was imported to be used as the
background inside the project. When exporting the file it is possible to
specify what information will be exported by simply checking the box next to
the item you wish to export.

Documentation Mode:
• Selected Outputs Tool: This tool gives a list of all available output information for the
project. By clicking on the dropdown menu beside the space a list of available
information will be given. By clicking on the title of the information a preview of that
document will be shown, by checking the box beside the desired information it will be
included in the final documentation.
• Print: This will allow the final documentation for the current project to be assembled,
printed or saved.

• Project Information: This menu can include all necessary information about the project
for your records. The information provided here will be visible on the cover page of the
final documentation.
• Configure Templates: This tool allows for the creation of custom templates that can be
saved and reused on a regular basis.

Keyboard Shortcuts
• F1 = help
• F2 = coordinates system on/off
• F3 = help lines on/off
• F4 = user planes/areas on/off
• F5 = wire mesh view on/off
• F6 = iso-lines on/off
• F7 = DWG on/off
• F8 = light distribution curve on/off
• F9 = global false colors on/off
• F10 = selection menu bar
• F11 = report translation error
• F12 = save as
• Cut = Ctrl + X
• Copy = Ctrl + C
• Insert = Ctrl + V
• Set focal width of camera = Alt + right mouse button
• Insert at mouse/cursor position = Ctrl + M
• New project = Ctrl + N
• Open= Ctrl + O
• Save = Ctrl + S
• Print = Ctrl + P
• Undo = Ctrl + Z
• Redo = Ctrl + Y
• Delete = Delete
• Cancel Toggle = Shift

Control With Touchpad:

• Zoom = Z + left Touchpad button
• CAD Pan = P + Left touchpad button
• Forward = W
• Left = A
• Back = S
• Right = D
Objective: To create a lighting plan using the “Simple Indoor Planning” tool. 

Subject:  Bedrock Warehouse

We have an opportunity to light a medium size warehouse (200’ x 100’ x 30’) for a new client. I 
am being told that the warehouse is a large open space with no racking; it’ss an older 
am being told that the warehouse is a large open space with no racking; it an older
facility so use (50/35/20) for the reflectance and the fixtures will be mounted below the 
joists at 27’ AFF. They want to use an LED high‐bay to achieve 25 FC at 2’‐6” AFF so I 
recommend we use the Columbia LLHV‐50H‐N. If you have any questions or need any 
more information feel free to give me a call.

Fred Flintstone
Bedrock Lighting Company
1000 Big Street
Bedrock, PA 00001

Step 1: Creating a New Project
Begin by selecting Simple Indoor Planning from the Create New Project Menu
Begin by selecting Simple Indoor Planning from the Create New Project Menu. 

Program Note: This mode is used for quick calculation analysis and room estimations 
only, most features available in LitePro DLX are not available in this mode. When using 
the Simple Indoor Planning tool you will not be able to place furniture, apply colors or 
textures, create light scenes, obtain energy consumption information or view a point‐x‐
textures, create light scenes, obtain energy consumption information or view a point x
point calculation grid. 

Step 2: Creating the Room
• In Construction Mode
In Construction Mode   switch the Tools Menu to Room Construction
switch the Tools Menu to Room Construction       
and rename the room “Bedrock Warehouse”.
• Fill out the “Description” box with all pertinent information.

• Set the room dimensions to 200’ x 100’ x 30’.
• Change the Height of Working Plane to 2’ –– 6
Change the Height of Working Plane to 2 6” AFF.
• The Wall Zone of Working Plane should remain at 0.

Program Note: Wall Zone refers to the distance between the wall and the work‐plane. 
If the Wall Zone is set to 3.0 FT then the work‐plane calculation grid will stop 3.0 FT 
from the walls.  

• Set the Active Utilization Profile to “General Areas Inside Buildings/Store Rooms and Cold 
Stores/Store and Stock Rooms”.

• Select the Details button and change the Visual Task to 25 FC.

• Click the drop down arrow beside Maintenance and change the Fixed Light Loss Factor 
l k h d d b d d h h d h
(LLF) to 0.85 (0.95 LLD x 0.90 DDF x 1.00 BF)

• Switch the Tools Menu to Materials  and set the room reflectance's to 50/35/20.

Step 3: Lighting the Room
• Change the Mode Menu to Light
Change the Mode Menu to Light. 

• Switch the Tools Menu to Luminaires. 

• From the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire and select the LLHV4‐
50H NST EDU file from the project folder. Once the file is loaded and active you can 
file from the project folder Once the file is loaded and active you can
review the luminaire information provided under Active Luminaire.

Program Note: The model number given to the luminaire is based on the information 

provided in the IES file that has been selected. The model number is not editable, any 
variations or alterations made due to color temp or lumen output will have to be noted 
p p
in the final documentation. 

• From the Actions Menu select Automatic Arrangement for Space. 

• Under Properties rename the group “Warehouse Lighting”.

• Highlight the luminaire group by selecting on one of the luminaires and review the 
information provided under Mounting Type.
information provided under Mounting Type. 

Program Note: “Mounting Height” refers to the distance from the ground or floor to 
the light source. “Light Center Height” refers to the distance from the light source to the 
working plane. (i.e. A luminaire with a 30’ mounting height would have a Light Center 
Height of 27’‐6”.)

• Change the Mounting Height to 27.00 FT per the email.

• Review the information shown under Grid Arrangement and Estimate Calculator, if 
changes to the design were required then that can be done using these menus. Change 
the Target light level to 40 FC and note the changes to the grid arrangement and now 
change the Grid Arrangement back to (6 x 5) and note the changes to the Target Light 
h th G id A t b k t (6 5) d t th h t th T t Li ht

• Once all of the settings have been adjusted and the luminaires are in place you should 
have a layout similar to the one below.
have a layout similar to the one below.

Step 4: Running the Calculation
• In the upper right portion of the interface select Start Calculation
In the upper right portion of the interface select Start Calculation. 

• Once the calculation is complete the Results Overview              menu will open and you 
can review the calculation results. (Click the arrow beside the FC results to open the 
larger Work‐plane analysis.

• On the View Menu change the current view to 3D View.  
• You should now have a view similar to the one below Note that the yellow rectangle is
You should now have a view similar to the one below. Note that the yellow rectangle is 
the highlighted work‐plane that we set earlier.

Step 5: Documentation
• Switch to Documentation on the Mode Menu
Switch to Documentation on the Mode Menu. 
• From the Tools Menu switch to the Project Information menu. 
• Fill out the pertinent information for the project.

• Under Customer click on the image box and then load the “Customer Image” JPEG from 
the project folder and fill out the contact information from the email.

• Switch the Tools Menu to Print. 

• In the Print Menu select Determine Page Count  to assemble the 
documentation for your project. 
• Scroll through the PDF and review the information included in the report.
• Select Save as PDF   to export your report summary in PDF format.


Tutorial Project #2 – Warehouse with Racking

Objective: Use the “Empty Rectangular Room” mode to create a lighting design for a
warehouse with racking.

Subject: Autobot Warehouse

See the PDF below for the new Autobot Warehouse we discussed earlier. This is a new
building so you can use 50/50/20 for reflectance. The building has a gabled roof with 20’
walls and total building height of 26’. This will be an active warehouse so we need 30 FC
in the open areas and 15 FC in the aisles between the racks. The client has also asked
that we show the vertical foot-candles on the face of the 12’ racks, no criteria we just
need to show those levels. Use the Hubbell Industrial HBL-72L-5K, the fixtures will be
ceiling mounted with a 24” pendent. If you have any questions or need any more
information feel free to give me a call.

Step 1: Creating a New Project
• Begin by selecting “Empty Rectangular Room” from the Create New Project Menu.
Step 2: Defining the Space
• Set the Assessment Zone to “General Areas Inside Buildings”.
• Set the Application to “Store Rack Areas”.
• Set the room dimensions per the information provided in the email.

• Once all of the information has been input into the program click “OK” .

Program Note: “Height” should be set to match the highest point on the building, not
the wall height.
Step 3: Creating the Room
• Once the project is open in Construction Mode switch to the Site Tool
and under Active Site rename the site to “Prime Site”.

• Click on the wall of the building to make the building active (when active the building
turns blue). Once the building is active change the name of the Active Building to
Autobot Warehouse.

• Click to the side of the building to deselect it.

• Switch to the Story and Building Construction Tool and change the Active Storey
Name to “Ground Floor”.

• Switch to the Assessment Zone Tool and select on the wall of the building to
make it active, once the building is active rename the Active Space “Document Storage”.
• Under Work-plane deselect “Create Working Plane”.

• Under Maintenance set the “Fixed LLF” to 0.85 (0.95 LDF x 0.90 DDF x 1.00 BF).

• Click to the side of the building to deselect it.

• Change the Tools Menu to the Roofs .
• Under Active Roof on the Actions Menu click Select to open the Roof Menu and select
“Double Pitch Roof” to make it the active roof.

• From the Actions Menu select Automatically Place Roof to create the roof. Once the roof
is in place a new details menu for the roof will be available.
• Change to 3-D View and rotate the building so you are looking at from the end of the
• On the Double Pitch Roof menu change the height to 6.00 Ft and under Positioning
change the “Z” to 20.0 FT. (Note the changes in the roof as you modify these

Designer Note: The roof height of 6.00 FT was determined by subtracting the wall
height (20’ – 0”) from the overall building height (26’ – 0”). The position of the roof (20’
– 0”) was dictated by the roof eaves being at the top walls.

• Switch to the Materials Tool and change the View Menu to

“Document Storage” .

• From the Actions Menu select Change Reflectance of Room Surface

and change the surface reflectances to 50/50/20 and click Apply.
• Change the View Menu to Prime Site and switch to the
3-D View .

• You should now have an image on screen that looks similar to the one below.
Step 4: Creating the Racks
• Change the View Toolbar to Document Storage and then return to
Plan View .
• Switch the Tools Menu to Furniture and Objects .
• On the Actions Menu under Active Object select “cube” and set the dimensions for the
cube to (8’ x 90’ x 12’).

• From the Actions Menu select Place Individual Object . Place the
object approximately midway down the eastern wall.
• Click on the object you just placed to make it active (when the object is active it will turn
blue). Under Properties rename the cube “Rack 1” and under Positioning change the
current position to 234’ x 75’ x 0’.
• Switch the Tools Menu to Textures , under “Active Material” click on Select
switch to the Catalogs tab and then select the “Color Catalog” option.

• Use the Search Bar to search for color code #1014, once the color appears click on it and
select Apply to make it the active color then close the color catalog window.

• Under Advanced Properties change the “Reflection Factor” to 10%, notice how the color
of the ball under Active Material changes to match the new properties.

• Switch to 3D Mode and apply the new material to the rack we just placed using the
Apply Material tool.

Program Note: To change the color of all sides of an object at once simply drag and
drop the color ball onto the object.
• Switch the Tools Menu to Furniture and Objects and return to Plan View .

• Click on the rack to make it the active object, once the object is highlighted “right click”
on the mouse and choose copy, then “right click” again and choose paste.

• The new object will be placed directly on top of the previous object, select Move
and position the new object to coordinates 214’ x 75’ x 0’ and rename it “Rack 2”.

Program Note: By selecting the red arrow head you will be able to move an object left
and right on a straight line, but selecting the green arrow head you will be able to
move objects up and done in a straight line.

• Repeat the previous steps to place the remaining racks into position according to the
email. Once complete you should have a project that looks similar to the image below.
Step 5: Creating the Calculation Zones
• Switch the Mode Menu to Calculation Objects .
• Set the Tools Menu to Calculation Objects .
• From the Actions Menu select Draw Polygonal Calculation Object .
• Draw the polygon around the open area of the warehouse as seen below.

• Under Properties rename the calculation grid to “Open Area”.

• Under Settings for Measuring Grid set the Distance to 5 FT x 5 FT.

• Under Value Chart Settings change the font size to 1.0 FT.
• Choose Draw Rectangular Calculation Object and draw the
calculation grid in the 4th aisle from the wall.

• Under Properties rename the grid “Typical Racking Aisle”.

• Under Settings for Measuring Grid set the Distance to 5 FT x 5 FT.

• Under Value Chart Settings change the font size to 1.0 FT.
• Switch to 3D View and you should have an image that looks similar to the one below.
• Return to Plan View , switch to Light Mode and select Assessment
Zones from the Tools Menu.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw Rectangular Space and create an
assessment zone in the same aisle you created the Typical Aisle calculation grid.
• Once you have created the assessment zone new menus will appear on the Actions
• Under Active Space rename the space “Typical Aisle Assessment Zone”.

• Under Work-plane deselect “Create Working Plane”.

• Under Properties change the Active Utilization to General Areas Inside Buildings/Storage
Rack Area. Use the Details Menu to set the Visual Task to 15 FC per the email.

• Verify the Maintenance Factor is set to 0.85.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw Polygonal Space and create a new assessment zone
for the Open Area of the warehouse.
• Once you have created the assessment zone new menus will appear on the Actions
• Under Active Space rename the space “Open Area Assessment Zone”.

• Under Properties change the Active Utilization to General Areas Inside Buildings/Storage
Rack Area. Use the Details Menu to set the Visual Task to 30 FC per the email.

• Under Workplane deselect Create Working Plane.

• Verify the Maintenance Factor is set to 0.85.

Program Note: Notice under the Rooms tab on the View Bar the new assessment zones
we created are listed here. Though not technically separate rooms the program will
treat these areas as a separate space allowing you to evaluate the lighting for these
areas separately.

Program Note: An Assessment Zone will allow a specific area inside a larger project to
be assigned a different Utilization Profile. This is useful in large open areas where
multiple tasks, requiring different light levels are being performed.
Step 6: Defining and Placing Luminaires

• Switch to Light Mode and return to the Plan View .

• Set the View Bar to “Open Area Assessment Zone” .

• Set the Tools Menu to Luminaires .

• Select Import Luminaire File from the Actions Menu and load “HBL-
72LU-5K-W” into the project.

• Once the file is imported change the “Designation” to “A” then review the rest
information given under Active Luminaire.

• From the Actions Menu select Automatic Arrangements for Spaces

• Under Properties change the luminaire group name to “Open Area”.

• With the luminaire group still highlighted open the Mounting Type Menu
and set the Suspension Length to 2’.

• With the luminaire group still highlighted review the information shown under the
Estimate Calculator.

• Import Luminaire File “HBL-72LU-5K-A” from the project folder and set
the designation to “B” to distinguish between the different luminaire types.

• Change the Room View from Open Area to Typical Aisle Assessment Zone.
• From the Actions Menu select Automatic Arrangement for Spaces .

• Under Properties rename the luminaire group “Aisle Lighting”.

• Under Mounting Type change the suspension length for the luminaire group to 2.0 Ft.

• With the luminaire group still highlighted review the information shown under the
Estimate Calculator.
• Change the Room View to Document Storage and you should have an image similar to
the one below.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw Rectangular Arrangement and place the luminaires
in the first aisle.

• Once the arrangement has been placed change the Grid Arrangement to (X3 – Y1)

• Change the suspension length to 2.00 FT.

• Repeat the previous steps to place luminaires into the remaining aisles.

Program Note: By highlighting the luminaire arrangement and right clicking on the
mouse you can now choose to “Copy and Paste” the luminaires into the remaining

• Once all of the luminaires have been placed select Start Calculation to begin the
calculation for the warehouse. Once the calculation in complete switch to 3D View
, you should now have an image similar to the one below.
Step 7: Showing Results and Creating Views

• Return to Plan View and switch to Calculation Objects Mode and open
the Results Overview Menu and review the information under Results.

• On the Results Overview Menu click on “Open Area” to make the Open Area calculation
grid active. Once the grid is active it will become highlighted in both the Results
Overview Menu and the workspace display.

• Once the Open Area Grid is active select Calculation Grid to activate the
• point-x-point results.

• On the Results Overview Menu click on “Typical Aisle” to make it the active grid. Once
the grid is active it will become highlighted in both the Results Overview Menu and the
workspace display.

• Once the Typical Aisle grid is active select Calculation Grid to activate the
point-x-point results.
• If necessary use the rotation command under Value Chart Settings to adjust the direction
of the grid text.

• Switch to 3D View and zoom in on the face of the racking.

• From the Actions Menu Select Results on Surface select the face of the
rack (the surface will become highlighted once it is active).

• Once the surface is active select False Colors activate the results.

• Under Properties change the name of the calculation grid to “Rack Face”.

• At the bottom of the workspace a color value bar is now available.

• Move the slider on the left to blue and change the value setting to 5.0 FC.
• Move the slider on the right to red and change the value setting to 30.0 FC.

• You should now have an image that looks similar to the one shown below.

• Change the Tools Menu to Views and select Save New View from the
Actions Menu.
• Under Active Saved View change the name to “Rack Face”.
• The current view is now saved and is displayed under Saved Views.

• Close the Results Overview Menu, switch to Construction Mode, return to Plan View and
make Ground Floor the active space.

• From the Tools Bar select Help Lines and Labeling .

• Using the scroll wheel on the mouse zoom into the upper right corner of the warehouse.
• From the Actions Menu select Draw New Dimension Line. Place dimension lines for the
(4) luminaires as shown below.

• From the Actions Menu select Place New Text, using the mouse choose the location you
wish to place the text. Place note as seen below.

• Change the view in the workspace to focus on the racking aisles, dimension those
luminaries and place a new note as shown.
• Open the Display Option Menu and deselect the Show Room Designations.

• Change the Tools Menu to Views select Zoom All and center the warehouse
in the middle of the workspace.
• Select Save New View from the Actions Menu to save the current view for use in the final
reports, name the view Dimensions. Under the Saved Views Menu there should be (2)
saved images.
• Step 8: Creating Reports
• Switch to Documentation Mode and set the Tools Menu to Project
Information . Fill out the project information portion of per the original email.

• Switch the Tools Menu to Selected Outputs and change the Overview to
“Technical Planner”.
• Select Edit and choose the following information to include in the report.
(Note that by selecting on the word you can get a preview of the page you have
– Project Cover
– Table of Contents
– Project Description
– Luminaire Parts List
– Views
– Hubbell Lighting HBL-72LU-5K-W
– Hubbell Lighting HBL-72LU-5K-A
– Open Area (Results Overview / Value Chart Perpendicular)
– Typical Racking Aisle (Results Overview / Value Chart Perpendicular))
– Rack Face (Results Overview / False Colors Illuminance)

• Once everything has been selected click on the word “Views” to preview the page.
• At the bottom of the preview screen open the Page Settings Window.

• Check the boxes below the (2) available images and click the refresh button .
• The saved views should now appear on the Views Page.
• Switch the Tools Menu to Print .
• Now select Determine Page Count to assemble the documentation.
• Once the report is assembled you will receive a summary of the total pages in the report.
Review the information in the report to verify you have included all necessary

• Once you are satisfied with the report you can print locally, Save as PDF
or Open In External Viewer to save/email/print the report.
Objective: To create an interior lighting plan that includes doors, windows, textures and

Building Information Lighting Information

Total Building Height: 12’ – 0”
Restroom Ceiling: 8’ – 0” Recessed 2x2 LED (30 FC)
Office Ceiling: 9’ – 0” Recessed 2x4 LED (40 FC)
Conference Ceiling: 10’ – 0” 6” Down-light / 2x2 LED (Locations Given)
Windows: 48” (Sill @ 36”)
Doors: 6’ – 8”
Office Flooring: Grey Tile
Wall Color – Signal White
Step 1: Creating a New Project and Importing DWG File
• Select DWG/DXF Import from the Create New Project menu.

• When prompted choose the “Office Base” file from the Tutorial #3 project folder.
• Set the Mode Menu to Construction Mode and the Tools Menu to
Drawings .
• Under the Actions Menu change the scale to “Foot”.

Program Note: The scale for the file MUST be set at this time, failure to do so will result
in the program generating incorrect results. Once the scale is set and objects have been
created the scale CANNOT be modified.

• Use the Tape Measure Tool to verify the scale of the drawing by checking the
spacing of the ceiling grid (should be 2.0).
Step 2: Creating the Building
• Change the Tools Menu to Site and rename the site “Office Complex”.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw New Building .

• Before creating the building use the New Building Menu to set the Number of Storeys to
(1) and Total Building Height to 12.0 FT.

• Begin by selecting one corner of the outside perimeter of the building then trace the
building going to each exterior corner, once you have reached the fourth corner right
click the mouse and choose “Close Polygon” to complete the building.

Design Note: The building is the second line in from the outside, the outer most line will
be the roof line.
• Switch the Tools Menu to Site and click on the edge of the building to make the
building active and change the building name to “Office Building” under the Active
Building Menu.

• Switch the Tools Menu to Storey and Building Construction and rename the Active
Storey to “1st Floor”.

• Change the Tools Menu to Roof Contours , using the Active Roof Menu set
“Pyramid Roof” as the active roof.

• From the Actions Menu select “Draw Roof” and trace the exterior roof line.
• With the new roof highlighted review the new information that is now available in the
Actions Menu.

• From the Actions Menu change the vertical position of the roof to 11.344 to match the
Story Height.
• Switch the View Menu to 3D View and you should have an image similar to the one
Step 3: Creating the Rooms
• Make “1st Floor” the active space and switch the view to Floor Plan and change the
Tools Menu to Storey and Building Construction .

• From the Actions Menu select Draw New Indoor Contour .

• Zoom in on “Men’s RR 31” and begin by placing the first point at one of the corners of
the room and then trace the inside of the room by placing a new point at each corner,
once you reach the fourth corner right click the mouse and select Close Polygon.

Program Note: If the room is skewed or a point was missed this can be corrected
without recreating the room. Click on the wall of the room to make that room active,
once the room is active the points are now available for editing. By placing the mouse
over the room and right clicking the mouse you can add new points or delete unwanted
• Open the Display Menu and turn on Show Room Designations.

• Repeat the previous steps to create the remaining rooms inside the building.

• Change the Tools Menu to Assessment Zones then click inside “Room 1” and
review the information available for editing under the Actions Menu.
• Rename the Active Space “Men’s RR 31.

• From the Properties Menu set the Utilization Profile to “Sanitation Rooms/Restrooms”,
open the Details Menu and change the Visual Task to 30 FC.

• Under Workplane rename the workplane to match the room and change the workplane
height to 0.00 FT.

• Under Maintenance set the LLF to 0.85.

• Repeat the previous steps to modify the remaining rooms per the email. (Note: Set the
work plane height for the offices and conference room to 2.625 FT and rename each
work plane to match its room.)

• Change the Tools Menu to Help Lines and Labeling .

• Hold the mouse over the room labels and left click, once the text is active use the
Formatting Menu to change the font size for each room label to 1.50 ft.

• Once completed Zoom All and you should have an image similar to the one below.
Step 4: Placing Doors, Windows and Ceilings.
• Make “1st Floor” the active space and change the view to 3D .

• Switch the Tools Menu to Ceilings .

• From the Actions Menu select Insert Ceiling into Room and click inside
the Men’s Room to place a ceiling into the room.

• Once the ceiling is in place use the Active Ceiling Menu to change the Clearance Height
to 8.00 FT per the email.

• Repeat this procedure to place a ceiling into each of the remaining rooms as noted on
Page 1 of this tutorial. Once complete your building should look similar to the one below.
• Return to Plan View and verify the active space is “1st Floor”.

• While in Construction Mode make Apertures the active tool.

• From the Actions Menu make “Door (Standard)” the active Aperture.

• Zoom in closely to the door in “Men’s RR 31”, from the Actions Menu select Draw New
Building Opening .

Program Note: To place the door properly draw the line from the outside edge of the
frame on the handle side to the outer edge of the frame on the hinge side and always
draw the opening on the swing side of the door.

• Switch to 3D View then zoom into the space to view the door. You should have an image
similar to the one below.
• Select the door to make it active, once the door is active a properties menu will appear
on the actions bar.

• Change the door Height to 7.0 FT and set the width to 3.50 FT.

• Repeat the previous steps to place the remaining doors into the space.

• Once all of the doors have been placed change the Active Aperture to Window

• Zoom in closely to the window in “Office 32” and place the window as shown in the
background file.

• Hit “Escape” to exit the command and then select the window to make it active. Once
the window is active a properties menu will appear on the actions bar.

• Change the window Height to 4.00 FT, set the width to 3.00 FT and change the Frame
Width to 0.25 FT.
• Change to 3D View and zoom into the space, you should have an image similar to the
one below.

• Repeat the previous steps to create the window for the Conference Room. Set the
dimensions for the window to (4’ x 8’) with a ¼” frame.
Step 5: Defining and Placing Luminaires
• Switch the Mode Menu to Light and set the Tools Menu to Luminaires .

• On the View Menu make “Men’s RR 31” the active space.

• Program Note: LitePro DLX defaults to have the background DWG file turned off while
working in this view. To turn the background file on simply switch to Construction Mode
, set the set the Tools Menu to Drawings and check the Show box on
the Active Drawing Menu.

• While in Construction Mode use the Room View drop down to turn the DWG background
on for each room.

• Once the DWG Background has been turned on for each room return to Light Mode and
verify “Men’s RR 31” is the active space.

• Under the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire File and select the
LLT22 file from the project folder to load the luminaire into the project.

• The LLT22 luminaire should now be shows as the “Active Luminaire”.

• From the Tools Menu make Help Lines and Labeling the active tool .

• From the Actions Menu select Draw Help Reference Grid .

• Begin by placing the first point in the lower left corner of the room, place the second
point in the lower right corner of the room and the final point in the upper right corner
of the room.

• Using the Reference Line Grid menu change the Line Distances to 2.00.

• Program Note: To center the grid in the space use the “Position” section of the Reference
Line Grid menu.

• Change the Tools Menu to Luminaires and from the Actions Menu select
Automatic Arrangement for Space . LitePro will automatically
populate the space per the criteria set previously under the Active Utilization.
• Under Estimate Calculator menu review the Target and Current light levels to be sure you
are hitting desired light levels.

• On the Actions Menu rename the Luminaire Arrangement to “Men’s RR 31”.

• On the Grid Arrangement Menu change the Arrangement to Fixed Distance the use the
dropdown menu next to arrangement to change the Distance to 8.00 x 4.00 FT.

• Use the Move command to either place the luminaires inside the grid or center
them in the space.
• Change the active space to “Women’s RR 30” and repeat the previous steps to place
luminaires into the space.

• Under the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire File and select the
LLT24 file from the project folder to load the luminaire into the project.

• Make “Office 32” the active room and place the luminaires into the space using
Automatic Arrangements for Spaces command.

• Change the Arrangement Name to Office 32.

• Change the Grid Arrangement to Fixed Distance and set the distance to 6.00 x 8.00, click
Rotate to better position the luminaires.

• Once the luminaires are in the desired orientation use the Move command to center
the luminaires in the space.

• Make “General Office 32” the active space and place the luminaires using the Draw
Polygonal Arrangement command, draw the polygon around the outer edges of the
• Rename the Luminaire Arrangement to General Office 32.

• Under the Grid Arrangement menu change the Arrangement to Fixed Distance and set
the Distance to 8.00 x 10.00.

• With the luminaire group highlighted select Move and shift the luminaires into
position as shown in the image below.
• To copy the remaining luminaires into place first select the luminaire sitting above the
work “Office”. When the luminaire is active it will turn blue, while holding down the Shift
Key select the (3) luminaires above it. Right click the mouse and choose Copy, right click
the mouse again and choose paste. By grabbing the red arrow with the mouse the
luminaires can be moved into position.

• Make “Conference 33” the active space.

• Under the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire File and select the
LC6LED file from the project folder to load the luminaire into the project.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw Line Arrangment to place the
luminaires in the specified locations.
• Place the first point of the line in the center of the luminaire in the lower left corner and
place the second point at the center of the luminaire in the lower right corner.

• Under Line Arrangement change the quantity to (5), set the distance to 4.00 FT and then
use the Move command to shift the luminaires into place.

• Change the luminaire arrangement name to Conference Down Lights.

• Repeat the previous steps to place the remaining down lights or use the Copy and Paste
commands if you prefer.

• Under the Active Luminaire Menu click Select and make the LLT22 the active
luminaire and place the luminaires in the specified locations given.
• Once complete switch the view to 1st Floor and you should have an image
similar to the image below.
Step 6: Placing Furniture and Applying Textures
• Switch to Construction Mode and make “Office 32” the active space.

• Change the Tools Menu to Furniture and Objects .

• From the Active Object menu click Select and switch to the Catalogs tab and then double
click the Object Catalog to open the catalog window.

• From the Object Catalog select the Office Furniture menu. Scroll through the available
objects to find a desk that best suits the office. Double click the object to make it the
active object.

• From the Actions Menu use the Place Individual Object tool to place the desk into the
office and then use the move and rotate commands to put the desk into its proper

• Use the previous steps to place the remaining furniture in the office and conference

• Once all of the furniture is in place change the Tools Menu to Materials .

• From the Active Material menu click Select and switch to the Catalogs tab and then
double click the Color Catalog to open the catalog window. Select colors that you feel
would suit the office environment and apply them to the building and furniture.
Program Note: To apply a color to all surfaces of an object drag the color ball onto the
object and release it. To apply colors to a specific surface use the Apply Color command.

• Once all of the colors have been applied use the previous steps to apply textures to the

• Once all of the objects, colors and textures have been applied you should have a
completed space similar to the ones below.
Step 7: Running Calculations and Displaying Results
• Make “1st Floor” the active space and set Plan View as the current view.

• Change the Mode Menu to Calculation Objects and set the Tools Menu
to Calculation Objects then select Begin Calculation to start the

• Once the calculation is complete the Results Overview Menu will open
automatically to allow the results for each room to be reviewed.

Program Note: By opening the dropdown menu beside the foot-candle results the
calculation results details can be reviewed.
• Zoom into “Conference 33” and from the Results Overview Menu click on the foot-candle
results for the conference room. Once that grid is active the foot-candle results will be

• Once the grid is active select Calculation Grid from the Actions Menu to
turn on the point-x-point results.

• From the Value Chart Settings menu change the Font Size of the text to 0.50 FT.
• Repeat the previous steps to activate the point-x-point results for the remaining rooms.
Once complete you should have an image similar to the one below.

• Switch to Export Mode, make “1st Floor” the active space and change to 3D View.

• From the Tools Menu make Views the active tool.

• Using the mouse move around the space and save (4) images that will be imported into
the final report.
Step 8: Creating Reports
• Switch the Mode Menu to Documentation Mode .

• Set the Tools Menu to Selected Output s and change the Overview to Single Room.

• Select Edit and choose the following information to be included in the

– Project Cover
– Table of Contents
– Import the (4) views saved earlier
– Select the Luminaire Parts List, Results Overview and Value Chart/Perpendicular
for the work plane for each of the five rooms.

• Switch the Tools Menu to Print and select Determine Page Count to
assemble and print the final report.

• Once completed you should have a 22 page document to view the results.

• Select Save as PDF to save the document to your local computer.

Objective: To create an exterior lighting plan for a car dealership that will include contribution
light from fixtures located inside the building.

We need to get the lighting for our sales lot updated to LED fixtures ASAP. I have attached a
drawing that shows all of the pole locations on the site and the target light levels I would
like to achieve in those areas. In the areas that aren’t spacified just shoot for 1 FC

The building height is 20’ and the fixtures in the showroom are mounted at 16.5’ so we will
need a high powered LED downlight. The wall-packs on the building are mounted at 15’
and the pole mounted fixtures are at 20’.

I looked at some fixtures and I think I want to use the Kim Altitude, Prescolite Megalum and
the Kim Type-X wall mounted unit.

If you have any questions just let me know.


Step 1: Creating a New Project
• Select DWG/DXF Import from the Create New Project menu.

• When prompted choose the “Speed Racer Dealership” file from the Tutorial #4 project
• Once the file is imported verify Construction Mode is the active mode.
• Switch the Tools Menu to Drawings and on the Actions Menu change the Scale to

• Use the Tape Measure command to measure the width of a parking stall to verify
your scale (should be approximately 9.0 FT).

• On the bottom of the Actions Menu open the Layer Menu and change the color
of the “Lights” layer to black.

• You should now have a screen that looks similar to the image below.

Step 2: Creating the Site
• Change the Tools Menu to Site .

• On the Actions Menu rename the Active Site “Dealership Site”.

• From the Actions Menu Select Draw Rectangular Floor Element .

• Create a rectangle that extends approximately 25’ beyond the curb lines.

• Set the Maintenance Factor for the site to 0.85.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw New Building .

• Set the Number of Storeys to (1), Total Building Height to 20 FT and trace the exterior
walls of the building.

• Once complete, return to the Site Tool , click on the wall of the building to make it
active. Once the building is active rename the building to “Sales Building”.

• Change the Tools Menu to Storey and Building Construction and rename the
Active Storey “Ground Floor”.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw New Indoor Contour and create
the Showroom at the front of the building.

• Change the Tools Menu to Assessment Zones , select the room and rename the
Active Space to “Showroom”.

• On the Actions Menu open the Workplane Menu and rename the workplane

• Open the Maintenance Menu and set the maintenance factor for the showroom to 0.85.

• Set the Views Menu to Ground Floor and change the Tools Menu to Apertures .

• Make the 3-Wing Window with Transom the Active Aperture.

• Set the window height to 16.00 FT, the Sill Height to 0.00 FT and the Transom Position to
5.00 FT. Using the Draw New Building Opening Tool insert 3 windows into the building as
seen below.

Step 3: Placing Luminaires
• Return to Plan View and make Light Mode the current mode.

• From the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire File . Select the MD8
fixture from the photometric folder to make it the Active Luminaire.

• Under the Designation in DWG Plan label the luminaire “DL”.

• Make the Showroom the active space on the View Menu. (Return to the
Drawings Tool and make the background visible if necessary.)
• Begin placing the down-lights at the locations specified on the background file.

• Set the Light Center Height for the DL to 16.50 FT.

• Change the View Bar to Dealership Site and Zoom All .

• From the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire File and load the ALT1-P70-240L-5K file
from the photometric folder.

• Zoom into the last pole on the left hand side of the Front Row Area.

• Set the Luminaire Designation to “T1”.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw Line Arrangement .

• Draw a short line from left to right at the pole location. Under the Line Arrangement
Menu change the Quantity to (3), Distance to 2.50 FT and Length to 7.50 FT

• Reposition the luminaires to be centered at the pole location and rotate the luminaires
so that all luminaires are facing into the site.

• Set the Mounting Height of the arrangement to 20.00 FT.

• Once complete copy and paste the arrangement at the rest of the pole locations
specified along the front row.

• From the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire File and load ALT5-P70-240L-5K into the

• Give the luminaire a designation of “T5”.

• Zoom into the “S4” location in the middle of the sales lot.

• From the Actions Menu select Draw Circular Arrangement . Place the
first point at the center of the pole location and the second point approximately 1.00 FT
from the center.

• Under the Circular Arrangement Menu set the Quantity to (4), Radius to 0.75 FT and click
rotate till the desired luminaire arrangement is shown.

• Set the Mounting Height to 20.00 FT.

• Once complete copy and paste the arrangement at the rest of the pole locations
specified along the front row.

• Use the previous steps to place the “S2” locations shown in the sales area to the side of
the building and along the entrance drive.

• From the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire File and load ALT3-P70-240L-5K into the

• Set the Luminaire Designation to “T3”.

• From the Actions Menu select Place Individual Luminaire and place the
“S1” locations shown around the site. (Be sure the mounting height for each “S1” is set
to 20.00 FT.)

• Using the previous steps load the ARWX-09-D3-5K-40 luminaire into the project. Set the
designation to “WP” and place the luminaires around the building as specified with a
mounting height of 15.00 FT.

Step 4: Creating Calculation Grids
• Change the Mode Menu to Calculation Objects and set to the Tools Menu
to Calculation Objects .

• From the Actions Menu select Draw Polygonal Calculation Object

and create a rectangle around the three designated areas.

• On the Properties Menu rename the calculation zones as follows.

– Front Row Sales
– Middle Sales Area
– Side Sales Area

• Under Calculation Parameters set the spacing between points to 10 FT x 10 FT.

• Under Value Chart Settings set the font size to 1.5 FT.

• Once all calculation grids are in place select Start Calculation .

• Once the calculation is complete review the results under the Results Overview Menu.

• Once the information has been review and the desired results are confirmed activate the
point-x-point for each calculation surface.
– Click on the desired Calculation Surface in the Results Overview Menu to make the
grid active. Once the grid is active (results will be highlighted) select Calculation
Grid from the actions menu.

• Once complete the project should look similar to the one below.

• Switch to 3D View and from the Action Menu select Results on Surface .

• Once the check mark appears beside the cursor select the parking lot surface to make it
the active object. Once the parking lot surface is active click Calculation Grid
to active the point-x-point.

• Under the Properties Menu rename the calculation grid “Overall Area”.

• Under Value Chart Settings set the Font Size to 1.00 FT and change the quantity of points
to 100 x 100.

• On the Results Overview Menu click the “eyeball” beside the three smaller calculation
areas to hide those points.

• Once complete the project should look similar to the one below.

• Switch to 3D view and note how the interior light spills out onto the site.

Step 5: Exporting and Documentation
• Return to plan view and switch to Export Mode .

• Set the Tools Menu to Drawings .

• Once in the Drawings Tool review the information available to be exported to AutoCAD.
– Change Luminaires layer for the site and interior to blue.
– Under site check Value Charts to export the point-x-point results.
– Change Value Charts layer to purple.

• Once the layers have been adjusted select Export to Existing File from the Actions Menu
. When prompted direct LitePro to export the file to “Speed Racer
Dealership – Results”.

• Once complete open the file in AutoCAD to review the results.


Objective: Create a high resolution image of a sign lighting design project utilizing flood lights.

I just bought into a new burger joint that has some tasty burgers! Business is slow though so I
am putting up a new sign and we need to get some light on it. The sign is 10’ wide, 15’
tall, 10’ off the ground and the lights can be placed as far back as 10’. I want this thing to
pop so let’s put about 40 FC on it so everyone can see it.
If you have any questions or need anything else just let me now.


Step 1: Create the Sign
• Select Outdoor and Building Planning from the Create New
Project Menu.

• Set the Mode Menu to Construction Mode and Tools Menu to Site .

• Set the Maintenance Factor to 0.85.

• From the Action Menu select Draw Rectangular Floor Element .

Create a 30’ x 30’ rectangular floor element, set the position to (0, 0, -0.328).

Program Note: Precision is not required when creating the rectangular floor element in
the workspace. Once the rectangle has been created the Positioning Menu can be used
to properly size the rectangle and to properly position the rectangle within the space.

• Switch to the Furniture and Objects Tool and from the Active Object Menu make
“Cube” the active object.

• Set the dimensions of the cube to 1’ x 10’ x 15’.

• From the Actions Menu select Place Individual Object to place the
object in the middle of the rectangle, use the Positioning Menu to center the object and
to set the elevation (0, 0, 10).

• Under Properties, rename the object “Sign”.

• Use the Active Object menu to make “Vertical Cylinder” the active object.

• Place a 9” x 11’ cylinder at the center of the plan. (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0).

• Under Properties, rename the object “Sign Post”.

• Switch to 3D View and there should be image similar to the one below.

Step 2: Loading and Placing Luminaires
• Return the View Menu to Plan View.

• Switch to Light Mode and set the Tools Menu to Luminaires .

• From the Actions Menu select Import Luminaire File and load the ARF3
from the project folder.

• From the Actions Menu select Place Individual Luminaire and place a
luminaire in the center of the sign with an elevation of 1.5 FT. (0, 0, 1.5).

• Once the luminaire is in place use the Positioning Menu to reposition the luminaire to
have a 10’ Setback and then offset the luminaire 5’ from center (-10, 5, 1.5).

• Place a second luminaire directly below the first luminaire (-10, -5, 1.5)

• Once the second luminaire is in position the project should look similar to the one below.

Step 3: Aiming the Luminaires
• Change the View Menu to 3D View , open the Display Options and turn on
Show Light Distribution Curves .

• Select one of the luminaires to show the photometric web for that luminaire.

• From the Tools Menu select Edit Joints .

• From the Actions Menu select Set Illumination Point .

• Using the crosshairs on the screen set the target point for the first luminaire.

• Select the second luminaire and use the previous steps to set its aiming point.

• Change the Tools Menu to Luminaires .

• By selecting on each luminaire separately and using the Positioning Menu it is possible to
compare the tilt and rotation angles of the luminaires.

• Using the Positioning Menu set the tilt and rotation angles of each luminaire so that the
aiming is symmetrical.

• Once complete the project should look similar to the one below.

Step 4: Placing Calculation Grid and Saving Views
• Switch to Calculation Objects Mode and set the Tools Menu to
Calculation Objects .

• Begin the calculation by selecting Start Calculation .

• Once the calculation is complete select Results on Surface from the

Actions Menu and select the front of the sign to make it the active surface.

Program Note: The surface, object or luminaire that is currently active will always be
highlighted in the workspace.

• With the front of the sign active select Calculation Grid from the Actions
Menu to activate the point-x-point.

• Once the calculation grid is active, review the information in the Results Overview Menu
to verify the target light levels are achieved.

• Under Properties rename the calculation grid “Sign”.

• Under Value Chart Settings change the Font Size to 0.33 FT.

• Change the Tools Menu to Views .

• From the Actions Menu select Save New View and rename the Active Saved View to

Step 5: Applying Textures and Creating High Resolution Renderings
• Open the Display Options Menu and select Show Iso-lines to turn off the
point-x-point results.

• Switch to Construction Mode and make Materials the active tool.

• From the Actions Menu select Create Textured Material .

• Import the Sign Image jpeg from the project folder, the new material should now be
shown as the Active Material.

• Under Color on the Actions Menu change the dimensions of the texture to match the
dimensions of the sign.

• From the Actions Menu select Apply Material and place the material onto
the front of the sign.

• Select Begin Calculation to create a new calculation image with the texture applied
to the sign.

• Once the calculation is complete switch to Export Mode and set the Tools
Menu to Raytracer .

• Under Properties change the resolution to 3200x2400 pixels, a lower resolution may be
used if required.

• From the Actions Menu select Start Raytracing .

• Once the raytrace is complete a jpeg image should appear on your screen similar to the
one below.

• Under Active Image rename the image Sign Rendered.

• From the Actions Menu select Save Image to export the image file for your

Step 6: Documentation
• Switch the Mode Menu to Documentation Mode and change the tools
menu to Project Information and fill in the information accordingly.

• Change the Tools Menu to Selected Outputs and set the Overview to Building

• Choose Edit and review the information provided in this template then add the following
– Views (Load the saved view at this time.)
– Results Overview
– Value Chart/Perpendicular Illuminance

• Switch to the Print tool and select Determine Page Count to

assemble the documentation.

• Select Save as PDF to save the document to your local drive, open the PDF
and review the information provided.



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