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Student Copy Date:____________

Revision: Essay Writing

Task 1 Find mistakes and rewrite the introduction from an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of conscription. Use lexical
items/collocations or grammatical structures which are appropriate for C1 or STANAG 3 level when possible.

Nowadays there are many debates about mandatory national service and its influence on freedom. Some people think that it could
help young people to become adoult, but others disagree. They think that it violents the freedom of each individual. If it is that so,
we will see in this essay which explain pros and cons of this topic.

Task 2 Find mistakes and rewrite the introduction, conclusion and parts from the main body from an essay on the advantages and disadvantages
of conscription. Use lexical items/collocations or grammatical structures which are appropriate for C1 or STANAG 3 level when possible. Discuss
in pairs whether the arguments are well supported and whether the introduction, conclusion and the body entail all the necessary parts.

Througout the years mandatory military national service has been going through a multitude of changes. Including the duration
which variated from 3 months to one year, the age when people should be taught the basics of military and last but not least should
it even be a so called „must“? Democration by itself contains word choice, but do we have it? Numerous discussions have been made
and the voice should be heard, the reasons should be given. Different people have different opinions.

Firstly, merging people from completely diverse lifestyles and personal preferences into one unit oughts to bring cohesion. Unity will
eventually come while a group of conscripts will be given a task which they can not fulfill individually. Wheather the assignement is
completed or nor not, and how it is accomplished, expresses their teamwork. (…)

On the other hand, proponents say in the world where people are overwhelmed by democration, draft violates the free will of
people. Moreover, it is said that vast number of people doesn't want to take guns into their hands….
And last conscription may be manipulated by the rich and unfairly harm others. It is well-known that you can live better if your dad
or mum are rich. So having a lot of money or parents on a high duty might change the way the non-committiones officers behave to

To summarize, obligatory military service certainly brings goods, at least from the point of view where people see what represents
something good and what they perceive as not wanted and actually bad. In my opinion, youth should „give it a go“ when they still
have time. In conclusion the aim is to provide goodness in the form of the security and health of the people and the country.

Student Copy Date:____________
Revision: Essay Writing
Task 3 Find mistakes and rewrite the second paragraph an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of conscription. Use lexical
items/collocations or grammatical structures which are appropriate for C1 or STANAG 3 level when possible. Discuss in pairs whether the
arguments are well supported.

Some argue that the countrie should not have to earn their citizenship through mandatory service and it violates their freedoms or a form
of slavery. Every human has a right to choose. Secondly, compulsory service is a very costly. The training is quality with expensive equipment and on
high standards. Mandatory service includes the costs for water, food and uniform for people who are called to serve. Finally mandatory service is
not a good idea because recruitment decrease levels of quality. If person doesn’t want to service in military, the country could not allowed the
mandatory service in military.

Task 4 Find mistakes and rewrite the sentences and paragraphs from an essay on the following topic: Future wars will be waged in cyberspace:
yes or no? Use lexical items/collocations or grammatical structures which are appropriate for C1 or STANAG 3 level when possible.

1. Military have follow global trends and invest in new technologies.

2. Today modern warfare improve conventional fight with modern tactics which includes and the modern battleground:

3. Military forces adapt their strategies to react on cybernetic threats.

4. Other disagree claiming that it costs significantly and that GDP can't suffer cause that.

5. Some people argue with argument that modern war needs modern solutions.

6. Modern war don't includs fight only on ground battle, air and under sea.

7. Military tactics are following world’s researchment and development and are trying to include all modern achievment
usefull for warfare. Moreover, new technological achievment should also be include in military tactics. Young experts can
adapt on new strategy of electronic warfare in cyberspace with their „fresh“ knowledge what contribute armed forces „be
up to date“.

8. On the other hand are negative arguments. First of all modern technologies which are needed cyber warfare and electronic
system need expensive cost. Department of defense have to invest o lot of many in military electronic resource because this
resource, and all electronic systems and gadgets it has, need improvement continualy. Small Country, like Croatia, doesn't
have high GDP to invest significantly in electronic warfare.

9. Electromagnetic radiation, which electronic system use, is susceptible to eavesdrop and interception.

10. It is undoubtidly that electronic warfare will be the main system of modern military strategies and all attention should be on
that. On this way military can profit that some people see a military career after this process.

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