Writing Reports

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Writing Reports

Report has been defined as a document in which a given problem is examined for the purpose
of conveying information, reporting, findings, putting forward ideas and sometimes, making
recommendations. it is an account or a statement which describes an opinion, situation etc
which is the outcome of observation. Reports are very important for providing information,
planning and control, decision making and performance evaluation.

Points to remember while making reports

Typical structure:
• Title, author, date
• Contents
• Introduction and Terms of Reference (or aims/scope for report)
• Executive Summary
• Background/history/situation
• Implications/issues/opportunities/threats
• Options with implications
• Recommendations and actions with values and costs
• Appendices
General Guidelines
• Map out your structure before you begin researching and writing your report
• Ensure the purpose, aims and scope of the report is clearly explained in your terms of
• The executive summary should be very concise, summarizing the main
recommendations and findings. Provide interpretation of situations and options. Show
the important hard facts and figures. Your recommendations should include implications,
with values and costs where applicable. Unless yours is a highly complex study, limit
the executive summary to less than two sides of standard business paper
• The body of the report should be divided into logical sections. The content must be very
concise. Use hard facts and figures, evidence and justification. Use efficient language -
big reports with too many words are not impressive. The best reports are simple and
quick to read because the writer has properly interpreted the data and developed viable
• Do not cram lots of detail, diagrams, figures, evidence, references etc., into the main
body of the report. Index and attach these references as appendices at the end of the
• Where you state figures or evidence you must always identify the source
• Show figures in columns. Try to support important figures with a graph
• If it's appropriate to acknowledge contributors then do so in the introduction or a b
separate section at the end
Standard Format of Report Writing
Format - Formal Report
A short formal report is basically a five-section composition, suitable for important
inquiries that are to be reported.
The basic features of a report are given below.
• The report starts with ' From ' , ' To ' , and ' Date ' .
• The report should have a title or main subject.
• The first part of the report consists of the introduction. It outlines what the writer
was asked to do, by whom , and by what date he has to submit his report.
• The second part shows the steps taken by the writer to carry out those
• This may include visiting places, interviewing people, doing a short survey.
• The third part consists of the findings that form the core of the report. All the
information is logically presented, using suitable sub-headings.
• The fourth part is the conclusion when the writer makes the main deductions from
the findings.
• The fifth part consists the recommendations and suggestions of the writer.
• The last part includes the writer's name and designation. They are written on the
left hand corner of the page.

Sample Format of Report Writing

Here is an example format of Report Writing

your school has adopted a small town nearby for its Literacy Project. You are in charge
of the group of students who have been given the duty of teaching ten people. After 2
months, your Principal asks you to write a report about the project entrusted to you and
its progress.

The Principal
XYZ School
Date: July 2, 2010.
Subject: Literacy Project Report
You had asked me to submit a short report on the progress made so far in the literacy
project. Below are my findings and recommendations for the same.

We started the project on April 30. We have been conducting teaching classes regularly
for about three hours daily. On an average 58 people attended our classes. This
included adults as well as children. Initially, adults were a little hesitant and reluctant to
learn but gradually they overcame their inhibitions and now they express their thoughts
and opinions freely. Most of the people are sincere in their efforts to learn and have
expressed their gratitude for giving them such an opportunity.

The numbers are increasing day by day. At the end of the period of two months I will
send you a detailed evaluation done by me and my team.


How to Write a Final Report

Top of Form


Bottom of Form

Writing a Final Report

Final report or final project report is the document which contains the complete
information of the project undertaken. The project report must give the clear picture or
idea about the final product or the outcome of the project. To prepare the good project
report we must follow some instructions and techniques. The main aim or goal of the
project must be stated very clearly such that it should drag the attention of the readers
to know much information about the topic. The contents of the topic must not be too
lengthy or too short. Developing the report in step by step procedure will be helpful
since it reduces the time and effort of the author.
Steps to Write the Final Report

• Collect the necessary information from variety of sources.

• Maintain a diary which contains the day by day developments of the project.
• The final structure of the report must be decided consulting with the team or the
• The final report must have the clear aim or goal or outcome of the project.
• The final report should be able to reflect the criteria that the projects usefulness.
This will leave the impression about the project on the readers.
• Try to keep the contents sweet and short.
• Monitor the time consumed and required to complete the report .This will help in
maintaining the quality of content and to complete the report on time.
• The report must be reviewed two to three times by others so that we can make the
changes and modifications in key area.
Tips for Writing the Content of the Final Report

• The statement of problem must be stated clearly.

• The problems faced while developing the project and the plans and procedures
used to tackle them will help in developing the right idea of the project.
• The design of the model or prototype should be presented in pictorial format.
• The tools used to develop the model and the platform should be introduced
properly in the report.
• The specifications and the cost of the materials used, man power required to
complete the project must be stated in the report.
• The advantages, disadvantages and the applications of the project must be stated.
• It is suggested to include the future work and extension of the project

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