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Name: ____________________

Biography Website
Learning Intention:
 We will learn how to write a biography

 A biography will be produced in a website format

Success Criteria:
 Biography is based on person involved in a significant event
or made a significant contribution
 Biography will only contain important ideas
 Website must include the following tabs (depending on your
person you can choose different topics of discussion)
- Introduction (quick intro page of your person with
what are they known for? You will go into more detail in
the other tabs)
- Childhood
- Life (family, where they live, when they died, what are
they doing now, etc..)
- Achievements / Special Facts
- Timeline (only include the most important events)
- Media Page (all pictures, audio clips and videos must
have a CAPTION underneath it, a caption is a quick
description of what we see in the picture or what we
are about to see in the video)
- Reference Page
 Publish your biography in a website format with topics above
as your tab headings
 Use a variety of media techniques, conventions and
strategies to enhance your presentation (using various fonts,
colors, placement of information, etc…)


Ontario Language Curriculum
Achievement Chart

Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Use of grammar, uses conventions uses conventions uses conventions uses conventions
spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary with and vocabulary with and vocabulary with and vocabulary with
usage and vocabulary limited effectiveness some effectiveness considerable a high degree of
in written forms effectiveness effectiveness
Expression and expresses and expresses and expresses and expresses and
organization of ideas organizes ideas and organizes ideas and organizes ideas and organizes ideas and
and information in information with information with information with information with a
visual, and written limited effectiveness some effectiveness considerable high degree of
forms effectiveness effectiveness


Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Use of conventions in uses conventions of uses conventions of uses conventions of uses conventions of
visual and media the discipline with the discipline with the discipline with the discipline with a
forms limited effectiveness some effectiveness considerable high degree of
- media conventions and effectiveness effectiveness
techniques used to
enhance presentation


Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Communication for communicates for communicates for communicates for communicates for
different audiences different audiences different audiences different audiences different audiences
and purposes in oral, and purposes with and purposes with and purposes with and purposes with a
visual, including limited effectiveness some effectiveness considerable high degree of
media forms effectiveness effectiveness
- Presentation of their
website using oral

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