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3DP-G04-00034, Revision 003, 2013 September 20
Prepared by: Mirelle Younan/Saurabh Sharma
Approved by: A.A. Avidan
Quality Concurrence by: M.W. Costas


To ensure that critical engineering design products safely and effectively satisfy the objectives of
the project and that the technical content is consistent with the high standards and practices
established by the discipline Chief Engineers (CEs).

The off-project design review process for the selected project design documents shall be
implemented by using the Design Review Notice (DRN) and Design Control Check List (DCCL).


2.1 Reason for Revision

 Revisions as marked
 DRN technical deficiency cause code table (Exhibit F) included
 Design Review Notice (Exhibit G) and Sample DRN Log (Exhibit I) revised

2.2 Criteria

The discipline CEs provide technical overview of their project team by means of off-project review
of design methods and selected specifications, calculations, design criteria, studies, drawings and
database contents. This off-project review shall be included in the project discipline jobhour
estimate and the approved budget.

Design reviews by the discipline CEs include, as appropriate, evaluation for:

 Correct design input, technical adequacy, approach, and methods
 Application of non-conflicting local/national/international codes, standards, quality system
requirements, regulatory requirements and the version applicable to the project
 Compliance with project design criteria, licensing commitments, discipline standards,
guides, and instructions
 Quality, completeness of work, and adequacy of checking
 Clarity of purpose, assumptions, and reasonable conclusions
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3DP-G04-00034-003 Page 1 of 8
 Use of Bechtel Standard Application Programs (BSAPs)
 Adherence to contractual scope, deliverables and functionality requirements (e.g., perform
as sold)
 Risks associated with various engineering design issues and mitigating options on project
 Constructability and design for safe construction and safe operations best practices
 Design interface requirements are satisfied

2.3 Definitions

Design Control Check List (DCCL) – The project discipline document that lists the documents
that must be submitted to the respective CE(s) for review.
Design Review Notice (DRN) – The project document that transmits each item on the DCCL to
the respective CE for review, serves as a record of review, and provides the appropriate
review status.
Project Home Office – The office where the Project Management Team and the Project Team
are located. The office that sponsors the project.
Remote Office – The office where project execution work is performed remotely from the
Project Home Office.
Standard DCCL Template – A discipline-specific DCCL based on the DCCL template in Exhibit
C. This document is created and maintained by each discipline CE. Projects use this template
to generate project-specific DCCLs.
Standard Design Deliverable (SDD) – Any engineering design standard, reference drawing, or
engineering design document identified by the CE’s office that can be used without
modification as an engineering deliverable (e.g., standard specification, procedure, standard,
instruction, guide, Underground Piping Details, P&ID Symbols and Legends).


3.1 Document Numbering

DCCL and DRN numbering shall be in accordance with Management Instruction RIM 200,
Standard Document Numbering or project procedure.

3.2 Design Control Check List

During the early phases of a project, a DCCL shall be prepared by each project discipline
based on guidance from the respective CE. Only one DCCL shall be prepared for each
discipline on a project. The division of responsibility (DOR) among participating offices and
other required disciplines shall be denoted on the DCCL. Exhibit A provides a flowchart,
Exhibit B provides the instructions for completing and using the DCCL, and Exhibit C illustrates
the typical DCCL form.

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3DP-G04-00034-003 Page 2 of 8
The DCCL shall list the documents to be reviewed and indicate the stage of development for
submittal to the discipline CE. Exhibit C contains recommended DCCL documents.

Engineering organizations supporting multiple projects [e.g., Materials Engineering Technology

(MET), Geotechnical & Hydraulic Engineering Services (G&HES)] may prepare and work to
either a project-specific DCCL or a standard DCCL for the organization, whichever is
applicable to the document to be issued.

DCCLs shall be submitted to the CE using the DRN.

3.2.1 Engineering Group Supervisor (EGS) Responsibilities

The EGS shall:

 Assign the DCCL a standard/project document number
 Ensure that the documents and work processes identified in the discipline DOR are
addressed in the DCCL
 Coordinate a discipline-project-specific DCCL with his/her counterpart EGS(s) in other
offices participating in the project, following the guidance from the home office CE
 Obtain Project Engineer (PE)/Project Engineering Manager (PEM) concurrence on
 Submit the DCCL to the appropriate CE(s) in each participating office via a DRN for
approval. If the DOR changes after initial issue, then the EGS shall revise and reissue
the DCCL accordingly
 Issue DCCL into the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) after obtaining
approval from the appropriate CE(s) and PEM
 Indicate approval of each issued revision of the DCCL by signing/initialing the DCCL
cover sheet
 Coordinate with his/her CE whether new deliverables due to changes in project scope
shall require Off-Project Design Review

3.2.2 Project Engineer/Project Engineering Manager Responsibilities

 The PE/PEM shall indicate concurrence with each discipline-project-specific DCCL by
signing/initialing the DCCL cover sheet.
 The PE/PEM should consult with the discipline CE(s) and define the DOR when
ambiguities exist (i.e., a single DCCL lists documents that must be reviewed by multiple
engineering discipline CEs).

3.2.3 Chief Engineer Responsibilities

The home office CE or designee shall:

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3DP-G04-00034-003 Page 3 of 8
 Determine the DOR for the DRN reviews when engineering for a project is performed in
multiple offices. The discipline DCCL shall reflect the documents to be reviewed and
approved by the appropriate CE in the project home office and those to be reviewed
and approved by the CEs of the remote offices.
 Ensure that the Standard DCCL template (based on Exhibit C sample) is available to
the EGS. The Standard DCCL template shall be reaffirmed whenever significant
changes in the GBU organization structure, discipline work process, or deliverables
occur as applicable.
 Independently ensure that critical design areas/tasks are included for Off-Project Design
 Determine whether new deliverables due to changes in project scope shall require Off-
Project Design Review
 Indicate approval of each issued revision of the DCCL by signing/initialing the DCCL
cover sheet
 Ensure that the DCCL is implemented in a correct and timely manner and advise the
EGS of any deficiencies

3.3 Design Review Notice

As design documents on the DCCL are completed, and prior to their release or use for
construction, procurement award, or contract award, the EGS shall forward them to the
responsible CE via the DRN process. Documents submitted for review shall be checked on
project prior to submittal to the CE unless agreed-to otherwise. Exhibit D provides a flowchart,
Exhibit E provides the instructions for completing and using the DRN and Exhibit G illustrates
the typical DRN form.

DRNs shall be tracked using a DRN log maintained by each discipline EGS on the project
server or in the project EDMS through Document Control Center (DCC). The log shall contain
each DRN line item and its key milestones. Exhibit I shows a sample DRN log.

The CE or designee shall note any comments; mark the cause code and approval status on
the DRN; and return it, with marked-up documents as required, to the responsible EGS. The
EGS shall be responsible for resolving and incorporating review comments. DRN technical
deficiency metrics as defined in EDP 3DP-G03-00015, Engineering Quality Dashboards,
should be maintained in each office/GBU. Refer to Exhibit F for DRN technical deficiency
cause codes.

Once approved through the DRN process, documents on the DCCL only need to be
resubmitted for review, via a new DRN, when they are significantly revised or as directed by
the responsible CE. Significant revisions include those affecting:
 Design concepts – for critical components or elements of the design
 Design criteria – for critical components or elements of the design
 Compliance with codes and standards
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3DP-G04-00034-003 Page 4 of 8
 Commitments to regulatory agencies
 Performance or warranty commitments per the prime contract
 Any revision to a Standard Design Deliverable identified on the original DCCL

3.3.1 Engineering Group Supervisor Responsibilities

The EGS shall:

 Assign each DRN a standard document number (see Section 3.1) and list the
appropriate title and revision of each document submitted on the DRN
 Include DRN milestones on the project Engineering Progress and Performance Report
(EPPR) or equivalent deliverables tracking system
 Submit documents on the DCCL to the responsible CE(s) to obtain approval as the
documents are available for issue using the DRN. DRNs must be approved prior to the
release or use of the documents for procurement or contract award, fabrication, or
 Encourage early collaboration with the CE and reviewer(s) (i.e., invite the DRN
Reviewer to pre-job briefs to ensure agreement on how best to proceed)
 Use the DRN log to track status of the returned/reviewed DRNs in accordance with the
“Required Date” on each DRN
 Resolve and incorporate review comments by the DRN returned from the CE
 Sign/initial and date the DRN form before the document is issued for construction,
procurement award, contract award, client/owner review, or review by external licensing
or permitting authorities
 Fill out a new DRN form for each revision number, attach the previous DRN, and return
the package to the CE for approval
 Issue the DRN into the project EDMS after final approval by the CE(s). The EDMS may
also be used to issue intermediate submissions of the DRN document between the EGS
and the CE before the final issue.

3.3.2 Project Engineer/Project Engineering Manager Responsibilities

 The PE/PEM shall sign/initial and date DRNs that must be resubmitted to CE(s).
 The PE/PEM may, at his/her discretion, require DRNs to be signed/initialed prior to
submission to CE’s office.

3.3.3 Chief Engineer Responsibilities

The CE shall:
 Review the documents, note any comments on the DRN, and return it with marked-up
documents to the responsible EGS

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 Designate appropriate staff reviewers for the DRN packages submitted by the EGS
 Encourage early collaboration between the DRN Reviewer and the EGS
 Ensure that reviews are completed in a timely manner and returned to the project in
accordance with the “Required Date” specified on the DRN

3.3.4 DRN Reviewer Responsibilities

The DRN Reviewer shall:

 Participate in pre-job briefs to ensure agreement on key decisions and assumptions that
form the basis of the design/document
 Review submitted DRN package; provide comments as appropriate
 Sign/initial and date DRN form and return DRN package to CE

Exhibit H is a suggested DRN reviewer checklist. The checklist is not required to be submitted
with the DRN.

3.4 Pre-Job Brief

The pre-job brief (or task assignment brief) is considered a critical element in the efficient
production of quality engineering deliverables. The EGS or designee shall conduct a pre-job
brief with the CE or designee for DRNs at the initiation of the DRN deliverable (unless
specifically waived by the CE), with the following exceptions:
 Documents prepared by non-Bechtel parties (consultants, subcontractors, vendors, etc.)
 Documents whose preparation is relatively straight-forward (e.g., design criteria,
preauthorized field change document [FCD] guidelines, etc.)
 Documents that require relatively few jobhours to prepare (less than 60 is the general
rule), unless they constitute design basis
 Revisions to documents where a pre-job brief was already conducted

The items on the DRN reviewer checklist (Exhibit H) should be addressed in the pre-job brief.

3.5 Special Requirements when Multiple Offices/Disciplines are Involved

Organizations such as Environmental, G&HES and MET, etc. may not be represented on the
project as separate Engineering discipline design groups and may not have their own DCCL.
In instances where multiple disciplines are included within one project Engineering design
group, the PEM shall determine whether the project requires these disciplines to prepare
separate DCCLs or include their submittal requirements within other discipline DCCLs. The
PEM should consult the discipline CE(s) and define the DOR when ambiguities exist.

When review by CEs from more than one office is required, the deliverable performing office
shall conduct the reviews in various offices either in parallel or series with prior agreement with

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3DP-G04-00034-003 Page 6 of 8
the GBU CE. The project must reconcile both sets of review comments. The DRN form may be
modified to include only the participating office(s) CE/DRN Reviewer, as applicable.

Similarly, when multiple discipline submittal requirements are included on one DCCL, the DRN
form may be modified to include the applicable CEs. It is preferable that these reviews be
conducted in parallel and the same DRN form/SDN may be used.

3.6 Special Circumstances

A number of special circumstances may occur while a document is in the DRN process (or
after the DRN review is complete but unresolved comments remain):
 Project is cancelled or suspended: In the case of project cancellation, postponement or
suspension, the DRN Reviewer should obtain guidance from the CE. Typically, the DRN
review ceases at that point; the DRN is marked as “Not Approved” and returned to the
project for proper retention.
 Scope is changed: Whenever new deliverables are identified because of the changes
in project scope of services, the responsible CE shall be consulted to determine
whether off-project review is required. The DCCL shall be revised, approved and
reissued in the same manner as the original issue whenever documents are deleted or
added to the DCCL by the EGS and CE. If the project scope changes either during a
DRN review (and the document undergoing DRN review is deemed no longer in the
project scope) or after the review is completed and there are outstanding comments yet
to be resolved, then the EGS indicates on the DRN what has occurred along with the
proposed resolution. If the original DRN was “Not Approved” or “Approved with
Comments – Resubmit,” the proposed comment resolution may include the
recommendation that any further effort, including resubmittal, is no longer warranted
because of the deleted project scope.
 Document content is updated/revised (while document is undergoing DRN review):
When notified by the project that the subject document is being revised, the DRN
Reviewer should mark the DRN “Not Approved.” The revised document should be sent
under a new DRN cover sheet (with a new DRN SDN) as a “Resubmittal.”

3.7 Review of Non-Bechtel Documents by DRN

Non-Bechtel documents are generally not subject to the DRN process. The preferred method
is to process them as supplier/vendor documents per EDP 3DP-G06-00009, Supplier
Engineering and Quality Verification Documents. However, should a non-Bechtel document
(such as proposed evaluations or studies by vendors or consultants) be forwarded to the CE’s
office for review using the DRN process, the DRN Reviewer should follow the process as
outlined in this EDP. If it is deemed unlikely that the owner of the non-Bechtel document will
revise the document in a timely manner, the project should indicate its proposed course of
action (such as “comments forwarded to company xyz”) and obtain the DRN Reviewer’s

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3DP-G04-00034-003 Page 7 of 8
3.8 Document Management

Issued revisions of DRNs and DCCLs shall be recorded in the project EDMS. Each EGS is
responsible for periodically verifying the accuracy of entries.

Upon receipt of a signed DRN, Project Document Management shall enter the cause codes as
marked on the DRN cover sheet, into the EDMS.

Project Document Management is responsible for distribution and retention of DRNs and DCCLs
as prescribed in the project administration procedures. The EGS shall identify appropriate
distribution of the DCCLs and DRNs.


4.1 EDP 3DP-G03-00015, Engineering Quality Dashboards

4.2 EDP 3DP-G06-00009, Supplier Engineering and Quality Verification Documents

4.3 Management Instruction RIM 200, Standard Document Numbering

3DP-G04-00034, Exhibits

Exhibit A – Design Control Check List Flowchart (Typical)

Exhibit B – Instructions for Completing the Design Control Check List (Typical)
Exhibit C – Design Control Check List (Typical)
Exhibit D – Design Review Notice Flowchart (Typical)
Exhibit E – Instructions for Completing the Design Review Notice (Typical)
Exhibit F – DRN Technical Deficiency Cause Code
Exhibit G – Design Review Notice (Typical)
Exhibit H – Check List for DRN Reviewer
Exhibit I – Sample DRN Log

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3DP-G04-00034-003 Page 8 of 8

DCCL Process Flow Chart

Chief Engineer(s)

Provide guidance
on Project Review DCCL, Yes Sign to indicate
Documents to be submittal Concurrence/
included on the frequency, etc. Approval


Sign to indicate
EGS/Lead Engineer

Submit DCCL for

review as a DRN

Sign and Issue Resolve

Initiate/ Draft Issue Project
DCCL START Project DCCL for Comments, Revise
Project DCCL DCCL for Use
Review via DRN and Resubmit

Receive approved
DCCL and file in DCCL END
Project EDMS

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© 1992, 2012 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel). Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or
reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-002, Exhibit A Page 1 of 1

ORIGINATOR (Completes the following before routing)

 Cover Sheet:
- Revision Number of current DCCL
- Date DCCL is issued
- Reason for Issue of DCCL
 Discipline responsible for the DCCL
 Project Name
 Job/Sub-Job Number
 DCCL Number
 List of documents to be reviewed by Standard Document Number and Item/Description.
The following documents shall be included on DCCLs, as appropriate:
- Project Field Change Document (FCD) criteria document if modified
- System descriptions, system operating modes including any transient evaluation, flow
diagrams, P&IDs, control system logics, and block diagrams
- Major drawings (equipment location drawings, arrangements, single lines, layout
planning studies, structural design drawings addressing major framing and stability,
major equipment foundation drawings, etc.)
- Selected specifications
- Selected calculations
 Note: The CE and EGS shall determine which preliminary and confirmed
calculations shall be listed on the DCCL.
- Technical/design studies/reports; system optimization studies
- Deviations from standard design deliverables (SDDs)
 Note: Changes or revisions to the SDDs identified on the DCCL shall be
included on the DCCL.
- Other Engineering deliverables not listed above that are critical to safety and proper
operation of the plant
- Calculations that have to be submitted to an outside agency, including owner and
local statutory bodies
 Office DOR (i.e., Office A, Office B, etc.)
 GBU EGS/Other Discipline CE(s) as necessary
 Document Submittal Milestone (Forecast Date) and Actual Date
 Status of DRNs on DCCL
 Route DCCL as a DRN
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© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel). Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated
companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written
permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit B Page 1 of 2
 Originator initials/signature
 Additional EGS(s) as applicable
 PEM(s) initials/signature
 CE(s) initials/signature

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3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit B Page 2 of 2

Design Control Check List

[DCCL Number]



[Job No.]

Office A Office B Office A Office B Office A Office B

Rev. No. Date Reason for Revision EGS PE/PEM CE

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© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel). Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated
companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written
permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit C Page 1 of 3
Discipline Project Job No.

DCCL # __________________

Status Discipline/ Other Submittal Date

Doc. Discipline CE
Document Description (IFA, IFC, Office A Office B Remarks
No. (specify, e.g., MET,
etc.) Forecast Actual

The following documents shall

be included on DCCLs, as
 Division of Responsibility
 Scope Book including budget
 Design criteria
 System descriptions, system
operating modes including
any transient evaluation, flow
diagrams, P&IDs, control
system logics, etc.
 Major drawings (equipment
location drawings,
arrangements, single lines,
layout planning studies,
structural design drawings
addressing major framing and
stability, major equipment
foundation drawings, etc.)
 Selected specifications
 Selected calculations
 Technical/design
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3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit C Page 2 of 3
studies/reports; system
optimization studies
 Deviations from
specifications, procedures,
standards, instructions or
 Automation plan
 Other Engineering
deliverables not listed above
that are critical to safety,
constructability, and proper
operation of the plant

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3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit C Page 3 of 3

DRN Process Flow Chart

Chief Engineer(s)

Review Project
Documents for Yes No
Technical Sign to Indicate
Approved? Comments?
Adequacy and Concurrence
Conformance to
No Yes

Submit DRN for

EGS/Lead Engineer


Resolve Comments with
Prepare DRN in Sign and Issue Yes No
Comments, CE, Revise Issue Project DRN
accordance with Project DRN for Resubmit?
Revise, and Documents, and for Use
Approved DCCL Review
Resubmit DRN sign-off as
Control *

DRN data into
Project EDMS/
Distribute DRN

* If EDMS is used for DRN Log then DRN documents to be circulated

through project document control for all intermediate cycles (i.e. Issued,
Comments Received, Comments Resolved and Approved.

Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated.
Refer to the electronic documents in eEngineering for current versions.
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© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel. Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or
reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit D Page 1 of 1

ORIGINATOR (Completes the following before routing)

 Originating discipline, DRN and revision number (assigned by EGS), Project, Job and
Sub Job number(s) (to be used by DRN Reviewer for time charges)
 CE (Home Office or Remote Office) or CE designated reviewer to whom this DRN is to
be transmitted
 Date by which the return of the reviewed DRN is required
 “Initial Submittal” box – checked only when the listed document is being transmitted for
the first time, regardless of the document revision number
 “Resubmittal” box – checked when responding to comments for approval
 Description of the documents submitted, including title, document number, and revision
number. Copies (not originals) of documents should be submitted with the DRN.
 All line items on the DCCL shall be issued on DRNs.
 Originator signature and date
 Engineering Group Supervisor (EGS) signature or initial. EGS ensures that appropriate
on-project checking has occurred.
 PEM signature/initials and date
 Name(s) of document reviewer(s) assigned by CE
 CE/DRN Reviewer signature and date
 Review comments and status (as appropriate):
o APPROVED – document may be issued as submitted
o APPROVED with Comments – document may be issued provided comments are
incorporated; resubmittal is not required
o APPROVED with Comments – Resubmit – document may be issued provided
comments are incorporated (resubmittal is required but not prior to issue)
o NOT APPROVED – comments are substantial and the document must be revised
and resubmitted prior to issue (resubmittal is not required if job is cancelled or

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© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel). Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated
companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written
permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit E Page 1 of 2
 Identify cause code for each comment on document(s) and complete the data on the
DRN coversheet.


On receipt of signed DRN, project DCC to enter technical deficiency data, cause codes and
quantities, as marked on the DRN coversheet, into the Project EDMS.


EGS signs/initials and dates the DRN form certifying that all comments have been
resolved/incorporated. Original DRN is retained in the EDMS.

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Refer to the electronic documents in eEngineering for current versions.
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3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit E Page 2 of 2

Code InfoWorks® Description Detailed Description

No technical issues identified (or preliminary/

T00 No Technical Issues
conceptual design)

Violation of NRC or other regulatory/permitting agency

T01 Regulatory Criteria Violation

T02 Code Violation Code violation (industry, country, local)

Violation or does not meet scope book/contract

T03 Contract Violation
obligation/client requirements

Unapproved Deviation from Unapproved deviation from Bechtel design guides,

Bechtel Systems standards, or approved lesson learned

Wrong commodity or component specified (not sized

T05 Wrong Commodity Specified adequately or incapable of performing its intended

Document submitted with errors in methods,

Errors not substantially
T06 calculations, logic, or units that do not substantially
impacting the results
affect the results

Document submitted with errors in methods,

Errors substantially
T07 calculations, logic, or units that may substantially affect
impacting the results
the results

T08 Missing information Missing information

Licensor requirements
T09 Licensor requirements incomplete or incorrect
incomplete or incorrect

Constructability, Operability,
T10 Constructability, operability, maintainability

T11 Holds Holds

Administrative, e.g., formatting, numbering,

A00 Administrative

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Bechtel Confidential
© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel). Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated
companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written
permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit F Page 1 of 1

Design Review Notice

Project Job/Sub No.: DRN No.:
To Chief Engineer: Required Date:

Attach Copy of Design Review Notice Previously Submitted.

The Following Documents Are Submitted:

Originator Date Group Supervisor Date PE/PEM Date

Review Made By:


Cause Code Qty. Cause Code Qty. Cause Code Qty.

T01 - Violation of NRC or other T03 - Violation or does not meet
T02 - Code violation (Industry,
Regulatory/Permitting Agency Scopebook / Contract Obligation /
Country, Local)
criteria Client Requirements
Cause T04 - Unapproved deviation T05 - Wrong commodity or T06 - Document submitted with
Codes from Bechtel Design Guides, component specified (is not sized errors in methods, calculations,
Standards or approved Lessons adequately or is incapable of logic, or units that do not
Learned performing its intended purpose) substantially affect the results
T07 - Document submitted with
errors in methods, calculations, T09 - Licensor requirements
T08 - Missing information
logic, or units that may incomplete or incorrect
substantially affect the results
A00 - Administrative e.g.
T10 - Constructability,
T11 – Holds formatting, numbering,
Operability, Maintainability
typographical etc.
Status Approval
Approved Approved with comments Office A Chief Engineer Date
Approved with comments – resubmit
Not Approved (Resolve and Resubmit)
Approved Approved with comments Office B Chief Engineer Date
Approved with comments – resubmit
Not Approved (Resolve and Resubmit)
Approved Approved with comments GBU Chief Engineer/Engineering Specialist Date
Approved with comments - resubmit
Not Approved (Resolve and Resubmit)

Comments resolution is acceptable (not required if no comments) DRN comments, if any, have been incorporated or otherwise resolved

DRN Reviewer Date EGS Date

Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated.
Refer to the electronic documents in eEngineering for current versions.
Bechtel Confidential
© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel). Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated
companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written
permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit G Page 1 of 1

Off-project design reviews shall consider the following factors (as appropriate):

No. Description Yes No N/A

1 Design inputs correctly selected and incorporated into design
Assumptions necessary to perform the design activity adequately
identified, described and reasonable
3 Appropriate quality control/quality assurance requirements specified
Application of non-conflicting local/national/international codes,
4 standards, quality system requirements, regulatory requirements and
the version applicable to the project
5 Design interface requirements satisfied
6 Appropriate design methods used
Appropriate use of computer software (authorized software, correct
versions, etc.)
8 Design outputs reasonable compared with design inputs
Specified parts, equipment and processes suitable for required
Specified materials compatible with each other and the design
environmental conditions to which the material will be exposed
11 Adequate maintenance features and requirements specified
Accessibility and other design provisions adequate for performance of
12 needed maintenance and repair, including performance of in-service
inspections expected to be required during plant life
Acceptance criteria incorporated in the design documents sufficient to
13 allow verification that design requirements have been satisfactorily
Adequate pre-operational and subsequent periodic test requirements
appropriately specified
Adequate handling, storage, cleaning and shipping requirements
16 Adequate identification requirements specified
Requirements for record preparation review, acceptance, retention,
etc., adequately specified
18 Technical adequacy, approach and methods
Compliance with project design criteria, licensing commitments,
discipline standards, guides and instructions
Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated.
Refer to the electronic documents in eEngineering for current versions.
Bechtel Confidential
© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel). Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated
companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written
permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit H Page 1 of 2

Lessons Learned (see EDP 3DP-G01-00003 – Lessons Learned

Constructability and design for safe construction and safe
operations best practices
Quality, completeness of work and adequacy of checking (and design
verification if applicable)
23 Clarity, purpose, assumptions, reasonable and clear conclusions
Criteria for field inspection, supplier quality surveillance and
construction testing
25 Use of Bechtel Standard Application Programs (BSAPs)
Evidence of constructability input by the GBU Environmental Safety &
Health and Startup personnel
Evidence of MET review and validation of materials selection,
27 corrosion resistance, welding, postweld heat treatment and
nondestructive examination requirements
Adherence to contractual scope, deliverables and functionality
requirements (i.e., perform as sold)
Risks associated with various Engineering design issues and
mitigating options on project
30 Compliance with standard specifications and design documents

Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated.
Refer to the electronic documents in eEngineering.
© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit H Page 2 of 2

Document Approval Disposition
Discipline DRN Subject DRN Number Re- Remarks
Number Forecast Actual Status Status

Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated.
Refer to the electronic documents in eEngineering for current versions.
Bechtel Confidential
© 1992, 2013 Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel). Contains information confidential and/or proprietary to Bechtel and its affiliated companies that is not to be used, disclosed, or
reproduced in any form by any non-Bechtel party without Bechtel’s prior written permission. All rights reserved.
3DP-G04-00034-003, Exhibit I Page 1 of 1

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