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LE 195R Business Professionalism Rubric —LDSBC College-Wide Outcome

Name: Poor
Poor Fair Good Excellent SCORE

Individual Participation: <42 42 49 55 65

• Class attendance: Each occurrence of absence represents a reduction of 3% of the total points
possible in the Business Professionalism rubric. Students are expected to notify the instructor
ahead of time electronically or by phone of upcoming absences. Doing so will earn back a 1%.
• Punctuality: Students are tardy if they arrive to class after the stated start time up until 15
minutes late. If they arrive more than 15 minutes late, they are considered absent and scored
accordingly. Each occurrence of tardiness results in a 3% reduction in the total points possible. If
students notify the instructor before class either electronically or in writing that they will be tardy,
they will earn back 1%.
• In-class participation: Students are expected to come to class prepared, having read the
required material, and actively engage in class discussions by commenting, sharing insights, and
asking questions. Students will be evaluated by the instructor throughout the semester and
scored accordingly.
• Late work: Though not part of this rubric, please note that late work is not accepted.


Honor Code Adherence: <10 10 11 13 15

• Dress and Grooming: Students are expected to keep their covenant they have entered into with
their priesthood leader to living these standards. Any violation of the requirement for hair length,
modesty in dress, being clean shaven or other details of the standard represents a 3% reduction on
total points. With a second occurrence of non-adherence, students will be reported to the Honor
Code Office. Continued non-compliance may result in expulsion from the course and College.
• Academic Honesty: Cheating on exams and assignments, and plagiarism of other’s written
material will result in a zero score on the assignment(s) in question, a 3% reduction in points for
Business Professionalism, and immediate reporting to the Honor Code Office for further handling. A
second such violation will result in immediate expulsion from the course.

Attitude and Leadership: <13 13 15 17 20

• Class Disruption: Each occurrence of leaving class early without informing the instructor ahead of
class, or being disruptive by leaving and returning during the class for any reason will result in a
reduction of 3% of the total possible points.
• Leadership: LDSBC is building a brand of providing employers and the community with skilled,
committed leaders, who possess a willing spirit and a strong work ethic. Students are expected to
display a positive and constructive attitude, a willingness to lead out in mentoring others, and
contribute to Spirit-centered learning.
TOTAL SCORE: Very Poor—less than 60 Poor—60-69 Fair—70-79 Good—80-89 Excellent—90-100

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