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In order to master a language, daily exposure to that language is necessary.

The general suggestion is at least 20

minutes in addition to your lesson/class time. In other words, in addition to your assigned work, it is suggested by
most language teachers that 20 minutes extra be put in either going back over the lesson, making flash cards, or
doing additional games, practice, etc. online. (You can find resources at my site I made just for you
all: )

Now--I understand that most teenagers do not have the time to do that every single night. I have two teenagers; I get
that. :) I am telling you this, however, to hopefully make you realize how detrimental it is to your comprehension
when you wait several days between lessons. It makes it much harder on you to comprehend & retain your
material. So, my strong recommendation to you is to work on your Spanish daily if possible (at least Mon-Fri). Do
not get ahead on your assignments & then take a break for days. Your grade will suffer. If you want the best grade
(and retention of material) possible, do Spanish in little chunks!

I would venture to guess that if you are already doing this, your grade is where you'd like it to be. If you are not doing
this, you will see your grade improve if you try it. Consider it! I've done this a long time; I know what I'm talking
about... ;)

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