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Special Application of Asphaltic Concrete for Dam

Water Barrier Construction

Dipl,-Ing Reinhard Frohnauer’


This report deals with two pumped storage schemes in Southern Germany which
have been rehabilitated afier 20 and 40 years of service. Their upper reservoirs
have received nc\v asphaltic concrete linings applied in extremely wide horizontal
paving lanes using the latest techniques of bridge pavers.

The 13s MW power generation scheme Reisach Rabenleite was commissioned in

1955. Its upper t-eseryoir with a capacity of 1 S million m’ underwent a complete
rehabilitation in I’+>3 - 1994. Its original lining consisting of a concrete facing on
the reservoir slopes and a heavy bituminous felt membrane on the reservoir bot-
tom has failed, ivith the result of increasing seepage in the past years. The defec-
tive lining has been replaced by a new asphahic concrete lining of 6-8 cm binder
and 8 cm impervious layer. In addition, an extensive monitoring system has been

Relying on technologies common at the time of construction, concrete slabs, non

reinforced, 7 x 7 III and 20 cm thick, were used to seal and secure the internal
slopes on the kidney shaped reservoir, The bottom of the reservoir was sealed
with a so-called _mammoth skin“ consisting of three layers of bituminous roofing
sheets reinfoj-ccd with glass fibre fleece and partly with thin copper foil in ad-
dition The embankment crest was secured by a solid parapet wall made of con-

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According to today’s safety rules, the complete lack of monitoring instruments
was a significant weak point of the design,
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Mer a few years of operation the first major faults appeared. In the course of 40
years nearly all concrete panels became cracked and most joints were leaking. The
bottom lining showed numerous cracks, especially at the interface with the con-
crete structure, Regular maintenance and repairs managed to fix these faults in the
short term, however, this work reflected the susceptibility of the system. Despite
all improvements the water losses increased to mof-e than 40 l/set, as could be
observed at the foot of the embankment. In fact, the cohesive components of the
dam fill had taken over the Cm&ion of a barrier.

The redesign for the 120,000 m2 reservoir surface involved an 8 cm thick as-
phahic concrete seal to be placed on a 6 cm (bottom of the basin) or 8 cm (slope
of the basin) asphaltic concrete binder. In order to measure seepage water from
the asphaitic concl-ete lining a drainage layer and a bentonite membrane were
placed below to fat-m a second sealing level. A new control gallery in the center
of the basin is deter-mined to collect seepage water, if’any.

bottom transition slope

mastic seal coat
impervious asphalt
concrete 8 cm
binder layer 6 cm binder layer 6 cm

bentonite membrane

porous concrete 20 cm

Rabenleite: New Design of Asphaltic (‘oncrete Lining

A principal rule for the demolition work was to re-use as much of the existing
material as possible The entire demolished concrete as well as additional rock
excavation was processed and re-used as drainage material. Significant milestones
in the constl-uction schedule were the construction of a new access ramp to the

2 Frolmaw

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r b ae a a o nts n d ta eedA ed t c tmrfr mi o c h vpt e tp
v a f 1 o m ot is 4 hi ’ t f bre r , ra T o sew d e 0t ,d h t t ie m r0 e o
n a e l t gi i t a e o r m sg hT n xm i p o h s eh di i a c r i b k e n
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t r b h we b o i ea i sa r c t n na mest o ur t a bn prh i k su o s i d vae n

t d r h ro i e ow n a n g d s . t
T s o t r h d l r f h ia ne aop e w
e n e m t pr ec h bg w ah eot xe e e te hf i
d f w r a o A a fe m ot f n s ora ht s t e arel g el ew m si e o
w S ew p O o t iao t l e O n o gsf ah aa sm $ p lh se c Ae b i ai e
d l w rb u ao t a sa u p yw n o 5s tik i c e i p 0T angl u e o r t , h ba t s m f
s g wt v hr ta p e eta s o bs r dt lhvt lf i o u- pehe oo l t ry
w p i e n r t i e o r d

O t c a c n h fr o e oe n us c nt r
d b s aa a se e ts ua r i pm v o p e n o
f t a co h ss or e pe n ha c- al r
A s f yr a en b it r nh i fe
m i p oe ts la vn h as et e c- r e
p c h b ot a i no l n c t d r i e
s t tu e h rp d e ep g ne e gr
a c g A p r a r a i e c n c k s a
c b i op ae a s nl sa mqervious
ca asphaltic m concrete r8c cm ee
f e i s l n u e i b m s s e h t
t p hh rp ee ea a vr v ia y op
w T p a c h r l o i e l n s c . c a r
b i r e a s es a n m
o m d o v
a a l t l s cw o hl l ch eo o e e w p s n s e s
b r e e i q n u g i r
R N Da o D e C eb f a w r se

T a c h su f ot re s p l o hn i eec h i ro cecds so b a n f oi em a l
a c g a n r s g ln a ut a a r i ds t isb n n emgt u l hi d dg ear r
6 S t 5 f ub a e d , ’ aii n cs e o stwn c d ot no r inapedt a ns s u bhrhe
c l o a aa n w no pb ft at dbo po rir sh tw rr ona e
d s te m u i h n oa pM n T e t ft eU u s e A re r n t c ar v i
h b c i wi u of gt sta s m no( hho uls t e fi tri e r g om od ax e n d o pe
c Ro c o et m a o c f gh p sm n w o c ue a p io t a n a l c hxu r
b a t a o m t h p s a t oi t ej l pw n h nax mh oa l h h d i woe bn a a e n ba
o t p t c h ep h o r ree n o ar s u ti t

Av e ae e c s n r s f o w e c dyy f n t a b a r o s oit oh s o l e f t chr

b u 6 c ba sc m
a si 8 c i do a n ni mcn eu s dT nd a og nr p h es n s
w p u ah l c s sri a of i F og cc im n iw ah poe n p g n a d em di
f b r o r y u a vr o r b n Tim d l co b d hb e ja l ol e er d oi e
w c r e aa r e r r na e - te t e rdc - l h do h fb uc c a e o e uy l

Copyright ASCE 2004 Waterpower 1999

Waterpower '99
the EAAW’ This re-heating is absolutely necessary to obtain a suff%zient bond
and the required density at the interface of the two adjacent lanes.

The use of a high capacity bridge paver on the slopes allows the placement of
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large homogeneous lining sections, thus avoiding most of the usual paving joints
The quality and consequently also the lifetime of such homogeneous linings by far
exceeds those resulting from traditional working methods. It is especially im-
portant that the upper slope surfaces which are often exposed to the air can be
finished as a homogenous blanket up to the crest

The stopes at Rabenleite reservoir have a total length of 42 m in&ding the radial-
ly curved section towards the bottom. The construction width chosen for the
bridge paver was 2 1m so that slope paving could be managed in an upper and a
lower horizontal placing lane, Thanks to the adjustable main support and the
bendable scl-eed, also the curved section of the slope could be constructed by this
method. At the upper end, a smaller radial section was formed to join up with the
crest. One after- the other, drainage layer, binder and dense asphaltic concrete
were completed in the shortest possible construction titne. As the bridge paver
worked 24 hours a clay, it was possible to finish each section in approx. 4S hours,

+586,15 storage level

mastic sea1 coat

impervious asphaM concrete 8 cm
binder layer 8 cm
drainage layer: stabilized crushed stone 25 cm

Kabenlcite: Bridge Paver working at LJpper Slope Section

Both the contractor’s and the owner’s quahty control teams confirmed that the
required liner thickness and especially the void content of the dense asphaltic con-
crete of CI3% had been adhered to all over the surfaces


Copyright ASCE 2004 Waterpower 1999

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At the end the entire asphaltic concrete lining on the slope was sealed with 2
kg/n? of hot bituminous mastic. Mastic is an extremely economical and efficient
protection against weathering of asphalt with a lifetime of normally IO to 15
years. It can then easily be renewed at little cost.
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After impounding of the reservoir only small amounts of seepage water (0.1 l/see)
are measured, most of it in the vicinity of the inlet tower.

Kabenleite: Bridge Paver Working at Lower Slope Section

The I68 MW pumped storage power station Langenprozelten was commissioned

in 1975. It provides a peak power supply to the German railway Deutsche Bahn.
The entire power station complex is located in a nature park The upper reservoir
with a capacity of 1.565 million m3 is lined with a continuous asphaltic concrete
sealing layer, After less than 20 years of operation major defects started to appear
in the lining, resulting in increasing water seepage.

The owner decided to carry out extensive rehabilitation. The slopes were pro-
vided with a new asphaltic concrete lining, The bottom of the reservoir showing
less damage was repaired at individual locations as required.

Copyright ASCE 2004 Waterpower 1999

Waterpower '99
,5‘ i t u u t

T e s h sx s l e he i t fy o aas s h os l dl t t e lt ~ ii r le e nn u om

- 2 c d 0l m cr a o c oa l yf r ni i e u sn m r s ia e h sg
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- 6 c a c m s b o p i n h n c a d r l e e t r
- 7 c i am m c s lp o p i e n h n r c a ei r l ro
- 4 k b g m i s ( / 2 al t e i m a
s u a n * ty m l ie i cr n

T a ch s l wo e i p i o ant ns h n i nv shc s l al e 5 nmer w

e t o l ra e a pri t n
u r f s A
o t i c i o tta h d n r t n fl hd be a i e h u
g ia e um
sa sp e p n g t h ta ea t e r
m o c a b f o d l n eo c c r k e s t

T f bh od w ae o l e e s bl f r i so e ec ew c mi t

- c j ot p os noo a i p np r n l ee a ti cn p t t e

T r rh e b t eem g y h p qa r h ne r u
bi oc a o oo i n eu da t g r tu t e
o o t a i r n o en n Tl g x s c h
y r t p u o ef o e aa f mi u n wr f pl t
i t d n l h r t a e a o y i e n r a . g

- c j o c o n r i s a n t c t r k s u e

T c h j o r e oi nt ul o
sni hs hin s f no let dnn a t pc t rp o ei u d o s lou en p
s d Tt r e w nth l e fw a uoe oTs r ea s i c l nhe e ct n t o gir s te
i o t s n a f ahp t gen e r on c rd o fl r o g ca s r t c

L a ( , an DI Cj atgb
pa o
r P n e emL ei a d n tna ns v pw n tt

Copyright ASCE 2004 Waterpower 1999

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- b l i s t e

B h b pl c a e b i ai a d i te y smsr l u i n t hn f e pt ao s n h e o a elu yf
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d p l a oem W u t e f a a t t h mw n x - or ot h es p pat p s fl h e nu s rh o
r i w ve w n ac as b h i tta c pu l o it n heu o ol i f ci ers u rt s

B w a lo e a l t ib s t bl s hcs s t b - poe o eat e o y e rvv eu r r

e b tn s l e a th t de a t b n heel ra v y wt i od e arj al i e he n p oiy i
a t p T t w h a h bea wcr w i e ys aact dh s n v t poh i t i
t o l j h Tp wa oe e het adn in n oenh ctie nt b o n e eav te l t
b a p u sl r l t t so t o l o l r fof h tg i uo a ur e hr n ns y co

- w o m e s f a a e s t a t h l i e

D t
t a u o os h bm e(f e me s ap t a ha n e sr b hr l as on to e ee
n a n e t cs e a t ws h h o ct t hl uewe if f eh e ie rdet pU se x n f ro
t e o t hw f i fp h ee ff n T a e c a er t f h r a t coh r it u h
c t b d h a o be e a i f n t r s s wl p r d h e e t a s o ea ar y m

A as i t s f p S n h wi e a T t pi ea cas pR o srs lsd i k r A te de a

i w t r no t i l h e fhg t i e p e’ h n a e i r

T r w t h ep eo t h e b pl o t rn ph e a as f ha e tr e n Cs nti in ho l i urn
i r n T s e o tv hr c p f hwe e w o b o eso a h f a p a r tr s ao s
l o w s :

- d o p e a e a omfn n t xr v a fco e da i st i t cul pw ne a o erri

r o a d

- s m o tu e i h f hr sx ld n t efm l i d l o io 4o c ae os e i w nf mca pt

- r o e c f l i 7 co t a ui n b mn hp s sn s r c ia p ii t i

- r o s e c e ai fc o ao stn o nl u ts n i n t rt n c

- a o h m
p s fo pa et ls a it l ci

G t m d i h ro e v o e t e rp m e s f h qpeu as n t - e uo m nt o
c l c o d to r h a n f u o oaw i a ln s a ec f d as tn ed t l o t e egv a l n
f a t ll s t ih udi - ua P c8e cpnr r m e0 tiobe f B uflri a
w s a ta b e P s chs ci l b m w ae t on e e B ci n e pd tc t ht mee ht t
c b o T m i s n dh a t to v i e i jt u r r c e f a n oh mee c n f r
r w ae d i T ind a at h myou Pm ahd ep pfc map loh r r e rB g
m f o ta z a i c f th w o tt no o l u e i ni h l n i r t g e e d t ne hu

Copyright ASCE 2004 Waterpower 1999

Waterpower '99
‘ D t e i s n i g g
asphalt concrete 4 cm
crushed gravel 20 cm

gravel base 35 cm
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mastic seal coat

T asphaltic concrete binder layer 6 cm

crushed gravel drain layer 20 cm

asphalt concrete

existing asphaltic concrete 4 cm

crushed gravel 20 cm

gravel base 35 cm

new asphaltic concrete binder layer 10 cm

crushed gravet drain layer 20 cm

existing asphaltic concrete binder tayer 6 cm

existing impervious asphalt concrete, milled down to 4 cm

Langcnprozelten: Design of Asphahic Concrete Lining

The rehabilitation concept was based on the principle of an asphahic concrete seal
with a minimum number of joints.

The slope Lning was installed in 2 sections in tine with the geometry of the reser-
voir basin

- an upper section with a lane width of 22 m including curved section of crest

- a lower section with a lane width varying between I4 m and I8 m,

Rehabilitation of the access ramp was carried out using the conventional vertical
installation method,

The asphahic mix was brought to the site using 35 t semitrailers, This bulk trans-
port provided for the maintenance of a high
- temperature potential. A feeder vessel
with a capacity of40 t was instaHed in the basin for inter&ediate storage, A wheel
loader with a’load capacity of 6 t transported the mix from there to the paving
uliit on the slope

Copyright ASCE 2004 Waterpower 1999

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The asphalt was then installed as already described above for the Reisach-
Rabenleite project.
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- ‘.

langenprozelten: Paving of Lower Slope Section

A construction pet-iod of 77 calendar days was available for perfor-mance of the

rehabilitation work It was possible to keep to this deadline by working 24-hour
shifis and sometimes also on weekends, The contractually agreed penalty which
was to be avoided was unusually high.

The new surface lining installed in the Langenprozelten upper reservoir is an un-
qualitied success in technical terms. Following installation reliable and trouble-
free operation of the reservoir is once again guaranteed.

Following successful rehabilitation the Langenprozelten and Rabenleite reservoirs

are now equipped with tidly functional and reliable sealing systems which were
constructed in accordance with state-of-the-art hydraulic asphalt technology. A
service life of between 30 - SO years or more can be expected provided that these
sealing systems undergo qualitied maintenance, in particular of the mastic seal to
protect against UV rays.

Copyright ASCE 2004 Waterpower 1999

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1. B~lhnann, Fritz. kenhut, Kurt
Downloaded from by Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico on 03/09/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Re-Consttxtction of the Reservoir Group Jansen (in Gertnan language)

Water Management 84 (1994) 4

2. Dressier, Joachim
Re-Constt-uctiort of the Upper Reservoir
Reisach-Rabenleite (in German language)
Water Management 8S ( 1995) 7/8

3, Frohnauer, Reinhard
Upper Reservoir Rabenleite in a New Dress
S~vedC~~L,I~-S~~tnl)osilttn( 1996), Repair and Upgrading of Dams

4, Grdger, Manfred; Kuhimann, Willy

Refkbishment of Asphahic Concrete Lining at the Upper Reservoir
of Langenprozehen I+m~ped Storage Plant
(in Gertnan language)
Bitutnen 1 (1994)

5. STRABAG 13rochure No. 51 (1996)

Asphahic Conct-ete for Hydraulic Structures
Asphahic Conct-ete Reservoirs

Copyright ASCE 2004 Waterpower 1999

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