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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

“Which Word”

At the end of the lesson in English ( 50mins.) the pupils should able to:

1.Answer the wh- questions

2.Identify and describe the main character
3.Sequence events

II.Subject Matter
Sequencing Events
Value Focus: Love/Concern for Family and Future Generation

D. Materials
Pictures, Flashcards,charts, activity sheets, video clip
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
“Mr. And Ms Narra 2017”
(Answering wh-questions)
A.Complete the name of the picture with a consonant blend from the box.

Sl fl bl cl gl pl

Show a picture of a crippled person or one who is physically handicapped.
Ask: Do you know someone who is like him/ her who is talented or who became successful despite of his
/her disability?
What are the different ways of showing one’s concern to others at home or in school?
Let the children choose their answer from the pictures drawn on the pieces of broken heart and paste
each part until the heart is completed.

B.Developmental Activities
1.Presentation :
A. Showing pictures of the following words below and write it’s equivalent word in mother tongue.

Crippled - Lumpo
Athlete - atleta
Massage -masahe
Limp -pilay
Family - pamilya
Olympic -Panlarong Pambansa o olimpyo
Trophy - Tropeyo
(Play a video clip about Wilma)
Motive Questions:
How did Wilma become an Olympic Winner ?
Read Aloud
Wilma’s Fight to Win
From Pat Nelson’s Magic Minutes:Quick Read-Aloud for everyday
Retold by Dali Soriano
Wilma Rudolph was an Olympic runner. When she was born,everyone did not think she would
live.She was a very small baby of four and a half pounds
When she was four years old , Wilma was a crippled by polio . The doctor told her parents that she
would never walk again. The whole family , all 19 of them , didn’t believe it. Sixteen brothers and sisters
massaged and exercised her leg. Her parents gave her heat and water treatment. Everybody helped .
At eight years old , Wilma had a leg brace . Even when she had a limp , she played basketball with
her brothers and sometimes by herself. When she was 11 years old , she played basketball with her bare
feet . Everyone was amazed.At 15 years old she became a basketball champion.
Wilma was excellent in track and field .When she joined the Olympics in Melbourne
Australia, she got a bronze medal as a member of US Olympic relay team. In the Summer Olympics
in Rome, she won three gold medals in track and field events. She was voted US Female Athlete of the
Year, “World’s Fastest Woman”. The little whom doctor said would never be able to walk got a bronze
and three gold medals. Every athlete that participated admired and respected her.
But more than that, a loving family transformed Wilma into a real winner.

Comprehension Questions:
1. How did Wilma become crippled?
(She was crippled by polio)
2. What did Wilma ‘s family do to make her walk?
(All her family members helped in massaging her leg)
3. What made Wilma a real winner?
(The love and concern of her family and her determination to walk.)
4. How did Wilma’s family show their love and concern to her ?(They never gave up when the doctor
told them she would never walk again. They helped her walk again.)
5. If you were Wilma, how would you feel about yourself?
(I would feel sad with my condition but I would be happy with the love of my family)
6. Is there any member in your family like Wilma who need your love and concern?How do you show
your love to him/ her?(Answers may vary)
7. In school,how do you show your love and concern to your classmates?To your teacher?(I share my
“baon” with them . I help cleaning our room and etc.)

2.Group Work
Group I - Mapping page 265 LM
Group II -Wh-question page 266 LM
Group III -Composing of your own wh-questions page267 LM
Group IV -Answering wh- questions page 268 LM
Group V -Graphic Organizer timeline about Wilma Rudolph and make a tune on
your work and sing with it.
3.Individual Activity:
Direction:Underline the correct wh-questions in the sentence.
1.(Where , When ) the Olympic held is it on America or Australia?
2.I can’t explain (Why, Who) I am crying at Wilma Rudolph story.
3.(What,How) age is Wilma Rudolph became a basketball champion?
4.(When, Who) is Wilma Rudolph?
5.(How,When) is Wilma became the “Worlds Fastest Woman”?

 What are the wh-questions enumerate them.
 When do we use What, Where, When, Who, Why and How?
 What can we do to those people that have disabilities or crippled?
 How can you show love to your family?friends?classmates?

Direction:Write the exact wh- questions in the blank.
______ is your name?
______ is your birthday?
______ do you feel today?
______ is Ana’s house?
______ are you crying?

( 1-3 ) Sequence the important events happened in the life of Wilma Rudolph.Number the events 1-3.

When she was 11 years old , she played basketball with her bare feet.

The doctor told her parents that she would never walk again.
She got a bronze medal as a member of US Olympic relay team.

(4-5) Read the text “Dirty Air”and answer the wh-questions.

4.Where did Ligaya come from?
5.What did she use to wipe her face?

Write five (5)wh-questions about your family.

Noted By:


Cooperating Teacher


Student Teacher

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